The Crystal Style User ( A Ne...

By seth209knight

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Michigo Kagami is 13 and the last of her clan and the only one to have survived. Since she was the last of he... More

chapter 1 The Leaf Village
chapter 2 Team 8
chapter 3 True Strength
chapter 4 Team 3
chapter 5
chapter 6 The unknown vistor
chapter 7 Lady Hokage
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Jealousy
chapter 10
Chapter 12 A New Type of Training
chapter 13 promotion
chapter14 jounin written exam
Jounin Exams PART2 one on one combat
chapter 15
chapter 16 Back Home
chapter 17 Team 5
Chapter 18 Friend or Enemy?
chapter 19 Testing His Limits
chapter 20 Confessions and Betrayal
Chapter 21 Tears
chapter 22 Encounter
chapter 23 Sasuke's Leaving
chapter 24 Good News
chapter 25 Joint Training
chapter 26 Invasion
chapter 27 At Death's Door Once Again
chapter 28 Traitors?
chapter 29 Mission to the Land of Birds
chapter 30
chapter 31 Feelings
chapter 32 The Kiss
chapter 33
chapter 34 Actions Speak Louder Than Words
chapter 35 She's Back
chapter 36
chapter 37 True Fear
chapter 38 Entity
chapter 39
chapter 40

chapter 11 Almira the Summoning Animal

608 13 2
By seth209knight

∼Michigo's POV∼

I was in a deep sleep when I heard a loud crashing sound coming from the kitchen. I know the hokage said not to worry but with all those times of the creature breaking in and scaring me half to death, how was I not supposed to be scared. At least this time Neji was with me. I don't do to well with things I cannot see. Finally for the first time Neji was here and it happened.

Finally. Now he won't think it's a ghost anymore.

"Let's go check it out. I'll protect you. No worries." Neji said to me gently. I hated how he was all gentle and nice with me but as soon as we get in public he's rude and mean. I will not fall for it. Not anymore. Lord Orochimaru was right. No one cares for me. Even Lee stopped talking to me.

I just nodded. I mean I was an exceptionally skilled ninja but there were some times where I froze too. Everyone has there fears. Things I cannot see was mine. I mean how can I protect myself against something I cannot see even if they have speed on there side.

"Are you coming or not?" Neji asked but this time it wasn't in an impatient or rude irritating tone. It was a caring tone. It was like he actually cared but I knew better.

"Yes I'm coming." I answered as I jumped out of bed to follow him through the hallway. Then I heard it. It sounded like the swishing of a tail going back and forth.

"What's that sound?" I asked kind of scared.  I moved a little closer to neji hoping he wouldn't mind or push me away and much to my surprise he grabbed my hand and squeezed it like he was reassuring me or something.

"It'll be alright Michigo. I promise and yes there's a black leopard laying on your kitchen floor." He answered nonchalantly. I was shocked that a leopard can get in my apartment and without getting seen or breaking anything. 

"What?!" I asked him in a fearful voice.

"It's alright. I won't hurt you guys. I was only playing. I was sent to guide you in the right direction." The leopard said calmly. I switched the lights on hoping she wouldn't disappear so I can see her finally. When they were on I saw her silky black coat and orange eyes. She stood about my height and was about one couch in length. She was quite big for being a leopard.

"Guide me? Guide me where?" I asked in a defensive tone. I was taken aback by what she said.

Why the hell would I need to be guided? Did lord Orochimaru send her? He only works with snakes though.

"What is your name?" Neji asked ignoring my question. He squeezed me hand one more time before letting go.

"My name is Almira and I'm here for you michigo. I will stay by your side till my time is up. I'm also here to help you train." Almira answered flicking her tail. I took that as a sign of playfulness. 

She wants to play at this hour?

"We'll finish this conversation in the morning. Ok?" Neji finished before anyone could get anymore questions in.

"That sounds good. What is your name young man?" She asked.

"My name is Neji and goodnight. We'll see you in the morning." Neji replied before walking off towards my bedroom dragged me with him.

"Goodnight you two." She answered.

Once morning came I was eager to learn more about Almira. I was eager to learn from whom she was sent and how she's to train me.

Neji's gone? Where did he go? When did he even wake up?

I was confused and got up to get dressed for the day. I went to the bathroom and did my morning routine before heading out into the kitchen. I stopped in the hallway when I heard my name.

"Michigo? What does he want with her?" I heard Neji ask. He almost sounded concerned. I'd never believe him. Never again. He had his moment and he ruined it. Everytime.

"I believe we're not alone." I heard Almira say loudly. Just then I saw Neji peer his head out from the kitchen and into the hallway.

"It isn't polite to eavesdrop you know." Neji said crossing his arms in a lecturing manner. Yet his tone was gentle. He was starting to confuse me.

