Stuck Up Meets Crazy. [COMPLE...

By i_am_ifeee

6M 234K 25.4K

"Wait let me get this straight, you want me to get fat?" Cara does not know if she should be offended or thr... More



168K 6.4K 524
By i_am_ifeee

Palms sweaty, feet tapping on the wooden floor slowly, making squeaking noises, heart racing, thoughts wandering but above all these traits of nervousness, Cara's heart is in the right place. She stood in front of Jim's door with her right fist curved into a ball as she considers knocking.

She wishes someone can come and save her from all of this but then Cara doesn't believe in the knight and shining amour bullshit. She realized all clichés are a joke after she lost her virginity to Jax at the back of his car at a camping trip in high school, only for him to tell all his crew about it and soon everyone in Redwood Prep started talking about it. Plus, Cara's forever knight and shining armor, Martin Green, is dead.

Upon all the bad break up's Cara has been through, she still believes in love but not fairy tales, she believes in the love her dad and mum shared and she can't wait to experience it. Maybe that's why Jerky Jax and all other assholes were able to fuck with her heart but they don't usually get away with it. Cara's ex-boyfriend, Lionel, barely escaped the relationship with his legs after Cara ran him over with her bike (Another reason she loves her bike). Jerky Jax got kneed in the area where the sun doesn't shine and got his head stuffed into a toilet.

Sadly no one saves Cara because she finally has to knock after minutes of stalling and that she did. A light knock as her balled fist comes in contact with the wooden door and a much louder knock the second time.

"Come in," Jim yells from inside. Cara takes a deep breath before twisting the doorknob with the hand right hand which she releases from its balled position.

Cara walks slowly into the poorly dimed office, the wooden floor makes annoying squawking noises as she moves closer to this small wooden table which Jim places strategically in the middle of the room. With all the money Jim has from bets and pimping girls out, he is known to be a selfish man, even to himself. It is no surprise that the blue paint color is already peeling away, the place dirty, the fan poorly functioning and the environment feels suffocating. Cara wants to throw up, standing here is unsettling for her stomach, nervousness and the nauseating environment is a mixture that does no to well.

"What? Have the drink finished in the bar?" Jim yells, such a loud voice for a short man. Cara only ever comes here when the drinks need to be restocked or when she wants to collect her salary. Never in a million years did Cara think that she will be before Jerky Jim offering herself.

"No," Cara can end this but ending this means ending her mum's chances for surgery.

"Then what hot stuff?" Jim gets down from his chair, with an idea in his head of why Cara was standing before nervous. Jim has witnessed a lot of young ladies come to him nervous when they are about to offer themselves and Cara is not any different but he wants to hear her say it.

Cara tries not to puke in her mouth as he comes closer to her, urging her to say the words.

"I-I wan-want..." Cara stops, clears her throat and tries speaking again. "I want to ask if the other part of this job is available." That is all Jim needs to hear before he begins to smile like the creep that he is.

All Jim can think of is the money Cara is going to make him, his customers had seen Cara over the counter a couple of times and offered a ridiculous amount of money to take her back to their hotel but Cara had refused. Jim never thought Cara would be the one in front of him with his offer, he thinks she is strong-willed and stubborn but Jim isn't going to sit her down and advise her like a father, he is lucky that she before him now and he won't ruin it.

Cara can't believe she uttered those words, the smug on his face disgusts her him. To make it worse and uncomfortable, she feels the middle-aged man grab her butt with her smirk on his face.

She wants to slap the smug of his face and break his nose but she stands still until he lets go. All she can see his red with murder on her mind but she controls it.

"Well, well, well." Jim walks away from her giving Cara a breathing space as he goes and sits on his chair. "My clients have been dying to have a piece of you." He speaks the truth. Another truth is that he himself wanted Cara, he can feel the bulge in his pants, painfully pushing against his zip as he touched Cara's soft ass. He is seating down to control himself, Jim doesn't sleep with his girls but Cara is tempting.

He is definitely going to jerk off over the feel of Cara's butt the minute she leaves.

Cara is beautiful, no man can disagree, apart from facial beauty, Cara has an hourglass figure, thick thighs, well-structured ass but she lacked the boobs to make a cleavage dress or shirt work.

"Look, I just need the fast cash now." Cara doesn't even know why she is explaining but she feels the need to. The explanation is more to her, reminding her self why she is going through this humiliation.

"Don't we all." Jim mocks.

"Be ready by 8." Cara takes his next statement as her cue to leave and that she does, not looking back. She takes what's left of her pride out of the disgusting office and away from its disgusting owner.

Cara had tried to prevent her roommate/best friend from finding out about her arrangement with Jim but it only took an hour for Cassie to find out her best friend was hiding something. When Cara told Cassie her plans, Cassie felt her heart crash into pieces. She wouldn't wish her way of life to anybody, especially her best friend.

She doesn't want her best friend to experience the emptiness she feels inside her as she gives herself to those men, the shame she feels when they give her money for her service, she dies a little every time. Cassie tried talking Cara out of it but she had made up her mind.

Since it's no use convincing her, Cassie decides to help her friend, with makeup and lingerie related issues. Cassie looks at her friend from the mirror as she helps her straight her wild curls that she always envy, she hates that Cara is doing this.

"Are you sure about this?" Cassie asks as she drops the straighter on the table, turning it off from the socket. Cara starts at her image in the mirror as she takes in the new look, straight her, heavy makeup on crowned with a bold red lipstick. She looks beautiful but it's not the type of beauty she is used to, she misses her curls.

She gives her friend a small smile before answering the question Cassie has asked 10 times already.

"Relax, it's not that I am a virgin or anything." Cara jokes but Cassie keeps a straight face. She knows her best friend makes jokes when she is in an uncomfortable situation, scared, nervous and sad.

To keep her head straight and not freak out, Cara imagines what she is about to do this night as a nightstand but with a catch, she gets paid.

Cara has had a lot of one night stands with drunks at the bar, with the guy who looked like Idris Elba and so may more idiots, this won't be that bad.

"It doesn't make a difference," Cassie muttered playing with Cara's hair. Cara turns, facing her best friend, overwhelmed by the care and worry.

"I am going to be okay, I promise." Cara holds her hands as they both stare into each other's eyes. Cassie has a chestnut brown eyes with matched the color of her hair, her shoulder-length hair cut fits her round face perfectly, it is no surprise she always cut it once it goes over her shoulders.

"Besides, the money being offered for a night is jaw-dropping," Jim had called 2 hours back, giving Cara the venue and the money she is to expect. The pervert is offering a thousand dollars for the night, it is absolutely crazy. She couldn't help but wonder who it was and why he offers so much money for her.

"Don't you think it's too much? I mean girl, your pussy ain't made out of gold." Cara gasps at Cassie's statement, she knows she is joking but dramatic Cara will always come out. Cara smacks Cassie's hands which she is holding, Cassie drags her hand away.

"Ouch, I was just saying." She shrugs.

"You never know it might be." Cara brags as they both burst out into laughter.

Cara stands up taking a look at her full image in the mirror, she isn't proud of what she was looking at. Not because she didn't think she looks beautiful but because she subjected herself to be an object for a man's pleasure. Black lacy bra with matching panties and high heels, she feels like puking at her image.

She looks like a hoe.

"Wish me luck." Cara walks over to get her coat but she struggles considering the fact that she doesn't like wearing heels. Cara wears her coat, comfortable by the warmth it gives.

"Luck." Cassie watches her friend with amusement on her face on how her friend legs till shakes when wearing heels. Cara uses the wall as her guide as she walks towards the door, she turns to Cassie as she hears her laughing. Cara glares at her best friend before walking out of the room.

Cara walks towards the room which the hotel receptionist at the lobby directed her to, as she walks out of the elevator, she couldn't help but commend the perverts taste, it's quite exquisite. The walls painted in gold with amazing and weird artworks hung on the wall as she walked through the passage, staring at the numbers at each metal gold door so as to not miss her way. The beautiful chandeliers falling from the high ceiling brightens the passage as well as beautifying it, the passage smells of flowers but Cara cannot find any flowers, it is just beautiful.

Cara wonders how much her client will spend for a night here, it sure will be much, and it almost scares her. Fearless Cara had thought of possible outcomes this night while she was in her Uber coming, worst case scenario, she is used as sacrifice to appease some god and best case scenario, she does what she needs to do and gets home unharmed, with the money of course.

Her heart skips a beat as she set her eyes on a metal inscription that says, Room 209, her heart squeezes as her head tells her it's time.

"You can do this," Cara mutters her mantra for the night before knocking on the door, she took a step back after knocking, and just in case he is going open the door, she didn't want to be close to him. Within seconds a reply comes, "It is open." The voice says. Cara raises her eyebrows as she can swear that the voice sounds familiar, she just can't put a face to the voice. She takes a dramatic breath in and out before placing her hand on the cold metal and pushing it down.

When she thought she had seen enough, Cara sets her eyes at the beautiful room before her with its king-sized bed strategically placed in the middle of it. The room painted in white which is distinct from the flashy gold color she was welcomed with, the room is spacious with leather chairs facing the bed. She gulps as she takes in the content of the table placed in the middle of the red leather chairs, different fruits placed on it, ranging from grapes, apples, bananas, and strawberries. A bottle of wine dipped in a bucket of ice and leaves on glass plates, rich people call them food but Cara would rather eat burgers than a fancy dinner of green leaves.

Thinking about burgers, Cara's stomach growls as her eyes stay glued to the mouth-watering fruits, before her.

"Not now." Cara mentally scolded herself.

Cara reluctantly takes her eyes off the table as she directs it back to the king-sized bed, silk sheets, and roses on the bed, at least she is going to lose her dignity in style. She has been hearing water running since she entered so she figured that the pervert is in the toilet and when she hears the sound of flushing, she figures it's time.

Cara throws her small bag on the floor then unties her coat and takes it off, she welcomes the cold air that hits her as the coat slips to the ground. Cara just wants to get it over with, no sexy reveal of what is under her coat or any other bullshit foreplay, she just wants to get to it and leave.

When she hears the toilet door open, Cara slowly directs her face to the sound, her heart beating hard as she gets ready to see the person she is to have see with. Cara's heart stops as the opened door reveals the owner of the familiar voice and she can't believe her eyes.

It's Alexander but as Cara will rather say Mr. Douche

"I always seem to get that reaction from you." The first time they met, Cara had her jaw hanging when she set her eyes on him and right now she is doing the same.

The hanging jaw isn't the first thing Alexander noticed when he first saw Cara, he won't admit it but it was her curls and the first thing he notices now is the straightened hair, he likes the curls better.

Alexander tries to control his eyes length but his eyes a mind of his own, he scanned the beauty from head to toe.

Noticing that Miss Crazy is still in shock, Alex takes the opportunity to walk over to the leather chair and pick an apple before sitting down.

"So you are a whore, not surprised." Alex bites down on his apple bringing Cara out of her shock.  She hugs herself as she becomes conscious of her surroundings. She is with the enemy and you don't wear lingerie for the enemy. Cara bends down to get her coat not conscious that she is stepping on it, causing her to land on her butt, as she falls so did her pride.


Cara hugs her coat tightly as she glares at Alexander whose eyes his glued to his phone, biting down on his apple as he typed. Cara is not sure what this is all about, she doesn't know why this man is here but one thing she is sure of is her rising hate for him.

"That was quite a show." Alex won't pretend he didn't laugh when she fell on her bare butt, not gentlemanly of him of course but he doesn't believe the girl before he deserves any after the stunt she pulled. She should be grateful to him that she is not rotting in some cell right now, that is the only gift she is going to collect from him after making him lose a lot of money.

"What do you want?" Cara finally finds her voice back but she didn't sound as confident as she wants to. Handsome guys have always been her weakness and now, one is in front of her, all suited up and smelling really good.

Alex did not reply to her question instead he studied the sketches for a new jewel design for his company, he has to find a way to regain the money she made him loose. Cara stares at the bastard that is obviously ignoring her, she wants to strangle him.

"There is no way in hell that I will have sex with you." Cara will always say the first thing that comes to her head and not having intercourse with this arrogant man is an obvious decision. He might be handsome and hot, also, the money will get her somewhere with the medical bills but he is an asshole.

"Having sex with you is the least of my priorities." This is true, Alex has a lot in his plate, board meeting to attend tomorrow, investors to convince and even having an agreement with the crazy woman before him, sex isn't what he wants.

If he doesn't wasn't to have sex with her, why is she here? Is this some payback? Is this a prank? Cara's thoughts are all over the place.

"Sit," Alex commands placing his phone on his lap after which he disposes of the partly finished apple before giving her his full concentration. Cara doesn't know why she sits on his command. It is almost shocking because no one tells Cara Green what to do. Cara thinks of standing up again, not giving him the satisfaction of being able to command her but she knows she will just appear childish.

Alex stares at the woman who has a frown on her face, he could notice the hate she has developed for him and he can bet their hate for each other is at an equal level. Although he believes he deserves to be angry, she is just being a whiney child. As he stares at her, he tries to gather words to use for his proposal to the woman before him, he has all the information he needs, he just has to say the words.

"Are we going to stare at each other all day or are you going to say something?" The only reason Cara is still sitting and being subjected to his intense scrutiny through his eyes is because of a couple of dollars she is still determined to get.

"You should try the salad." Alex offers as he is still trying to get the right words. Cara knows he is stalling and it's pissing her off.

"If you don't say something, I am going to walk out of here." Cara is bluffing, she is not going anywhere without the money, she needs it.

"Fine," Alex still can't find the right words, so he is just going to say it. "I need you to be pregnant."


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