Fallen Angel. (A Supernatura...

By DevilsFavoriteDemon

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(This is a continuation of my other account CelticPhenom's story Fallen Angel.) [Book 1 of the ANGELS AMOUNG... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 2: Bad Moon Rising [RE-EDITED]
Chapter 3: Mr. Grumpy [EDITED]
Chapter 4: Drunken Shenanigans [EDITED]
Chapter 5: Tragedy [EDITED]
Chapter 6: Please Don't Leave Me [EDITED]
Chapter 7: 10:41 A.M. [EDITED]
Chapter 8: Wibbly-wobbly, Timey-wimey Stuff [EDITED]
Chapter 9: I See Wings of Blue...[EDITED]
Chapter 10: ...And Red Boxers Too [EDITED]
Chapter 11: All Hell Breaks Loose [EDITED]
Chapter 12: This is Serious Ya Idjit! [EDITED]
Author's Note
Chapter 14: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 1) [EDITED]
Chapter 15: No Rest for the Wicked (Part 2) [EDITED]
Chapter 16: Getting Out. [EDITED]
Chapter 17: A (Mostly) Normal Life. [EDITED]
Chapter 18: Lucifer Rising. [EDITED]
Chapter 19: The Devil is an Angel Too. [EDITED]
Chapter 20: Loverman. [EDITED]
Chapter 21: Who Are You Gonna Call? [EDITED]
Chapter 22: The Real Ghostbusters. [EDITED]
Chapter 23: Abandon All Hope...[EDITED]
Chapter 24: Welcome Home (Sanitarium) [EDITED]
Chapter 25: The Reason He's Feared. [EDITED]
Chapter 26: Home Sweet Home. [EDITED]
Chapter 27: Beautiful Trauma. [EDITED]
Chapter 28: An Act of Desperation.
Chapter 29: Hammer of the Gods.
Chapter 30: So It's Come to This.
Chapter 31: Life and Loss.

Chapter 13: Mystery Spot [EDITED]

5.6K 168 100
By DevilsFavoriteDemon

The several following months are mostly miserable for Jean. The only thing that makes these months more pleasant are the calls from Nick. At first Nick would only call once every two weeks then he starts calling once a week. By the time Christmas arrives, Nick is calling Jean three times a week. The two would talk for hours about anything; from how their day went to telling the other stories of when they were growing up. Of course, Jean never mentions to Nick about hunting anything supernatural, instead referring to the creature in her stories as a 'dangerous criminal'.

The first month Jean spends at Bobby's working the phones as a punishment for taking off to Delaware. Meanwhile Dean, Sam, and Bobby work a demon case in Lincoln, Nebraska which turns out to be the Seven Deadly Sins.

Jean would've spent the next month like the previous one, except she manages to bribe Dean into letting her rejoin him and Sam with a platinum membership to Busty Asian Beauties dot com. Together again, the three Winchesters work a case in Cicero, Indiana involving changelings, creatures that snatch kids from their homes then perfectly imitate them so that they can feed on the mother. But what was really fascinating about the case was meeting Lisa Braedon; a woman that Dean had a passionate fling with eight, almost nine years ago; and her eight year old son, Ben. Dean freaks out a little when he first meets Ben because they're so much alike that he thinks Ben might be his son. When Jean meets Ben, she can't exactly blame Dean for thinking so because Ben reminds her of how Dean was when he was eight. So much so that she dubs Ben her 'Honorary Nephew' and gives Lisa her number in case they ever need help with anything.

One of Jean's contacts, Kirin Cameroes, who works for a natural history museum in Bloomington, Washington calls her for help on a case where workers have been killed by something supernatural at the museum. Jean agrees to come and help, but because her brothers receive a call on their dad's old phone about a storage unit of his being broken into, the siblings decide to temporarily split up. Dean and Sam drop Jean off at Bobby's where her Mustang is being kept.

She arrives in Bloomington after a day and a half of driving. After a few hours of sleep at a cheap motel, Jean pulls up to the museum at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. She meets Kirin; a short, plump joyful woman in her fifties with brown hair and hazel eyes; outside of the entrance to the museum. "Hi, Jean. Thanks so much for coming. I didn't know who else to call."

Jean smiles at her, "I'm always happy to Kirin. So do you mind filling me in on what's been happening?"

Kirin leads the female Winchester inside of the museum while explaining to her how several archeologists have been found dead of apparent snake bites inside of the museum. "Snake bites? Are you sure that's what the morticians said?" Jean asks her while being shown around the museum.

