OHSHC FIC- The Honest Type (B...

By Stories_Amounyous

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|Hiatus!?| !Disclaimer! I own my ocs and plot but nothing more you hear! Meet Forsythe Takatsuki, The brutall... More

Г Character Bio
Г Character Bio #2
Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms
Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms Part 2
Г Welcome to the Host Club!
Г Starting today, You are a host!
Г Character Bio #3
Г Keeping it up with the Takatsuki's
Г Bedtime with the Host Club
Г Kiss Kiss F*ck You!
Г Character Bio #4
Г Happy little accidents
Г Unhappy little accidents
Г A Second Chance
Г Wide Awake
Г Too Soon?
Г It's Still Too Soon
Г Renge, Who?
Г Just a Dream?
Г The Time Forsythe Knew The Host Club... Fucked Up!
Г The Loli-Shota & The Little Devil Types Meet Mommy Dearest
Г The Cool & Wild Type Goes to Court!
Г The Prince Charming & Natural Type Saves The Honest Type
Г Double Dating with Our Dad's!
Update pt 100
Update well shit
Г You Play The Piano Too?
Г The Glare
Г His Second Date!

Г The After Math... Look on the Brightside

76 8 2
By Stories_Amounyous

(A/n): Look on the bright side... Enjoy

You will die of boredom and nonexistent banana peels


Its been hours and I shared a room with Hikaru, Kyoya, and Tamaki, I bit my lip in shame they were hurt because of me... No because of that women but they weren't permanently hurt but mentally I am sure the host club was hurting they got a taste of what my mother could do... And I am sorry.

"I'm so-"I was cut off by Hikaru who had an identical eye patch like me "cut it out, Forsythe... We got hurt for your sake! So stop apologizing for once ok?" he looked at me and I honestly disagreed why would they fight for me do I really matter.

I was staring at Kyoya, he was worse then all of us but somehow he had the strength to sit up and be on that computer he had bruises and later would probably be scars him if you looked on the bright side his future kids would think the scars are cool.

"I am fine if your wondering Forsythe... And trust me you are staying here just so you know.." I blinked in confusion but so did Tamaki but he didn't say anything he just stared at the ceiling and sighed.

We all four got hurt I guess we have a story to tell to our children in the future we would be some badass dads even badass grandfathers one day I just smiled and the guys noticed and they sighed in relief it seemed.

I think we 're all going to be ok.


~No One's P.O.V~

When it seemed that the horrible events were over, there were just more to come in the long run but right now it's about healing and hoping for a better life.

Hoping to live a little.

To grow a fucking pear.

To actually enjoying life.

~Forsythe's P.O.V~

Finally, it was all over my mom was in prison waiting on the trail in Canada and my father is completely divorced.

Me, Hikaru, Kyoya and Tamaki we have dope ass scars now but the host club, everyone, and everything is ok now and sure we all struggled but we are all so much closer then we were before.

"Katsuki-chan! Come to the club is about to start!" I smile at the shorty and I see the rest of club in front of me and honestly I couldn't be any happier.

~Ryusei's P.O.V~

So much has happened but finally, I was happy where I was a teacher in Ouran Academy and very much a single father and soon to be a Godfather of Noah's baby.

I still worry about Club and how horrible events were but I think everyone is thinking on the bright side of thing's and really its great but I don't think this is the end just yet.

~Noah's P.O.V~

I love that Forsythe is happier... I love how Ryusei is happy but I wonder about parents just a little I mean I want to hate my parents but I can't they gave me life and soon I will too and the Ootori family is helping me so well thanks to Kyoya acknowledging me.

Your probably wondering yea I am 18 but I am still a 3rd year like Takashi and Mitskuni... You guessed it I am attending Ouran somehow I was convinced otherwise and well I am part of the Host club too and really these girls have such a baby fever it's nice really.


~Forsythe's P.O.V~

"Isn't this all great!" I shouted with everyone looking at me "what do you mean Forsythe?" Noah looked at me and I couldn't help but smile because Mori gave her all the strawberries she loves strawberries just as much as Honey does.

