Case Closed (Hariana | H.S...

By hariana16

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The events of what transpired tonight play back in my head on a continuous loop. I can't believe what happene... More

Part 1: It's Okay
Part 2: Who Cares
Part 3: Let's Go
Part 4: True Colours
Part 5: One Door Shut
Part 6: Inner Truth
Part 7: Another Door Opens
Part 8: Just Listen
Part 9: I Said No
Part 10: Your Touch
Part 11: Night Alone
Part 12: Just Be Honest
Part 13: Puzzle Piece
Part 14: It's Not Lying
Part 15: There's More
Part 16: Can't Move Fast Enough
Part 17: Here For You
Part 18: Family Talks
Part 19: He Did What
Part 20: My Security
Part 21: Perfect Definition
Part 22: I Think It's My Fault
Part 23: Out in the Open
Part 24: Anything and Everything
Part 25: Answer Me
Part 26: Sticking Out
Part 27: Reunion of Strangers
Part 28: Future Glimpse
Part 29: Words I Never Said
Part 30: Burst Our Bubble
Part 31: Come Together
Part 32: This is my Life
Part 34: Branching Out
Part 35: Just Move On
Part 36: First Reaction
Part 37: Just Returning a Favour
Part 38: Here Are the Rules
Part 39: Episode 18
Part 40: Haunting Truth
Part 41: I'm Done
Part 42: The Last Laugh
Part 43: New Lives
Part 44: Comedian
Part 45: What Happened?
Part 46: I'm Still Here
Part 47: Where's the Note
Part 48: Case Closed

Part 33: I Matter

73 4 0
By hariana16

Ariana's POV

"I don't know I kinda want cereal" I shrug and I hear Harry scoff.

"You want cereal? Are you mad?! We should be celebrating" I hear Harry exclaim which makes me giggle. After weeks of searching and consulting with various people and agencies I have finally found a new condo to rent in New York.

"I'm sorry, I don't know! I've been thinking about it all day! Froot Loops to be exact" I admit as I move over and straddle his waist.

"You're unbelievable" he smirks before biting his lip as he looks at me and places his hands on my butt, he is so sexy.

"Hey at least I suggested something! It looks like you could care less about what we eat" I admit.

"Alright fine, you caught me" he chuckles. "Excuse me for trying to make today special for you. I'll get you some Froot Loops as soon as I can" he admits. "But first I thought we could celebrate in another way" he smirks which makes me giggle before I playfully roll my eyes.


"Let's park as close to the front as we can, in case we need a quick getaway" I hear Harry's manager, Jeff, joke as Harry pulls into the Ikea parking lot. I want to go shopping for furniture and I thought Ikea would be the perfect place because I loved going there when I was younger to buy stuff for my bedroom, plus anything I like I can also get in New York since there are Ikea's all over the world.

While I've gotten a bunch of offers from different interior designers to furnish my new condo in New York for me I kinda want to do a bit of that myself. I always loved shopping for furniture and I thought it would be nice to go and find some stuff with Harry. Unfortunately, Jeff thought it would be a bad idea for us to go furniture shopping together because they'd assume Harry and I have bought a house together and we'd be hounded with press. I personally don't see what the big deal is, everyone kinda knows we're living together right now anyways. But now we have to go shopping with Jeff and his girlfriend Glenne so that people will think they're the ones buying furniture and Harry and I are just tagging along. It's not ideal but I hope it doesn't ruin the day.

"So what are you looking for Ari?" Jeff asks as we walk into the building.

"Uhm, furniture" I admit which makes everyone laugh although I wasn't trying to be funny. I'm already kinda annoyed that he and Glenne have to join our shopping trip and I can't stand his stupid questions. Jeff and I aren't even really friends, I wouldn't have minded if Harry's family or something came with us, their opinions actually matter to me.