Kirin nods, "Positive. Although they said the snake that bit them would have to be enormous considering the spacing between the fang wounds.. We've called several different snake experts in to look for any snakes, but all of them couldn't find anything."

"When did the first victim die?" Jean asks.

"Not long after our newest exhibit arrived." She leads Jean into the back where the stuff that isn't ready to be displayed is kept. "It was found in an ancient shrine dedicated to Shekinester, a goddess also known as the Three-Faced Queen."

Jean nods, "If I remember correctly she was said to be worshipped by snake-like creatures with human-like faces known as nagas and was considered to be a very involute deity, not adhering to a fixed sense of morality or lawfulness."

Kirin grins, "That's right! I'm surprised that you knew that. Most people don't care about learning anything about snake-like deities."

"I was really into anything having to do with snakes growing up and with the way that I was raised that naturally included anything supernatural."

"This is it. The vase of Shekinester." They come to a stop just outside of a medium sized glass display case with a vase inside. The vase looks like it's well over two thousand years old and has a large serpent with three human-like faces curved into it. Each of the heads have a different expression that represents a different aspect of the goddess. Beneath the curving is an ancient symbol that Jean doesn't recognize. "Would you like to get a closer look at it?"

Kirin starts to open up the door to the display case, but Jean stops her. "If this is what I think it is, then it'll be best not to touch it."

"What do you mean? Do you know what's doing this?"

Jean nods, "I think so. I believe this is a sacrificial vase and that a guardian naga may be protecting it. Anyone who handles the vase in an inappropriate way the naga kills."

Kirin's eyes widened, "So what do we do?"

"Nagas are intelligent creatures and most can be reasoned with as long as you don't show them any disrespect. Guardian nagas are assigned to guard some of the nastiest and destructive magical objects around. If I were you I would send it right back where it came from."

Kirin shakes her head, "This is a very important discovery! I can't just send it back! Can't you just kill the naga?"

"As far as I know, guardian nagas are immortal."

"Can you capture it and send it back to where it came from? This vase will make me famous."

"This vase could potentially destroy this entire museum; hell, maybe even this entire city; if handled wrong and the naga is ensuring that that doesn't happen. Do you really want me to send it away just to make your career?"


Jean makes a face of disgust, but quickly comes up with a plan inside of her head. "Fine, but I'll need to know the guards' schedule for tonight and the codes to the alarms."

Kirin tells Jean that the guards usually change shifts at 2 a.m, that they're actually having trouble with the security cameras right now; no doubt the work of the naga; and gives Jean the security codes to the doors and to the vase.

Outside of the museum, Jean tells Kirin, "Don't worry about a thing. I'll have everything taken care of by the time that the sun comes up." Kirin waves goodbye to Jean as she starts to walk away.

At ten minutes till two in the morning, Jean arrives back at the museum. She uses the security codes to enter through the back, carrying a box of modeling clay with her. She makes her way back to the display case, finds a shadowy area in which she can still see the vase, and makes herself comfortable. Thirty minutes later, she hears a door open then close followed by footsteps. Jean gets to her feet, making sure that she's still hidden by the shadows, and prepares herself. A security guard appears muttering under his breath about how disrespectful humans are and complaining about not being able to just snatch the vase back.

"Hey there, my scaly friend," Jean says and steps out of the shadows.

The guard jumps and accidentally shifts back into their true form of a twenty foot snake with forest green scales on their sides and back with larger golden scales covering their belly. They also have a golden colored cobra's hood and silver triangles running down their back. A fascinating fact about nagas is that they're hermaphrodites; they are born with both male and female genitalia and can reproduce by themselves. The naga's glowing yellow eyes lock onto Jean and they let out a warning hiss.

Jean raises her hands in the air in a sign of peace, "I'm not here to try to hurt you or your vase, I swear. My name is Jean Winchester," she gives them a small bow. "And I was hoping that we could talk."

The naga's head jerks upwards at Jean's name and a forked tongue flicks out to taste the air, "Jean Winchester?" Jean nods, "My name is," and they proceed to say their name in a language that Jean has no hope of ever speaking or understanding. "But you may call me Salazar," they bow back to her. "You are looked upon with favor among us serpents, Jean Winchester. I will listen to what you have to say."

Jean explains to them how she's a hunter and that she was contacted to get rid of them. "But I would rather solve this peacefully and send you home with your vase if possible, Salazar. May I ask what the people you killed did that was disrespectful?"

