Crossbred (An Avengers and Pe...

By Will_of_Fiore

95.7K 1.8K 344

Arcee was the daughter of Artemis, The goddess of virginity and much more. The twin sister of Apollo. She als... More

Character intro (please read it will explain a lot! I will be adding to it!)
Chapter 1 (Edited thanks to RavenHolmes1994)
Chapter 2 (edited)
Chapter 3 Getting Couplized (edited)
Chapter 4 (Meeting Artemis, My mother) (edited)
Chapter 5 (Welcome to Camp Half-Blood) (edited)
Chapter 6 (The Prophecy) (edited)
Chapter 7 (Gifts) (edited)
Chapter 8 (Dinner) (edited)
Chapter 9 The Quest Begins (edited)
Chapter 10 The Reunion (edited)
Chapter 11 Clues
Chapter 12 Training
Chapter 14 Road Trip
Chapter 15 Love Bites
Chapter 16 Wedding Bells
Chapter 17 Beaches and Robots
Chapter 18 Kidnapped
Chapter 19 Children of the Moon and the Underworld
Chapter 20 Old and New Friends
Chapter 21 Recruiting the Gods
Chapter 22 Plans with No Regrets
Chapter 23 Rescues
Chapter 24 Plans and Schemes
Chapter 24 It's Begun
Chapter 25 It's Over... or is it?

Chapter 13 Good-Byes

2.2K 52 3
By Will_of_Fiore

I woke up in my bed. I grumbled and rolled out of bed literally. I grunted when I hit the floor. I wondered how I got there but didn't want to actually find out because I was that lazy. I heard someone snickering and looked over to see Percy leaning against the wall. "Dude! What's with you watching me sleep! I reached up and grabbed the pillow off my bed before chucking it at him. "Creep! I am telling Annabeth!"

"Hey! Stop! Annabeth and them made me come and fetch your lazy ass," Percy replied catching the pillow then throwing it back at me.

"Hey! It's not my fault I had to fight an entire team of deadly superheroes, including a god and the Hulk! Who single handedly beat the crap out of Loki!" I complained and then pulled my blanket off my bed and pulling it towards me. Then I wrapped lazy bum with it and tried to fall back to sleep. That's when I felt Percy start pulling on my blankets and being the stubborn fool I am I just tightened my grasp on it. I felt that I was moving but I ignored it and continued trying to fall back asleep which magically I succeeded in.

Until I gasped and shot up as water seemed to surround me. "Percy!" I gurgled. I looked around to and noticed I was in my on-suite bathroom. He pretended not to hear me. "Percy! If you don't let me out of this bubble right now I am going to shove an arrow so fair up your..." That's when he dropped me and the water into the tub.

"Now stay awake and you have 5 minutes to change and dry off before I am sending Annabeth up here and believe me she isn't kind when it comes to waking people up." He warned before walking out.

"Percy!" I screamed as loud as I could. I could have sworn I heard someone drop a glass and cuss. I stripped off my soaking wet clothes and wrapped a robe around me then went into my room to find a new pair of clothes. I opened my closet and pulled out a purple t-shirt and my leather jacket then went to my dresser to get a pair of dark torn up jean. I also grabbed undergarments. I quickly changed and put my wet hair into a fish-tail braid. Then I put on my bracelet and necklace that I found on my nightstand. I threw on a pair of old worn converse then ran down where everyone was.

Bruce was on the ground picking up shattered pieces of a coffee cup and Steve was walking over with a mop. "Did I scare you Uncle Bruce?" I asked as I bent down to help him pick up the glass.

"Actually, yes. I didn't know you could scream that loud." He admitted before we stood up, each holding multiple pieces of glass. We walked over to the garbage can then tossed them. Steve had already mopped up the spilled coffee.

"Sorry Brucie." I gave him a hug before running off to the living room I saw my dad, Clint and Natasha all sitting on the couch and I smirked as I sped up.

"Arcee?" Clint questioned.

Natasha had noticed my plan and squeaked as she tried to get off the couch but I had jumped and landed on all three of them.

"Gods! Arcee don't do that you going to give me a rector attack!" My dad complained, grasping his arc reactor for added effect. I just chuckled and hugged all three of them at once.

