Project 1000 School Virgin ||...

By KenneyRou

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Play the game or be played. Once a year, one random girl is chosen to participate in the annual game called '... More

Project 1000 School Virgin
Chapter 1 | Project I Will Go To Church Every Sunday
CHAPTER 2 | Project Play The Game
Chapter 3 | Project Make Everyone Stop And Stare
Chapter 4 | Project Play Truth Or Dare
Chapter 5 | Project Bite His Lips...
Chapter 6 | Project You Wouldn't Be Alive For Much Longer
Chapter 7 | Project Tutor The Bad Boy
Chapter 8 | Project We Could Make Out
Chapter 9 | Project I Like You
Chapter 10 | Project Not Too Rough
Chapter 11 | Project No Need To Threaten My Dick
Chapter 12 | Project The Wheels On The Bus
Chapter 13 | Project Oompa Loompa
Chapter 14 | Project Finger In My nose
Chapter 15 | Project Kissing Behind The Tress
Chapter 16 | Project Something Is Poking My Butt
knowing your characters and book trailer
Chapter 17 | Project You Are Pretty Cool For A Fuck Boy
Chapter 18 | Project All You Need Is A Meaty Dick
Chapter 19 | Project He Is Just Playing You
Chapter 20 | Project Who Took Your Virginity?
Chapter 21 | Project I Didn't Kill Him
Chapter 22 | Project I want Revenge
Chapter 23 | Project Wonder Women
Chapter 24 | Project I Like Dicks
Chapter 25 | Project Sleep With Me
Chapter 27 | Project Our Gay Best Friend
Chapter 28| Project Lorenzo Albero
Chapter 29| Project Daddy Kinks
Chapter 30 | Project She Has A Black Vibrator
Chapter 31 | Project A Fart That Could Kill
Chapter 32 | Project I Can't Spread It
Chapter 33 | Project Soaked
Chapter 34 | Project Drunken Kiss
chapter 35 | Project Falling For You
Chapter 36 | Project Lazy, Unbothered, Teenagers
Chpater 37| Project Girls Are So complicating
Chapter 38 | Project The Game Has Ended
Chapter 39 | Project The Videotape
Chapter 40 | Project She Is Gone
Epilogue - The Final Chapter
Time To Say Goodbye

Chapter 26 | Project Loving Him

2.6K 113 28
By KenneyRou

Surprised?! Just thought I could surprise you guys with a new update.

If you are surprised please vote. Would mean a lot :)

This chapter is dedicated to the wonderful and (I don't need to see you) beautiful @Kolsmikaelson

Chapter 26 | Project Loving Your Rapist

I was frozen for a second. Sleepiness washed over me, I was no longer tired but wide awake. It took me a while to completely comprehend what he had said. I waited for a second thinking I heard wrong. When he didn't say anything else.

I got my answer.

I abruptly stood up and stared at Xavier in bewilderment. "No, why would you even ask me that?"

"I am trying to protect you, Alex,"

"No, you are not," I accused. This couldn't be him helping me. This was him ruining me.

He too now stood up from the chair and got up all in my face. He was seething with anger. Anger, I never thought Xavier could feel towards me.

I had only seen a glimpse of it when he spoke to Brandon, Jordan, and Lorenzo but that couldn't compare to how mad he was now.

"It seems to me you actually want to take part in the game!"

I took a step away from him and yelled. "Are you fucking stupid? Why would you even think that?!"

"Then explain to me!" He shouted his hand balled into a fist.

I took in a deep breath and calmly said. "Brandon, knows things, okay? And I can't risk that!"

"Rule two of the game - do not sleep with someone else other than the chosen boy," I said, recalling the rules of the game.

He had to see how I couldn't just give it to him. I had secrets I needed to keep.

"Alex, how bad could your secrets be?" He quietly whispered in defeat. He now knew I wouldn't and couldn't just sleep with him. I had to find another way to get out of the game.

"Bad enough that I have to keep them a secret,"

He walked closer to me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, "even if you don't have sex with him they are still going to expose your secrets,"

He was right.

I weakly bowed my head down, "I know but - but, I just want to keep it a secret for long,"

"Alex, you know secrets always have a way of coming out the question is what are you going to do?"

"I can't do anything, Xavier, I am traped in this stupid game. There is no way out,"

He took a step back and held my shoulders in his large hands. "Alex, I need you to tell me something and I want the truth?"