"Well, your part of the club and well its great!" I was a bit sugar high because of all the cake and well coffee that instant coffee it was it good!

Everyone couldn't help but have cold sweats because how excited I was but then it hit me!

"Haruhi... What's your dad's name?" I looked at her and caused her to be overly confused and the twins answered on her behalf "His name is Ryoji but he told us to call him Ranka... Why?"

I couldn't give them a direct answer but I think Kyoya and Noah caught on.

"Oh yeah... Isn't Ryusei going on a date with Ranka?" I looked at Noah in shock and so did Haruhi "Wait...." she trailed off "Ranka and Ryusei? my dad and Haru-Kun's dad on a date...." me and Haruhi had a moment of truth and sat at a table trying to figure out when the fuck this happened.

"Well then! I believe its good that Haruhi's father and Forsythe's father are bonding!" Tamaki said and everyone nodded at his opinion "Hm well now I remember Ranka did mention of a date tonight..." Kyoya said and Haruhi looked at him "Why are you still talking to my dad!" I wanted to know too Kyoya ignored Haruhi.

"Hey, Hikaru don't you think we should help them along?" Kaoru looked at Hikaru and he nodded "yea we should Boss we should help them out!" I and Haruhi were just outcasted by the rest of the club while they discussed what the hell was going on... But I was still confused.

"Hey Haru-kun you wanna get outta here and go talk to my dad?" she shook her head "no... We shouldn't push it we should just support my dad and your dad you never know what will happen between them they really need it." the boys were looking at us and Noah just smiled they were listening to us talk honestly a date sounds fun I would love to go on a date.

"Hey Haruhi do you wanna go on a date with me I mean we could double date with our dad's" she smiled but Tamaki had something to say "Wait just a minute!" me and Haruhi looked at a beet red blonde "what?" Haruhi said, "I am Gay Tamaki you know this unless all of you want to go on a date with me?"

I made a mistake, to be honest, everyone wanted a date with me how interesting is that huh?

----Now we take a Break!----

----Now let's get back to the Story!----


"Dad! It's true!" I yelled once I walked into my house with Noah and she had a cold sweat in the process "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm going on a date with Ranka."

He bluntly said I am proud of my daddy! "Well is it ok if I go on a date tonight too and for the rest of the week?" he looked at me confused but nodded anyways "just be careful but have your room cleaned, your bathroom cleaned, your homework done, read a book for 30 minutes and text me where your going too!" oh this bastard he pulled the parent card but best believe I am going on a date! With the whole host club... Oh fuck.

~Tamaki's P.O.V~

Tomorrow will be great! I get to go on a date with Forsythe... Kind of wish I went on that date with Haruhi tho but as long as my son and daughter are ok I am happy!!

~Kyoya's P.O.V~

I didn't care too much about going on a date but because he wanted to well I guess I am going on a date on a Wednesday.

It might not be so bad if I don't end up busy.

~Hikaru's P.O.V~

It will be my second date... I went on a date with Haruhi maybe I will have a better chance to this date with Forsythe Thursday...

Doesn't he fear anything right?

~Kaoru's P.O.V~

I was happy that we all gotten close to Forsythe but Forsythe seems so much closer to Hikaru... Maybe we will get that close on Friday... I hope so.

~Honey's P.O.V~

Tama-chan goes to a dinner with Katsuki-chan on Tuesday, Kyo-chan is going somewhere on Wednesday, Hika-chan gets to go on his second date! Lucky! He better takes care of Katsuki-chan on Thursday!, Kao-chan seems really excited to go on a date to the movies on Friday I hope they have fun!

I and Katsuki-chan will go to the cake shop and eat a lot of cake like he promised! I can't wait for Saturday!

~Mori's P.O.V~

Sunday... Forsythe said he would plan it I don't know why though but at least everyone seems excited about their dates with Forsythe.


Everyone listen here! Every one of the host club gets their own chapter yee! Can't wait but hoped you enjoyed!?

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