Sin. {Urban Love Story}

By Nyahxoxo

170K 5K 941

My parents are those boogie, stuck up black people who think they the shit. They've always brained washed me... More

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Wεddιng Nιgнт Blιss

Ꭶιи #13

5.7K 237 22
By Nyahxoxo


My dad was heartbroken when I told him about what mom been doing. He even shed a few tears and I cried along with him 'cause I felt so bad. Dad instructed that a doctor be in the room whenever mom came to visit him. I also had to convince him that her ass should be put in jail. He loved her too much to put her away but I told him any woman who tried to kill a man that's been taking care of her for so many years deserves to get shot so he settled for jail time.

I told Davion and Romeo too. It took me, Sierra, Tyson and Romeo to hold Davion back and convince him not to confront mom. He's so mad that he's not even talking to her anymore.

But even after all this, the wedding must go on. I plan on exposing mom there, where hundreds of people will be watching.

Right now I was at Tyson's house. I had just got done telling both him and his mom everything. Ms. Cecilia is the closest thing I have to a mother right now since my own tried to kill my father and is using me for money. "Oh honey, I knew your mother had the soul of the devil the first time I met her." Ms. Cecilia said rubbing my back in a comforting matter. "The saying never trust a pretty face is associated with her."

"Ms. Cecilia, we saw that you and this Orlando guy were high school sweethearts. Can you please tell us what happened back then?" I begged.

Ms. Cecilia sucked in a breath. "Please ma." Tyson said gently. "It would give us some answers."

Ms. Cecilia closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Orlando and I were high school sweethearts, like you said," she started. "I loved that man with everything in me and I thought he felt the same way but it was only after, when he went to college, that I found out he already had a family." She shook her head in a disappointing matter. I was young and I knew dating a college boy wasn't a good idea but I loved him and I wanted to prove to the other girls that I can get and keep an older man."

"How did you find out about Orlando and my mom?" I asked her.

"Orlando was away at college. At the time, my parents couldn't afford to send me to college so I spent most of my time working at a local diner as a waitress. If I wasn't doing that then I was always talking to Orlando. I had a weekend off of work and I decided to surprise him..."

Twenty-three years ago

I walked into the college with high hopes. It's been months since I've seen Orlando and I was excited to hold him in my arms and for him to tell me he loved me face to face.

I remembered him telling me his dorm room number and he also said he wasn't rooming with anyone for the moment because his old roommate got kicked out of school. That made me happier because that meant we'll be alone all weekend.

But when I got upstairs everything was anything but bittersweet. I knocked on his door, excitement flowing through my body. When he answered he didn't look too happy to see me. Shocked, was more like it.

"C-Cecilia, what are you doing here?" He asked nervously. He had stopped me from coming in. The door wasn't fully open so I couldn't see inside.

"I came to see you baby!" I beamed but my smile soon faded into a frown when I noticed his facial expression. "You're not happy to see me?"

"Of course I am baby," he said and peaked into the apartment behind him. "But now is not really a good time."


"Baby who's at the door?" A woman's voice asked from inside.

"No one Shanae!" He called back to her.

"Who's that Orlando?" I asked getting angry. "Are you cheating on me?"


I didn't even give him time to finish before I pushed him out the way and barged into his dorm room. A pretty woman was sitting on the bed bouncing a baby girl on her lap. "Who are you?" I asked her, rage and jealousy rushing through me.

She looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm Orlando's fiancé," she said with an attitude. "And this is our daughter." Then she sized me up and down. "Who are you?"

"I'm Orlando's girlfriend."

"Excuse me?"

I ignored her and turned to Orlando with tears in my eyes. "How could you!" I yelled. "We've been together for three years, you told me you loved me. I gave you my virginity and you promised to marry me when you finished college."

"You be promising these hoes too much Orlando." Shanae snarled and continued to play with her baby.

Orlando just shook his head. "I'm sorry Cecilia but I have a family," he said with no sign of real sympathy. "I don't want to be with you."

I shook my head and wiped away my tears. "You may leave." Shanae said bluntly, looking at me like I was some type of disease she wanted to get rid of.

I slowly walked out of the dorm room feeling heartbroken, angry and humiliated.

