45; ♡ Let's Sneak Out.

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                                             one more chapter and done ♥

                                                     [psst, look at that gif! o.o]


                              ○                                 ○                               ○

                                         Chapter Forty-Five; Let's Sneak Out. 

The movers came early in the next morning. They took all the boxes and put them away in their trucks. The only things that they had left were my things and mom’s.

I was watching them moving quickly, as if they couldn’t wait till they could get away from this house. Their clothes were a little messy because of all the heavy weights they were carrying, and sweat was covering their faces.

Watching them from a far, I realized that I felt… Nothing.

My heart felt weirdly empty, as if I had thrown it out, cut it in half, and removed whatever content it had in there.

My hands were on each side of my body as I stood near the entrance with only my eyes moving as I watched everything pass by.

Why was I having this weird feeling?

Wasn’t this what I wanted?

To have a choice?

To be free from everything?

Suddenly I felt a faint anger rise inside of me, making me want to break a window or something to empty this feeling.

My stomach was flipping from time to time, making me feel sick. My head felt as if it was hit by a huge bat.

I just want…

What did I want?

Nothing seemed as if it satisfied me. Nothing appeared that amazing anymore.

I was going to be left alone again.

Like when I was a child.

I wonder how could I run away from this one?

You always do that!

You always run away from these things!

These words were stuck in my head whenever I try to run away.

Damn you Adam.

“That’s all.” A tall guy, with a noticeable muscles came back to my dad. Shaking his hand. “We will drive these things to your new house. They will reach in about an hour or so.” My dad nodded.

“Thank you.”

The man smiled and turned away, walking out of the house. Before he passed me, I saw him glancing at me weirdly, as to question ‘what’s wrong with her?’

I wondered what kind of expression I had on my face.

Sad? Happy? Angry? Blank maybe?

Which one.

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