anchor » scott mccall

De purestilinskii

1.6M 35.5K 13.2K

"Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are roo... Mais

second chance
batman and robin
magic bullet
teen wolf
biles bilinski
hale of a lot?
naked girl
nine pounds
ice skating
weird or bizarre
fix it
enjoy the kanima
voluntary apnea
new cover + important
new chapter + idea
little dogs
glen capri
telluric currents
72 hours
first kiss
divine move
slow dance
dead pool
bad person
date night
quick question
self defense
another chimera
get up
damnatio memoriae
necessary evil
closed unit
plan b
character's q&a
last chance
what the hell is a stiles?
family nickname
mr. rider
everything's changed
we can't leave

absolutely not

7.5K 190 37
De purestilinskii

absolutely not – chapter seventy nine

read final notes


I let out a gasp, opening my eyes and realizing I was still in the same place, and around me, there were lots of bones. Human bones. I looked at the old gate once again and I noticed that now it was open. I stood up and walked towards it.


I looked at the hall, everything was dark, the place seemed to be really old, then, I remember what Kate said about us going to the church, so I guess I'm in Mexico again. Oh, man, not again. I looked at both sides, deciding where to go and calling Scott's name once again, trying to connect myself with him but something was blocking me out. I tried to reach out for my phone in my pocket but obviously, it wasn't there. I started walking, my body next to the wall so I could keep an eye on both sides and make sure I hear anything. I could feel myself sweating in fear as I continued moving. I turned around quickly when I heard a low growl but there was nothing behind me, so I moved, always checking if there was something following me.

I widened my eyes when I saw a creature at the end. It was dark but I could see its shadow. It was a Berserker. I slowly turned around to run but there was another one right behind me. He growled, which made me scream when he pushed me against the wall and I fell on my butt. He was pressing me against the wall, trying to hit me but I was punching him, trying to push him away from me. He shoved me against the wall again and I felt the blood coming out of my forehead. I slid my back to the ground and I widened my eyes as I saw its skin. There was a tattoo on it. Scott's tattoo. I looked up at him and I saw his eyes behind the skull mask. His beautiful brown eyes. He grabbed my neck, pulling me on the floor and I groaned in pain, but before he could do anything I heard a growling. So he stood up, leaving me alone. I looked up as I saw someone walking towards me. Kate.

"I'm going to have to do a better job covering that up." Kate said.

"What did you do to him?" I asked.

"How." She corrected me. "That's... That's the better story. You see, when I first got away from the Calaveras, I had no idea where to go. But something kept pulling me here, to the temple of Tezcatlipoca. His name means "smoking mirror" and this place is a temple of the smoking mirror. Obsidian. When I got here, I found the Berserkers waiting for me. They helped me survive. I didn't know quite why until just recently. Until I decided to trust someone I never thought I'd trust. It was then that I found out I could not only control the Berserkers, but I could create them." She said, sliding her hands on Scott's arm. "They call me La Loba. "The Bone Woman." We let you out because I needed to test his loyalty. Did you know that Scott became an Alpha without having to kill anyone? He's been through quite a lot without ever having to kill. I think it's time to change that."

I widened my eyes as Scott grabbed one of the bones and started walking towards me.

I gasped. "No. No, Scott." I gulped. "It's me! C-Cassie. No, Sco—"

I yelled in pain when he shoved the bone on me.



"You are not going to Mexico!"

"Dad, Scott and Cassie have been kidnapped and taken to Mexico. Okay? I think that's s a pretty good reason for a trip to Mexico." I scoffed.

He inhales. "Okay."

"Even if Deaton is right about this—"

"The best thing to do is go through the proper channels." He cut me.


"That means calling the right law enforcement agencies, border patrol, putting out and all-points." He said, placing his hands on the desk.

"Dad, I can't just wait around for the wheels of bureaucracy to start spinning in five different government offices. Okay? Someone needs to go down there right now, find them and rescue them. I'm going." I said.

"I can keep you from going." He said, furrowing his eyebrows at me.

I shook my head. "I'd find a way."