"I'm sorry." That's all that came out of my mouth. Although I was thinking of snapping at him but my heart just wouldn't let me.

"It's alright. I made you breakfast. I hope you like it." He said gently. I just stood there for a moment bewildered that he would even do this kind of thing. Especially for me. For an outsider.  Once I finally entered the kitchen I saw that he made me some eggs and cut some fruit. 

Hmm... a healthy breakfast.  No wonder he's strong. He eats like this and then gets up early to train. He's well disciplined. 

"This is good. Thank you Neji." I replied after eating my breakfast. He just nodded his head acknowledging my thanks.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I asked curiously.  I had hoped it was something good. Whatever it was.

"Nothing of any importance.  Anyway we have to go meet up with Guy sensei and introduce your new companion." Neji said dismissing me. It was irritating how he did that. I just sighed and let it pass. I'd figure it out sooner or later.

"Ok let's go. So tell me about your teammates Michigo." Almira said as we locked my front door and started for the training grounds where they're supposed to be.

"Well there's this girl. She has two brown buns on her head and she works with weapons. I don't think she has any jutsu." I said just now realizing how weak she really was.

"What about the other and your sensei. How's he?" It seemed like she was testing my intellect. She was seeing if I can pick up on the littlest details. I knew how she worked. Sort of.

"Hmm. The other is a Guy named Rock Lee and he uses only taijutsu. He can't use ninjutsu either and Guy sensei is strong but only in taijutsu. Seems like I'm the strongest one here now that I think about it." I said as a light bulb went off in my brain. I wondered how I didn't pick up on it sooner.

"What's the girls name? Do you know?" She asked. She continued to ask questions until we got there. I assumed to get as much information before meeting them. 

"Her name is Tenten." Neji spoke up from beside me. When he spoke up for her I just felt my heart sink. I noticed that Almira caught that too.

She'll be letting me hear that one later.

"NEJI!" I heard the loudest screech and flinched.

Does she have to be so damn loud.

"Hello Michigo. Who's your new friend?" I heard Guy sensei ask. I looked over to see the three of them walking towards us. Well the guys anyway. Tenten was running full speed towards Neji. It kind of made me jealous.
I looked to Almira and she gestured that I introduce. She might not want them to know she can talk. She has reasons why she does things I noticed. So I trusted her and went with it.

"This is Almira. My summoning animal.  She's here to help me train." I said simply. I noticed Tenten snicker.

"You need help training? What your not good enough by yourself?" She snickered again but then got lectured by Guy sensei and had to go train with Lee.  Although he never said a word to me.
I also noticed how defensive Almira can get. She was trying to hold back a growl.

"Sorry about that. I don't know what's gotten into her." Guy sensei said as he apologized for Tentens rude behavior.
He may be clueless as to why she doesn't like me but I know exactly why. Its because I'm stronger than her and Neji might want to train with me so he can get stronger.

"No its fine. I'm sure its just that I'm new still. Anyways, come Almira lets see what you can do." I said to her ignoring Neji's stare.

We moved out to the center of the training grounds to see what she can do. I was curious but I also got that she doesn't want anyone knowing she can talk. So we moved a bit away from the others, so she was out of ear shot from them. I could feel there eyes on me. They usually were because I am strong and always am coming up with new surprises.
Neji was still close to my side. He was still observing. I honestly couldn't tell you why he was acting like this. I have a feeling it was whatever they were talking about this morning. 

"So what's your style fighting? I hear your different then the rest." Almira said to me calmly walking in circles around me observing every little detail and movement I was making. I knew she detected that I wasn't that brave although I did act it as best as I could.

"Well my chakra nature is wind style, and water style. Concluding that I have the ice style as a kekkei genkai." I said to her as I watched her finally sit down in front of me. I was picking up on the fact that she might not have cared if they knew she talked or not because Tenten and the other two were coming closer.

"Interesting..." she started but I cut her off because I wasn't finished yet.

"That's not all. I was experimented on and now I contain the crystal style as another kekkei genkai." I said a little more confidently now that the team had arrived.

"That's more interesting.  You do know having the crystal style as a chakra nature, you might have the earth style too?" When she said that I was dumbfounded.

"Come again?"

"If you were experimented on then that person had to have earth style chakra nature put inside you which resulting in having the crystal style as a kekkei genkai." She explained. That's when it started to make sense.

"So does that mean I can use earth style too?" I asked eagerly. She just shook her head.

"Not necessarily. You might. We'll have to work and see but for now show me what you can do. Only using your wind style chakra nature." Almira said getting in a fighting stance.

We had been training for a couple hours before Guy sensei let us go for lunch break.