I grab Harry's hand as we make our way to the first showcase since there are a lot of people and kids around and it kinda makes me anxious. Unfortunately, Harry is soon pulled away from me by Jeff to look at something and I try and just look at some stuff myself. I love how Ikea arranges their products, you can see how they would look and what colours and other pieces would go along with them. I seriously want to find as much furniture as I can for my apartment today so Ikea is the perfect place to shop. However, before I can really look at anything I notice Jeff, Glenne, and Harry already far ahead of me and I have to go and catch up with them since I feel uncomfortable on my own. Once I catch up I hear Jeff just chatting with Harry as they walk, not even looking at anything. It's kinda annoying but I don't want to say anything and seem like a prick or something.

I honestly don't even know why we travelled all the way over here today, no one's even looking at anything. I mean I get if Jeff and Glenne don't want to buy anything but no one even cares if I want something. As we continue through the store I start to accept that we won't really be buying anything and then suddenly we've stopped by a bookcase and I realize through the conversation everyone is having that I haven't really been focusing on, Glenna wants to buy it.

"It's really nice. The size and everything. I say we get it" Jeff says and Glenne agrees as she begins to take a photo of the bookcases tag so she can get it from the pick up area later. It's unbelievable how little anyone cares about me at the moment, but I feel like if I complain it'll just come off as jealousy, like I'm mad Glenne has found something instead of me. Hopefully, now that they've stopped for something they'll realize that the point of this whole trip is to stop and look at stuff.

I guess I was wrong. We've made it through all of the big showcases and are now down in the area with all the little pieces and decorations to add to your house. Once again we've stopped to look around because Glenne is interested is buying some stuff again and I watch as she picks up some new hand towels for her and Jeffs place. I don't want to come off as rude but I really want to get out of here, now.

"Harry" I say quietly as I grab his arm and talk close to his ear. I hear someone begin swooning and I notice a couple of teen girls, they look like sisters, watching us and I know we're being watched. I hope I haven't looked too annoyed this whole time. "I wanna go home" I admit and he looks at me kinda confused and concerned. "Seriously, I wanna get out of here" I admit and he nods his head as he gives my forehead a quick kiss as if to say he understands. Although if he truly understood we wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

I watch as he takes a moment before casually walking up to Jeff and suggesting we head out soon and he nods his head. I know Harry realizes I want to go but also that I don't like to make a scene so the fact that he's acting so subtly makes me less anxious about everything.

"Uh yea sure, we're pretty much done. Just as soon as Glenne's done looking at the paintings, she probably won't stop to look at too much stuff. Then we just gotta get the bookcase and we can get going" Jeff says and Harry looks at me to see if I can wait that long so I just nod my head at Jeff and tell him that's fine. I can't really force them out and not have things be awkward. I can feel Harry's eyes on me but I don't want to say anything. I know people are watching us and I don't feel comfortable trying to get us out of here. Besides, we've finally stopped to look at things, I might as well look around myself. Even if most of these things are little and kinda irrelevant at the moment maybe they'll spark some inspiration... Yeah, they don't spark any inspiration. Once Glenne grabs a few more pillow covers and plants we're finally ready to go grab the bookcase and leave.

"Hey, uhh we have to go to the bathroom so we'll just meet up with you guys in the car after you've got the bookcase and bought everything" Harry says.

"Aww man I was planning on making you pay" Jeff jokes which makes Harry chuckle as he grabs my hand and begins to walk away.

"Harry I don't have to use the bathroom" I admit as we walk and he nods his head.

"Neither do I, but we need to talk" he says as we stand by the exit of Ikea. "What's wrong?" he asks as we lean up against a wall as to not block people from being able to walk by.

"Nothing, I just want to go home" I shrug, I don't really wanna whine, I just wanna move on.

"Why? What's wrong?" he repeats and I know I'm not gonna get out of this. But, to be honest, I'm kinda glad that I won't, I've always loved when Harry would genuinely put energy into prying information from me and the fact that he's still doing it shows that he still cares and loves me just the same.