"I can throw you in a cell." He crossed his arms.

"I'd still find a way."

He sighs. "Stiles, please. Look, just give me a little more time to verify something slightly more concrete than a psychic vision by some guy with a third eye!" He said and I groaned. "Look, I will call every law enforcement agency all the way down to South America if I have to. If nothing turns up, then I'll book two flights to Mexico. We'll both go. Okay? Don't forget this is your sister we're talking about. My own daughter."

I nodded. "Okay, okay, great. Do I get a gun?" I asked in excitement.


I was desperately looking for Scott's clothes so Malia could get a scent. We've already grabbed a few of Cassie's t-shirts and now it's Scott's turn.

"Here, try that."

She pulled it next to her nose. "Fabric softener."

I ran to Scott's bathroom and Malia widened her eyes when I got one of his dirty clothes, an underwear, to be more specific. Malia groaned.

"Remember, Scott's life is on the line." I told her..

She turned around, grabbing Scott's pillow and bringing it next to her nose, taking a deep breath and smiling at me.

"Yeah, that works, too." I nodded.

We quickly walked downstairs and I saw Liam waiting for us, which made me roll my eyes.

"Oh! Liam, go home. You're not coming with us." I groaned.

"Why not?" Liam asked.

"Because it's a full moon. And I don't feel like driving all the way down to Mexico just to have you rip my throat out." I said.

"You can lock me up, right? Chain me down to the back seat or something?" Liam asked.

"You tore through the last chains, remember?" Malia asked him.

"Yeah, we would have to freeze you in carbonate to get you down there." I said.

Liam nods. "Okay, then where do we get carbonate?" He asked.

I bit my lip, frowning at him and scoffing. "Seriously, you haven't seen it either?"

I turned around and walked towards the door.

"Wait!" Liam begged. "What if we put me in the trunk?" He asked.

"You'd get out of that, too." Malia said.

"Liam, you've been a werewolf all of five minutes. You don't have to do this." I said, looking at him.

"I know I don't, but I want to." Liam said. "There's gotta be bigger chains, a bigger trunk or something. There has to be."

I nodded. "Maybe there is."


Liam, Malia, and I watched as Braeden left the van and walked towards us and another car approaches.

"How did you get a prison transport van?" I asked her.

"I'm a U.S. Marshal." She scoffed.

"Yeah, I just thought that was just a cover." I said.

I heard the doors closing and I saw Derek and Peter getting out of the car and walking towards us.

"Are we really bringing him?" Derek asked, pointing at Liam.

I stood next to Liam and pointed at Peter. "Are we really bringing him?"

"We're bringing everyone that we can." Peter snapped. "And considering Scott and Cassie were taken the night before the full moon, we should probably get going."

"What's that mean?" Malia asked him.

"If Kate took Scott back to the same temple that she took Derek, how do we know she's not planning to do the same thing to him?" Peter suggested.

"What, she wants to make him younger?" Liam asked.

"Or take him back to when he wasn't a werewolf." Derek said.

"A werewolf can't steal a true alpha's power. But maybe a Nagual Jaguar, with the power of Tezcatlipoca behind her... Maybe she can." Peter sighs. "So, if everyone is sufficiently freaked out, I say we get going."

"We can't." I said. "Not without Lydia and Kira."

"Call her then." Malia said.

I grabbed my phone, dialing Lydia's number. I called her 3 times but she didn't answer. I started to walk around, biting on my nail as I called again.

"What are they doing at the school anyway?" Derek asked me.

"I don't know. Lydia said that she had to do something before we left and Kira said that she would go with her to help and they were going to take Lydia's car and meet us here." Malia replied.

"Nothing." I groaned, pulling the phone back into my pocket.

"If they have a car, they can catch up to us." Braeden said.

"There's a good point. We'll call her from the road." Peter said.

"No. What if something happened? What if she's in trouble?" I asked.

"Fine. You stay, you find her. We're gonna go on without you." Peter suggested, walking towards the car and making me want to punch him.

"I could call Mason. He has a study group at school. Maybe he could look for them." Liam suggested.