"...It was only a few days after that I found out I was pregnant."

Tyson looked confused. "So you mean..."

"Yes, Orlando is your sister's father." Ms. Cecilia finished for him. "I never told him and raised her myself until I met your father and the rest is history." Ms. Cecilia wiped the corners of her eyes. "Excuse me." She then got up and walked out the living room.

"I swear if I ever see this Orlando nigga, I'll kill him with my bare hands." Tyson fumed.

"Baby calm down," I said. "Orlando will get his, don't worry."

He took a deep breath to calm down. He then looked at me with a worrisome expression. "I know this is probably something you don't want to think about but since you found all this out about your mom, don't you think that you, Davion and Romeo may be Orlando's kids. Since, you know, your mom been messing with him for years on the side."

"I never thought about that but I don't care," I said. "My dad and is my dad regardless and Orlando can go choke on a dick."

Tyson pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around me. "I know it's hard baby but we'll get through this together." He then kissed me on my forehead. "I'll always be here for you no matter what."

I smiled and wiped away my falling tears. "I love you." I told him.

"I love you more."


I didn't want to talk to my mom but I had to if I needed to get this done. "Mom," I said walking into her bedroom.

Dad was fine but for safety reasons he decided to stay in the hospital so mom couldn't hurt him. "How can I help you Miracle?" She asked not looking up from her phone.

I just knew she was texting her nigga.

"There's some more documents you need to sign to finalize the wedding." I said handing over the papers.

She smiled excitedly. "Okay honey." She took the papers from me and signed them without reading through it. "Here you go." She said handing me back the papers. "Do you have everything? The wedding is in two weeks and everything needs to be perfect."

"Everything is fine mom," I assured her. "Chris and I are about to go see about the suits right now."

Her eyes sparkled. "I'm glad you and Christopher are getting along."

I just nodded. I didn't want to stay and talk to her anymore. "I gotta go mom." I then left out the room without listening to what she had to say.

I told my brothers, Sierra and the twins I was going out and left the house. I drove to the place Chris told me to meet him and Tyson at. I'm glad their getting along for me. It makes this plan easier to exceed.

"Hey Kiërra," Chris greeted me as I got out my car. Tyson was standing next to him.

"Hey guys." I greeted them with a hug.

They led me inside the store and Tyson went up to the front desk to confirm our appointment. "You know how you told me to tell you if a found out anything about my mom." Chris said.

"Yeah?" I replied looking up at him.

"Well I found out Orlando is my uncle." He said. "I found a old family photo of my mom with all her brothers and sisters. All the names were writing in the back of the picture and Orlando's name was there."

"You know what," I told him. "Don't even stress about it anymore. We'll deal with all of this at the wedding."

He nodded and Tyson came back with a consultant. We followed her to the back and she brought out the suits. "Please tell me you like them." Chris begged.

"We spent hours in this store and Khalil, Kevanté and Romeo weren't much help."

"Try it on." I ordered.

They nodded, took the suits and went to the back to try them on. I waited anxiously 'cause I was nervous it wasn't gonna look good on them. We also didn't have time to change them because the wedding was in two weeks.

Both dressing room doors opened and Chris and Tyson stepped out. Chris was wearing a white suit with a red vest underneath. His bow tie around his neck was also red. Tyson was wearing a black suit and his vest underneath was silver. He was also wearing a silver tie. "So?" Chris asked.

"How did we do?" Tyson asked with a proud smile.

I playfully rolled my eyes and smile. "Y'all did good, you didn't mess up."

Tyson came over and kissed me. "Aye!" Chris scolded. "Two weeks and y'all can do whatever the hell y'all want but don't be kissin' my fiancé in front of me."

Tyson and I chuckled and so did Chris. It was good to see us all having a good time. Months ago, Tyson and Chris couldn't even stand each other and now they're here picking out suits together. Maybe something good did come out of mom's sick plan.


"Defense!" Coach yelled from the side of the court.

I blocked my opponent while Khalil dribbled the ball to the end of the court. It was our championship game, the last game of the season and we had to win. We worked hard all year to get here and we can't just lose now but by the looks of it, that's exactly what we were gonna do.

