OHSHC FIC- The Honest Type (B...

By Stories_Amounyous

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|Hiatus!?| !Disclaimer! I own my ocs and plot but nothing more you hear! Meet Forsythe Takatsuki, The brutall... More

Г Character Bio
Г Character Bio #2
Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms
Г Welcome to the Host Club!
Г Starting today, You are a host!
Г Character Bio #3
Г Keeping it up with the Takatsuki's
Г Bedtime with the Host Club
Г Kiss Kiss F*ck You!
Г Character Bio #4
Г Happy little accidents
Г Unhappy little accidents
Г A Second Chance
Г Wide Awake
Г Too Soon?
Г It's Still Too Soon
Г Renge, Who?
Г Just a Dream?
Г The Time Forsythe Knew The Host Club... Fucked Up!
Г The Loli-Shota & The Little Devil Types Meet Mommy Dearest
Г The Cool & Wild Type Goes to Court!
Г The Prince Charming & Natural Type Saves The Honest Type
Г The After Math... Look on the Brightside
Г Double Dating with Our Dad's!
Update pt 100
Update well shit
Г You Play The Piano Too?
Г The Glare
Г His Second Date!

Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms Part 2

603 20 8
By Stories_Amounyous


"Tori-kun?... I wouldn't continue calling me that_" I clicked my tongue and smirked.

He turned even redder and I did my worse and grab Four eyes by his tie and kissed him and he froze up and I continued to explore his mouth... I knew he would give him but I stopped he was a hot mess after I kissed him and no one could ever top my kiss.


       ~Forsythe's P.O.V~

    "How are you liking it so far? This school? Honestly wished you would have explored Japan first." My father said and I faintly smile.

    "Well its really Emma's fault..." I drank my tea knowing I was just going to spill some the tea.

    "She is your mother and why do you hold such a grudge on girls you used to love them..." I glared at him then I looked away.

    "A girl who bullied me in elementary blinded me I was lucky to even have one working eye you know... So I don't like or trust girls..."

    "Expect for Haruhi Fujioka?" My father sipped his coffee and I grinned.

   "Haruhi doesn't count because she is cross-dressing I want her to be my best friend even my wife if I have to marry women by force."

My father laughed but agreed with me most don't know this but we are like twins but we look different truly my father is my other half.

    "Well then join that Host Club!"

I swear I never thought I hear that again but Host club the hell why does it exist isn't it like a rental boyfriend by you pay more money...

    "She is part of the host club?..."

    "Along with Hikaru and Kaoru, And Yuzuru's Son Tamaki Suoh being the President of the club and Kyoya Ootori being Co-President and let's not forget Ouran's very own Shota Mitskuni Haninozuka or Honey and his Cousin Takashi Morinozuka or Mori. "

I clicked my tongue at the names Hikaru and Kaoru and Four eyes but maybe I got to meet That Honey and Mori and oh god let me not Bump into Tamaki I remembered he and father came and visited for my birthday and wasn't he so annoying but I got to attempt he was cute did he get cuter???

   "Aw Tori-kun is a host~, heh and my favorite twins too~" my father nearly choked on his food when I said that and with that I left the Lounge and ventured off to find this Shota called Honey.

       ~Honey's P.O.V~

Somehow I lost Usa-chan and I have to look for him Takashi is looking for him too! This is a Manhunt! I hope Usa-chan is ok.

    "Awe! It is Honey-Senpai!" I chuckled at the group of girls who had said this and slightly I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into someone pretty hard.

       ~No one's P.O.V~

Honey cluelessly bumped into Forsythe which wasn't paying attention either and somehow ended up on the ground with Honey on top and girls with heart eyes and screaming at the cuteness.

   "Oopies I am sorry!" Honey still on top of Forsythe said.

   "Its fine I wasn't paying attention." Forsythe slightly blushing and realizing he has met the Infamous Shota of Ouran Academy.

The two oddly kept staring at each other and the atmosphere changed many many times.

    ~Forsythe's P.O.V~

Honey finally got off me and the girls started leaving and I was helped up.

   "I'm Forsythe Takatsuki... And again sorry about that.." I don't why but I felt my ears turn red and thankfully my scarf was hiding my ears.

    "Oh! Your Sei-chan's son! Nice to meet you Katsuki-chan! I am Mitskuni Haninozuka but you can call me Honey!" he grabbed my hand and was leading me somewhere.

   "Where are we going?" I was very confused but I followed either way.

