Chapt 9

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The guards were around me like in a human barrior. I felt actually confused to why until in came Sabrina. Jake had some guy chained up and Sabrina ran to me. I escaped the guards and ran to her hugging her tightly.

So what happens know? Who is the boy? What happened actually? I wish I was there but Luna's friend Kiba kept his guards around me at all times.

The guards surrounded us again and I rolled my eyes and I spoke "Oh Sabrina are you alright?"

"Yeah... Goos new! I found my mate..." she said happy but I could hear the sadness in between it

"Bad new?" when theres good news

"He has a demon soul trying to posses his body" theres the bad news

That made my heart turn and twist at that. Kiba was behind the boy who had chains. I looked at the boy the necklace glowing a light pink. I felt atracted to it. I wanted it for myself. A hand laid on my shoulder and all I felt vanished in seconds I looked to the person who touched me.

Luna smiled at me and I smiled back. I glance to the side and saw Cindy behind Sabrina. I bit my lip and tried to hold back a giggle. Suddenly an angry meaw was heard and a shriek from Sabrina was heard. Luna and I looked to see Cindy all over Sabrina not accepting the clothes Sabrina has.

Or something about all covered in dirt. I don't know I stopped listening when I heard the most sexiest voice and I looked back. Kiba was speaking to some of his warriors. He looks so strong and his eyes are so a deep color. Like I can't help but stare at him.

But who ever my mate is would never approve of me looking at another man. I turned around and Sabrina had Cindy clinging on her back. Cody came and yanked her off as he slung her on his shoulder.

I just giggled and looked at Sabrina who had a grin on her face. I smiled Luna rubbed her stomach and for some reason I touched mine. Will I ever have kids? Or meet the one who says am his mate?

"ABY!" someone screamed

"Baby!" I yelled in reaction

"Are you alright Aby?" Luna asked me

I looked at her and smile "Yeah just my mind left the world"

They giggled at me and I tried to giggle. I felt eyes on me and I looked back but I saw nobody. I need to keep my head straight. School first. Then love. Then marriage. Then family.

My life is planned. All I need to do is try and finish school.
"Hey kitten" that sexy voice was heard

Damn that is hot. Snap out of it! It is not h... Did he just say Kitten? Luna lays her ears at the nickname so I looked back. Kiba smiled and laughed at Luna. He say kitten. Is he... No it can't be. Is he?


I saw how she touched her stomach. The look of wanting and hope in her eyes. I walked away while talking with my beta. He looks sad. I know. My pack knows about her but they keep it a secret as well because we do not want to freak her out.

"Baby!" she yelled

I chuckled she must have been thinking of babies. My heart clenched and my wolf howled. I want to give her that choice. I can smell from way over here that she is pure as the first fallen snow. I spoke for a bit more with my beta before going to them.

I stood behind her as her friend Sabrina looked at me a bit scared. I smirked. Why did my little mate want her back. Maybe she was afraid of losing her only friend and well sister.

"Hey kitten" I looked at my lovely mate

I can't reveal that secret yet so I stared at Luna who looked still annoyed by the name. Making me laugh.

"Is everything alright Kiba?" Luna asked worried

"Yes I came to tell you about the perimeter check... I hate to go speak with Jake when he still hates me" I chuckled at my words

I looked at my little mate "Oh of course Kiba... Girls can you give us some time alone"

"Ok Luna" Sabrina say

Abigail kept her eyes on me untilSabrina took her away. After a few minutes when their scent faded and the sound of their hearts I stared at Luna.

"How is the baby?" I asked

"The baby is alright... All I care about is to check Romeo... An angel handed Sabrina an enchanted necklace that purifies the soul meaning destroying the demon soul" Luna explained to me

"So it means that it shall help Romeo in a way?" I asked confused

"Yes... He needs to be chained up for a whole month with four extra hours for the demon vanishes for ever" Luna says as she hugs her tummy "... but"

"But?" I raised an eye brow

"The demon who wants Romeo wants to eliminate the good soul so the demon could posses the body" Luna explained a bit sadly

I sighed out feeling the sense of pain towards the guy. He has his mate and all but a demon soul is possessing him. Like he knows what he got. But what happens if he lose it. Will he notice or will the demon control his enotions as well.

"I placed my best guards to watch over him... For if he wakes up and tries to brake the binds my men will restrain him..." I told her proudly

I felt a hand on my arm and I looked at her surprised "Thank you"

I smiled lightly "Your welcome... I need a big favor..."

She giggled "Does it involve her?"

I smiled widely I glanced around "Yes..."

"Bombs away..." she tells me excited

"I want to give her the biggest and bestest present in the world... But..."

She stops me "... But!"

"She must be out of her room" I told her

She thought for a while and she said excited "I got an idea..."

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