The score was 56-47 and there was ten minutes and forty seconds left in the game. These next ten minutes are crucial.

Khalil dribbled the ball up to the net and went for a shot but someone on the other team blocked it and the ball got knocked out his hands. "Shit!" I hissed and chased everyone down the other side of the court.

"Defense!" Coach hollered once again but it was too late. The other team scored two points. "Time!" Coach yelled.

I looked up at the score board. 58-47. I had a really strong feeling we were about to lose this game. "What the hell is going on with y'all?" Coach yelled at us. "This is the worst I've ever seen you play!"

"It's the nerves Coach," one of my teammates replied. "We ain't never made it this far before."

"I understand that you're nervous but y'all ain't even trying." Coach sighed and leaned forward. "They know you're nervous and they're using it to their advantage." He then looked around to see if anyone was listening. "I wasn't suppose to tell y'all this but there's recruiters here from many different college and state teams. This is your opportunity guys so go out there and show them what you got!"

"Yes Coach!"

"Aight subs, let's go."

We subbed and the ref blew his whistle. It was game time. I looked at the score board and we had about eight minutes to prove ourselves. Khalil passed me the ball and I dribbled it to the three point line. Taking a chance, I took the shot and it went in. Our team had a short celebration before getting back to the game.

One of our teammates passed the ball to Khalil and Khalil passed it to me. "Lets go baby!" I heard Kiërra yelled from the bleachers.

I smiled and suddenly got a boost of energy. I dribbled the ball back to the three point line. I went for the shot only for it to get knocked out my hands. The ref blew the whistle and gave us three free throws. Everyone cheered and I stepped up to the line. The ref passed me the ball and held up three fingers, telling me I had three shots. I took a deep breath and bounced the ball in front of me. "You got this Ty, let's go." Khalil encouraged next to me.

I held my breath and shot the ball. It made a swoosh sound as in went in. I let out a breath as the crowd cheered me on. The ref passed me back the ball and I started bouncing it in front of me again. "Let's go baby!" That time was my mom.

I chuckled, shook my head and took the shot. It went in smoothly and everyone went crazy. The ref passed me the ball for my last shot and my palms started to sweat. "You got this Uncle Ty!" Tyrone yelled. The crowd cooed at his cuteness and it brought a smile to my face.

I took the shot. The ball circled the rim a few times, building anticipation in everyone, before going into the net. Everyone cheered louder than before and I looked up at the score board. The score was 58-53 and there was less than five minutes left in the game. Three pointers were our only hope at this moment.

The ref blew the whistle to start back the game and I passed the ball to one of my teammates who then passed the ball to Khalil. Khalil passed the ball to me and I passed it back to him. "Shoot!" I yelled at him. He was at the three point line and he was open.

He looked hesitant but took the shot. The score was now 58-56. We had three options; 1. Lose 2. Get another three point shot or 3. Go into over time. Option one and three were not really an option. I was not about to lose this game and I was tired as hell.

I looked up into the crowd and saw all my boys, Kiërra, Kiona, Tyrone, my mom, Tyreek and even Chris. Kiërra noticed me watching and blew me a kiss. I mouthed 'I love you' and headed back to the game.

I was back on defense for a good while before the ball was passed back to me. Once again I dribbled the ball to the three point line and took the shot and obviously, it went. Shit, I was on fire today.

It was now 58-59 and there was a minute and thirty seconds left in the game. Khalil and I did our parts, it's time for the rest of the team have to have their moment. Khalil and I played defense for the rest of the game and at the last five seconds one of our teammates made the winning shot. We won the game 58-61. It wasn't much points but it was way better than losing.

Kiërra came running down from the bleachers and into my arms. I picked her up and spun her around as she kissed me. "I'm so proud of you baby." She said with a big smile on her face.

"Thanks babe." I said with a smile and pecked her one more time before putting her down on her feet.

"Ew, now I got your sweat all over me." She said sniffing herself with a disgusted look on her face. I pulled her into me and wrapped arms tightly around her so she was drenched in my stench. She shrieked and tried to get out of my grip. I chuckled and let her go. "This is so gross, now I smell like you." She whined.