"I would like nothing more than a peaceful solution to this as well. I miss my homeland. This vase is a sacred vessel for offerings to our goddess, Shekinester. It may not be moved from its place without the offering of human blood first."

"Okay, so why didn't you just take the vase and return home with it after you killed the first human?"

"The blood has to be willingly given," Salazar replies.

"Ah. That explains why you're still here. How much blood is required? Does it need to be filled to the top?"

"No. It only requires enough blood to reach the holy symbol."

Now Jean understands what that symbol is for and most likely what it means... sacrificial blood. "I think we can help each other out, Salazar." Jean slides the box of modeling clay towards them with her foot. "How good are you at magically replicating things?"

Ten minutes later, the sacred naga vase is filled with the appropriate amount of blood and is in Salazar's arms. In its place in the display case is an exact replica made from the modeling clay that Jean brought. As Jean is almost done wrapping gauze around her hand from where she sliced open the palm to make the blood sacrifice, Salazar moves closer to her and bows deeply. "Your actions here today will not be forgotten, Jean Winchester. You have returned to us our most precious of sacred artifacts. If you ever find yourself in need of help the nagas will always be willing to assist you." They then disappear with the real sacred vase and Jean decides that it's high time to get the hell out of here before someone discovers her ruse.

Jean reunites with Sam and Dean to work a hunt that involves a ghost ship and a spirit that kills anyone who has been involved with the death of a family member. This is also when Jean meets Bela Talbot; a brunette haired British woman who is as sneaky and conniving as she is beautiful. Jean instantly hates Bela because she actually shot Sam in the shoulder once and she had the Impala towed. As a matter of fact, when Bela comes to the abandoned house where the siblings are squatting to beg for their help after she sees the ghost ship, Jean tries to snap her neck. Dean and Sam barely manage to stop her...Dean is more reluctant to stop her than Sam. From that moment they decide to bench Jean until after the case and Bela is gone, which is just fine with Jean because she refuses to help save Bela's life anyway.

As the third month comes to a close, things become even worse for the siblings. Gordon Walker escapes from prison, where he was sent after the Winchester's last run in with him when he tried to kill Sam after finding out about Sam's psychic powers. Thanks to an anonymous phone call to the police from Sam and Jean's special ability to piss people off to the point where they lose all of their common sense, the police arrive at the dilapidated house as Gordon was shooting in Jean's general direction and arrest him. Now Gordon is out of prison and looking for the Winchesters. Thanks to Bela, manages to track them down, but this time he's not alone; he is accompanied by a fellow hunter called Kubrick. Unfortunately, as the old saying goes when it rains it pours, and Gordon gets turned into a vampire and kills his friend Kubrick. Finally, Sam manages to kill Gordon by cutting off his head with razor wire.

The following month isn't as bad as the previous months since it's December and Christmas is quickly approaching. Jean has already bought her brothers' gifts; she got them both new flannel shirts and blow up sex dolls as a joke. But knowing Sam and Dean, they'll wait until the last minute and end up buying their gifts at a convenience store...in the traditional Winchester fashion. After the trio kill two pagan gods, they return to their small motel room and have a small, but wonderful Christmas celebration.

January passes by rather slowly with nothing really happening until after Dean and Jean's birthday when the Winchester siblings hunt a coven of witches in Massachusetts. During the hunt, Dean and Jean meet the demon Ruby, who Sam first met on the Seven Deadly Sins case and has talked with a few times since then trying to figure out a way to get Dean out of his demon deal. The vessel Ruby is using is a pretty blonde and she seems to have Sam wrapped around her finger. Needless to say neither of the twins trust the black-eyed bitch, but they both take different approaches on how to handle the situation. Dean goes with his usual screaming-until-he's-blue-in-the-face technique, while Jean decides not to say anything, but to be there for Sam when this demon finally shows her true colors. Jean catches Ruby frequently staring at her with what looks like a mixture of awe and jealousy in her eyes, which, frankly, is unsettling to her.

The sixth month has its ups and downs. Bobby falls into a coma while he is hunting something that is killing people in their dreams. They decide to use African Dream Root to enter Bobby's dream to try to wake him up. Unfortunately, the root is extremely rare and the only way the Winchesters can think of how to get it is by calling in a favor from Bela. She agrees to help them on one condition: that Jean isn't with them.

