Tmnt 2012: Tales of the Turtl...

By EternalLuv4ever

2.8K 31 8

This story will start off at the beginning of Season 5: One night on patrol, the turtles and their allies wi... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Side Tale 1
Episode 5
Episode 6
Side Tale 2
Side Tale 3
Episode 7
Side Tale 4
Episode 8
Side Tale 5
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Side Tale 6

Episode 9

190 1 0
By EternalLuv4ever

If you're reading this, then thanks for your support! Part 3 of the Yojimbo special is here for you! Sorry if its long, but there a special instrumental song at the end. Enjoy.....

Everyone screamed as Celeste fell. Her body landed onto the spider web, yet no signs of movement. No one was as shocked as Elliot, sadness and anger filled within him. He glared at the demon as its laughter echoed continously. Out of rage, he grabbed Usagi's sword.

"Elliot!" Usagi was too late, the man made a battle cry as he drew the sword at the demon.

It backed away as Elliot kept swinging in precise manner, like he knew how to handle it. The demon crawled into hiding. Leo got up as his brothers and Kintaro joined them. Everyone stayed alert. All they could hear were clicking sounds of spiders crawling around, themsleves filled with fear or cautiousness.  Donnie was the first to go, as the demon grabbed him from behind and threw him to the web.


He was now dangling from his bo-staff, and surrounded by skeletons wrapped in spider-silk. One by one, they fell into the demon's trap, only Raph was cocooned in spider silk. Elliot groaned as he looked up. He saw Celeste's body right beside Kintaro.


It was Leo and Usagi left to defend themselves. The creature approached Leo. 

"You cannot escape Joroguma!" Leo backed away as it crawled forward. 


Joroguma laughed as it wrapped Leo in spider-silk. 

"Leonardo-san!" Usagi jumped from behind, and stabbed Joroguma from the back. However, even he fell into the web, along with Leo and the rest. Joroguma kept laughing as she slowly approached them. 

"Oh no--she's coming~!" 

"Do something Usagi," Kintaro shouted. 

"Even if you break free...below you is a bottomless pit." She showed a horrific look of her deformed spider face. 

"Hey--spider-witch! Yeah...I'm talking to you--butt-face!" She screeched at Mikey, making him fear for his life. 

"Uh...I was kidding. You don't really have a butt-face." He was going to be the first of the meal, when...


"Over here--Joroguma! Come get me!" Up above was another Kintaro.

"What?! There are two!?" She chased after him, ignoring the others. While doing so, everyone was suprised to see the tanukis appear, holding short spears in their paws. 

"It just got worse," Donnie grimaced. 

"Ahhh~!" Raphs screamed for the worse, but stopped when he saw the tanuki cut him loose. 

"They are...helping us," Kintaro questioned. 


That's when the spider web was falling apart. 

"AAAAHHHHH~~~!!!" They fell miles down to their doom. Or so they thought. Each tanuki grabbed someone, and used a cloth to parachuted them to safety. 

"Oh snap...that was too clo--oof!!" Mikey got pummeled from the back when Kintaro crashed in. Usagi and Elliot turned to see the Tanuki not far from them on a ledge. 

"Thank you for saving us," Elliot bowed. 

"May the gods honor you," Usagi did the same. The tanuki vanished, leaving a pile of leaves behind them. After escaping the spider's clutches, they found a ledge from outside. Celeste was leaning on a boulder, unconscious as Usagi examined her.

"How is she?" Elliot asked. Usagi looked at the side of her stomach. 

"She is still breathing. Luckily her wound is not deep...and it seems the tanuki left us herbs for treatment." He showed a small bag made of leaves woven together. Elliot sighed in relief, but then turned back to look at Leo. 

" have some explaining to do." He glared.

"I know you're mad...I get it--"

"You don't," Elliot's stern voice startled everyone. He didn't shout, which made the atmosphere even more intense.

"Your irrational actions have clouded your judgement, ignored Usagi's warnings, and put us in danger, countless times. I'm not one to blame someone on the spot...but this...has gone far enough." Leo was speechless. Elliot turned back to Usagi.

"We need to find shelter so I can help her." 

