Army Girls (FairyTail)

By 666reddog

28.6K 1K 277

It was ten years ago. When the Empire broke the truce and attacked. They took over most of the world. Japan... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~The End~

~Chapter 16~

892 30 9
By 666reddog

That night we saw Erza and Jellal smiling and laughing at the edge of the ship. Juvia and I were caught by Mira who only joined us in spying on them. She was calling them Jerza. I laughed at the nick name but after an hour Erza noticed us. We all ran off in retreat knowing we would be so dead if she got upset. By tomorrow morning we was in the snowy Russia base. We was getting off the carrier all of us ready to finish Precht off. "You sure you can face Ivan?" I asked Laxus in a whisper as he closed his eyes.

"Bastard helped Precht, for that I hope Mira takes time in killing him" Laxus answered as I was shocked by his words. Mira turned her head looking at Laxus worried as Levy was taken straight to a medical bay. We all was walking to some trucks to take us straight to the op. I saw rage and bloodlust on Laxus's and Erza's faces. I was slightly worried for them. Natsu was sitting next to me as we was put in a team. Jellal and Erza. Gray and Juvia. Mira and Laxus then me and Natsu. Once we got to the base it was a war zone.

Tanks on both sides firing like crazy as we was forced to jump out the truck as it blew up from a RPG. we all was rushing off in our teams and Natsu and I were to get into the main hub and get information off their computer hard drives. We was rushing to the computer room following a small team of Russians. We was behind covering shooting as I was taking guys off the top of the building as Natsu shouted my name. I soon followed him around the side of the building as we crashed through the window as I heard Plue barking. 

I turned my head see him rushing over jumping through the window at a Empire scumbag. I jumped through after shooting the others in the room as Natsu did the same right after myself. Once it as clear we headed to the stairs were we saw Precht. From at the bottom of the stairs a sniper shot toward as as we moved to the walls. "Mira Ivan is here with Precht" I spoke on the coms as I heard that she and Laxus were on their way as Natsu was giving cover fire as I rushed in with a knife aim at Precht who grabbed my arm slamming me onto the wall.

He was a lot stronger than before. "LUCY!" Natsu shouted worried aiming toward Precht, threatening him to put me down. Natsu soon got hit in the shoulder pushing him to fall backwards onto his side his gun away from him as Precht pulled out a pistol shooting Natsu in the leg as he was dragging me down the stairs. "Not this time" I spoke jumping up wrapping my arms around Precht's and threw him at the wall stealing his pistol and shot toward Ivan making him go back as I soon was out of bullet in Precht's gun as I used my own firing while going back up the steps.

That was until a bullet hit my side pushing me backwards onto the stairs as I fell down a couple of them. Precht kicked my side as I saw a needle of that drug on his belt. My eyes widen as memories of that pit came into my mind. The feeling of that pain Irene did to me came rushing through as I kicked him hard in the balls and then in his neck pushing him down the whole stairs. I was breathing heavy calming myself down as I heard Irene's chuckle behind me. I turned around to see her smirking toward me.

"I see why he wants you" she spoke grabbing my hair pulling me up on my feet and then into the wall as I felt an injection in my back. I was soon screaming in pure pain as it was worse than the drug I had before. "I had fun editing the drug Precht made, you will be my first test subject" she then spoke with a evil laugh as I was screaming hearing Natsu shouted my name worried as I soon heard shooting up the stairs as I was being dragged down, unable to move as I was breathing heavy short breaths. 

I was thrown on the floor as Precht was coughing hard as Ivan was watching the stairs with a ton of men guarding them. "I was hoping to run into Erza on the way here" Irene sighed as my eyes widen. "What is with you and that annoying bitch? You always said you want to meet her" Ivan spoke with harshness in his voice as Irene sat in a chair next to me looking at me with a smirk. "I am her mother" she answered as I froze up. E-Erza's birth mother? "I gave her up back then to give her a better life but seems she ended up working for Makarov" Irene then sighed. 

"You are a rich and second most powerful Spriggan" Ivan mumbled annoyed. Spriggan. One of the Empire's best dogs. A grenade soon blew up at the men pushing them back as shot broke Ivan's sniper as Laxus came down the stairs shooting as I was shot in the leg getting Laxus to freeze. "Another step and I will end her suffering now" Irene spoke a gun pointed toward my head as I was sweating taking short heavy breaths still. "Laxus" I spoke in pain my eyes watering as I ended up hugging myself. 

"You bastards gave her that drug again" Laxus nearly shouted his grip on his gun gotten tighter as I heard Mira in the coms saying she was unable to get an angle on Irene. I also heard Levy saying she was on the way with a cure and a medical kit for Natsu. I was soon coughing blood as Laxus was looking toward me with pure fear and worry on his face. "She is you adoptive sister is she now?" Irene asked leaning back in her chair smirking as Laxus was only looking toward me. 

"Lucy just stay awake" he spoke not answering Irene getting her to laugh and ready her gun to shot. "I would answer my questions unless you want your little sister to get another whip beating from me" Irene spoke as I glared toward her. "" I snapped deeper breaths in between each word as she only laughed toward me. "Don't worry I very much will our King does wish to meet you if I bring you back alive" Irene then spoke as I heard through the coms that everyone was up the stairs. 

They was waiting on Laxus's word to charge in. He didn't want to risk me getting hurt. "Bring Erza down here or I will end this young girl's life" Irene then spoke as I shouted 'dont' to Laxus causing me to scream in pain from doing so. "Maybe I will just inject her with another one of my new injections" Irene then had a soldier bring her a bag full of injections of the liquid. I was soon shaking as we heard Erza shouting that she was coming down the stairs unarmed. That baka! 

She soon was down here her hands in the air as she really was unarmed. "It is good to see you again Erza, you have grown to look much like me" Irene spoke as Erza looking confused as did Laxus as Irene only chuckled. "No hello to your own mother?" Irene asked as both Erza's and Laxus's jaws dropped as she grabbed another needle from the bag. I heard Levy say I couldn't handle another injection through the coms as Erza shouted 'stop' stepping forward getting guns pointed toward her. She was more worried than Laxus.

"You both care for her don't you? Then let me take her without fuss, then I can promise she won't get drugged anymore" Irene then spoke as they looked toward me as I was struggling move. "Erza..." I whispered tears building up from the pain as she had pure utter fear on her face looking toward me. "You vowed to protect her after Makarov died correct?" Irene asked as Erza glared toward her. "At lest I know how to protect and care for family" Erza snapped as Irene only laughed not caring one bit about her comment. 

"Ivan go ready the truck" Irene spoke as Ivan headed through the other exit as huge amount of pain came through me making me scream again as both Laxus and Erza sweat dropped going pale. "You three at like Makarov I learnt none of you will crack unless your family is in danger" Irene spoke shooting both Laxus and Erza in the right bottom side of their gut pushing them to the ground. Erza was holding her bleeding wound as Laxus was pushing myself to sit up. "Now then Heartfilla time to pick who do I kill?" Irene asked looking toward me. 

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