OHSHC FIC- The Honest Type (B...

By Stories_Amounyous

8K 308 156

|Hiatus!?| !Disclaimer! I own my ocs and plot but nothing more you hear! Meet Forsythe Takatsuki, The brutall... More

Г Character Bio
Г Character Bio #2
Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms
Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms Part 2
Г Welcome to the Host Club!
Г Starting today, You are a host!
Г Character Bio #3
Г Keeping it up with the Takatsuki's
Г Bedtime with the Host Club
Г Kiss Kiss F*ck You!
Г Character Bio #4
Г Happy little accidents
Г Unhappy little accidents
Г A Second Chance
Г Wide Awake
Г Too Soon?
Г It's Still Too Soon
Г Renge, Who?
Г Just a Dream?
Г The Loli-Shota & The Little Devil Types Meet Mommy Dearest
Г The Cool & Wild Type Goes to Court!
Г The Prince Charming & Natural Type Saves The Honest Type
Г The After Math... Look on the Brightside
Г Double Dating with Our Dad's!
Update pt 100
Update well shit
Г You Play The Piano Too?
Г The Glare
Г His Second Date!

Г The Time Forsythe Knew The Host Club... Fucked Up!

116 8 1
By Stories_Amounyous

(A/n): Ok that title through another thing this story isn't on the same timeline it's like off then on like the Renge Chapter this chapter is like future wise but current lmfao fuck idk... Enjoy!

The twins do not fight because we all know how that worked out in the show! Lmfao sorry, enjoy!


"Hey, Forsythe?... wake up the club is over!" I woke up to Tamaki's voice and opened my eyes to see the whole club behind him "Hey Guys do me a favor if one of you are going to ask me out then do it under a cherry blossom tree!" all of the male hosts turned red and nodded while Haruhi being clueless as ever sighed.

I really love these guys...


~No One's P.O.V~

There was a time when The Hitachiin Twins played a game with everyone called 'Which one is Hikaru?' where the twins would wear a hat to cover their hair and switch spots in hopes someone can guess who is Hikaru.

Though, one day a new host of the name of Haruhi Fujioka guessed which one
was Hikaru correctly and somehow entered The twins world but because how bored these devilish twins were they pretended to fight and caused a ruckus through the school.

They say that if anyone can guess who Hikaru is right again will cause the phenomenon happen again.

Will today be the day it happens once more!?(A/n: I like how I made the twins fight sound like one of Nekowaza's Curses actually I honestly had a crush on him... I preferred Nekowaza over Tamaki any day lmfao sorry buddy still love you!)

~Forsythe's P.O.V~

"NO! Do not play that game!" I heard Tamaki yell in fear today was a whole new day today I could walk with crutches but I get carried a lot by Mori so its whatever "Tamaki Senpai calm down..." Haruhi said in a cold sweat I looked at her confused "why was he yelling at the twins?" she sighed and answered "A while ago The twins played a game called 'Which one is Hikaru' game and I guessed it right and caused so much trouble for everyone" then Kyoya butted in "no one but Haruhi could guess which twin is who" with a grin I looked at the twins and walked over to them.

"Let's Play Which one is Hikaru game!" the twins said in unison while a few girls nearly failed to answer but when I walked up to them the girls looked at me.

"Oh, Forsythe you're doing ok?" I nodded and grinned causing the girls to blush "what is this your playing" I pretended to sound dumb and another girl answered, "its called Which one is Hikaru and we have to guess which one is Hikaru but only Haruhi guessed right and a lot happened" then Tamaki Butted in "FORSYTHE NOOOOO!?" I whacked him with one of my crutches and the twins started laughing at Tamaki.

"Come on the boss it's, not like Forsythe can guess us right!" they said in unison "Plus it's not like the same thing will happen again," said Hikaru "we would never do that again!" Kaoru finished and I sighed.

"Forsythe I bet you can guess which one is Hikaru!" a girl cheered me on and I looked at the twins "let's play then!" I cheered like an idiot.

After a few seconds have passed everyone was crowding around me and the twins.

"Ok! Forsythe guess which one of us is Hika-" before the twins could finish their unison I guessed "Kaoru is on the left and Hikaru is on the right" the twins walked towards me and wrapped their arms around my shoulders "uh oh your wrong!" then I heard Haruhi sigh "no I know I am right... You see I pay good enough attention to you two twins see you may think I am your plaything but in reality, you're my playthings... But I know I am right because Kaoru sounds like a cute baby boy that I would enjoy sleeping with again and Hikaru sounds like a stubborn Tsundere I mean seriously you guys are identical but as an individual your not the same person at all Kaoru I know that your really afraid of one thing and one thing only being alone and left behind by Hikaru and Hikaru you honestly fear that the people you let in will just hurt you more then they will hurt Kaoru that guys, I promise you I would never hurt guys because we are all a big family!" I smiled at them causing them to blush like crazy while that happened the girls gasped and the host was shocked as well I didn't know why but I look to a dark door and some guy peeked out the room.

"Ah~ I see you guessed correctly-"I was confused then heard Tamaki scream like a girl then the twins went to shine a light on this guy and I was so confused that I just watched the whole time then looked at Haruhi and she was confused as well... The fuck is going on here!?


