The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled

By awk01d

61.4K 1.9K 338

Picture this; you're casually strolling the halls of west vale high side by side with your bestfriend when th... More

The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (1)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (2)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (3)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (4)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (5)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (6)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (7)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (8)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (9)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (10)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (11)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (12)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (13)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (14)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (15)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (16)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (17)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (18)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (19)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (21)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (22)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (23)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (24)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (25)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (26)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (27)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (28)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (29)
The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (30)

The Bad Boy Got Me Expelled (20)

1.3K 54 3
By awk01d

8-7 days

"Chloe?!" My  stomach dropped Violently when I saw her stood behind him. My eyes flicked back to him. His jaw was clenched along with his fists which only enhanced his muscular arms. His mysterious yet magnificent eyes that usually held his boyish charm, no matter how broody he tried to portray himself, were dark and angry.

"You. In the house, now." He ordered, opening the door for me to enter. His frightful stare never left me as I pushed myself inside.

"well..." He said slowly, glancing from Chloe to the driveway, back to her again and so on. She looked at him dubiously, I was threatened and aware that she looked at him with lust. "Bye." He said, rudely ushering her out the door, but it was Chloe, so I made no comment as he slammed the door behind her.

Grayson turned to me shaking his head and running a hand through his damp hair, making it stick out in all sorts of ways. Walking straight past me and up the stairs, he opened his bedroom door, closing it behind me.

Crossing my arms, I pulled out the attitude. "What the hell was she doing here?"

He rolled his eyes at me, as if knowing I had thought this was her way of getting back at me, having Grayson cheat on me.

"Giving me insight." He replied, blunt, angry. He paced back and worth, hands behind his back.

"She's not a very reliable source." I answered.

"So, Tyler and Aaron didn't come onto you?" He asked, his jaw clenched, trying to be calm until he got his answer.

Oh I knew what she was doing, she was trying to cause problems between Grayson and I, to come between us the way I did her and Will, but that was not my fault. There relationship was broken before me. Your intentions don't go unnoticed, Chloe Austen.

I stayed quiet. Grayson clicked his tongue and shook his head. "but I didn't want you to cause a scene so I didn't tell you! Will sort-" He cut me off.

"Do not even get me started on that douche!"He growled, pointing his finger at me.

At this point, I couldn't tell if he was angry at me, the guys or at the situation as a whole. Perhaps all of the above.

"Do you even take this relationship seriously? Because I do, the first time ever and you playing flirt with some other guy is what I get?!" He shook his head for the tenth time.

When he got angry like this, which was often enough, I wanted to shrink into myself. Even if what he thought happened was wrong, it didn't matter. Grayson had a way of making you feel guilty when there was no need. 

Perhaps it was the mixture of anger and hurt in his eyes that presented themselves in storms or maybe that it was the most raw emotion he showed that he had no control of and he himself couldn't even escape. Either way, I'd feel guilty, I'd want to apologize and wrap my arms around him, but I'd want to stay clear too, because he was the scariest person I'd encountered when mad, I wouldn't want to screw up with what I said next; because Grayson was even more so unpredictable when mad and I'd never know what he was going to do next; give in and cry or punch the next person he saw until all his anger was gone.

"Of course I do! I'm not flirting with Will, trust me. Chloe will say anything, she hates me!" I tried to reason with him, lowering my voice in hopes he'd do the same since I had no idea if we were home alone.

"Well you did say you were playing cupid!" He shrugged his shoulders, stressed as he wiped at his forehead.

"For Will and Isabel!" I said, feeling as though this may be a breakthrough.

He raised an eyebrow. "You're trying to get Will and Isabel together?" he seemed more relaxed as he came over and lent his sweaty forehead down onto my shoulder.

I nodded, touching his hair and immediately wishing I hadn't. He really needed a shower.

"Well I'll drop that, but I want no more problems regarding Will. You're mine." he mumbled.

I hated when people labelled another person as their possession, but it didn't fuel the same fire within me when Grayson said it. It seemed as if he was trying to convince himself I'm here and I only wanted him...and that was okay with me.

"If I see Aaron and Tyler I'll knock them the fuck out." He warned me, moving a few strands of hair from my face with his hand of which had dirt crusted on it, it seemed he took a few falls in lacrosse practice.

"Don't stoop to their level." He flashed a lop sided grin when I answered.

"Baby, I don't give a shit what level they're on. Nobody fucks with what's mine." And in some weird way, it warmed my heart.


The rest of my night consisted of the old movie: Weird Science, popcorn, mom, dad and Jules. Mother had insisted I got home quick and we had a family night since it had been so long since our last one and of course my mother truly believed she birthed Julian, he was her child and he had every right to be at family night. Not that was complaining, a family night without Julian commentating with stupid jokes every five minutes would be highly boring and unfathomable.

Like anyone else would be in my position, I was ecstatic it was a training day, meaning yes, an extra day for the weekend. Nothing was better than the late nights, hang outs and movie binges weekends bring - and to state the obvious, there was no need to even think about Chloe freaking Austen.

Today being Friday marked exactly one week until everything unfolded. I had everything in order, I knew every inch of the plan to a tee. I couldn't screw it up if I tried, I could do it in my sleep. However, actually going through with it may just be the hard part.

Something as awful as this was not something I'd usually ever dream of doing, it was totally out of character! But Grayson Ledger pushed it a step too far and must be taught a life lesson and to do so, I must too cross that line.

