9; ♡ Faking & Breaking.

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                                    Chapter Nine; Faking & Breaking.

              “Hey, Jodie! Wait,” Anna shouted. I wanted to listen to her, I wanted to stop myself from moving, and look over my shoulder, but for some reason the feeling of guilt filled my body all over again.

I punched people usually, and it was normal for them, but it wasn’t for me. I always felt a little tiny bit of guilt inside of me, not because I have such a sweetheart – I’m far from being like that – it’s just that I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that it’s too childish to do these things, and I really hated – still hate – how short my temper was.

My legs were following the same road that that cat went, but my mind had a total different idea. My steps were fast, and strong, as if I was hitting the ground underneath me, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it started crying – even though that is not possible.

But who knows?

The cat was running really fast, and I was having a little hard time following it without any problems. It was walking  around the school, which made me really confused.

I lost the sight of it when it took a turn around the school’s building. I ran faster to catch it, and when I saw it, I found it sitting on its legs, looking up at the person with glassy eyes as if it is going to cry soon.  

There was a hand gently patting it, and I knew the owner of that hand without even looking up. I glanced up slowly,  following where the hand was leading me.

He was staring at the cat with a small smile that was barely audible, his eyes were soft – which was really weird to see on Adam – yet almost closed, he was holding the small white fabric, that that cat had it in its mouth a few moments ago, in his other hand.

I gave him a once-over, and noticed something else, that made me almost gasp in shock. I was a little bit taken aback by how much his shirt was soaked with blood, as if he was hit hard with a baseball bat or even got stabbed. I couldn’t tell since he was wearing his shirt, blocking the view of his back.

“Jodie! Didn’t I tell you to- Holy shit.” Anna gasped. I glanced at her, and her face was the pure meaning of shock, horror, and sick. She was changing her gaze from Adam to his back, and again at him. “B-B-B-Blood.” She stuttered, before blinking repeatedly.

Out of nowhere, she started giggling really hard, that Adam noticed us. Her moves were suited for a drunk man, she was moving left and right while giggling, and I started to feel really crept out because of how she was acting as if she became insane. “That is weird, I feel dizz-“ before she could continue, she fell on the ground peacefully.

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, then shifted my gaze to look at Adam. His expression was a mix between anger, and tiredness. Before a few hours when I saw him, he was alright, but now he had a black bags under his eyes –other than the ones that I caused.

I totally ignored Anna’s dead body on the ground, and decided to take a step forward towards Adam, but I heard a small growl, making me snap my head to the little cat, that now took an attack position, and it looked as if it was ready to cut my head off.

Cute Monster Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora