Bad Boy Mahone

By blink182s

239K 7.5K 887

"Some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best, and then there are those remarkably rare... More

Chapter One "School is school."
Chapter Two "I need you to do a favor for me."
Chapter Three "You're in danger."
Chapter Four "World so cold."
Chapter Five "That's my story."
Chapter Six "This Means War."
Chapter Seven "Bring it on."
Chapter Eight "There's something different about you."
Chapter Nine "Why do you always calm me down?"
Chapter Eleven "Oh? Do i make you nervous?"
Chapter Twelve "Don't act like you didn't like it."
Chapter Thirteen "I failed you and I'm sorry."
Chapter Fourteen "You're not scared of me are you?"
Chapter Fifteen "Keep an eye out."
Chapter Sixteen "Trust me."
Chapter Seventeen "There's something going on."
Chapter Eighteen "You never know what damage your enemies can do to you."
Chapter Nineteen "What do you want from me?"
Chapter Twenty "This house no longer is a home."
Chapter Twenty One "Hope is a bitch."
Chapter Twenty Two "Don't tempt me."
Chapter Twenty Three "Big mistake on your part."
Chapter Twenty Four "Sometimes you are destroyed."
Chapter Twenty Five "Stay With Me."
Chapter Twenty Six "I'm just trying to protect us."
Chapter Twenty Seven "Why now?"
Chapter Twenty Eight "Blown to bits."
Chapter Twenty Nine "I was afraid to love."
Chapter Thirty "We have a big problem here."
Chapter Thirty One "If you want to play with fire, you're going to get burned."
Chapter Thirty Two "How long can you stand the pain?"
Chapter Thirty Three "Its like you're screaming, but no one can hear you."
Chapter Thirty Four "Since when the hell do you smoke?"
Chapter Thirty Five "Pretty faces don't last long."
Chapter Thirty Six "I promise."
Chapter Thirty Seven "Don't judge a book by its cover."
Chapter Thirty Eight "You're turning into a monster."
Chapter Thirty Nine "Pick up the pieces."
Chapter Forty "I've already given up."
Chapter Forty One "You threw it away."
Chapter Forty Two "Memories will haunt you."
Chapter Forty Three "Letters to you."
Chapter Forty Four "Go get him."
Chapter Forty Five "When it's real you can't walk away."
Chapter Forty Six "Just another enemy."
Chapter Forty Seven "Everything feels different."
Chapter Forty Eight "Its time."
Chapter Forty Nine "Have fun in hell."
Chapter Fifty "It's already over."

Chapter Ten "It was time to let go."

5.7K 174 21
By blink182s

Chapter Ten

Chapter Song: We Are Broken - Paramore

Austin's Point of View

I was out with the guys for a little bit drinking. I was planning on going home but I was driving to Elena's house just to talk to her. I pulled up to her driveway next to her car and went to the front steps. I knocked on the door and stood there until someone answered. Nothing happened so I knocked again and started to ring the doorbell. I was standing out there for about 7 minutes and I didn't hear anything. I opened the door and walked inside just to check up on her. Right when I turned to the right of the hall I saw Elena laying there, not being able to move. "Austin." she cried softly.

Elena's Point of View

3 hours I was laying on the ground for. I felt tired and so drained of energy. I could feel the blood from my head trickle town and drop on the carpet. My mom grabbed her purse and left the house for the night most likely leaving me here to die.

The doorbell rang and someone knocked on the door but I couldn't answer it. All I was thinking bout was Austin coming here to save me and make everything better but that was not the case. The door slowly opened and I heard footsteps coming towards my direction. It was Austin. "Austin." I said in a whisper. I could hear the weakness in my voice. This was all I needed, was for him to help me.

