27; ♡ I Mess it up Every time.

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                                                 Unedited. [it's really short, i'm sorry] 

                                                 ○         ○          ○

                     Chapter Twenty-Seven; I Mess it up Every time. 


It’s becoming really annoying.

Having to think about what to do before actually doing it, is becoming really annoying.

Like seriously.

Usually, I don’t think about what the hell I’m doing or what I’m about to do, and it goes by perfectly.


Not that many times, but anyway, it still goes on, but now that I’m thinking about what should I say and do right in front of Adam, is killing me.

He was staring at me with blank eyes, and I was hoping that my eyes weren’t giving as much as my thoughts were given to my brain.

And at this point, nothing is making sense.

Why did I have to kiss him?

And why did he have to kiss me?

Are we selling free kisses to each other or something I didn’t know about?

“What?” He frowned.

“What what?” I raised my eyebrow.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Ask yourself that question.” He rolled his eyes.

“Jodie, get to the point.” I cleared my throat.

Don’t make this sound weird.

Don’t make this sound stupid.

Make it sound… Normal.

“Are you coming to the trip?” Great, now I sound like a girly girl who wants  a date with this douchebag.

He shook his head. “I’m not coming, why?” I sighed.

“You kind of have to-“ Before I could continue, I was interrupted by the teacher.

“You two! Continue cleaning, this is a detention not an open bar!” I scowled at her, but then I held the broom tightly, and started cleaning.

Can I just say how much I hate this situation. Why do I have to clean this? It wasn’t my fault!

I continued cleaning peacefully, even though my mind summoned demons so they could chase Adam away, but then I saw Adam’s broom getting in my way.

I hit it. “Go away, this is my spot.” He glared at me, and pointed in the other direction.

That is your spot, you just came here out of nowhere.” I let go of the broom, making it hit the ground with a small ‘doom’. I floated my hands around.

“Seriously?” He nodded. I twisted my mouth to the side with annoying expression.

Focus Jodie, just like you planned. First act like it didn’t affect you, and that you didn’t care.

I smiled slowly, creeping him out. I pick up my broom, and go to the other side, biting my lip harshly not to fume and scream at him.

You are doing well Jodie. Just relax!

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