I let out a sigh. "Alright. Fine."

They walked towards the van and I held Malia's arm.

"I need to be back there with Derek and Liam. I've got some experience dealing with out-of-control teen wolves. You're gonna be okay riding with Peter?" I whispered.

"He is my father. Maybe we could do some bonding." Malia said.

"No. No bonding. Play the radio, play it loud." I said and she nodded with a smile.

I hope this works. And I hope Cassie and Scott are fine.

"Remember that we're dealing with here. It's not just Kate, it's Berserkers. You might see human eyes behind those skulls. Do not assume that there's any humanity left." Peter said and Liam looked at me. "Oh. This little one is terrified of them, aren't you?" Peter teased him. "Don't worry, my friend. It is that feat that will keep you alive. A reminder to everyone. You do not fight Berserkers to survive, you fight to kill."


We were already on our way. I was in the back of the van with Liam and Derek. Braeden was driving and Malia and Peter were following us in another car. Liam had called Mason to look for Lydia and Kira at the school but he hasn't called back yet. I watched as Derek started to handcuff Liam.

"All good?" Derek asked him and I checked my phone again.

Liam pushed his fist up but it was holding him tightly.

"Okay. I brought something to help you." Derek said, taking something out of his pocket, the triskelion. "This has been with my family for centuries. It's a very powerful supernatural talisman. We used to teach Betas how to control themselves on a full moon." He said, giving it to Liam.

I looked at Derek, not really believing it and he gave me a look. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Liam.

"Yes, it's powerful." I cleared my throat. "Very powerful."



It was already dark and we were still driving. The music was loud and I wasn't talking to Peter. Just like Stiles told me.

"Do you mind if I turn the radio down?" Peter asked loudly.

I waited for a moment and slowly nodded my head.

"You worried about Stiles?" He asked.

"I'm worried about everyone." I replied.

"Do I need to be worried about you?" He asked and I looked at him. "We have to go through the berserkers to get to Kate. Then we have to go through Kate to get to Scott and Cassie. Trust me, it's going to get messy"

"Scott says we don't kill people." I said, looking at the window.

"You think Scott would kill to save Cassie?" He asked and I looked at him. "Would you? Kill to save Stiles?"

I ignored him, looking at the moon in the sky. Both answers were yes to me.

"What is it?"

"The full moon." I said, letting out a sigh.

"Good. You'll need that power."



I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath as I pressed my hands on my wound. I groaned and I heard a voice. My father's voice in my head.

"It's alright to cry. It's no measure of your strength."

"But I'm not strong." I cried. "I need to get up. I need to tell them..."

"How do you know you can't?"

"Because I'm not healing," I said between sobs. "I still don't know how to make my body heal faster like Scott does without connecting myself to him or Malia."

"Then learn."

I shook my head. "I can't. I don't know how, how to start, or what to do."

"You've told me once about how everything worked for you when you learned about faeries. Even though you still don't know all about them, you do know a lot and you know you have power inside of you that hasn't come out yet. You've seen wolves heal. How do they do it? Cass, how do they trigger it?"

"Pain." I breathed out. "With pain."

I looked around, looking for something that could help. I started shoving my fist on the wall next to me, it was breaking as I continued punching it. I grabbed one of the pieces that fell next to me and held it tightly in my hand; cutting on my skin and making it bleed. The pain was horrible but it needed to work. I saw the blood coming out of my hand and my eyes started glowing.



"Liam, you with me?" Derek asked.

Liam was all sweaty, breathing heavily and that stuff. We were still on our way to Mexico and I still had no news about Lydia and Kira, which it's definitely weird.

"We have a mantra that we use. You repeat it, you focus on the words. It's like meditating." Derek said. "You say the words until you feel control coming back to you."

"Okay. Okay, Okay!" Liam groaned. "What are the words?"

"Okay, look at the triskelion. See the symbol? I have a tattoo on my back, it's the same thing. Each spiral means something." Derek said.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega." I murmured.