Jean manages to convince Dean to drive her to Delaware while Sam stays behind to wait for Bela in case she shows up. Hours later, Dean drops her off at a motel in Pike Creek, Delaware. After he promises to call her if anything happens to Bobby, he leaves to return to Pennsylvania. Jean checks into the motel and places her things in her room. Once she's settled, she pulls out her cell phone and calls Nick. About thirty minutes later, Nick arrives to pick up Jean and they go to Oliver Love Pub and Grill where they have dinner and drinks together.

The next day is Saturday and Nick has the day off, so he decides to take Jean to a local carnival since she once told him that she's never been to one. They spend the day riding different rides and playing games. At noon, however, Jean receives a call from Sam and he informs her that Bobby is awake, but they still need Bela's help to catch this Jeremy guy, who is behind everything all because his father hit him in the head with a baseball bat causing him to lose the ability to dream. Jeremy then volunteered for a study on sleeping disorders in college where they gave Jeremy African Dream Root which he quickly became addicted to along with the power it gave him to enter other people's dreams. Since they still need Bela's help, Jean can't rejoin them just yet.

Jean is upset and her mood turns foul until Nick wins her a giant stuffed panda at one of the game booths. They stay at the carnival until 9 p.m. and afterwards Nick drives her back to her motel. As she starts to open the door Nick stops her, leans towards her, and cups her cheek in his hand before pressing his lips against hers. She instantly melts into the kiss. Nick then breaks the kiss and looks into Jean's emerald eyes. He takes in her burning red face and the way she runs her fingers over her lips like someone does after they've just had their first kiss. "Was that your first kiss?"

"Maybe....Yes," she replies shyly, before opening the car door.

She starts to get out of the car, but Nick stops her again. "Will you stay with me tonight?"

Jean looks at Nick, "Are you sure?"

He captures Jean's lips with his own in a passionate kiss. After a few moments, they break the kiss. Nick cups Jean's left cheek with his right hand, running his thumb gently over the end of her scar. "Yes," he says. She shuts the car door and Nick drives them to his small two story house in the heart of Pike Creek.


Deep in the pits of Hell, locked inside of a huge iron cage that's surrounded by holy fire, Jean's en ugear is twisting around inside the cage as he hisses and snarls angrily to himself. His long serpentine body coiling and uncoiling, the dark red almost black scales on his back and sides rubbing against each other producing a loud, threatening rattling sound. The larger bright scarlet scales running from under his jaw, down the length of his belly, and to the tip of his tail begin to flash with a crimson orange light in a frightening, but awe-inspiring, threat display. The fallen angel can sense what his etam and the human male are doing together and it pisses him off. He lets out a screeching roar and lunges at one of the walls of the cage. He takes one of the bars into his short dragon-like snout and tries to break it by viciously thrashing from side to side. The bar remains firmly in place, but the holy fire quickly rises up the bar and burns his mouth. He quickly releases the bar, howling in pain. He brings his clawed hands up to cover his snout, sitting back on his hind legs. His healing factor kicks in, but because the injury was caused by holy fire, it's going to take a little longer than normal to heal.

His six gigantic hot pink and sparkly feathered wings fall in sadness and disappointment. He should be the only male; human or angel; that gets to be with Jean in such an intimate way. But because of this damn cage that his father and older brother put him in, he has been kept away from his own mate...Unable to claim what is rightfully his. And now he has to sit back as she is taken by another male. He throws his golden horned head back, his mane of long golden hair brushing against the joints where his first set of wings emerge from his back, and screeches out curses at his father and Michael in Enochian.

As he slowly calms down his belly scales stop flashing. He reminds himself that Jean having sex with Nick is a necessity if his plans are to be a success. Months ago, when his loyal demon Lilith first reported to him that Jean was getting close to a human male named Nick, he began to make plans. Knowing that Sam Winchester will not say yes to him immediately, he knows that he'll need a temporary vessel once he is free. And this, Nick, will be the perfect candidate, thanks to Jean. Because Jean is his other half, any human male that she becomes involved with romantically can be used by him as a temporary vessel. The longer Jean spends around Nick, the longer he will last as a vessel. If everything goes well, Nick will last long enough for him to mate with Jean.

But that's not the only reason that he has to let them copulate. Jean is a virgin and he wants her first time to be with a gentle partner because when he claims her as his own he will not be gentle with her. His feathers ruffle in arousal as he curls up into a ball, resting his head on the back of one of his hands. His thoughts turn to all the sexual things he will do to the female Winchester after they are bonded.


