The Story Of Lena Price

By harleyreigns

3.8K 246 22

It was 1823, I was 22 years old. I died on my 22nd birthday, I was attacked by 4 men. They left me to die, bu... More

1. First Day Of College
2. Invitation
3. Springfield Dance
4. Her Secret
5. We Mean You No Harm
6. Helena
7. That Was Quick
9. That Afternoon
10. Founder's Ball
11. Questions
12. Protection
13. Another Witch Pt.1
14. Another Witch Pt.2
15. The Mayor And The Mother
16. We Don't Have Much Time
17. Opening Of The Tomb
18. Transition
19. Decisions
20. New Vampire, Old Enemies
21. Humanity Switch
22. Sired
23. One Down, Two To Go
24. Threw The Portal
25. Another World
26. Finding A Way
27. Contact
28. Hell
29. Afterwards
30. Hallucinating
31. Exhausted
32. I Don't Care ( Final Chapter)

8. The Church, The Tomb, The Witch

125 9 0
By harleyreigns


"Psst." I said as I was sitting on the roof next to Seths window, he came over and opened it. This is his mom's house to just to be clear.

"It's almost 4 in the morning, why are you here?" He asked.

"First things first, please invite me in other wise I can't enter." I said.

"Please Lena Come in." He Said and that stupid invisible wall came down.

"Well I wanted to see what you found and how your doing with all of this?" I asked climbing in threw the window and I walked over to his bed where all of the scattered papers were.

"Just fine and like 5 more pictures of you and this." He said and held a picture of Joseph.

"Is this why you like Roman?" He asked.

"No its definitely not, yes he looks like Joseph and I don't know how, but he's so different compared to Joseph. His looks drew me in, but it's definitely not the reason I stuck around." I answered.

"Your falling in love with him, aren't you?" He asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Just be careful, I don't want Roman getting hurt." He said.

"You think I'll kill him?" I asked.

"Should I be concerned about you doing that, I mean you are a vampire and I don't want you to accidentally kill him." He answered.

"I'll never hurt him Seth, I Promise you that." I said.

"Good I trust you, now who is this?" He asked and handed me a picture of me and William.

"I was involved with him, his names William, he tried killing me but before that he tried selling me as a slave." I answered.

"Was he a vampire?" He asked.

"Yeah he was, but he's dead." I answered.

"Good, you won't have to worry about him." Seth said and started picking up the papers and put them in his closet.

"Yeah, you wanna go somewhere?" I asked.

"Sure, where we going?" He asked.

"Just sneak out and have your car keys, I'll drive." I told him and went back out his window and jumped down and waited by his car he came out after 5 minutes.

"You took your time." I said as he tossed me the keys.

"Not really, If I wake my mom she'll still try to ground me." He joked.

"I bet." I said as we got in his car and I started driving.

"So where exactly are we going?" He asked.

"In those files, was there anything about a church burning down?" I asked.

"Yeah in 1824 I think it was, it was right here in Springfield." He answered.

"That's where we are going, I have a lot to tell you." I told him.

"Should I be worried?" He asked.

"Possibly." I answered.

"When the church burned down the vampires that were supposed to die in it, didn't. Below the church is a tomb filled with those vampires, there's probably about 15 of them if not more. Your dad's great great great grandmother was a witch I knew her back in those days, she put them there with a protection spell, only a blood relative can undo it. " I told him.

"So me and my dad might be in danger plus we are the key to opening the tomb?" He asked.

"Yeah, that's why you need to be careful, this town is field with vampires and I can't have that tomb opened." I told him in a serious way.

"What would be so bad about it?" He asked.

"Remember how I was telling you about William?" I asked.

"He's in the tomb isn't he." Seth said.

"Possibly and I can't risk having him out." I told him.

"Because he'll kill you?" Seth asked.

"No he won't kill me, he'll kill Roman." I answered and Seth looked at me in the worse way.

"Why would he kill Roman?" He asked.

"Because he looks like Joseph." I answered. Seth sighed.

"William killed Joseph didn't he?" Seth asked.

"He hurt Joseph, I healed him with my blood and then a lot of things happened and William ended up shooting him and I couldn't let Joseph be like me, I didn't want that for him. And we talked about it before and he said he never wanted to be a vampire. So I had to rip out his heart." I explained.

"He made you kill him." Seth said.

"In a way, Joseph wanted to die instead of being a vampire." I told him.

(Flash back)

"Joseph please answer me!" I yelled holding him in my arms as William walked away after he just shot him.

"Lena, you gotta do it." Joseph told me.

"I can't ." I said crying even harder.

"Please I don't want this." He begged me.

"I love you Lena don't ever forget that." He told me.

"I love you too Joseph, I'll see you again some day." I said and ripped out his heart. I tried my best to comfort him as he died.

"Lena!" Seth yelled and I slammed on the breaks we were inches away from a freaking tree.

"Lena what happened?" He asked.

"I........went away." I answered and got out of the car.

"Are you okay?" He asked getting out to and coming over to me I quickly wiped my tears away so he wouldn't see.

"I'm fine, I was just, I don't even know." I said.

"Come on, we gotta get to the church." He said.

"Wait, we're already here." I told him.

"What, we are in the middle of nowhere." Seth said and I started walking on a trail threw the woods.

"See I told you." I said as we both walked on the remains of the church.

"Well where's the tomb at?" He asked and we started walking around looking for the entrance.

"Lena!" Seth yelled and he fell threw the opening of the tomb.

"Seth are you okay!" I yelled as I jumped down.

"Yeah I'm fine." He said as I helped him up.

"This is it, it's the tomb entrance." I said.

"Yeah it is, Lena I can feel them here." He said and touched the brick walls.

"Where's the opening at?" I asked.

"Hang on......... it's here, this brick wall moves out." He said.

"Let's not move it." I told him.

"We should get out of here, the suns coming up." He said.

"Yeah, let's go."

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