Austin's Point of View

I rushed over to Elena and placed her head on my lap. She was crying softly, I could hear the pain. "What happened?" I said wiping the blood from her face. Her skin wasn't even the tan shade it naturally is, it was pale. "M-My mom. She left me here to die. I thought I was going die." I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom upstairs. I turned the shower hose on and rinsed her hair out. The water was turning red. I spotted the place on her head where the blood was coming from. It was a deep cut. She was slowly closing her eyes and losing consciousness. "Stay with me Elena, you'll be okay." I grabbed a towel and dried her and eventually wrapped it around the huge cut on her head. I picked her up again and ran to my car. I placed her down in the backseat and hoped in. I sped out of the driveway and took out phone, calling Alex. "Hello." "I'm on my way to the hospital meet me there."

"What? Why?"

"Elena, she needs to get to a hospital and I'm bringing her. Get here as soon as you can with the guys." I hung up and placed my phone down. "God dammit." I said under my breath. I looked back to check up on her. I made it to the hospital in a matter of 15 minutes.

I picked her up again and brought her inside to the ER. "Somebody help my friend is bleeding really bad!" I was just standing there holding Elena in my arms. "Well is nobody going to fucking help, she's going to die if no one comes!" I lady came and took her in and asked me a lot of questions. Elena was back getting help and I took a seat in one of the very uncomfortable chairs. The guys came in not that long after. "What happened to her is she okay?" Robert said. "I went to go visit her and no one answered the door. So, I walked in just to check upon her and I saw here on the ground bleeding from her head." I ran my fingers through my hair, stressed out. "All she said that it was here mom, and she left her there to die." Robert stood up. "She told me about her mom. I didn't know it was that bad," he sighed. "I knew it too. I told her to tell me if anything happens. I never knew it happened so often."

"Excuse me but which one of you fellows is Austin?" A middle aged male doctor came up to us. "I am sir," I raised my hand. "Will you come with me for a moment." He walked me over to somewhere private so we could talk. "Elena is fine. She just needs to stay in here for the rest of the week so she can be healthy again. She did lose a lot of blood. But I need to ask you, do you know what happened?" "I walked into her house to check up on her because no one was answering. I just saw her lying on the ground, too weak to move. She told me that her mom did it to her." He nodded his head. "Does this happen often?" I know she never wanted me to tell anyone because she said she still needed her mom. But I have to speak up because I can't have her like this. "She told me that her mom has abused her ever since she was 7 sir."

"Do you by any chance know her mother's name?"

"Elizabeth Carter." He raised his eyebrows and stopped writing. "Elizabeth Carter you said? As in the Elizabeth Carter that the FBI has been trying to hunt down for years after Logan Carter's death?" I nodded my head. "That's her sir."

"Well thank you for all these answers. I really appreciate it. Now all I have to do is call to get Elizabeth in prison." We shook hands and I walked back to the guys.

"She's staying here for the rest of the week and her mom is being taken to prison."

"No you didn't!" Robert yelled. "She told you to never tell on her mom because that's all that she has left!" "Well what did you want me to do? Our friend almost fucking died Robert! Her own mom tried to kill her. I needed to do something because I'm not going to have her like that again." "You're right. It's just what is she going to do when she finds out. She's going to be crushed." "She'll be fine. She won't be hurt anymore. Let's go home."

After I took a shower, I settled down on my bed, staring up at the ceiling with my hands tucked behind my head. I heard the door open and looked over, it was just Alex. "Sup man?" He took a seat at the edge of my bed. "Hey man what are doing?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Thinking about how fucked up the world can be."

"Or thinking about her."

I snapped my head over to him to see that he had a smirk on his face. "What do you mean?"

"You know what I'm talking about. The other guys besides Robert may not see it, but I sure can."

"What the fuck are you talking about AC?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"The girl."

"What about her?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"So now you know who I'm talking about but 30 seconds ago you had no clue." I could sense the amusement in his tone.

"Who? Casey?"

"You know damn right I'm not talking about Casey, and so do you." He paused. "I'm talking about Elena."

"What about Elena?"

