The Story Of Lena Price

By harleyreigns

3.8K 246 22

It was 1823, I was 22 years old. I died on my 22nd birthday, I was attacked by 4 men. They left me to die, bu... More

1. First Day Of College
2. Invitation
3. Springfield Dance
5. We Mean You No Harm
6. Helena
7. That Was Quick
8. The Church, The Tomb, The Witch
9. That Afternoon
10. Founder's Ball
11. Questions
12. Protection
13. Another Witch Pt.1
14. Another Witch Pt.2
15. The Mayor And The Mother
16. We Don't Have Much Time
17. Opening Of The Tomb
18. Transition
19. Decisions
20. New Vampire, Old Enemies
21. Humanity Switch
22. Sired
23. One Down, Two To Go
24. Threw The Portal
25. Another World
26. Finding A Way
27. Contact
28. Hell
29. Afterwards
30. Hallucinating
31. Exhausted
32. I Don't Care ( Final Chapter)

4. Her Secret

155 10 0
By harleyreigns


"What's the Sheriff doing In her office at 4 o'clock in the morning?" I asked Tommy.

"Late night work?" He suggested.

"How much longer do we wait, it's been an hour." I said.

"Guess we can go now." Tommy finally said and we snuck into the station and then we went straight to the Sheriff's office.

"Woah who are you?" She asked quickly getting up out of her seat putting her hand on her gun.

"Don't worry, we're here to help." Tommy said and I put her in a trans. Tommy grabbed her gun and held onto it just in case my Trans wasn't working.

"Sheriff Conners, we need you to answer some questions." Tommy said. I made sure she wasn't in a Trans anymore so I compelled her to tell us the truth.

"What do you know about Vampires here in Springfield?" I asked.

"We just know they exist." She answered.

"Do you plan to take action against them?" Tommy asked.

"Yes, in one week at the Founders Ball." She answered.

"How?" I asked.

"With Vervain." She said.

"They know it's a vampires weakness." I said to Tommy.

"Trying to expose us, we might have to leave." Tommy said.

"Wait what?!" I asked.

"You heard me, make her forget and let's go." He said.

"You don't remember us being here, you don't remember anything about to night except doing your paper work." I said compelling her. She agreed and we quickly left.

"Why would we have to leave, besides we can't just do that." I asked as we started walking up our front porch.

"Why because of Roman? They know, everyone here knows. It's too risky." Tommy explained as we walked into the house.

"I'm not leaving Tommy, I'm tired of running. If you wanna leave you leave, but your leaving me behind. I'm tired of doing this." I said.

"Fine, but when it comes down to it, Roman won't be able to handle the truth and neither will you." Tommy said and went upstairs. I can't believe he's doing this to me. I went upstairs into his room and seen he already had a suitcase out packing some of his things.

"Tommy we've been running together for 187 years, we were both alone before that. Please don't leave." I told him.

"I think I need to, just for a few days. You should to, but I know it ain't gonna happen." He said.

"I'm just trying to build myself a life here, you could do the Same." I said.

"It would never work here. Not with the towns history, not with what they know now. I told you, it's too risky." He said grabbed his suit case and just took off.

"Great, now I'm all alone."

A few hours later

"Hey Lena, wait up." I heard someone say as I was walking down the hallway at the College.

"Hi Sara." I said as I seen her walking up to me.

"Come on we have class together you can be my new lab partner." She said and we went into class.

"So did Roman tuck you in last night?" She asked smirking as we sat down next to each other.

"Not the way your thinking, he just kissed me goodnight." I answered and she seemed surprised.

"He's a football player, most football players want more than just a goodnight kiss." She said.

"I think he's a little different." I said as the teacher came in and class was about to start.

"He probably is." She said and class started.


"Wanna join me and April for lunch?" Sara asked as we walked into the hallway.

"Actually Roman and I are going out for lunch." I told her.

"Oooh, have fun girl." Sara said as we spilt and I went to my locker. I put my stuff in it and closed the door and Roman was right there.

"Didn't I scare you?" He asked.

"I'm not easily scared." I said smiling a little.

"Hmm, you ready?" He asked.



"There you are, come here." I said to Seth and dragged him outside so we could talk.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Today me and Lena were lab partners." I said.

"Keep going." He said.

"I got a really really bad feeling off of her." I told him.

"Not this again you said the same thing last night about her." He said.

"But I'm serious this time, I touched her hand and I had like this awful vision." I started explaining.

"We Should go to my dad's house, he'll wanna hear about this." Seth suggested.

"Okay, let's go."


"So you've come into contact with this girl." Seth father asked me.

"Yeah, she's like one of our best friends girlfriend. We met her last night, I had bad feeling on her then and today I had a horrible vision." I answered.

"What did you see?" He asked.

"She was doing awful things, she had fangs, she was feeding off of blood." I answered again.

"I would be able to see this clearly if you had something of hers. Necklace, piece of clothing, hair brush. Just about anything." He said.

"We can get something." Seth said.

"As soon as you do, bring it to me." He said and me and Seth left. He drove us back to the campus.

"We can probably break into her locker, grab something." I said.

"Let's make this quick, hopefully she still at lunch with Roman." Seth said and started driving faster.

"Wait here, I'll be back." I said as he parked his car. I ran inside and went to the second floor and found her locker. I used a spell to undo her lock and opened it. I grabbed her jacket and since it was the only thing in there besides some books. I closed the door and I seen her and Roman walking down the hall way, she wasn't paying attention so I quickly shut the locker door and took off running.

"You got it." Seth said as I got in the car.

"Yeah I almost got caught to." I said and he started driving again.

"Don't worry, her jacket should do the trick. We can find out a lot about her, practically every thing."

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