Jean is woken up in the middle of the night by Nick calling out Sarah's name. She sits up and begins to shake Nick awake. When he finally wakes up, he starts to sob and Jean wraps her arms around him in an attempt to comfort him. As he places his head between her bare breasts and cries into her chest, she starts to run her fingers through his short dirty-blonde hair and to softly sing 'Just Give Me a Reason' by Pink to him.

"Right from the start,
You were a thief you stole my heart,
And I your willing victim.
I let you see the parts of me,
That weren't all that pretty,
And with every touch you fixed them.
Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh oh,
Things you never say to me, oh oh,
Tell me that you've had enough,
Of our love, our love.
Just give me a reason,
Just a little bit's enough.
Just a second we're not broken just bent,
And we can learn to love again.
It's in the stars,
It's been written in the scars, of our hearts,
We're not broken just bent,
And we can learn to love again."

Nick finally calms down and gives Jean a gentle kiss on the lips before the two of them lay back down on the bed and go back to sleep, Jean spooning Nick from behind.

The next morning Jean is tired and sore so she and Nick spend the day at his house watching movies while they cuddle together on the couch. Jean ends up falling asleep on Nick's chest about halfway through their second movie.

A couple of hours later, Jean and Nick are woken up by Led Zeppelin's 'Ramble On' Jean's ringtone for her twin brother. She reaches for her phone that's sitting on the small coffee table in front of the simple tan couch. She answers with a sleepy, "Hello?"

"Where the hell are you? We've been waiting for you at the motel since last night." Dean yells at her over the phone.

Jean yawns, "Nick asked me to stay the night with him."

There is silence on the other end of the line for a moment before Dean asks, "Do I need to kill this guy? Because I will...I'm going to Hell anyway."

Jean tells him no, then gives him Nick's address. After she hangs up, she tells Nick that her brothers are in town and will be arriving in a little while to pick her up. They share a quick shower together and Jean quickly gets dressed. Soon they hear the roar of the Impala's engine and Nick escorts Jean outside. He gives her a kiss goodbye and she promises to call him in a day or two. She then walks over to the Impala and climbs into the back.

A month later, the Winchester siblings are in Boward County, Florida investigating the mysterious disappearance of a professor Dexter Hasselback.

Jean wakes up at six in the morning after having another dream about the man in the cage. The dreams have been increasing in frequency again. However, the figure seems to shift shapes; sometimes appearing in a human shape while other times he appears as the humongous shadowy figure. However, she's positive it's the same person or thing because they both have the same glowing crimson eyes.

She stretches before getting out of the bed that she's sharing with her twin; all three siblings sharing a room not only saves money, but three pairs of eyes looking out for each other is better than two. They do usually try to get a room with two beds and a couch then take turns sleeping on the couch, but that's not always an option so the twins usually end up sharing a bed. Dean stirs slightly and groggily asks her, "Where are you going?"

Jean stretches again before answering him, "For a jog." Dean grunts then goes back to sleep. Jean grabs her duffle bag and walks into the bathroom to change into black leggings and sports bra with a pink camisole over it. She leaves the bathroom, grabs her iron knife and tucks it into the waistband of her pants before covering it with the bottom of her shirt. She then slips on a pair of tennis shoes and quietly leaves the motel room.

As Jean jogs through the town, she lets her mind wander; first she thinks about Nick and the wonderful night they shared together a month ago, and then slowly her mind drifts to the man in the cage that she dreams about. Throughout the dream last night, he sweet-talked her while flaring the six massive shadowy shapes behind his back; which Jean assumes are wings since they seem to resemble Gabriel's wings, only much larger. 'If the man has wings, that must mean that he's an angel....But if he's an angel, why is he in a cage?' Jean frowns as she thinks about this mysterious angel.

About forty minutes later, Jean returns to the motel to find that Dean is now awake and is getting dressed. They exchange quiet greetings, since Sam is still sleeping, before Jean heads for the bathroom.

As she steps out of the bathroom, after taking a shower and getting dressed in clean clothes, the radio alarm clock begins to blare Asia's 'Heat of the Moment's causing Sam's eyes to snap open. Sam sits up in bed and takes a moment to fully wake up.

Dean is sitting on the other bed, lacing up his combat boots. "Rise and shine, Sammy."

"Dude. Asia?" Sam asks his brother in disbelief, as his sister flops down face first on the bed beside Dean.

Dean casts his twin a worried look before turning his attention back to Sam. "Come on. You love this song, and you know it."

"Yeah, and if I ever hear it again, I'm gonna kill myself."