"It represents the idea that we can always rise to one and fall back to another." Derek continued. "Betas can become Alphas."

"Alphas can become Betas." I whispered.

"Can Alphas become Omegas?" Liam asked us.

Derek nods. "All you have to do is say the three words. And with each one, you tell yourself you're getting calmer, more in control. Go ahead." Derek said.

Liam held the triskelion tightly with his claws out. He started breathing heavily again. "Alpha, Beta—"

"Slower." Derek hissed.

"Alpha... Beta... Omega." He started groaning. "Alpha... Beta... Omega..."

"Good. Say it again. Remember, every time you say the words, you're getting calmer." Derek said.

"Alpha, Beta..." He said in a loud voice. "Omega."

I moved my legs up next to my body and moved away from Liam. "Whoa, whoa."

"Say it again." Derek hissed.

"Derek, I don't think the powerful talisman of self-control is working." I murmured.

Liam was grunting, his eyes started to glow yellow and his fangs came out so he growled at us.

"Liam, say it again!" Derek yelled.

Liam roared at him, pressing his body against Derek's but the handcuffs were still holding him. I moved back even more.


I widened my eyes when he pushed his arms up and one of the handcuffs broke. Braeden moved the van quickly, which made me fall against the door. Liam tried to get to us but his right arm was still on the handcuff. Derek pulled his arm in front of my body.

"Derek?" Braeden yelled.

"I think we're gonna need to go a little faster!" I yelled to her.

Liam was growling, trying to hurt Derek while he held his arms. "Keep going!" Derek yelled to Braeden.

I widened my eyes when the other handcuff broke and Liam roared to Derek, holding his neck.

"Liam!" I yelled, trying to grab his arm.

"We're almost there!" Braeden yelled.

"Keep focus!'" Derek yelled to Liam.

"Derek, I don't think Alpha, Beta, Omega is resonating with him." I scoffed.

"You know any other mantras?" Derek hissed.

Liam growled again and I widened my eyes. "Yeah. I do. Liam, Liam." I quickly said. "What three things cannot long be hidden?" I asked.

Liam looked at me for a moment but he just growled and looked back at Derek, trying to hurt him.

"Liam!" I yelled, holding his arm. "Look at me! What three things cannot long be hidden? What three things?"

Liam groaned. "Sun... The moon... The truth."

I nodded. "That's it. Say it again."

"Sun, the moon... The truth." He started panting.

"Derek?"Braeden asked.

"We're okay." Derek sighs.

Liam was calming down, his eyes stopped glowing and he started to sit back down.

"The sun... The moon... And the truth." Liam said.

His claws and fangs disappeared and I let out a heavy sigh. That's when the van stopped. I guess this is it. We're here.

"I can't believe I did it." Liam scoffs. "For a minute there, I thought I was gonna tear the two of you apart."

I nodded. "Yeah. That would've made for an awkward ride home. So, thanks."

"Think you can bring the same level of control and strength inside La Iglesia?" Derek asked him.

Liam looked at us, rising up his fist and sticking his claws out with no problem.

"Alright. We might actually be able to do this." I said with a smile.

Derek opened the door and I widened my eyes as the first thing he saw was a Berserker right in front of him, who grabbed him and shoved him on the ground. Then, he grabbed Derek by his shoulder, pressing him against something and shoving a bone on Derek's body. I widened my eyes, even more, when Braeden started to shoot the Berserker, who eventually ran off.

We quickly walked towards Derek ad Braeden held his body, there was blood coming out of his mouth.

"How bad is it?" Peter asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Just get to Scott and Cassie." Derek groaned. "Just find them. We'll be right behind you. Go."

Peter started walking towards La Iglesia. Malia nodded and walked towards it with Liam. Before I could go, Derek, looked at me.

"Hey, hey, save them."

I nodded at him, looking at him before turning around and entering La Iglesia.

"This way." Peter said as we followed him.

We were running through the dark halls of the place when Peter suddenly stopped, making us bump into him.

"Okay, everyone stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. We gotta figure out where we are, then we gotta figure out how to find Scott and Cassie." He said.