I nodded my head.

"Do you love, Enzo?"

My head quickly snapped up to meet Xavier's eyes. "No. I don't love him," I quickly denied but his eyes still had the fierce determination to prove me wrong that I actually loved Lorenzo.

However, I did feel something for him but it just wasn't love. I couldn't love someone who wanted my virginity. It was loving someone who was planning how to rape you.

His eyes blazed with fire and he tightened his hands on my shoulder. "You are lying. Alex, do you feel any type of emotion for him?"

I winced in pain at how rough he was gripping my shoulder this in result made him lessen his grip on my shoulder but he still held onto my shoulder.

He profusely apologized and I muttered 'I am fine'.

I tried putting on a smile to reassure him that I was fine and answered his question. "I don't know, Xavier, I really don't know,"

"Then explain it,"

I creased my eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

He sighed as he let go of my shoulders. "You are hoping he will change for you,"

"You don't know what you are saying," I deadpanned.

"Alex, this isn't some romantic novel. Where the bad boy changes for the girl. Wake up, Alex," he was getting frustrated once again. He wanted me to agree to what he was saying but I couldn't agree to that.

I was getting mad at the second as he kept on insisting I was trying to change him and that I loved him, which I didn't.

"When the hell did I say I wanted to change him! I don't fucking want to change him!"

"It seems like it, it seems like you want to be that girl that changes him!" He yelled back, louder and scarier. He showed me a side that I was afraid of and I didn't think I liked it.

I knew if I said one wrong thing he would burst so I settled for - "Well, I don't," I quietly said.

"Good, because he only wants one thing and that's your virginity,"

I rolled my eyes, "Thank you for pointing out the obvious situation. I know Xavier."

"I just don't want to see you get hurt," he softly said, sincerity leaking out of his voice. Now, that was the Xavier I knew.

The one who didn't want to hurt me but someone who genuinely didn't want to see me get hurt.

I smiled. "I know and I am sorry for getting mad for no apparent reason,"

"And I am sorry for saying such mean things and also about trying to convince you into giving me your virginity,"

I shrugged my shoulders but winced at the action. My shoulders were hurting like a bitch.

"You were just trying to help," I managed to say as I hid my pain from him.

He weakly smiled back. "That's what friends are for,"

"You never know, I might just take you up on that offer. " I jokingly teased.

His eyes lit up. "And I will be there when you decide to take up my offer. Remembered, Alex, I am just trying to help you,"

I was about to open up my mouth to reassure him that I knew he was only trying to help me but I got interrupted by the front door banging hard against a wall.

"Shit," Xavier muttered. "Alex, you need to hide."

I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. "You don't have to hide me from your mom,"

"You don't unde-"

Before he could finish what he was trying to say a loud Rachel screamed and dropped her Gucci bag on the floor. "Why is there a fucking animal in my house?!"

What the fuck?

"Xavier! What is she doing in our house?! I am going to tell dad!"

"Our house?" I stupidly asked that could explain how I felt right then.

I thought I imagined her saying 'our house' but when she screeched once again demanding I leave her house. I got my answer.

So, she was the step sister. I briefly remembered asking Xavier why he moved all the way here, his reply was something about his mom getting married to another man and this resulting in him moving in with his new step father and step sister.

But, not once did he mention that his step sister was her.

"Why are you still standing here! Get out of my house, first, you take my boyfriend and now you are trying to take my house!"

I was tempted to say that Lorenzo was never her boyfriend in the first place but I didn't. I picked up my school bag and left.

I didn't bother stopping as Xavier tried calling me back and demanding me to come back. I didn't listen. I was stubborn like that.

Stubborn in enough not to care that I didn't have a car to drive back home with and even more stubborn that I didn't take up his offer of him driving me back.

I didn't really know where I was, all I knew was that I was properly going to get lost, get raped and then killed.

"At least, you would be out of Project 1000 School Virgin," I muttered as I kicked a pebble on the street.

I looked up ahead to see a silver Mustang car speeding down the road. I quickly moved back as it was about to drive me over.

"Are you fucking stupid?!" I yelled as the car stopped in front of me.

The window's of the car was tinted so I couldn't see who was driving the damn car and I didn't need to find out.

I moved away from the front of the car, shooting the car a glare and walked away.