Dean reaches over and turns up the volume on the radio, "What? I'm sorry. I can't hear you." Sam smiles and chuckles at his brother. Dean points at Sam and begins mouthing along with the song while bobbing his head up and down. Sam's smile widens as he shakes his head a little then looks away from Dean.

Dean pats his twin sister on the back before standing up, "You alright, Jeanie?"

Jean turns her head to look at her brothers, "Yeah. I just didn't get much sleep last night. I had a Liam Neeson nightmare. I dreamt I kidnapped his daughter and he just wasn't having it."

Both of her brothers laugh at her joke before heading into the bathroom to brush their teeth. Jean can hear Dean gurgling loudly even from her spot on the bed.

A few minutes later, Sam walks past her heading towards the door. He stops and asks her, "We're going out for breakfast. Are you coming, Jeanie?"

"Nah. I want to catch some more z's."

Sam opens the door to their motel room, "Do you want us to bring you something back?"

"Yeah. Breakfast burrito. Or pancakes...definitely pancakes."

Dean crosses the room to the bed that his sister is laying on. He begins rummaging through his duffle bag. "Whenever you're ready, Dean."

Dean picks up a sexy, lacy black bra and holds it in the air. He turns his head towards Sam, his eyebrows raising as he asks his little brother, "This yours?"

Sam gives Dean a bitchface as Jean looks up at Dean, "Give me that, you idjit. That's the bra I wore when I swiped my v-card."

Dean makes a look of disgust and quickly tosses the bra away from him, "Eww, too much info, Jeanie." He returns to looking through his things, "Ah!" He exclaims while picking up his pistol, "Bingo." He places the gun in the waistband of his jeans as he walks to the door where Sam is waiting for him. "Now, who's ready for some breakfast?"

Sam closes the door behind them and Jean sighs in relief at finally having some peace and quiet. Within minutes, she's asleep and lightly snoring.

Jean isn't asleep for very long when the sound of fluttering wings wakes her up. Pulling her pistol out from underneath her pillow, she rolls off the edge of the bed, opposite of where the noise originated, and is almost instantly in a crouched position with her gun ready to shoot whatever it is in the head.

"Whoa! Take it easy, sweetheart. It's just me." A short man with brown hair, whiskey-colored eyes, and three sets of blue wings tells her from across the room.

"Gabriel?" Jean asks, lowering her gun and standing up. "What are you doing here?"

Gabriel crosses the room to stand close to Jean. He snaps his fingers and two candy bars appear in his hand. He hands one to Jean and his wings flare open in his usual mating display when he catches her scent. "I noticed that your two dunderhead brothers were in town and I was wondering if you were with them."

Jean opens the candy bar and starts to eat it, "I usually am now...why?"

Gabriel pretends to look insulted, "Do I need a reason to visit my best human friend?" Jean looks at him with a raised eyebrow. Gabriel sighs and shrugs, "Okay, so there is a reason for my visit. One of my friends in Heaven that I still have contact with, has discovered something interesting about you, sweetheart." Gabriel takes a large bite out of his own candy bar before continuing, "In Heaven, there is an area known as The Hall of Records, where information about every human ever born or will be born is stored. These records contain everything that will happen in a person's life."

"That's neat and all, but what does it have to do with me?" Jean asks, leaning closer to him and causing her scent to drift over to Gabriel again. His wings rise, open wide and the feathers fluff in an attempt to impress the unbonded etam.

"My friend; his name is Balthazar by the way; discovered that you aren't on record as being an etam. As a matter of fact, your record is blank after the age of eighteen."

Jean looks at him confused, "What does that mean?"

"It means that, for some unknown reason, God didn't want us angels to know that you're an etam."

Jean sits down on the bed even more confused now, "I don't understand."

Gabriel shrugs as he finishes his chocolate bar, "Neither do I."

A sudden realization comes to Jean and she looks at Gabriel in disbelief, "You're the reason this Dexter Hasselback jerk is missing, aren't you?"

Gabriel looks away from her and his wings twitch a little as he states, "I don't know what you're talking about."

She looks at him sternly, "Come on, Gabe....A jackass who gets his jollies from destroying other people's beliefs in mystery spots where strange, unexplainable things happen suddenly disappears while investigating one of these places? This reeks of you."

Gabriel looks at her and huffs, "Fine. I may have dropped him in a wormhole when he said that he didn't believe in them."

Jean snorts in amusement, "So why are you still hanging around here?" Gabriel looks at her in confusion, "Because I can't imagine that you would stay around here just to tell me that God is plotting to use me for something without the angels knowing about it. So what are you up to?"