    "I lost Usa-chan me and Takashi separated to look for him help me ok!" he smiled sweetly and let go of my hand.

I look at him and grinned for no reason really but I nodded and we looked for his Usa-chan but instead ended up in the garden and sat down on a bench to take a break.

   "Aw, where could he be!" Honey started pouting and it was so cute but I only chuckled.

I pulled a cigarette out of the box and the lighter in it and lit the cigarette and didn't realize I was being stared at by Honey but once I noticed I had already blown out smoke through my nose and mouth and he was somehow amazed.

     "I know I know smoking is bad and such I know I bet your a little goodie two shoes anyhow." I spatted out and continued and I heard him giggle.

   "Well if you know its bad then I don't mind you just gotta be careful! Ok, Katsuki-chan?" before I could answer the Shota had kissed me and he was passionate.

I underestimated Honey-kun he is aware! But it didn't stop me from giving in but it was ended and he licked his lips and giggled.

     "You taste like Maple Syrup!" I turned red and finished my cigarette and from the corner of my eye, I saw the Pink Bunny.

   I grabbed It and looked at Honey and laughed "looks like Usa-chan caught us huh?" I handed Usa-chan to him and he hugged it like it was his lost child or something and I smiled.

    "Thank You for helping me find him! Come on Katsuki-chan let's find Takashi!" I watched him walk ahead of me and I couldn't help but realize anyone from the host club hasn't acted like a rich dick or questioned me about my eye I am starting to like it here in Japan its a new start and I love it already but I followed Honey to look for This Takashi or Mori or whatever.

----Now we take a Break!----

----Now let's get back to the Story!----

   ~Mori's P.O.V~

I didn't find Mitskuni's Usa-chan but I am sure he found it it's about time I find him the lunch period is almost over and we will have to head back soon.

I heard Mitskuni's voice and heard him call out to someone.

Who is Katsuki-chan?

   "There you are Takashi! Look We found Usa-chan!" I looked down at him the boy next to him.

   "Oh uh hi... I'm Forsythe Takatsuki..." He introduced himself

   "Yeah, he founded Usa-chan!" Mitskuni cheered and Forsythe looked away as if he expects to hear something.

   "Well thank you for helping Mitskuni... I'm Takashi... Morinozuka." I grunted and he looked up at me.

     ~Forsythe's P.O.V~

I couldn't help but look up at him and such but I know one thing this guy was tall as hell and really I would let him do whatever he wanted to me in bed he can ask me right here and now too!

    "Well, your welcome Mori-kun... I have to get going Honey-kun see you two later maybe!" they waved goodbye and as they die the bell rang for lunch to be over and to head back to class and so we went our separate ways and head to class.

As I walked back to class some girls were staring at me with demon eyes yes demon eyes I kid you not but others had heart eyes and some passed out just from me walking by and once I walked into the class I wished that I would have skipped the rest of school.

   ~Tamaki's P.O.V~

     "HARUHIIIIIII!!!" I clung to Haruhi like my life depended on it those evil twins won't have her!

   "Tamaki Senpai please your making a scene again..." I could see the cold sweat on her and I didn't care.

    "Yea Boss your not supposed to be in here Sensei will be here soon!" Hikaru had said but I didn't care.

   "Huh oh hey Forsythe you mind helping us" Kaoru had said and I could have sworn that name sounded familiar and when I looked I let go of Haruhi and I teared up.


     ~Forsythe's P.O.V~

    "Damn it, Tamaki, stop it! Let me go agh!" I tried to fight him off but his hugs were impossible to escape I know that a fact I had one option and to give in and so I hugged him back "ok yea I miss you god you're like a lost puppy!"

    "You should have told me you were coming here!" he started sulking and I blinked while the Twins laughed and Haruhi and I having the same expression.

   "Tamaki get out now you had your fun you can have dinner with us if you please."

I looked at my father and I wanted to kick him where the Sun don't shine but I wouldn't do it but to Tamaki, I would!


   "Wait does that mean me too." I laughed and said "He will force you Haruhi." and we both laughed.

    "Wow Dinner with Forsythe how cool!" the twins smirked and Father pushed Tamaki out and Glared at the twins knowing their little game to well they backed off and we all settled down and the bell rang once more for two more classes then club hours were a go.

I honestly was happy and I hardly knew the host or anything about their club but it was fun I know that much.


See what I did there yea! Ok, imma go to bed its late for me!

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