"Then we must make haste. Come..." Usagi lead the way, with Elliot carrying Celeste in his arms as the others followed. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Eventually they found a cave, setting up camp for the night. While Elliot was talking to Usagi, the others were gathered by the fire. Donnie looked back at Kintaro, and then looked at Raph.

"You know...Pug-taro iwouldn't be so bad, fi he wasn't such an entitled-little-jerk."

"Yeah...yawn~...he jsut needs discipline."

"I can hear you--turtle-fools~!" Donnie and Raph rolled their eyes. Kintaro's expression turned with concern, as he sat near Celeste, sleeping peacefully. He made a low whimper.

"Don't worry, puggy," Raph reassured, "she'll be okay. Now why don't you roll over and go to sleep." He yawned as he laid down. 

"Yawn~...I'm with ya, bro." Mikey and Donnie fell back and nodded off. Kintaro laid beside the woman and slowly closed his eyes. As for Leo, he approached Elliot and Usagi as they stood near the ledge. 

"Usagi...Elliot....I want to apologize. I should have listened to you." Elliot was the one who sighed. 

"Its alright, Leonardo. I'm sorry I was harsh on you." He patted his shoulder before returning to the campfire. Leo looked at Usagi.

"I'll take the first watch. Get some sleep, Usagi."

"Thank you, Leonardo-san," Usagi bowed his head and turned to sleep with the others. 








All was quiet. While the rest slept soundly, Leo was still keeping an eye out. Although, he too was about to give in to the sandman's magic sleep dust. But something made him go on full alert. Standing across in a distance, Jei stared right at Leo, his spear in hand. Leo abruptly stood up.

"Guys! Guys--its Jei! He's here!" His brothers woke up and joined him. But when they turned back, Jei had disappeared. 

Suddenly, they heard chuckling from above them. Jei floated right down as he tried to strike them with his spear. They backed away as Jei readied himself. 

"I got this!" Mikey shouted as he charged at the wolf. He twirled his nunchucks as Jei dodged the attacks. He kicked him away, having Mikey loose his focus before taking the blow.


"Ahh!" Jei stabbed him deep. 

"Mikey~!" Raph shouted as he and his brothers saw Jei throw Mikey down below. Raph ran towards him in anger, but the wolf used magic and blew fire, causing the turtle to fall off the ledge. 

"No!" Leo shouted in despair. Before he could blink, Leo and Donnie got knocked away by Jei. That's when he used his powers to lift Donnie in the air, unable to move.

"You cannot fathom the powers of Jei..." 

"Arugh~!" Donnie screamed in agony as Jei crushed him. Donnie hit the boulders as he fell alongside with his brothers. Leo groaned as he kneeled on Mikey. But looking at his brothers' defeat made it worse. 

"No....Noo~~!!" They were gone. Leo clutched onto Mikey's lifeless body and cried for him. Rain heavily poured, as Leo kept mourning for his brothers. Unaware to him, Jei was right behind him.

"I sense the evil inside you, Leonardo," he smirked, "and I will purge it." But Leo said nothing, as he turned to face Jei in anger, drawing his sword.

The epic battle between them began, thunder and lightning roaring in the background as each strike clashed within. But try as he must, Leonardo was on the verge of losing. 

"You are weakening, turtle....and I am getting stronger! Once I finish you...I will destroy the others, including the life of that woman you so care about!" Jei moved forward as Leo blocked his spear. Then, Jei twirled his weapon, causing a cycle of wind to blow Leo off balance. Now on his back, Leo stared at Jei as the wolf approached him, spear-at-the-ready.

"You are just a child....what threat do you pose, Jei?...none!!" 


Thunder stuck as Leo shielded himself from Jei's final blow. But then...

"Leo...wake up!!" He heard voices. He looked up to see Raph and the others surrounding him.

"Raph? was...a dream...?"

"No kidding, turtle-dummy," Kintaro frowned. 

"You were controlled by Jei's magic," Usagi informed.

"We all had the same dream," Donnie said, "and when he destroyed us, we all woke up."

"But why is he messing with us like that," Mikey questioned, "not cool, yo." Far away, Jei was spying on them from his magical cauldron.

"...You are nothing but puppets...the pawns to the gods...muahahaha..." Jei laughed lowly.

