
By dallass78

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We are all sitting on the dinning table. My father asking us about our day, my mother smiling at us, while my... More

Main Characters
Chapter 1: Goodbye Home
Chapter 2 : Donut
Chapter 3: Room 314
Chapter 4: Detention
Chapter 5: Stay away
Chapter 6: Angel
Chapter 7: Shortie
Chapter 8: Bruises
Chapter 9: Racism
Chapter 11: Questions
Chapter 12: Bunny
Chapter 13: I'm Tired
Chapter 14: Mall
Chapter 15: Popcorn
Chapter 16: Lettie

Chapter 10: Cookies

225 101 137
By dallass78


This will end in two ways, either in a complete mess, or a success.

This next hour is going to be very interesting.


I've always pictured Gabriel as the type of guy who's determined on making my life a living hell. However, he's actually offering to help me right now. I don't know what he's up to, but this doesn't seem like the Gabriel I know.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, "Hello? Earth to Violet?"

I look up, realizing I've zoned out for a moment, I finally manage to say "Are you seriously offering to help me? Or there's something in it for you?"

He laughs, and then says "Don't forget Violet, I'm supposed to be keeping track of your behavior, you piss me off, and strike, you're out of the school."

I manage to control myself before I slap that smirk off his face, he's seriously determined on making my life miserable. If only I could show him who's in control here, but I don't want any more problems, especially with Mr. Lodge and his little devil.

"Fine, and there's no need for me to piss you off, since you won't be ever getting near me after now." I inform him.

"Whatever, I don't even care." He spits out.

He pauses for a minute and then continues, "Anyways, the ingredients we need are:

-two cups of flour

-a teaspoon of baking soda

-a pinch of salt

-room temperature butter

-brown sugar

-granulated sugar

-2 eggs

-a teaspoon of vanilla extract

-a bag of semisweet chocolate chips.

Do you have all these items.? He asks."

I ignore his question, and ask something I've been wondering the whole time he was listing the ingredients, "Gabriel, why do you have the recipe for cookies memorized?"

I catch him off guard, he stutters for a moment before he finally answers, "Well, you know I'd just come across it a few times online, it's nothing much."

I raise an eyebrow at him, "You know you're a terrible liar? You bake, what are you so ashamed about?"

He rolls his eyes, "Whatever. If you dare tell anyone about this I will ruin your life."

"Don't worry, it's already ruined as long as you're in it." I retort back.

I start walking towards the kitchen, as he follows me. I take out a large bowl, a whisk, baking sheets and the rest of the needed items. I set them on the counter and look at him. "Now what?"

"Just preheat the oven, and watch me do my magic." He answers.

He begins to make the cookie dough, pouring all the ingredients in the bowl. I preheat the oven, and sit down on the stool watching him. He looks so graceful cooking. God, if I ever attempted to cook I'd probably burn the house down in a matter of seconds.

Snap out of it Violet, why are you even watching him.

As I'm about to look away, his cockiness finally makes a comeback, "Like what you see?" He asks with the famous smirk.

"Yeah, the cookie dough looks delicious. But you're blocking the view." I save myself.

"You've got it all wrong, Violet. I am the view." He says.

I roll my eyes, deciding to ignore him. We could go back and forth for days doing this and neither of us would get tired.

Finally, the dough is ready, and he begins making the cookies as I sit and do nothing. I'm getting really bored, I wish he'd let me do something.

"Gabriel, can I please do something? I'm really bored." I plead.

He turns his head and raises and eyebrow at me, "How could you get bored looking at me?"

"I don't know, not everyone is obsessed with you the way you're obsessed with yourself." I snap back. He seriously needs to be put in his place sometimes.


20 minutes later.

The cookies are finally in the oven, Gabriel didn't let me do anything. The entire time, all I did was sit on the stool for 20 long minutes and watch him cook. As many times as I asked him to let me help, he wouldn't budge, always saying that I'd ruin the whole process. Eventually, I gave up.

He sits down on the stool next to me. I notice him holding a large cup of flour. "There's some flour leftover, what do I do with it?" He asks.

"Just put it back in the bag, or leave it on the counter." I tell him.

He steps down of the stool, and heads towards the counter. But then he stops for a moment and turns around saying, "Or I could do something much more fun." He quickly rushes over to me, and dumps the large cup of flour all over my head and clothes.

"GABRIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream.

I can't believe the nerve of this guy!!! Hasn't he had enough of pranking me? This is getting really frustrating.

I notice the bag of flour on the counter, and he notices me looking at it. We both look at each other for a moment, and then speedily run to it. I get there before him, and quickly grab a handful of flour. I pour it all over his head and clothes too.

Eventually, we have a huge flour fight, and the kitchen is a mess, including us. We're both covered in white powder, and my mom would be home in 25 minutes.