My phone started ringing so I quickly grabbed it. "How do I even have service..." I rolled my eyes, pulling the phone on my ears. "Hi, Dad."

"Stiles, where the hell are you?"

"Okay, Dad, I know you're angry—"

"Oh, I'm beyond angry. I've reached a level of fury that you could not possibly comprehend." He hissed.

"Okay, well, when I get back, you can ground me." I said.

"Ground you? Ground you? I'm going to hobble you! Now, please, tell me you're all right. Tell me that you're safe."

"You want me to lie?" I let out a sigh.

"Oh, God. Okay. Tell me, tell me what I can do. How can I help?"

"I need you to find Lydia. She was at the school when we called Mason to look for her, but now we're not hearing back from either of them. Same with Kira. I don't know, Dad, I don't know what I'm doin'. You know, I'm just... I'm trying to save my friends and my sister." I whispered.

"Okay. I'll find Lydia, Kira and Mason. You get Scott and Cassie. You save your sister and friends."

"Dad, if it's one of the Berserkers at the school, you're gonna need firepower. A lot."

I hung up, sliding my phone back in my pocket and walking back to them.

"What do we do now?" Liam asked.

"Duck!" Malia yelled.

She pushed Liam to the ground right before a Berserker could hit him.

"Get down. Go, go, go. Whoa! Get back!" Peter yelled. "Go, go go!"

We started running again.


"Go, go, go!" Peter yelled.

We were still running from the Berserker when Malia stopped.

"Go find Cassie and Scott. Go!" She hissed.

I nodded and starting running again, leaving Liam and Malia to fight the Berserker with Peter. The place was so dusty that made me want to sneeze every five seconds. I held the flashlight, looking around.

"Scott? Cass?"

I stopped when I heard something so I turned around and almost had a heart attack, but thank God it was Cassie

"Oh. Are you okay?" I asked, quickly walking towards her. "You're hurt, Cassidy, oh my—"

"It's Scott. Stiles, it's Scott." She quickly said.


"The Berserker. It's him. Kate did it." Cassie said.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"She made him into one of them. I don't know how, but it's him. If they didn't know it, they could kill him." Cassie said.

I widened my eyes. "That's why Lydia's not here. They won't know they're killing Scott."


I ran towards them, not letting go of Cassie's hand.. Liam and Peter holding him and Malia ready to do it.

"No, wait, wait. Malia, wait!" I yelled.

Before Malia could hit him, Cassie ran towards her and kicked her leg, making her stop. Malia frowned at her.

"It's Scott. It's Scott." Cassie repeated while I walked towards them.

Liam looked at me in confusion but he looked back at the Berserker, right on his eyes. The Berserker, or better, Scott, pushed Liam and Peter to the ground. I widened my eyes when he punched Malia in the face and she fell. Liam started to move backwards but he was still walking to hurt him.

"Scott? Scott, don't!" Cassie yelled.

"Scott, it's me." I approached him.

I grunt in pain when he punched me right on the face and I fell on the ground, my head shaking from the impact. The Berserker grabbed Liam and Cassie yelled again.

"Scott, don't!"

Scott held Liam by his neck, pushing him on the wall and griping on his neck tightly, letting Liam out of breath.

"Scott." Liam cried out. "Scott, Scott, listen, listen, listen! You're not a monster!" Liam yelled, trying to breath. "You're a werewolf! Like me."

"Scott, you need to stop, okay?!" Cassie said, pulling her hands up and looking at him.

Scott slowly started to put Liam down and I widened my eyes when he grabbed the skull, taking it off his body, every single one of them. He grabbed the one of his head, breaking it, which made it glow and he threw it on the ground, when he looked at us, the hair was on his face again, his claws and fangs out along with the glowing eyes. 

He growled loudly and then, looked at Peter. "You." We all looked at Peter. "The only one who knew as much as Argent about Berserkers. About the Nagual. You taught Kate. You helped her. All for power." Scott hissed.