"You really need to focus more and be more aware of your surroundings. You tend to lose focus a lot. Making your aim slightly off. Also I want you to train with someone strong. A master of taijutsu. Just because your strong in your ninjutsu doesn't mean your off the hook. There will be times when your ninjutsu is useless. I also want to see how good you are in genjutsu. Not everyone has a touch for it but you need to be able to break the genjutsu." Almira said to me. She said it kind of loudly too. Which displeased me because she gave away my weakness to the others.

"Yeah I understand that but Almira who am I going to train with? I'm a jounin level ninja." I asked quite confused. It was then that Guy sensei had came over.

"What's that I hear about needing some taijutsu training?" He asked joining our conversation. The others following with of course Tenten clinging onto Neji. It made me a little bitter seeing them two together like that.

"Yes sensei she needs some training with her taijutsu. She's good with ninjutsu nonetheless however her combat skills need working on a lot. There will come times where she'll need only taijutsu to defeat someone and she's weaker in that general area. She needs to work on her speed as well." Almira answered back. Just then I saw Lee's eyes light up. He seemed super excited now that he heard I need help in taijutsu.

"Well that's great. It was smart for kurenai to have suggested my team for you. Lee is an expert in taijutsu. That's only because he only has his taijutsu to rely on. Lee come on over here." Guy sensei praised.

"Yes Guy sensei." Lee answered quickly.

"Michigo here is your new sparing partner. I want you to start fighting her with everything you have. She needs to work on her taijutsu and speed. Which is your specialty." When Guy sensei said that to Lee I could've sworn I saw a spark of happiness.

"Yes Guy sensei. I will make you proud." Lee answered strictly. I was only glad to notice Lee finally has a reason to stop avoiding me and talk with me again. He, besides naruto and sasuke and hinata, actually like me as a friend and not an enemy because of my strength.

"Yeah and maybe I can make you stronger by using my ninjutsu on you. If your up for it." I mentioned coming into the conversation.

"Actually that's a great idea michigo. What do ya say Lee? You up for it?" Guy sensei asked. Well it was sort've a statement if you me.

"I say that is a great idea. Also michigo if you want to get stronger and faster you will have to use ankle weights. Is that alright?" Lee finally turned to look at me. I was glad that I saw genuine happiness in his eyes. I genuinely smiled back. 

"Yes Lee.  Whatever it takes." I answered politely.

"Sounds good. Starting tomorrow you will be training with Lee till your strong and fast as he is. Then I will have you train with the rest of the team. Hard. As hard as you can get. To make them stronger to. You got that?" Guy sensei asked. I was excited that I might be able to put my talents to use. I nodded politely and eagerly. I saw neji and Lee's eyes shine with eagerness to get stronger. To become as good as shinobis as I am. Tenten on the other hand looked like she didn't care. Probably because she can only use weapons so all she can do is work on her aim.

"Yes and maybe you can be made jounin as well. I can make you all stronger. I promise I'll do my very best to help you train if you help me train." To me that was kind of like a plea begging them to like me enough to help me get stronger.

I saw Lee and neji both smile and nod. Neji actually smiled a full smile and it was genuine. Which made my heart skip a beat but I saw tenten glare at me.

"Good now off you go. Tomorrows training will be harsher then ever. Now that michigos on your team I know you'll get better and stronger. She will help you hone your skills. You guys might even beat kakashis team. Actually I know you will." Guy sensei said to us before he vanished.

"So michigo will you like to go out to eat with us?" Lee asked. I couldn't resist him. Finally he talks to me and asks me to go have lunch with him makes happier then ever.

"Yes of course Lee. I'd love to." I nodded and looked to almira for an ok. She nodded back.

"I'll see you after michigo. I want to talk to you about some other matters." Almira said before leaving. I shouted an ok before we headed off to Barbequed pork as a team. I stood between Lee and neji and of course tenten was on nejis other side. Which kinda bothered me because she was catching all of his attention.  The only thing I could do was ignore her and talk to Lee instead.

"So Lee how have you been? I haven't talked to you lately. " I asked with curiosity in mind.

Lee just shrugged to my distaste.  He was still being distant and I wanted to find out why.

About a couple hours went by of eating with tenten mostly flirting with neji and him blowing her off and trying to conversate with me but I kept my attention on Lee.  We pretty much just rambled about random things. Towards the end Neji kind of looked mad. I guessed it was Tenten bugging him.

When it was over I said my goodbyes and headed home to talk with almira. When I got home I didn't see her around.

Hmm... maybe she's out somewhere having lunch. Ill just talk to her tomorrow since its getting late.

I went to bed after that. Tomorrow I had strict training. I had a feeling it would be draining since he said I had to use weights.

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