"You like her."

"Please AC, I don't like anyone right now." I laughed.

"Don't be like that. I can see through you Austin and I know when you like someone."

I scoffed. 'Bullshit."

"What's bullshit is that you are denying it. All I'm saying is that Elena means something to you."

"She's not that special." I wanted him to shut up.

"That's why you didn't refuse when she went with you to get Casey, or when you brought her to the spot above the beach and told her your story. Don't forget when you brought her out somewhere after school after the night she stayed at our house. Most importantly, don't forget about what happened tonight." Sarcasm dripped from each word that came out o his mouth.

"Listen, all I'm saying is that maybe it's time to let someone in." He stood up from my bed and headed towards the door. "Think about it man." He closed the door shut behind him.

I didn't like Elena.

When I first met her she never did shut up. All she would do was question everything and it annoyed me. But she's so understanding and knows how I feel.

Her ass is nice and she's hot as fuck.

She get's into my head, causing me to flip out. She also stopped me from killing Dean.

But her eyes and lips...

I growed and ran my fingers through my hair, pulling at the ends. I could feel myself growing hot with annoyance.

"You like her."

Those words stuck in my head, repeating in my head over and over again.

I got up from my bed and stormed to the balcony in my room. I flung the doors open and walked the edge, taking in fresh air.

Elena's Point of View

I woke up with a pounding headache and drank some water. I'm starting to regain all of my strength in my body again. My face was staring to gain it's darker shade now, but the bruises are blackish-green now. I'm in here until Sunday and I have to cancel my plan tomorrow with Tyler.

The door opened to a smiling Sarah with a cookie cake and a balloon.

She set down the cake and placed the balloon next to my bed. "Hey girl how are you doing?"

"Better then yesterday, that's all I know."

She frowned. "I never knew about all of this Elena. It's such a mess. You really don't deserve any of it." She paused. "Alex told me everything and I couldn't bare listening to any of it. I had such a hard time sleeping that night. I didn't even go to school today."

I placed my hand on her forearm. "I'm here right now."

The nurse came in to give me some pain medicine and asked how I was doing. I just wanted to get out of here. Hospitals are to sad to stay in for more than one night. Me and Sarah shred some good laughs before she left.

No Ones Point of View

That day at 3 in the morning the police tracked down Elizabeth Carter. She was over at the cub with an older man. SWAT cars surrounded the building. She would never see her daughter, until the trial for the murder of her husband.

Meanwhile back at Austin's house, he was planning on telling Elena about her mom without her finding out on the news. He couldn't sleep at all that night. Elena was all he could think about. The whole crew skipped school tat day.

Austin grabbed his keys and made his way over to the hospital.

Elena's Point of View

Austin stood there by the door.


He crossed his arms. "What are you sorry for?"

"Making you go through all of this trouble."

He made his way over to the seat next to my bed. "If anything you should be thankful. I saved your life."

"Yeah, I know. I just don't know what I'm going to do when go home. My mom's going to be pissed at me."

"Elena." He paused. "I took care of that."

"What are saying? Please don't say-"

He nodded his head. "I had to do what was best for you."

"No no no no no! You didn't!" I could feel my heart rate speed up and my eyes urn watery.

He grabbed my hand. "Elena I told you I didn't want to see you get hurt again. You should be thanking me!"

"You promised me you wouldn't! I told you! What am I going to do when I get out? I have no family anymore, my mom was all I had left!" I let the hot tears stream down my face. I didn't care anymore. He said he wouldn't, he said it himself.

He grabbed my face with his hands and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Listen to me. You're not alone! When you get out on Sunday you're living with your grandparents if you want to."

"I just don't want to be alone."

"Elena, it was time to let go. 11 years of suffering was to much."

I wasn't ready to let go. I was so used to my life with my mom I never thought of doing that.

Austin held my hand and kissed my forehead. "Don't for one second think that you're alone. You will always have me."

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