"For my family's power. To be rightfully inherited by me. Not usurped by some idiot teenage body, so incorruptible, he wouldn't shed the blood of his enemies even when justified. You don't deserve your power." Peter said, making his eyes glow blue. "Not power like this." He roared.

Malia roared back at Peter, running towards him but he shoved her back against the wall, Malia grunts in pain and Peter look at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart, we'll talk about this later."

Cassie's eyes started glowing and she walked towards Peter, electricity pouring from her hands.

"Cassie!" Scott yelled, making her stop.

Cassie looked at Scott, who took a step closer and looked at Peter.

"You were my Beta first, Scott. It was my bite that changed your life. And my bite that can end it." Peter said, moving around slowly.

"Then, end it, Peter. Because you won't get another chance." Scott said.

Peter growled at him, running towards my best friend. Scott roared, jumping towards Peter. Scott hit Peter, who pushed him back. Scott jumped again and hit Peter's face with his claws, holding him by his shoulder but Peter punched Scott.

Peter growled again as Scott moved back and he punched Scott one more time.

"Come on, Scott. Come on!"

Scott moved to hit him but Peter grabbed his arm and punched Scott's stomach two times, grabbing him by his neck and shoving him against the wall. Scott fell and Peter held him again, throwing his body against the wall again. Cassie shrugged in her place, which caused Liam to grab her arm tightly, scared that she would jump into the fight.

"Fight like an Alpha." Peter hissed.

Scott pushed Peter against the wall, punching his stomach when he fell, making Peter grunt in pain. Scott punched his chest repeatedly times and then grabbed him again, pushing Peter up and pushing him. Peter shoved his head against Scott's head, punching his stomach and face. Peter kicked Scott's back, making him get on his knees.

"You want to beat me? You're going to have to kill me!" Peter said, grabbing Scott's body and pushing it against the wall.

Liam moved closer to Peter, ready to attack but Peter grabbed one of the old chairs that were there and threw it on Liam, who moved down before they could hit him. Peter roared at Liam, running towards the young boy, which made Scott get up quickly. Cassie stood in front of Liam and Peter stopped, looking at Scott and roaring. Peter tried to hit Scott a couple of times but Scott was grabbing his arms. I pushed Liam and Cassie back and Peter continued trying, but Scott wouldn't let his fist get any closer to his face. Scott moved down, punching Peter's stomach and then, punching his chin, making him fall back against a wall. Scott jumped in front of him, looking at Peter with his eyes still glowing red.

"You were never an Alpha, Peter. But you were always a monster." Scott said.

Peter groaned, but before he could do anything, Scott punching his face really hard, knocking him out. We all walked a little closer to them and Scott stood up, looking at us.



We were all outside La Iglesia. The Calaveras were here with Chris Argent and even Parrish came to help him. They were telling us about Kate.

"There's enough yellow wolfsbane to keep Peter out for the trip back. But be careful." Argent said.

"You're really going with them?" I asked him.

"I made a deal with the Calaveras weeks ago. They'll leave you alone. All of you. But only if I help them catch Kate." Argent said.

"What if you can't?" Cassie asked.

"I'll find her. Someone has to."

Argent looked at us one more time before turning around and walking with the Calaveras to the cars. Parrish looked at us and I hugged Cassie, I was so glad she was fine. Braeden got in the car and Derek walked towards us. Well, he's not dead, and he got his powers back after almost dying and then, turning into a real wolf. He nodded his head at me, which I nodded back and Derek smiled at us before getting into the car with Braeden.



I entered my Dad's office with Stiles and Malia. Dad quickly walked towards me, hugging me tightly and them pulling Stiles into the hug.

"Dad, you smell terrible." I groaned.

"Yup. You two do too." He said with a laugh.

We looked at Malia and Dad smiled, bringing her to the hug as well, which made her smile.

"I'm just so glad you're all safe." Dad said, pulling away. "Hey, what do you say we get outta here, get something to eat?"

"Great. I'm starving!" Stiles almost yelled.

"Okay." Dad nods.

We began walking but something made me stop, I turned around and I noticed that Dad had handcuffed Stiles in his desk.