I struggled to turn in a lot of missing assignments but thankfully with Haruhi's help it would make progress but suddenly i noticed the change in the atmosphere within the club we closed the club earlier to get some worked done well Kyoya calculating The Host Club's expenses and really its all the sweets Honey and everyone else eats but I didn't really eat the sweets unless I brought my own the reason for it well you never know if someone is gonna roofie you.... That made sense in my head whatever!

I looked to see what Tamaki was doing... I had a cold sweat he was still sulking about Nekowaza which I learned of his name and Haruhi was trying to get him out of the corner... Geez for a rich guy you would think he wasn't a hyped emo... Yes I said it I mean I know very little about his past and damn does he fit the emo profile... I know what your thinking I am crazy I know but just think if we had an emo theme... Oh, fuck then they will discover my chemical romantic I felt my heart drop for a second R.I.P MCR we love you! (A/n: I got g noted today guys I cried at a Walmart)

I loved over to Honey and Mori... Honey was asleep and Mori was watching over him like a pedo I mean... Tree nope not sorry actually... No Mori looks like a Pedo Bear just put a bear costume on him and their pedobear! (A/n: watched Host against Humanity... Not sorry)

And Hikaru and Kaoru they seemed to have a far gone look in their eyes even looked shocked their expression hadn't changed since I said what I did... Did I break the system of the host club I mean seriously?

I honestly didn't know what to do but Kyoya seemed lonely so I went to see if he needed any help.

"Hey, Kyoya... Need any help?" I sat next to him and he didn't look away from that computer of his but he answered "no Tori-kun! I don't need any help thank you..." he sounded irritated I looked at the screen and holy shit was that a lot of numbers to calculate he should have asked for help he won't sleep tonight! "Horse shit... Here I got it this is all easy you go do something relaxing!" I snatched that computer of his away and he looked at me in shock " I am fine really shouldn't you be the one relaxing?" I was the one who ended up calculating everything carefully and correctly but I had to stop I was bad at multitasking "no my mother is still here I need something to do to get shit off my mind so please just go help Haruhi over there with Tamaki give me 15 minutes and I will be done...." he just nodded and got up and did as I said I guess you could say I was running this joint but I wasn't I am a bottom feeder.


It took me less than 15 minutes but during these 15 minutes everyone noticed I was doing Kyoya's 'job' and were behind me in shock I think everyone thought today was opposite day because they were confused.

"Guys... Why are you all behind me? I am just helping Kyoya I mean he needs to sleep properly you know...." no one said anything, not even Haruhi... WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?!

~Tamaki's P.O.V~

I couldn't help but stare at Forsythe did he honestly forget what has happened to him in the last few weeks and yet he is avoiding it... Why Forsythe?

Please tell me your truly ok first you nearly die then your mother appears after that Renge appears and you're losing it but today with what you said about the twins was that pure honesty? And now you're doing Kyoya's Job!

"Are you ok? Forsythe... Were worried about you really maybe you should be resting and relaxing... I know everything is rough right now but man you got to cool it this isn't you... I know you well enough that you're on edge...."

Everyone looked at me in shock at my own words but they knew I was right they thought the same way only I had the guts to say this even if Forsythe gets angry with me...

~Forsythe's P.O.V~

Now I see what this is... I have been singled out again... Fucking rich kids I am rich too but I am not putting up with them not right now.

"Look I am going through shit you all know this... But come on now I made all of you worried to death about someone like me someone pathetic like me... I just want all of you to stop worrying about me and just be yourselves none of you can understand how I feel about any of this... I am so on edge and this place is the only thing keeping me running right now I know if my mother wins custody of me then its all over... I am going to lose it so please just help me out and pretend nothing happened because this might be the last few weeks I get I spend with any of you...." I get up and grab my crutches and leave the room and I didn't look back it seems like I am not wanted now.

----Now we take a Break!----

----Now let's get back to the Story!----

~Haruhi's P.O.V~

"Um, what just happened?" I was in a bit of shock only because what Tamaki said but after that Forsythe's response stunned me in some way.

"It looks like Katsuki-chan is pissed off now..." I looked at Honey who was clinging to Usa-chan and he seemed to worry about Forsythe.

"If he is pissed off now then blame the boss," Hikaru said and Kaoru continued "Yea everything was fine but we agree with the boss though" the twins nodded at that.

"Well then what are we going to do?... Are we going to leave Forsythe alone? Or try to talk to him?" I was again stunned by what Mori said but so was the rest of the club.

"I think leaving Forsythe alone at a time like this is a very bad idea... We know what Forsythe is capable of and listening carefully to what he was to say might mean-" Tamaki cut him off but we knew what Kyoya going to say "Forsythe won't do that of all things! We need to go look into what's really going on at home and there is no way he gonna far with those crutches!"

I felt like we all we're going to go investigate on Forsythe life the life he doesn't want to talk about but again I was sadly right.

"Haruhi and I will go see Forsythe! Then Kyoya and Mori Senpai will go see what's going on with the divorce case and maybe talk to the judge! And Hikaru, Kaoru & Honey Senpai go to Forsythe's house and talk to Emma!" with that recklessly stupid plan, everyone nodded and I was dragged away by Tamaki, the twins and Honey went one way, then Kyoya and Mori went another way I had a bad feeling about something but I didn't know what it was.

I had the feeling if we continued to push for Forsythe life then... Maybe would all really fucked up Forsythe completely... Oh god, I hope we don't they guys are a bunch of idiots especially Tamaki.


I like how Haruhi throws Tamaki under the bus but I hope you enjoy

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