Gabriel now looks uncomfortable and he rubs the back of his head, his wings twitching in nervousness. "I always knew that you were the smart Winchester." He mumbles before raising his voice, "Okay, I'll tell you...but you have to keep in mind that I have the best of intentions in mind."

Jean looks Gabriel directly in the eyes, "Some of the worst things imaginable have been done with the best of intentions."

Gabriel nods in agreement, "Touché. Anyway, I'm here to teach Sam a lesson."

Jean's eyebrows raise, "What? Why? Is this because they staked you back in Ohio?"

Gabriel shakes his head and he moves to sit on the bed opposite of her. The primary feathers of his wings begin to lightly run over Jean's body, trying to woo her, but other than a small shiver running through her, she ignores them. "No," Gabriel says. "I'm teaching him that no matter what he does, he can not save Dean." He pauses for a moment, "I was afraid that I would have to teach you the same lesson, but I can see that I won't. Why aren't you willing to sacrifice yourself to save Dean's life? That seems to be a reoccurring thing for you Winchesters, except for you sweetheart. Why is that?"

Jean shrugs, "This is really a no win situation for me. If I try to get Dean out of his demon deal, then Sam drops dead and Dean will run off to make another deal or even still die when his year is up. At least by doing nothing I'll have one brother still alive. Besides, no demons are willing to make a deal with me. They all flee out of their meat suits when they see me." She pauses to think for a minute before continuing, "Won't all this sacrificing oneself to save another mess up the natural order of death? I mean there has to be some consequence to bringing back someone who is meant to be dead, right? If someone's supposed to be dead, but is brought back to life and they have children, won't that create a bunch of souls that aren't supposed to be? And what if to bring one person back, a bunch of other people have to die?" She pauses, "I'm sure Reapers have a hard enough job without us Winchesters fucking everything up."

Gabriel looks at the young female in awe. "I have to say, you're incredibly wise. Most humans don't consider the consequences of messing around with life and death...hell, most angels never consider the consequences." He falls silent for a moment before looking at her suspiciously and then asking her playfully, "Are you sure you're a Winchester?"

Jean smirks, "I've often suspected that I might be adopted, but then an infamous Winchester smart-ass comment will slip out of my mouth and confirm that I am indeed a Winchester." Her smile slowly slips from her face and she runs her hand through her long red hair, "What are you planning to do to Sammy, Gabe?"

Gabriel hesitates, unsure if he should tell her what he's putting her little brother through. "He's stuck in a loop of endless Tuesdays where Dean dies in different ways." Jean looks up, glaring at him, and for a split second her eyes seem to glow an unnatural crimson.  Gabriel is taken aback and he quickly tries to soothe her by telling her, "I'm not really killing Dean, sweetheart. Once Dean 'dies' I restart the day over again and he doesn't remember anything that has happened, only Sam does."

Jean relaxes, but only slightly. "And Dean isn't really dying? It's only one of your tricks?"

Gabriel makes a couple of lollipops appear then hands one to Jean while unwrapping the other one for himself. She takes the sucker but doesn't open it. "Yep," he says, popping the p.

"Can you drop a safe or a dresser on him for me?" Jean asks.

Gabriel's eyebrows shoot towards his hairline, "You want me to drop a safe on your twin brother? Why?"

She nods, "You're not really killing him so it doesn't really count right? As for why...I'm still mad at him for letting that bitch Bela Talbot steal the Colt and the demon killing bullets that Bobby managed to figure out how to make. If he and Sam had let me snap her neck when I had the chance we would still have the Colt." Jean sighs then falls backwards onto the bed.

Gabriel starts to run the tips of his primaries over her body again and she chuckles slightly as they tickle her. Jean sits back up and asks him, "Can I touch your wings?"

Gabriel thinks for a couple of minutes then pulls his wings away from her before replying, "An angel's wings are extremely sensitive and is one of their most vulnerable areas. They're a source of pride for us and we only let those that we fully trust touch our wings. And it's not like I don't trust you, sweetheart, but I am pretty much torturing your little brother right now so I don't think exposing my vulnerable wings to you would be such a good idea."

Jean cocks her head to the side, "So...plucking a feather from an angel's wings would be the equivalent to kicking a man in the nuts?"

Gabriel chuckles, "Yeah. Pretty much." He looks at her face, studying the scar over her left eye carefully. "How'd you get the scar over your eye?"