Stiles shrugged. "Yo, Daddy?"

I raised an eyebrow at my father but he just looked at Malia. "What's your favorite food¿"

"Uh, Pizza." Malia said.

"Hey." Stiles groaned, trying to get the handcuffs off. "Dad? Cassie!"

I laughed. Dad's still pissed at him because of Mexico, I winked at my brother, turning around and following my dad.

"Bring me back a slice?" Stiles yelled.



After we came back to school. Coach really wanted to see me to talk about the last game.

"Then Stiles said that Scott and Cassie were stuck in Mexico which was why they missed the game. Uh, so we went down to Mexico to drive them back from Mexico and that's why we all missed practice." Liam said and Coach was glaring at him. "Cause... We were all in Mexico."

"Yeah." Coach nodded and Stiles and I looked down, shrugging. "You took Cassie on a date to Mexico?"

I looked up at him and I felt Stiles nodding his head so I gulped. "I really love her, we've been together for a while and I wanted to impress her."

"In Mexico?" Coach snapped.

"They wanted to do something special." Stiles tried to help, winking softly.

"Okay. I believe you." Coach looked at us.

"Really?" Liam almost screeched.

"Absolutely not! But I've had experiences south of the border that would knock the genitals off you boys." He murmured. 

"Still, let me be clear to you two." He looked between Stiles and I. "This kid's the best talent I've seen in years. So he's your responsibility now. You boys are gonna stick together. You're gonna look out for each other. And you're gonna have each other's backs. You got it?" Coach asked.

I smiled, looking at Liam and nodding. "We got it."

Liam smiled at me and a loud noise made us look at the door.

 It was Cassie, who had just stumbled over her own feet, trying to open the door. I saw Coach entering his office and Stiles, Liam and I left the locker room, meeting the brunette girl in the hallway.

"You guys won't believe what I just did!" She clapped her hands.

"What? Discovered the cure for a rare disease?" Stiles scoffed.

Cassidy rolled her eyes. "I gave Greenberg a boner just by wearing these tight panand kicked his balls after he made a sexist comment about my body."

"Wow. And that is important why?" Stiles looked at her.

"Don't be mean to her." Liam scoffed.

"Hey! You just got here, don't tell me what to do." Stiles chuckled.

"Guys, I swear. It was awesome. Malia couldn't stop laughing." Cassie said.

I laughed at her excitement. "Congrats. You're an example of strong and independent woman for everyone, babe."

"Okay, you guys can make fun of me but you know what? I feel very proud of my myself." She scoffed. 

"In fact, I'll prove right now, Stiles, can I kick your balls?"

The twins looked at each other for a good two minutes, not breaking eye contact. Liam looked at me confused and I chuckled.

"3..." I sighed. "2... 1."

Stiles started running and Cassie quickly ran after him.

"Is she really going to do that to him?" Liam asked.

I laughed. "She's gonna try."

"I bet on Cassie." Liam smirked.

"Stiles is pretty fast, I bet he can get out of this one." I murmured as we began walking the same direction the twins did.

"Ten bucks on Cassie." Liam offered.


We shook hands and I saw the two of them running around us, Stiles mumbling something about him never having kids if she does that and Cassie calling him names for him saying that she could never give anyone a boner. Which she did scream at my face, asking me to defend her on that.

Cutting a long story short, Cassie did get to him but she did not kicked his balls. She pulled down his pants in front of some girls that were walking down the hall and Stiles' face was so red that I thought he was going to explode. I got ten bucks from Liam and promise to buy Cassie McDonald's later for her being such an incredible girl.

That she is. No doubt. And God, I love her.



Did you enjoy it?

You all have been asking if I'm going to write season 5 and the answer is hELL YEAH

I also want to involve you guys a little bit more in the story, I love your comments and I thought it would be nice to know what'd you'd like to happen in season 5, so you can comment here or message me :)

That's it, don't forget to vote and comment if you liked this chapter

I love you all very very much, thank you for everything, thank you for226k views, that's a lot and it means so much to me.

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