Approximately ten minutes ago, Grayson had called me up and apologized profusely. When I had asked him why he was apologetic, he'd explained tonight we would be dining with his father, to get to know each other formally and properly as 'important people in Grayson's life'. He then continued to over dramatically apologize and moan about how awful it would be.

I on the other hand, couldn't possibly see why this would be a bad thing. Mr. Ledger - David and I had gotten along phenomenally in previous, albeit, short encounters and I suspected we'd get along just as fantastic as before.

I spent a reasonable twenty minutes picking an outfit which I'd decided to be a fancy black laced top that didn't showed much, but enough, along with my well loved black skater skirt. The outfit would have probably been much better suited had I not accompanied such a lovely outfit with my converse; but nobody's perfect.

At 7:15 I left the house prior to Grayson's honk in a hurry so to not get caught by the parents, I'd deal with them later, but I wouldn't miss this dinner, even if Grayson's attitude did convey he thought it was stupid and pointless since we'd already met.

Grayson wore his usual type of outfit, a black 'the 1975' shirt and his trusted black ripped skinny jeans. He drove with one hand and laced his other in mine. I'd never become bored of him, he was the type to stroke your hand with the pad of his thumb without realizing it and that type of affection was the most beautiful type. His hands were much rougher than mine, but they were his and with them he could trace the most delicate patterns.

When we arrived at the restaurant, David was already seated. The whole place was glorious with it's candles high and low, a dim, warm setting.

We sat opposite Mr. Ledger, who passed us each a menu. "Lovely to see you again Violet." he'd greeted, giving a nod to his son and shaking my hand.

"Lovely to see you too, David." I gave him a warm smile, but it felt weird addressing him by his first name. He was extremely formal, coming to dinner in his suit. I was glad to see that it appeared Grayson's dad was no longer angry at him for his arrest.

Eventually, we'd decided that David should just order for us since Grayson and I had absolutely no idea what any of the meals on the menu were.

"So, when I first met you, you were throwing a ping pong paddle at my son." he chuckled momentarily and I grinned, feeling my face warm up. "You weren't dating then?"

Grayson, who looked like he would rather die than talk about this with his father, shook his head no and his father nodded in understanding.

He asked the typical questions every parent asks:

"When did the two of you meet?"

"How did you meet if you're not at the same school?"

"How long have you been dating?"

By now, Grayson had just about had enough of playing twenty questions, groaning at each and every one as I explained to David, leaving out the fact I got expelled. He seemed to be amused at how Grayson was reacting. It occurred to me he'd never met Grayson's girlfriends simply because he'd never had a serious girlfriend and therefore, he'd never seen this side to him and was finding it humorous his son was blushing.

"Well you must be special, Grayson never batted an eyelid at girls before you; well except the odd girl over every now and then, but you'd never see them again - so you're definitely special." David told me, It was now my turn to be amused that his father had very little idea of what his son's reputation really was.

"Well, he wouldn't leave me alone, so I was forced to spend time with him." I narrowed my eyes playfully at him as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, before turning back to the conversation. "but eventually, he grew on me." I grinned.

David laughed jovially "Yep, that sounds like my son, if he wants something, he'll get it."

"Daaad!" Grayson groaned, but I shushed him.

"I mean, I couldn't go to prom alone so when Grayson showed up, I was annoyed at first because I had no idea how he got my address, but then rather relieved because who really wants to go to prom alone, right?" David and I were in constant conversation the whole time, even when our meals came, we carried on, allowing Grayson's input every now and then when he decided he wanted to take part instead of being grumpy.

"He took you to prom?" David's eyes widened. "You told me you were going stag, that there was no chance of getting prom pictures." He frowned at Grayson, who shrugged his shoulders.

"Well she's a stubborn bitch, I had no idea if she'd agree or slam the door in my face - which she originally tried to do." Grayson replied, grinning at our memory. Ah the days where I openly hated Grayson for being the cocky know -it- all he is.

"Language." David scolded.

"In my defense, you were outside every single one of my classrooms when the bell went for like a solid three weeks. You were a stalker and then you turned up at my house." I laughed loud as his face went bright red due to the information his father was receiving.

"damn, try not to ruin my chill persona too much." He joked.

I could honestly say I had no idea what David had ordered me even after I'd ate it, but I could also say it was delightful and I should hope to return here soon.

At the end of the night, we stood outside the restaurant and said our goodbyes.

"She's a good one, don't let her go. Girls like Violet don't just come and go." He'd said to Grayson as they did various little hand slaps and fists pumps I vaguely remembered witnessing before.

Mr. Ledger waved goodbye and we parted ways.

"That was spectacular." I beamed at him as he drove through the streets.

"you had more conversation with my dad than you ever have with has me beginning to wonder if you really are into cougars." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh just admit it, it went great. Your dad loves me and all is well in the world." I grinned at him and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Must be nice to have your companions parent like you." He joked.

"oooh companion, fancy...It was inevitable my parents would dislike you. That's the down side of your bad boy image." I tutted. "but they don't need to like you, only I do." He gave a small smile as he pulled into my driveway.

"thank you. goodnight" I kissed him.

"goodnight baby doll" he winked.

"Text me when you're home safe!" I called after him, swinging my small bag around as he gave me a thumbs up and drove away.


Wooo a quick update:) I'll try to update at least two more times this week because I'm going on holiday soon and thus will not be able to update.

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