Back to the others, they were getting ready to head out again. Just then, they heard someone breath heavily. They turned to see Celeste, slowly getting up as she rubbed her head. 

"Celeste!" The turtles and Elliot ran to her. She looked up with confusion, but not before feeling the pain on her side. Elliot helped her up. 

"Are you okay?" She nodded with a smile. 

"I'll take care of her," Elliot suggested, "so we should head out, now."

"Yes...but be wary, my friends," Usagi warned, "we approach the mother-of-mountains...we are not out of danger, yet." 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

And Usagi was right. Everyone except Kintaro wore woven coats made of straw to keep them warm. Why? The mountain was steep, the path treacherous, and the cold winds blowing the snow at their bodies made this the harshest challenge yet. While walking, Elliot was carrying Celeste on his back as he talked to her. 

"You okay back there?" He asked, making her nod. 

"This kind of reminds me of our training together in the mountains of London. The mountains weren't as harsh, but the training sure was." Celeste smiled.

"Training?" Donnie questioned. 

"Its a long story..." 

"You cannot reach your full potential as the Godlen Child by being a spoiled brat." Just then, Elliot and Celeste turned to hear Usagi conversing with the pug. 

"You don't tell me what to do! I do! And one day...I will be the greatest to move a mountain!" 

"Well we can use that right about now," Raph argued, "looks like there was a landslide." A giant boulder blocked the path. 

"Its gotta go," Donnie suggested, "now's your us your immense power."

"Step aside peasant." Kintaro walked forward and put his paws on the rock. Celeste got off of Elliot as she joined Usagi. Kintaro tried to move the boulder. But after a few seconds, nothing happened. As he pushed, Kintaro lost his footing and slipped. Of course Raph teased him, and Kintaro was still stubborn.

"Lighten up, Raph," Leo intervened, "the kid tried...that's what counts." 


"Ow!" Raph rubbed his head after Celeste conked him. She and Usagi patted Kintaro's head and shoulder. They both looked down to see that the root of the problem was the tree and its stump blocking the rock. The exchanged looks and readied their weapons.


Usagi cut the tree, and Celeste pulled the stump out. Soon the boulder fell and disappeared below. Everyone was shocked or impressed.

"Sometimes strength is not enough," Usagi and Celeste smiled at Kintaro, with him doing the same. However, Celeste groaned and clutched her side. 

"You're still healing," Elliot advised, "try not to strain yourself." Celeste nodded. 

They continued on their journey, but there were mishaps. The brothers had to stop Raph from lassoing Mikey out of existence, after finding that he tied rope to his body so he wouldn't walk. And there was also Donnie's body stuck under snow, as Raph used his head to walk across. After hours of climbing, they managed to make it.

"We have reached the top," Usagi said.

"We made it boys," Leo sighed in relief.

"At least the hard part is over."

"No....the hard part is before us. The descendant of a thousand screams." They looked below them, not seeing the bottom as it was covered in the clouds. 

"Well, that convinces me," Elliot implied, as he and Celeste went on ahead with Usagi. 

But as they ventured on, it seemed two of the turtles were having hallucinations. Cause Mikey could have sworn he saw Jei on a rock, while Raph saw Jei's head made of a cloud. Regardless, Leo insisted Jei was messing with their heads. Meanwhile, Usagi was conversing with the humans.

"I heard that Jei is immortal. Even if his body dies, he can still live on."

"Don't be like those superstitious fools. They're just afraid."

"And yet their courage saved your life," Elliot implied, "you shouldn't judge a little compassion, and that might be your greatest strength, yet." 

"I don't need their strength. I'm plenty strong myself." Kintaro tried to carry his axe, but almost fell off before he huddled himself in anxiety. Celeste wrote and showed her thoughts to Usagi.

"Celeste is should not act so chicken."

"Chicken!? I'm the greatest warrior in all the land," Kintaro boasted. 

' must prove it, young one...' Suddenly, they all heard Jei's voice echo in the mountains. At the moment, cats dressed in white ninjitsu outfits jumped out of the snow and surrounded everyone. 

"I knew someone was watching!" 

"Guys wait! They're dressed in white....maybe they're good ninjas." Mikey offered his hand, but the cat drew his sword instead. Luckily Mikey dodged it. 

