Army Girls (FairyTail)

By 666reddog

28.6K 1K 277

It was ten years ago. When the Empire broke the truce and attacked. They took over most of the world. Japan... More

~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~The End~

~Chapter 6~

1.2K 38 4
By 666reddog

The rest of that day to pretty late at night I hanged out with Natsu. It was pretty fun spending time with him as he headed back to main base as I headed to walk out more with Plue following me. Plue was soon whimpering as I had a bad feeling again as I petted Plue as that was when I ran back toward the base fast Plue following me barking. I ran as fast as I could bursting through the doors to only see Erza and Mira. "Lucy?" Erza asked confused as I was slightly out of breath. "I have a real bad feeling, we need to check the sensors" I spoke as Erza was confused even more.

Mira listened as her eyes widen pressing a button fast as alarms soon started to come off. "We have birds in coming some helicoptors, some bombers and some boats on the way get a move on" Mira spoke as we rushed to get some guns as the next thing I knew everything sound like a high pitch buzzing my eye sight very blurry feeling huge amount of heat as I felt myself on the ground. I blinked many times to see Makarov helping Erza to stand. "Lucy thank god" Makarov spoke walking over helping me up.

"The whole place is under attack all communication is down so stick together" Makarov spoke as I looked around asking about Plue as Makarov informed me he was with Mira. I sighed in relief as we all headed outside to see a war zone in the base. Bombs flying down in parts as there was many Empire soldiers everywhere. Erza and I got to cover shooting as Makarov headed straight for a air defense turret near us. Erza and I defended him as Makarov was soon taking down bombers and helicopters. 

"Behind us" Erza shouted turning around as I soon saw Mira knocked out in some swat teams hands being dragged. I moved on my own shooting or stabbing anyone in my way as I got to Mira's captives stabbing one in the neck and shot the other as Mira fell to the ground. I put the gun strap over my shoulder and put the knife away as I was next to her. "Mira" I spoke worried slapping her cheek as she was waking up. "Precht....h-he's here" Mira whispered weakly as I heard a loud yelp as I knew it was Plue.

I turned my head to see him on the ground as he had been shot in the leg as the Empire soldiers didn't care about him shooting others as Juvia was soon at Plue's side helping him making me sigh in relief. "Lets get you somewhere safe" I spoke helping Mira stand putting her arm over my shoulder as I carried her toward the half destroyed base. I was unable to see Erza or Makarov making me worried as soon as Mira and I got in there I placed her on the ground leaning her on the wall as I checked my ammo. I didn't have much left in the gun.

Lucky I grabbed some ammo packs before going to the fight. "This is Natsu anyone hear me?" I heard Natsu in the coms as I was in relief. "Lucy here with Mira both of us stuck in base half of it has been destroyed" I replied as I heard Natsu sigh in relief as moved behind a wall as some of the Empire Soldiers were running past. "I saw Gray, Erza and Laxus be dragged off I also saw Precht take Laxus down he is here for us" Natsu spoke as I bit my bottom lip annoyed. I was thinking trying to keep a calm head.

"Makarov was with Erza any sight on him?" I asked as Natsu was about to reply until I heard gunfire. Afterwards he was cut out. Crap. Mira and I looked at each other as I passed her my pistol. "Precht is doesn't know our numbers but he knows about both of us being Fairies meaning he won't stop until we are captured" Mira informed me as there was gun fire on the walls next to us as I was unable to get close to the edge to fire back as I was soon shot from behind the bullet going through my leg making me fall onto one knee and turn around fast blasting away toward the ones behind.

Empire Swat were rushing in the room all around us as Mira was aiming her pistol as I grabbed my gun reloading as we heard Precht chuckle and come forward looking toward us. "Good to see you are well Mirajane" Precht spoke as Mira was shot in the arm making her drop the pistol and grab her arm in pain as some guys grabbed my arm pulling me onto my feet as I head butted him in the face and shot him with my spare pistol and then aimed toward Precht. "What did you do to the others?" I asked harshly as he only chuckled.

"I sent them to a base in No-Mans-Land, you will be coming with us to join too Lucy Heartfilla" Precht spoke as I was hit hard from behind last thing I heard is Mira shouting my name as I fell forward to the ground. When I woke up everything was slightly blurry I was being dragged along some corridor. It was sunny. The sunlight coming through broken windows. How long was I out? I wasn't sure. I blacked out every so often as I woke up again to see myself tied in a chair seeing Laxus, Erza and Makarov also the same. All of us in a circle. Precht chuckling. 

"Welcome to the family reunion Lucy" Precht spoke smirking toward me moving to stand in front of me. "Rot in hell bastard" I replied as he chuckled turning around moving to stand in front of Makarov. "Where is Juvia and Natsu?" Precht asked as Makarov glared toward him. "You can't break my Precht" Makarov snapped as I saw Laxus was badly beaten, bleeding from his nose, mouth and head. Erza had burns all over her some even cigarette burns. I was out for awhile. What the fuck happened to them?