"Why are we here? We didn't look at anything! You were off talking to Jeff and I trailed behind you two the whole time. No one cared if I wanted something, which you know was the whole reason any of us were here today. The only time anyone seemed to care about anything was when Glenne wanted something, we stopped for Glenne, anything for Glenne! It hurt! And I know I could've just asked you guys to stop so I could look at something but I didn't even know what I wanted to look at and I couldn't ask you guys to stop every five second, that's embarrassing. I'm not as comfortable around Jeff as you are and I don't know, I just feel like today was a complete waste of time. Like my opinion didn't even matter, and no one even noticed I was here" I confess. I know it's a lot to admit but it's how I feel and I've been in a bad mood all day I can't hide it. Without even saying anything Harry grabs my hand and begins to walk towards the front of the store again but I stop him. "Harry stop where are you going?" I ask.

"I'm sorry Ari I didn't realize, I feel so stupid. C'mon let's go back, we can actually shop this time" he says but I shake my head.

"Stop it's fine, seriously. People are looking at us don't make this a thing" I admit and I notice him frown as he walks back so we're face to face... I mean we would be if it weren't for our height difference. Either way, it draws less attention and makes me feel less exposed.

"What? Are you getting anxious? Ari, I'm sorry I really didn't realize and I don't know what to do. Let's go back, let's do over" he says but I shake my head again.

"It's fine, I don't wanna go back, I don't want a 'do over,' I really just wanna go home" I admit.

"Glenne isn't more important than you by the way, I paid an equal amount of absolutely no attention to both of you" he says which makes me laugh and I can tell that's exactly what he wanted to do. "I am sorry babe" he says with a smile that is so infectious, I know there's no way I could ever be upset.

"It's fine, honestly it just felt like we really were coming along with Jeff and Glenne as they shopped for furniture. Which I mean who cares, I'm glad they got stuff, I would've just preferred to spend the day with you" I admit before I decide to backtrack a little "I mean I get why they had to come and I'm not complaining. Really, it's fine. Let's go, I really don't wanna talk about it again" I admit, there's no point of talking about it any longer and I don't want to anyways. Thankfully Harry gets it and just quietly wraps his arm around me as we head towards the door and I feel him kiss my forehead. "It's a really cute bookcase by the way" I joke which makes Harry and I burst out laughing as we walk towards his car. Jeff and Glenne aren't here yet which is good, I would've hate to keep them waiting.

"He found some guitarist or something and he wants to get my opinion" Harry says as he fills me in on what he and Jeff were talking about today as we wait for them.

"For your band?" I ask and Harry nods his head. I know he's getting closer and closer to working on his own solo stuff and I'm really excited to hear what he makes. "They're here" I alert Harry when I notice Jeff and Glenne walking towards the car. Harry gets out of the car to help Jeff put the bookcase in the trunk as Glenne jumps in the back seat.

"Ah, I am exhausted" she exclaims and I try to laugh and be polite. I don't know her that well, although she and Harry are good friends and I don't have any problem with her. I really find it hard to become friends with someone, I just always feel too awkward.

"Ari, you didn't even get anything" Jeff laughs as he gets into the car and I fake laugh once again, I can tell Harry is upset by his comment so I decide to respond politely before he tries to defend me when I really don't need him to.

"I know, I guess I couldn't find anything" I smile as I nod my head.

"Your taste is a bit more expensive huh?" Jeff says. I know he's joking but it's kinda annoying. I know Ikea furniture is fairly affordable but that would never draw me away from buying it, it's kinda ironic too since he's actually the reason I didn't get anything.

"If Ari's taste was super stuck up she'd be the one to have a whole closet dedicated to her shoes" Harry rebuttals and I want to hit him in the head. He shouldn't be shady towards Jeff, it's no big deal.

"Yeah, yeah take the piss out of me whatever" Jeff laughs clearly not noticing the subtle shade Harry had just thrown at him since Jeff himself has a whole walk in closet in his house dedicated to his sneakers. Thankfully, Harry lets go of it and we can have a relaxing and nice car ride. "Thanks for the ride mate. Hopefully I'll see you two soon, keep an eye on him Ari" Jeff says as we drive into his driveway and he and Glenne get out of the car. I wave goodbye to the two of them and it feels like a huge weight is being lifted off my shoulders now that I'm finally alone with just Harry and I feel like I can just be myself.