I stopped and slowly turned around to see him standing there, right next to the car that almost ran me over. He was standing by the passenger seat.

"What?!" I turned around once again and went the opposite way. I didn't need his help.

"Come on, Lex. We have been searching everywhere for you. Please just come inside, " Jordan pleaded from the driver seat. I couldn't say no to him so I grumpily once again turned around and walked over to his car.

Once I reached the car, I could see from the driver seat that Jordan sat there with a small smile placed on his face.

He was the one that almost drove me over. "You almost killed me," I whispered yelled at Jordan and he instantly lost his smile.

"I am so sorry. Brandon threatened me to run you over or he would tell dad that I crushed his car,"

"Did you crush it?" I slowly asked and took a glance at Brandon who sat in the backseat with a smirk placed on his ugly face.

He bowed his head and softly said. "Yes and I am sorry,"

Aww, poor Jordan. "It's okay," I saw Brandon leaning forward so that I could see his face. "As for you, I will be planning your death,"

Brandon lost his smirk and grimace replaced his smirk. He better be afraid.

I was about to make my way to the back seat of the cover where Brandon and Sophia sat.


I shoved his hands away from me. " Don't ever speak to me again,"

I ignored his attempts as he tried to speak to me but me being the new improved Alex, I ignored his attempts.

We were in the car for a long period of time and the silence still surrounded us almost suffocating.

No one asked questions, no one sang and no one tried easing the tension in the car. We were all contented with the silence.

Maybe we all needed a little time to think.

Jordan pulled up to his mansion. The house never failed to amaze me no matter how many time I came here.

"Everyone out!" Everyone left the car obeying Brandons order but mind you that Brandon was still in his cast, so when he demanded everyone to leave the car he forgot that he needed help getting out of the car.

No sooner, we heard him screaming. "Can someone help me out! Lorenzo! Jordan!"

"Are you guys going to help him?" Sophia looked back at Brandon who was stuck in the car.

We all turned around and said. "Nope, he deserves it. He will find a way to get out of the car,"


"So how is everyone?" Jordan asked as he tried starting a conversation but no one answered.

The tension was unbreakable.

Sophia coughed. "So, do you guys want to play a game,"

"No," Lorenzo and Brandon grunted. I just remained quiet.

"Okay...are you guys hungry?" Jordan asked, only Sophia answered with a 'yes please'

Jordan left for ten minutes and returned with sandwiches enough to feed a whole army.

"Thought you guys might be hungry,'" he explained as he placed a plate on each of our laps.

"What I want to know is where stupid went,"

A muscle in my jaw tickled in annoyance at the stupid nickname he instead on giving me.

"Stupid, are you deaf? I asked a question - where did you go?"

I clicked my tongue in anger and lifted my gaze to Lorenzo. "Are you my father? Don't ask me questions and I am not deaf but it seems to me that you are so stupid that you don't understand when someone doesn't want t to speak to you," I angrily stood up from the chair and placed the sandwich on the marble table. "And stop calling me stupid!"

Everyone grew quiet. Lorenzo's eyes grew wide, he stared at me as if I grew another head.

It was getting hot in this place, I felt trap. I hated that I needed to give them an explanation as to why I left school and disappeared. Even though the others sat quiet, I knew they too wanted an ansdwer.

I took off my jacket and roughly threw it where I previously sat before.

My back was towards Jordan and Sophia. I took a threatening stand towards Lorenzo and was about to yell at him once more but two loud gasps behind me silenced me from saying anything.

"Alex, what the hell is wrong with your shoulder?!" I heard a loud voice asking.

"What do you mean?" I tried looking back at my shoulder but my head could only look so far.

Lorenzo marched over to see what the racket was going on when I kept asking what they were talking about but the two - Sophia and Jordan refused to say what was wrong.

"Who the fuck did this to you?" Lorenzo roared as he moved my shoulders to take a better look at it.

I winced in pain and he instantly let go of my shoulder as he took a step back.

"Guys, just tell me what's going on!" I was beginning to lose my mind at how they were reacting.

They grew quite when Brandon came over with a medium size mirror. He stood behind me, I turned around to see what he was doing but once I turned around.

I saw the reflection of my shoulder and there was nasty purple - bluish bruise that covered most of my shoulders.


Don't worry you will still get your weekly updated. I am just trying to finish the book but there is still like 16 chapters or something but no more than 20!

Hope you guys liked it!




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