"Yes you did nearly crack at them two getting but seems I need to get a little more extreme" Precht said pulling a pistol from his side shooting me in the gut as Laxus and Erza shouting my name. Erza was swearing her head off giving threats to Precht as Laxus was shouting my name asking, begging me to answer. I leaned my head back coughing blood as it was hurting like hell. "Lucy look at me" Makarov spoke as I moved my head looking right at him as he looked scared and worried. "Yes look at him, show him how much your in pain" Precht laughed.

"You're gonna be ok Lucy" Makarov spoke as Precht put his pistol away turning around to face Makarov threatening to kill me as I saw he was close to breaking point. I started moving my wrist feeling them getting cut by the rope as I soon snapped them jumping up grabbing Precht's gun as he was able to move fast grabbing my arm as he was trying to move my arm to aim toward Makarov. I was pushing away trying to fight back. "Didn't you get taught not to play with guns?" Precht asking with a laugh.

"STOP IT YOU BASTARD" Erza shouted as Laxus was soon threatening Precht. Soon Precht was able to move my hand making me shoot Makarov twice and then punched me onto the ground as I was unable to move from the blood lost. Makarov was struggling to stay awake glaring toward Precht as he was aiming his pistol toward me. "You could learn something from her, she would die for her commanding officer, she is a true Fairy, unlike you Makarov" Precht spoke as he move fast shooting Makarov and then kicked him to the ground to lay next to me.

"Lucy.....e-everything'" Makarov soon got his head stomped on by Precht as he laughed shooting him in the head the blood going up Precht's arm and onto my face as my eyes widen. "Makarov" Erza nearly shouted as I heard the fear in her voice as I blacked out once again. I was unsure how long this time but I woke up in a room tied up with a lot more tighter rope in a room with Jellal, Laxus, Erza, Gray, Levy, Mira and Gajeel. "Lucy thank god" Erza spoke weakly looking beaten up. 

My head dropped as I looked toward the ground my eyes watering. "Lucy, we will get the bastard" Laxus spoke calmly as the doors opened. I looked up to see some swat with pistol. "Boss wants female blondie alive" one spoke shocking and confusing all of us as they moved to shoot the others until a sniper bullet came through the broken window through all four of the swat's heads. The others broke free sealing the guns shooting the guards outside as Laxus untied my ropes. I nearly fell toward if it wasn't for Mira catching me.

"She's badly hurt they didn't dress or clean her wound right" Levy spoke rushing over taking over for Mira pushing me back to lean on the chair as I hissed in pain. "Laxus can you carry her?" Levy asked as Laxus walked over putting my arm over his neck, him holding it as he helped me on my feet and started to drag me ahead following the others as we was all rushing. "Nice aim Juvia" Gray spoke as felt tears building up in the corners of my eyes. "I-I shot him" I whispered as the edge of crying.

"You didn't that bastard did, you tried to save us Lucy that is all" Laxus replied as the guilt, fear and sadness had taken over me. We was soon forced to get behind cover. "Our exit is right out those doors" Jellal nearly shouted as Erza was shooting looking toward me once and awhile worried. "You might have a broken rib like me" Laxus mumbled looking at me worried Levy next to her checking me over. "Might be right, she is badly hurt we need medical for her wound or she could die on us any minuet" Levy soon spoke.

Erza's firing speed increased as I coughed blood coming out as I was breathing heavy. "Guys we need to move" Levy spoke loudly as Mira soon shouted clear as we all moved toward the broken glass doors. Laxus dragging me along. "Lucy stay awake" Laxus spoke as I laughed slightly. "No choice someone has to watch your ass" I replied as Laxus gave me a sad smile as a giant truck came in front of us Natsu sticking his head out the window. "Lets move" he spoke as everyone was getting in the back and helped me on.

On the move Juvia passed Levy a medical kit as she worked on myself first before anyone as my mind was on Makarov. My mind on what happened. "Why does Precht want me alive?" I soon asked looking toward my brother and sister next to me who looked toward each other worried and then toward me. "He seems to have taken a liking to you....we are not fully sure on the rest" Erza answered as I knew it was the truth as I whispered 'crap' under my breath as Levy got me to sleep. By the time I woke up I was in a carrier ship as I sat up to see Plue laying on the floor next to me asleep. 

I pushed myself onto my feet as Levy came into the room her eyes widen seeing me. "YOU CAN'T BE UP YET" she shouted rushing to my side making me sit on the bed. "You been out for two whole days" Levy informed me as I sighed holding my head. "Where the others?" I asked as Levy informed me they was on a mission a lead on Precht and the Empire's new weapon. I knew both of those were important. "I want to be the one to kill the bastard" I soon spoke as Levy had a sad look on her face. "What was he his last moments?" Levy asked as the others must of been close to him as me and Erza were.

"Brave, he kept looking at me telling it would be ok even when he got the final shot" I answered as Levy's eyes watered as she hugged me. "We will get the bastard for this Lucy, don't forget that" Levy whispered as I hugged back trying to not to rethink of that moment again and again. If would of used my fist and took Precht out instead of going for the gun. I was an idiot. Because of that own grandfather......he was gone.

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