"Where are you going? I thought we're supposed to turn left" I say as Harry drives us back home.

"I thought we could go grab something to eat first" he says and I nod my head, I'm kinda hungry and so I don't mind if we stop to grab something to eat. Plus, I hate deciding what to eat so if Harry has already made the decision that makes things so much easier. "I mean unless you really want to go back home" he says but I shake my head. I was telling him earlier that I wanted to but I really just meant I wanted to leave, be away from others, including Jeff, and just relax.

"It's fine, as long as you don't have some place horrible in mind" I admit which makes him laugh as we continue to drive. The radios on and it's kinda helping me cool down since I've been in a terrible mood all day. "You should make music like this" I joke, Drake's song One Dance is playing and it's got a bit of a Caribbean vibe to it that is much different to Harry's own style.

"I wrote this song actually" he jokes as he pulls up to Nandos, I'm so glad this is where he's decided to get food from. "Do you wanna come?" He asks but I shake my head, I don't really wanna be around other people. "I'll be right back" he says as he heads out of the car.

"Hurry! I'm hungry" I whine playfully. Harry has been ordering food for us so many times I know I don't even have to tell him what I want. Besides, I'm kinda tired from all my emotions and kinda want to get some rest.

"Ari, Ari wake up are you sleeping?" I hear Harry laugh as he hops into the car. I didn't even realize it but I must've dozed off as I waited for Harry to come back with our food. "You can't fall asleep yet, we're just getting started" he exclaims.

"What are you talking about?" I frown as I try to wake up a bit.

"You think I was gonna just call it a night with some Nandos?" he questions and I nod my head as I let out a little yawn, I don't know what Harry is planning but I would love nothing more than to just eat some food and do nothing.

"What were you planning?" I ask, if Harry wants to do something else I'll do it, as long as he's happy.

"Oh forget it" he says playfully and I begin to beg him to tell me that he's up to. "I know this arcade, downtown. It's closed right now but I know the owner and thought we could just go and play some games" he admits. That sounds like the exact opposite of what I want to do but I can't really say that, Harry put energy into this, I don't want to let him down.

"Okay, let's go" I say as cheerfully as I can but Harry clearly isn't buying it.

"Nope, no way! It's fine, another time" he says but I won't give up that easy. I keep begging him and he keeps shaking his head. "It's not happening!" Harry exclaims as he grabs his keys and throws them towards the trunk. "We're gonna sit here and eat our food then we can try and find my keys and go home" he states.

"Your an idiot. Your car isn't even messy! I can see your keys, they're right there" I argue as Harry and I burst into laughter. "Are you sure about this?" I ask, I'm hoping he's not just downplaying this and genuinely doesn't mind what we do today. He nods his head and I'm glad he really acknowledges me and my feelings. It makes me realize the way he treated me today at Ikea was just a fluke, he does care about me. "Thank you" I say softly, I love him so much.

"You know it's weird, eating Nando's in my car was actually my backup plan, a close second if you will " he jokes and I playfully roll my eyes.

"I love you Harry" I admit as I look at him in his eyes and wait for him to say it back.

"You have something, right there" he says as he points to the side of my cheek and I embarrassingly try and wipe it off. What a way to ruin the moment.

"I feel like I've wiped off my entire cheek" I joke as I try and get whatever sauce I have on my face as Harry tries to guide me with his words and actions.

"No, right there" Harry laughs as I try to wipe my face. "Here let me" he says as he cups my face and playfully slobbers my face with his kisses and I realize I never had anything on my face to begin with.

"Wait, Harry! I think I saw a camera flash" I exclaim as I push him off of me and look around before looking back at Harry. I watch as he looks back towards his keys before shrugging "dammit" he exclaims before taking another bite of his burger. I can't help but laugh as I physically facepalm my forehead before abandoning the need to hide our relationship and dig in as well.

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