"I got it the night Sam died from the psychic Jake. The doctor's said there was an 80 percent chance that I would never see out of my eye again. That night the man in my dreams; who I think is an angel because he has shadowy shapes behind his back that resemble your wings, appeared again and healed my eye enough so that I wouldn't be blind."

Gabriel raises his eyebrows in curiosity, "Another angel? And here I thought I was the only dashingly handsome, feathery man in your life?"

Jean snorts in amusement, "Not entirely. I once dumped a bucket of super glue on Dean then threw feathers all over him. Every morning for the next two months, Sam and I sang: Chicken Boo, what's the matter with you? You don't act like the other chickens do, you wear a disguise, to look like human guys, but you're not a man, you're a chicken Boo." Jean chuckles at the memory and Gabriel gives her one of his wide smiles that causes his eyes to light up in joy. "No, but seriously...the other angel only appears to me in my dreams."

Gabriel is silent for a moment before he asks Jean, "When did you start dreaming of this angel?"

"When I turned eighteen, but recently they seem to be increasing."

Gabriel's wings fall in disappointment, "It seems that this angel is your en ugear."

"My what?"

"In the bond, the human is referred to as en etam; which means my love; and the angel is known as en ugear, or my strength." Gabriel pauses to conjure a couple of chocolate bars before continuing, "I wonder why he hasn't bonded with you yet?"

Jean picks up one of the chocolate bars and starts to eat it, "I don't think he can get out of the cage that he's in."

"What!?" Gabriel becomes very serious, "I need you to describe the cage to me."

Jean tilts her head in confusion, "Well, I've never really gotten a good look at the cage or the angel inside it, it's always so dark. But I do know that it's surrounded by fire...fire that will hurt him but not me." She pauses to think, "I don't know if it matters or not, but he has six wings like yours, only much larger."

Gabriel pales slightly and pulls his wings in close to him, "Did you see what color his feathers were?"

Jean shakes her head, "No."

"There's something I need to check, but I need your consent to do so."

"What is it?" Jean asks, frowning at Gabriel's uncharacteristic seriousness.

"You have a small amount of your ugear's grace inside of you. This grace let's you tap into your mate's power and acts as a kind of early warning system for your angel mate. It let's him know when your life is in danger or if you suffer a serious injury," Gabriel's eyes dart to the scar over Jean's eye. "Or if another male angel tries to bond with you. I now have a suspicion of who your ugear is supposed to be, but I need to confirm it. What I want to do is force your ugear's grace to reveal itself by pushing a small amount of my own grace inside of you. His grace should react to mine and I'll be able to identify who it belongs to. But I need your permission to do this. It won't hurt and I just need to place my hand on your chest."

Jean nods, "Okay." She pauses, "We're not bonding are we?"

Gabriel raises an eyebrow then pretends to pout, "Why? Would it really be so bad being bonded to me?"

Jean smirks, "Are you kidding? I think I would enjoy being bonded with you." Gabriel's wings rise and fluff in a mating display, "I could have chocolate whenever I want."

Gabriel acts insulted, "You would bond with me just for my chocolate? I feel so used. No, we aren't going to be bonding. When you bond with your ugear he will need to reach into you and grasp your soul in order to bond his grace with your soul."

"That sounds painful."

"It is very painful...At least at first."

He then leans forward and places his hand between her breasts. "This better not be just an excuse to try and cop a feel."

Gabriel chuckles a little as he starts to gently push his grace into her. Jean gasps as a pleasant tingling sensation spreads through her body. Gabriel closes his eyes and lets out a low moan of pleasure as his grace brushes up against her soul. Suddenly, a very powerful grace, hidden deep within Jean, reacts to the presence of Gabriel's grace inside of her. It begins to viciously attack Gabriel's grace and force it back out of Jean's body. Gabriel instantly recognizes the grace as that of his second oldest brother and he quickly pulls his grace back, knowing that he isn't strong enough to challenge his brother.

Once Gabriel's grace is safely out of Jean, he opens his eyes and looks into Jean's, which are now glowing a brilliant crimson...the same color as his brother's eyes. "A lot of things make sense now."

"Like what?" Jean asks, her eyes now back to their normal green color.

"Like why dad didn't want angels to know you're an etam." He pauses to think if he should tell her or not, "If they knew who you are meant to bond with, Michael would most likely kill you."

"Michael? The archangel Michael? Why would he want me dead?"

Gabriel meets her gaze and tells her, completely serious, "Because your en ugear is the Devil himself...Lucifer."

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