"Let's get em'!" Raph shouted. Each of them fought off the ninjas, while protecting Kintaro. Just then, Leo spotted one coming from above. 

"Oh no you don't!" 


Leo kicked him away, but it wasn't enough to save the boy. Thought Kintaro tried to stand his ground, he was soon in the arms of the enemy. 

"No!" Usagi shouted. The ninja used an old-fashioned grappling hook, tied Kitnaro to the end and threw him off the cliff.

"They got Pugtaro," Mikey shouted as he tried to catch up. Without warning, he got blasted by a smoke bomb. 


"I gotcha!" Leo swung in and grabbed him. Jumping down, Usagi, Elliot, and Celeste were trying to get Kintaro while dodging the ninjas' attacks. Elliot grabbed the chain on Celeste's kama, and she swung him forward as he knocked three of them down. Suddenly, one threw a smoke bomb.


"Ahh!!" The three got knocked off, but using one end of the kama, Elliot stabbed the mountain as the other two hung below. They saw Kintaro from across, but noticed the hook falling off. 

"Usagi!" Kintaro shouted. 

"Usagi! Get ready!" Elliot swung them. Just as Kintaro was about to plummet, Elliot used all his strength to swing all of them, with Usagi catching the boy. 


They landed safely. 

"...You've done well, Usagi," Kintaro mumbled, but then went back to boasting. 

"Not that I needed your help...." Usagi then carried him as Elliot and Celeste followed, running away from the ninjas. Usagi cleverly drew his sword into the path, and when jumping to a safe passage, he slammed the side of the mountain, making the ninjas fall to their doom. Again, everyone was safe. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"There..." Everyone looked up to the far mountain where a temple laid on. 

"The temple palace of the Sky Buddha. We must hurry..." From behind, Donnie was treating to Kintaro, as his leg was injured during the fight. 

"Ow~! You're hurting me, turtle-fool!"

"I'm just trying to help."

"You're causing me pain, nave! I will have your head chopped off!" 

"Ahaha~...I love Pugtaro's threats," Mikey laughed, "you're comedy gold, dude."

 "I am not funny! I am impressive!" Kintaro turned away as the others walked ahead. Celeste put a hand on Leo's shoulder, looking at Kintaro and back at him. He got the message, and turned to Usagi.

"Why don't I guard Kintaro? Give you a break..."

"I gladly accept and thank you, Leonardo," Usagi bowed before leaving. Leo looked back at Kintaro, who noticed his presence.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing....just wanted to walk with someone who I think is...pretty brave." 

This made the pug turn around in surprise.

"What do you mean, I'm...brave?" 

"I saw you back at the mountain. You stood your ground...that was impressive."

"It was? I mean...of course it was!" Elliot looked back at the two with a smile. 

"Seems like there is some good in him." Celeste chuckled. 

Finally, they arrived at the temple. However, it seemed deserted.

"There should have been guards to approach us," Usagi thought, "be careful...and stay alert." They drew their weapons and carefully approached inside. Silence took over, as they stood in the middle of the temple grounds. But then, chanting was heard, and there stood a figure by the shrine. 

"Excuse us....are you the leader of the temple?" Leo asked. But he was wrong. 

"Greetings, warriors." 


"Thank you for bringing the golden is the perfect finish the ritual." 


Everyone turned around to see Sumo Kuma. 

"Shall I destroy them, master?" 

"Destroy Usagi....but leave the turtles. They could still be of use to me." Jei attacked the boys as Usagi, Celeste and Elliot fought Kuma. Kintaro went into hiding as he watched them fight. Jei laughed as he backed away.

"You have proven your worth, turtles."

"Our worth?" Leo questioned. 

"Did you really think I had given up on my control over you? No...I have been watching through your eyes." He pulled out his turtle trinkets, causing the boys to struggle. Soon, they were under his control. 

"Now, my warriors...destroy Miyamoto Usagi." Under his command, they began to attack Usagi. 

"Usagi!" Elliot and Celeste tried to help them, but Jei's power on the boys was too much. The three were beaten. Though battered, Usagi reached for his sword, but saw Leo's foot slam on it. Celeste blocked him as Leo raised his sword. 

