Harry Potter ▽ Instagram

By Kittypetrock

136K 1.7K 119

If Voldemort died after attacking Harry the first time, what would everyone occupy their time with? Instagram... More

~Book 2 is up!~


1.6K 25 2
By Kittypetrock

ginny_w So, just a shoutout to @mionegranger, @slytherin.boy, @totalfuckingkaos, @slytherin.girl_twin, and @luna_luna_lovegood, I'm apologizing for the others terrible and unsupportive behavior towards all of you ❤️

mionegranger Thanks Ginny, I'm glad your on our side for all of this.
ginny_w Sorry, but I'm not taking sides on this. I support you in whatever you want to do, but Ron is my brother and Harry is my boyfriend, so... yeah.
mionegranger I understand.

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