I chuckled and leaned down to kiss her. "I'm sorry baby."

She tried to hide her smile. "You better be lucky I love you." She said crossing her arms in a stubborn way.

"I'll never forget how lucky I am." I said looking at her lovingly.

This time she smiled and blushed. "Okay love birds," Kiona said interrupting us with everyone behind her. "Congratulations on your win Tyson but we are taking Kiërra out tonight for her bachelorette party." Kiona said and winked at Kiërra.

"Aye, no male strippers." I said glaring at Kiona.

"What's bachelorette party without male strippers?" Kiona asked looking at me like I was crazy.

Before I could protest, Romeo spoke up. "Don't worry Ty 'cause we're going out to celebrate your win tonight and give Chris a bachelor party. We gon' turnup, you won't even remember you have a girl." He said smirking at Kiërra who was now fuming. Kiona was also angry because she knew Keondre was gonna be there with us.

"If y'all hire any big booty bitches tonight I swear I will cut all y'all dicks off and feed it you." Kiona threatened.

"Okay ladies," mom said stepping in. "Let us go and leave the boys to themselves." She said pushing them towards to exit.

"I'm serious Tyson!" Kiërra called to me as she walked out the gym.

"I love you babe!" I called out to her and the boys chuckled. "What y'all laughin' at?" I asked.

"She got you wrapped around her finger bruh." Kevanté said.

I smiled and shrugged. "I love her, is that a crime?"

They laughed in response. "Come on man," Khalil said patting my back. "Let's get out of here."


"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!"

Chris and I chugged down beer as fast as we could to see who could finish a whole case first. We were both drunk as hell but we didn't give a fuck. There was half naked girls dancing around us and throwing themselves at us but I didn't dare let any one of them touch me. I respect Kiërra too much to do that but Keondre on the other hand had no fucks to give.

Chris and I chugged down our last beers in a drunken state. Being that he was the mayor's son, Chris got the hookups and got our underage asses into this club. We were in the VIP section and drinks were free too.

Chris burped out loud, signaling that he was done. I, on the other hand still had half a beer to go but I decided to let it go since this was the third time Chris beat me and we went through six packs of beers.

The wedding was next Saturday and we were flying down to Spain tomorrow evening. I knew both Chris and I were gonna be fucked up tomorrow but right now we were just enjoying ourselves.

Was I nervous for this whole wedding shit? Nah. I know Kiona has this plan down packed and everyone involved knew there part. We rehearsed it over a thousand times, nothing should go wrong.

"Y'all look gone bruh," Danté laughed and took a hit from the blunt he was smoking.

He had some red skin bitch on his lap kissing all over his neck. His eyes were bloodshot red so I knew he was gone too. Chris sloppily opened two other bottles of beer and handed one over to me. "C-Cheers," he slurred, lifting his beer bottle into the air while trying to keep his balance. "To frenemies."

I thought about putting the beer down and telling him I've had enough but then I said fuck it, imma do me tonight.


I groaned as the plane lifted into the air. I had a massive headache and slow motion of the plane was making me nauseous. "This is what your ass gets for drinking twelve bottles of beer." Kiërra said opening a bottle of water for me and handing me two aspirins.

I took the medication and rest my head on her shoulder. "I'm never drinking again." I mumbled. She laughed, easing my head onto her chest and then playing with the curls in my head. I could feel someone staring at us and it was starting to get uncomfortable. "Who's staring?" I mumbled into her chest.

"My mom," she replied and continued playing with my short hair. "Just ignore her, she won't do anything in front of all these people."

"Are you nervous for Saturday?" I asked in a low tone. I was afraid if I spoke too loud my head would start pounding even more.

"Not really, you?"

"Not at all." We stayed quiet for a while before I said something that's been on my mind since we got on this plane. "I know I don't tell you enough Kiërra but I really love you and I'm gratefully that you came into my life. Whatever happens on Saturday, I want you to know that."

"Don't say it like we're not gonna be together." She said and kissed my warm forehead. "Everything will be okay."

I slightly nodded and drifted off to sleep. Kiërra was right, everything was gonna be okay so I shouldn't worry.


Next chapter is the last chapter.


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