29; ♡ Girls are Gonna be Girls Obviously.

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                                                 ○         ○          ○

                     Chapter Twenty-ُNine;  Girls are Gonna be Girls Obviously. 

 Anna looked like she was either going to die from excitement or worry, and I didn’t know how to set apart from these two since she goes crazy in both conditions.

I shrugged. “That’s it?” She frowned.

“Duh?! Isn’t that enough?” I rolled my eyes, and turned around, ready to leave.

“What did you expect from a bitch like her?”  Before I opened the door, I turned around to watch Anna.

She pouted. “B-b-but! Everyone is calling you names now!” She stamped her leg on the floor angrily. I smirked.

“Well, they have always been calling me names, what’s the difference anyway? Both of us know that I didn’t do anything.” Anna sighed in defeat, and walked toward me sadly with her shoulders slumped down.

“Gee, I just wanted to see you slapping her so much!” I knew it, I knew it.

Anna loved when I picked out a fight with some weird girls like Riley.

“It’s not like I haven’t slapped her at all.” I looked away while walking. Surely, students were looking at me, whispering to each other, and even some of them shouted ‘SLUT’ behind the crowd.


I remember that this happened before, maybe three or even five years ago. There was some girl who liked to pick on everyone she saw, and one day she started picking on me, and even started bullying me. I didn’t do anything at first, but then I got too annoyed and hit her.

Back then, everything started to shatter in my house, and I couldn’t let my feelings settle down silently, so I hit that girl till she was clearly damaged. My dad was so mad about that, that he sent me to a therapist.

That old lady said that I didn’t know how to control my anger, and I let it out on that girl. Her family made us pay for the damages. After a day, all the school heard about that, and everyone tried to avoid me as much as they could, even the teachers. But a few students still wrote mean things, and shouted at me weird and hurtful names.

But let’s be honest, I deserved that.

I think, soon after that I went to stay at my aunt’s house. There, I used to shout at her just as much she shouted at me. That was how I controlled my anger.

Thinking about it now, there are a few people that are still afraid of me, and Riley tops them all, but she still did weird things just to revenge for hitting her.

Yes, she was that girl. But she tried to get close to me at the beginning of the year, telling me that if I took a picture of Scott with some other girl she would give me a lot of money.

I knew that I didn’t need money, but my dad grounded me for a while so I wasn’t able to get any dollar without begging.

And I had too much pride to do that.

 “So, I heard that you are coming to the trip.” She smirked, and hit my arm with her shoulder.  I nodded.

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