"I sowwy." I said in my five year old voice. I looked over to see Thor and Annabeth smiling. Percy though was snickering. "Shut is Perseus! You're not on my good side and you don't want to see me mad."

I tapped my finger over the super strength button lightly, making sure not to activate it, a smirk tugging at my lips. He shut up after that and it was his girlfriend, Annabeth's turn to snicker. I watched as he glared at her then she just shrugged.

"Okay so have we figured out our plan on how to get to Calypso's place?" I asked as I lounged on the laps of my superhero family members. My legs were slung on top of Clint, my back was on top of Natasha, and my head was in my daddy's lap.

"Actually I believe so. We need to somehow get ahold of Aphrodite." Annabeth spoke up. "She can lead us to Calypso's island for the fact that Calypso's curse means she may still love Percy and Aphrodite is all about the connection of love."

"So! Let's go find the goddess of love and beauty!" I said in a chirpy mood though in the back of my mind I knew it wouldn't be as easy as it sounds and by easy I meant probably one of the hardest things I've ever done.

I hopped off everyone's lap. "J, I need the time."

"It is currently 3:36pm, Miss. Stark." The A.I replied.

"Thanks. Is everything that we need packed?" I asked Percy and Annabeth. They replied with two short nods. "Alright then, let's head out. Is there any places you guys think we can find Aphrodite at?"

"One, there is a River of Love type thing , down in Oklahoma that I've heard she likes but I am not exactly sure." Percy said softly.

"And how do you know that, Mr. Jackson?" I questioned smirking.

"Darn! You caught me. Annabeth I have to tell you something, I've been cheating on you with Aphrodite." Percy stated sarcasm dripping in every word. Annabeth narrowed her eyes at him, though they held a glint of amusement. "Do you forgive me Annie-boo?"

"I did until you called me Annie-boo, Gods that's the lamest thing that's ever come out of your mouth Seaweed Brain." She joked and shouldered him.

We all started laughing. "I am sorry guys but we should get going. We've wasted enough time here." I admitted. In all honesty I've been procrastinating. I never really wanted to leave but it's not like I really had a choice.

"Yeah, Your right." Annabeth agreed and they stood up. Clint, Nat, Dad and Thor stood as well. I hugged Clint first.

"Bye, Bird Boy." I whispered into his ear as he returned my embrace.

"Bye, Chickadee." He replied. "Be safe and kick some immortal ass."

"You know I will." I replied with a smirk then I hugged Natasha. "Bye Bye, Spidey!" I spoke as we hugged.

"Bye Bye Tiny Tin." I started laughing as we separated.

I smiled at her before turning to Thor. I received a bone crushing hug from him. "Farewell Girl of Iron! I wish you luck on your adventures to come!"

"Can't... Breathe..." I gasp. Once he set me down I gave him a light hug. "Thanks Thor. Don't destroy too much stuff without me, okay?"

"As you wish, Lady Stark." Thor replied.

I turned to face my dad. I couldn't stand saying bye to him. That's why I said bye to everyone else in the room first. We stood there for a second before I wrapped my arms around him and buried my head into his chest. The hum and glow of his arc reactor was calming. He was always worried about me and I knew that this mission whatever the outcome will be tough on him. I was happy he at least had the Avengers with him. "Don't do anything stupid, okay Dad?" I murmured into his chest. I felt him nod.

"Make sure you get some sleep and don't worry about me. Well to much that is." I said softly.

"The last parts not happening. You are my baby girl." I heard him reply and I hugged him tightly.

"I love you Daddy."

"I love you too, Sweetheart."

We separated and my fellow Demi-Gods and myself walked out of the room grabbing out stuff. I shot a last look at the 4 Avengers before turning around and running back to my dad giving him another hug before I caught up to Annabeth and Percy. When we walked past Bruce and Steve I said good bye to them. I clenched my eyes shut not wanting to spill tears that threatened to fall.

Gods I hated good-byes.

A/N: So from now on I plan on probably finishing this story before my others, It has recieved the most reads, votes and comments and that truely means a lot to me! I love you guys and I am glad you enjoy this story! <3



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