"Usagi~! Nooo~~!" They readied for the worst. However, Jei's eyes widened when seeing the imaginable. The three were saved by Kintaro, his body shielding them as Leo's sword shattered. 


A bright light formed around the boy as he floated above. 

"Jei...release them from your power, evil one!"

The turtles tried to attack, but Kitnaro had become strong. His skills were at his peak as he knocked them away. Kuma intervened, roaring as they charged at each other. The pug slammed his paws on his stomach and shouted. He threw Kuma over his shoulder as he landed with a thud. The three turned back.

"Are you alright my friends?" 

"You did it." 

"We knew you had it, Kintaro." They smiled at him. Suddenly, Kintaro was grabbed by a chain and Jei held him up.

"Even you cannot escape through these magical chains, Golden Boy." Kintaro whimpered as Jei held his spear to his neck.

"Hold on, Kintaro! We--"

"You will do nothing," Jei argued, "all that is happen is that I had intended. I wanted you and the turtles to teach Kitnaro humility, compassion, and courage. You have turned him into the perfect vessel...for me~"

"You? Then, it is true."

"I am immortal. Having traveled from body to body. The boy's body with be the most powerful of all." Usagi clenched his teeth as he grabbed his sword. Suddenly, the rocks shot up as it lifted Jei and Kintaro above them.

"Gods of the new dawn....hear me~! To serve you for eternity...grant me the power for my soul to merge with the boy's body." He gave a chant as lightning struck. Unaware to them, the boys were getting back up.

"Ugh~...what a wake-up call."

"I think...Kintaro hit us so hard with his spiritual powers..."

"He knock the evil right out of us."

"But Jei doesn't know that. Put your evil eyes back on and follow my lead." Leo ordered. Pretending to be under control, Mikey and Donnie got a hold of Usagi, Celeste and Elliot, as the other two approached him. Leo pointed his sword at him. 

"Do not destroy him, yet, my warriors...let him first see your master descend...into power!" Jei's spirit shot out of his body. Usagi thought it was the end. But then, the three witnessed Leo winking at them. And just as Jei's spirit loomed over the boy....


"Ahhh!" Leo threw his sword at Jei's chest, but he was till alive. Elliot, Celeste and the turtles charged at Jei. The wolf pulled the chain on Kintaro, and used his body to knocked them down. But when he slammed Kintaro to the ground, something in Usagi snapped at the sight. 

"....You--monster!!" The epic battle between ronin and demon commenced. Jei still held onto the boy as Usagi tried to save him. Their fight took to the bridge outside. Neither one had mercy on the other. Then, Jei struck him with his spear, causing Usagi to back away. The wolf hung Kintaro by the chain as his body loomed above the pit. 

"It ends here, Usagi! No blade can stop me! No mortal can stop me! I...will live...forever!" 

That's what he thinks. Kintaro used his body to twirl up like a yoyo and then bit down on Jei's arm. 

"Ahh~!" Distracted, Usagi grabbed the sword within Jei. Both the body and spirit suffered, as Usagi threw him off the cliff and saved Kitnaro.

"NOOOOOooooo~~!" Jei fell beyond the clouds below. It was over. The turtles joined them on the bridge. Kintaro faced Usagi. To the ronin's surprise, the boy hugged him with gratefulness.

"Thank you, Yojimbo."

"All is are safe, now." From inside, Elliot and Celeste were with Kuma, as he regained consciousness. As everyone gathered around, the bear stood up.

"Forgive me...I too, was under the wizard's spell. I am grateful you freed my temple."

"Your temple?" They were shocked.

"I am head monk of the temple of the Sky Buddha," Kuma explained, "now that Jei is gone....I can send for my monks to return and protect...Kintaro...the Golden Boy." He and Kintaro bowed to each other.

"I am thankful for you as well, turtles."

"Aw-yeah~...I told you he was good. Up high, Pugtaro!" Mikey put his hand up, but noticed Kintaro struggling to jump high enough.

"Okay--okay. Down low..." They low-fived each other. 

"Um...we still have a problem you guys. How are we gonna get home?"

"Spirits have brought you here," Kuma said, "so it is the key to your return. can make the way. However...." He turned to Celeste and Elliot. 

"Actually," Elliot spoke, "we came here by this scepter...but..." He gave him the pieces to Kuma as the bear hummed. 

