Sleeping Beast

By Vampire-Fangs-Blood

623 40 2

Sabrina was an ordinary girl half vampire to be exact and she hated it but she had a great friend well three... More

Chapt 1
Chapt 2
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Chapt 27

Chapt 28

4 0 0
By Vampire-Fangs-Blood


He exhales a blue smoke from his mouth onto my mates face. He wraps his arms around her as she fainted. He smiles at her and glares at me. I got mad and growled loudly. I stood in seconds and attacked him. But instead of tackling his body I tackled smoke. He had vanished. My mate in his grasp. It angers me to no limit.

I ran and jumped down from her balcony. Kiba looked so weak and had a few broken bones but they will heal soon. Abigail well she just gad a bruise and a cut to the side of her face. But Kiba will have a fit when he sees her two little wounds. I know pretty well that if someone tries to harm Abigail hell will break lose with this Alpha.

I groaned out and carried Abigail as I looked around for Jake. Luna must be still in hiding this soldiers are starting to vanish. So they came to distract and kidnap. We should have known. Sabrina was the target since from the beginning. The three goons with crazy leader. The three goons wanted her dead. She being half breed. The crazy leader following orders but in the end wanted her all for himself.

And the real master mind in all this is some other demon. Maybe Sabrina has something in her that none of us know about. Jake, Kiba and I need to strategize something. I feel like this isn't the last surprise battle we will recieve. What if there are more of them? There has to be someway we can infiltrate it without being sensed by any of the demons.

We can't ask the white witch she is very sick her trying to eliminate the darkness from inside. Took a giant toll in her powers and health. Her daughter woke up calmly though and is regretting her decisions. So she is taking care of her moms health. Unbelievable that it sounds she is taking care of her and all negative thoughts has washed down the drain.

I finally spotted Jake and in seconds I appeared next to him. He looks weak and just plain tired. He must have fought a lot to be in this state. He looks at me then at his daughter in my arms.

"What happened?" he asked worriedly

"It was a distraction... They took Sabrina... I didn't expect this demon to be strong" I commented as I extend my arms to him

"How did she get kidnapped so easily? She is such a strong girl" Jake asked as he gently grabs Abjgail

"He tried to manipulate the sitation... She almost fell for it... But even if she tried to fight this demon not even Kiba nor I could get a single scratch on him" I explained

He held Abigail as he just looks so worried the pain in his eyes can be seen from miles away "I just... just can't believe this... We need help... I think this battle is far from starting... And it didn't just happen here..."

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"L... Luna was also almost taken... A few other females where kidnapped... If its not Neko y Nympth..." Jake looks mad pissed to no limit "Luckily Kiba's Beta was there to get grab her and run..."

"So we need to reunite all those who lost the females and make a plan..." I commented calmly as I just stared at him worriedly

What should we do though? If those demonic knights where strong I can't imagine their demons. We need to think of something. Some sort of plan a way to calm everything and just balance it all into place. Be able to resume everything and win this battle with not big casualties.

"Wait... I remembered something" Jake says calmly

"What?" I asked in a hurry I want Sabrina back

"The witches daughter... Moon... She had said she made dark knights but she thought she had eliminated them... What if this demon can make them..."

"Maybe she can tell us how to defeat them!" I finished for him as I just felt so much joy

"In some way we can also locate their where abouts..." Jake says

Our little conversation was ruined with a loud growl. We looked and spotted a wide awake and angry Kiba. He looks around instincts kicking in and I just realized that he is still in a protective mode. Jake wasn't terrified. While I on the other hand I am because am weaker then an Alpha and my brother.

He looks our way and noticed Abigail. His anger subsided as he paled in terror he jogs our way my nerves went down. That was close. He has gotten close enough but as well Sabrina started to wake up. Wow what timing. Save us Abigail. Save us from this Alphas rage.

"Kiba..." we all froze at the first words she had spoken

"Am here Aby... Does anywhere hurt?" he asked worriedly

"Whe-Wheres Sabrina? Is everyone ok?" she asked

She arose to fast for her weak body to comprehend movement it just got her dizzy all over again. Jake was able to place her correctly in his arms as her breathing is strong. We all stared at each other in a unaware state of; How do we answer her innocent questions?

"Sa... Sabrina is safe... We sent her away somewhere safe..." I quickly lied

She smiled weakly "Really?"

"Yeah... She will be ok... Some of us are hurt but we are alive... Thats what counts" I say a bit in an awkward cheerful way

Jake and Kiba glared at me making me mouth out a 'sorry' Jake rolled his eyes "Yep... Kiba even volunteered in keeping you safe..."

Kiba's eyes opened wide as saucers and he mouthed a 'what' "Thats true..."

I smiled evily so did Jake "Wow really? So... So I get to see a wolf pack?"

Kiba's eyes softened as he comments so gently trying not to strangle us "Yeah... We will head there the moment you heal... Know sleep... Its better for you to rest..."

She mumbled an ok as she had quickly drifted to dream land with Jake's powers. Kiba hits me and Jake behind the head. Annoyance and embarrasment was shown all over his face.

"Dumb**s" Kiba comments as he then leaves towards his wounded pack members

"Know... How do we send a message to Moon and the rest of the beings who also got attacked?" I asked so carelessly as I looked back at Jake with a questioning gaze

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