The oven rings, Gabriel grabs cooking mittens, and takes out the hot tray of delicious cookies. They look perfect. He sets them on the counter, and smiles, probably feeling proud of himself.

He turns around to me, and says "I made the cookies, so you clean this all up." Gesturing to the flour all over the kitchen floors and counters.

I sigh, nodding my head. It was only fair, although he started this flour fight.

I grab a broom, and begin sweeping the floors. Then, I fill a bucket of water and continue to mop the floors crystal clear. Finally, I clean all the counters with a wet cloth. Looking at the kitchen, it looks spotless. I sit down on the stool, and realize my clothes and Gabriel's are still dirty.

He notices me looking down at my clothes and finally speaks, "Let's just go outside and hose them off. There's no time to clean up."

I nod in agreement, and we head outside.

He grabs the hose, and turns it on. I suddenly remember my bruises, and the makeup that's covering them. Although the makeup is waterproof, I can't risk it. I immediately open my mouth to speak, but before I can say anything, Gabriel turns the hose at me, and splashes me with water for a minute straight.

I look down, and see my clothes are drenched. I cover my face, and turn around to get to the bathroom before he can notice anything. But instead, I hear a car pulling into the driveway. Shit, that must be my mom or my brother. Neither of them can see my face. I have no clue how I'm going to get myself out of this mess. I turn back to Gabriel, still covering my face. He had turned the hose off.

"Gabriel, we need to leave. My mom or brother is here, and they can't see us like this." He doesn't say anything, instead he asks "Violet, why are you covering your face?"

Shit shit shit

I finally think of an answer and say, "There's a huge pimple on my face, now that the makeup is probably washed off, I can't let you see it, knowing you'll probably make fun of me for the rest of my life."

He pauses for a moment and then says, "First, that's something you would never say. Second, you chose a very interesting color for a bra."

I'm confused, "What the hell do you mean?"

He laughs, "You can see through your shirt."

I immediately look down, and realize he's not lying. My white shirt is stuck to my body, because of the water, and that way, someone can easily see through it. In addition, I chose a very bad day to wear a pink bra.

Shit, now I either have to cover my face or my chest. And I'm obviously going for the latter.

I remove my hands of my face, and use them to cover my shirt. I look down, hoping he wouldn't notice my bruised eye. But it doesn't work. He bends down to the floor, and finally manages to get a clear view of my face. My eyes meet with his, and I see nothing but anger in them.

"Why is your eye bruised?" He pauses, "Violet, who did this to you?" He asks with a very angry voice.

"I should be asking you the same thing." Looking down at his knuckles, they are cut and bruised really bad.

We stare at each other, neither of us saying any word.

Finally, we're interrupted by a voice, my mother's voice.

"Violet honey, are you home? Where are you? I smell cookies."

I quickly grab Gabriel, and tell him "My mom cannot see me like this. We need to get out of here."

I point to the ladder on the ground, and then up to my bedroom window. He immediately understands what I mean, and grabs the ladder. After placing it and steadying it on the ground. He motions for me to go up first. I nod, and quickly place my foot on one step, and begin climbing.

I eventually reach my bedroom window, quickly opening it, and going inside. I hold the ladder as he climbs up. He finally reaches and comes inside as well.

"Listen, I'm going to quickly change, cover this on my face, and go downstairs. I will be back. In the meantime you stay here. Do not make any sound, and do not move." I order him.

He nods as I sigh feeling relieved.

I hear my mother's voice getting closer, "Sweetie, where are you?"

I take a deep breath hoping she wouldn't come in. "I'm here mom, I'm just putting on my clothes, I took a shower. There are cookies downstairs for you, I'll come join you in 5 minutes."

"Okay. I'll be downstairs then." I wait for her to go downstairs and then I quickly open my closet and grab the first clothes I see.

I can't change with this idiot still in here, so I turn around and shoot him a glare.

He looks at me with a confused look and then speaks, "For God's sake relax, I respect women. I'll turn around, and not look. I Promise." He assures me.

I turn back around, and begin changing. I glance back a couple of times to make sure he is keeping his promise.

I finish putting on my clothes, and then head to my table. Grabbing the foundation, I quickly apply it on my bruised eye and blend it out. A few minutes later, I finish and head over to Gabriel. "I'm going down now, don't you dare do anything that'll get me in trouble. I'll be back as soon as I can. As soon as my mom goes to sleep, you can leave." I tell him.

"Okay, chill. I won't do anything." He says with an eye roll.

I nod, and walk over to my door, looking back one last time. I go out and head downstairs.

I hope this goes well, If my mom finds out I have a boy in my room, that wouldn't end well, and that's a fact.


hey guys!! I haven't updated in a few days, but I hope this chapter makes up for it. I really hope you like it, tell me what you think. Also, if you have the chance, check out "A Hymn Before A Flight" by @aknightx it's a really good book!! And thank you @qqcroix for making this cover!! It means a lot to me. Have a great day everyone, take care.


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