"It may take some time...but it can be fixed." 

"Wait," Mikey intervened, "so....we gotta leave them behind?" The brothers were concerned, too.

"What if it doesn't work?" Celeste approached them.

[I have faith we will. No matter how long it takes.] She hugged all of them. Kuma gave Kintaro his axe, then he used his powers to open a gateway for the turtles. 

"This doorway will not last long," Kuma advised. Raph was the first to say goodbye.

"So long, Kintaro," he patted his head, "you did good."

"Catch ya on the flip-side, too, Pugtaro." Before Leo entered in, he and Usagi bowed to each other. 

"Goodbye Usagi."

"Farewell, my brother." Leo gave one last smile to Celeste and Elliot, and then ventured into the portal. When it disappeared, all was left was the turtle trinkets. Usagi grabbed them. He glanced at the humans, who bowed their heads in respect, making him smile. Without another word, Usagi walked out of the temple to retrieve his swords by the bridge. He tired the trinkets on te ends. Kintaro ran after him and leaned on a pillar.

"You don't have to can stay."

"I must. There are others in need of my sword. Innocence in danger...but..." He put his hat on.

"If you ever need me...I will return. Goodbye, Kintaro-san." Just like that, the ronin headed out.

"Thank you, Yojimbo~! Sayonara, Usagi~!" Kintaro waved, unaware of the ronin smiling to himself as he disappeared into the mist. 

Kintaro returned to the others. 

"Come...let us go inside." Kuma guided them through the doors, with Celeste holding onto Kintaro's paw. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Time Skip>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

It may have been hard, but it was finished. The monks were able to fix the scepter, and Celeste was in full recovery. When Elliot explained to Kuma how it happened, he advised that the scepter would bring them back when a full moon rises, think of the place they want to go from there. Luckily there was one tonight. It was hours away, but the two managed to spend their time wisely. However, one person didn't want them to leave.

"Don't go..." Kintaro was hugging Celeste's legs as she gently stroked his head. They were somewhere in a Zen garden. 

"We're sorry, Kintaro," Elliot apologized, "but...there's people waiting for us back home. And who knows, we might see each other again. Hopefully on better circumstances..." 

"....You won't forget me, will you?" Celeste shook her head. 

"And we'll never forget you," Elliot patted his head. 





Minutes later.....

The monks stood as Celeste and Elliot were standing in the middle of the temple. 

"Master Kuma," Elliot smiled, "before we head out, we'd like to give you a performance as thanks." 

"Thank you," Kuma smiled. Elliot and Celeste nodded at each other, flute and bouzouki at the ready. 

Enjoy the song, guys.

When they finished, everyone clapped and cheered with delight. Kuma and Kintaro approached them.

"Thank you for that wonderful song." The two bowed. Just then, Kuma looked to the sky and saw the moon rising.

"It is time." One of the monks gave the scepter to them. The humans looked at Kintaro with smiles.

"You'll be good, right Kintaro?"

"I will." He hugged them before he stood by Kuma's side.

The moon's rays shined even brighter. In mere seconds, the scepter glowed. The wind circled around them as it lifted them off the ground. Celeste and Elliot gripped the scepter.

"Hold on!"


They were soon flying away. Kintaro waved as he watched them leave. The two flew passed the mountains, passed the green plains below them and the villagers. But as they flew by a forest....

"...Hey, look!" Elliot and Celeste saw none other than Usagi, walking through the trees. 

"Usagi~~!!" It caught the ronin's attention. 

"Goodbye, Usagi~!" 

"Farewell, my friends!" Usagi smiled as he waved goodbye, until they disappeared into the skies.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>New York>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


"Ahhh~...oof!!" The two crash landed onto a rooftop. 

"Ugh~....I think traveling by magic made my head spin. What about you?" Celeste shook her head and sighed. 

"Guys! I found them!" Just then, they looked up to see the turtles from a taller building. 

"You guys!/You're back!!" The boys tackled them into a hug. 

"Welcome home, guys," Leo smiled. Elliot and Celeste smiled at each other, before looking out into the city.

'Its good to be home.'

That's it~! I hope you liked this episode. More on the way.

So stay tuned.....

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