
By booknerdz2

2.8K 39 13

It has been nine years since Liz decided to make things work with Zac. Nine years and two babies later. A lot... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Ten

112 1 0
By booknerdz2

Bittersweet Chapter Ten

Liz ran a hand through her hair as she sat on the bed, in the guest bedroom, Taylor now occupied at his parents she threw her cell phone down in a huff.

"Still no answer?" Taylor asked as he rested a hand on her leg.

Liz shook her head as she looked over at Taylor. "It's been two fucking days Tay," she frowned feeling nervous. "I don't know why he is ignoring me and I feel like shit. It is the last thing I need right now."

Taylor sighed, wishing he knew the words to tell Liz that could comfort her, but he had none. "I..I wish I had words to say right now that would calm you down but really I don't have any," he frowned, patting her leg with his hand.

"I don't think any words you say would help me right now," Liz admitted honestly. Nothing he said would help but his being here was at least keeping her from screaming. "What if he is fucking Andrea?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow and chewed on her lip hard. All she hear in her head was Sara's words on Zac cheating so he could try some new chick.

Taylor couldn't help but laugh at her words. "Elizabeth Jane," he said using her full name. "Zac would never cheat on you. He loves you too much."

Liz shook her head as she felt tears sting at her eyes. "If he loved me then why is he ignoring me? He never ignores my phone calls Taylor. I'm worried."

Frowning again, Taylor moved his hand from Liz's leg and pulled her into a hug. "I know you are," he sighed wishing Zac would eventually answer Liz's calls soon. "How about you and the kids do something fun with me today?" he asked curiously not sure if she would agree to it.

"Like what?" Liz asked into Taylor's neck as she calmed down some. Her crying soon stopping altogether. Maybe getting out would do her some good. Take her mind off her husband who was ignoring her.

"Putt-putt golf," Taylor smiled as he pulled away from the hug. "I'm pretty sure you used to like playing that when we dated."

Liz laughed finally and shook her head, "No, I hated it because you always beat me."

"You never complained when I used to want to play it all the time," Taylor muttered as he stood from the bed and held his hand out for her to take.

Taking his hand, Liz stood up, "I never wanted to seem like a bad sport," she confessed as she offered him a tiny smile. "But sure, the kids and I will go play putt-putt golf with you."

Taylor smiled and did his arm in a victorious pump. "I knew you'd say yes to me," he said before leaving the bedroom and heading downstairs where her kids were.

Laughing more, Liz followed behind him and headed downstairs too. Seeing both of her kids glued to an episode of Sponge-Bob she shook her head. "I will never see what they like about a yellow sponge," she said honestly as she walked over to the couch.

"Hey, I kind of like him too," Taylor said defensively as he followed her to the couch.

"Well that helps build my case against him," Liz joked as she sat down next to her kids on the couch. "Emmy, Jude, how do you guys feel about going putt-putt golfing with mommy and Uncle Taylor?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow and looked at both of her kids.

Jude turned his head and raised an eyebrow. "Daddy says putt-putt golf sucks."

Emerson frowned, "But sponge-bob," she said as she pointed to the tv.

Liz couldn't help but laugh again at her kids reaction, "Well Daddy isn't always right Jude," she smiled before deciding to answer Emerson. "Emmy when we get back you can watch as much sponge-bob as you want before bed time."

"Fine," Jude muttered as he moved from the couch, still not entirely convinced putt-putt golf was any good.

Emerson just stood up and ran a hand through her hair, "Promise?" she asked looking up at her mommy expectantly.

"I cross my heart," Liz nodded as she picked Emerson up and held her hand out for Jude to take. Once she had both kids she turned to look at Taylor. "Are we taking your car or mine?"

"Can we take yours?" he asks as he looks Liz over. "Mine, well it's kind of not working," Taylor frowned. "I was out on a date yesterday and the transmission died."

Liz nodded and started towards the door, going outside. Feeling the warmth from Taylor behind her, she knew he was following. "Who did you have a date with?" she asked curiously as she raised an eyebrow. She was surprised that he had even found the time to meet a chick so fast.

Taylor chewed on his lips. "Just some girl," he shrugged as he reached her car.

Liz raised her eyebrow higher but she didn't question him. Instead she put both kids in the car and then got in herself. Once Taylor was in she took off to the putt-putt golf place downtown.


An hour later, Liz frowned as she looked at Taylor. "Looks like you and Jude beat me and Emmy," she sighed going over the score card. The boys had definitely beat the girls.

"Yep, now how about the losers treat us winners to some ice cream," Taylor smirked as he winked at Liz playfully and picked up Jude.

Rolling her eyes, Liz picked up Emmy. "Fine, but the next time we play this game Emmy and I our going to beat your and Jude's butt and you will owe us ice cream," she told him as she walked to her car. Seeing someone standing not far from the car taking pictures she raised an eyebrow.

"Is that one of those dang paps here in Tulsa?" she asked as she turned her head to Taylor. She hadn't even known Tulsa to have paparazzi before. That's why she liked it.

Taylor nodded and frowned. "Yeah, he was around for my date yesterday too, though luckily none of those pictures were published."

Liz just rolled her eyes when they reached her car. "I hate them," she said honestly as she put Emerson in and watched as Taylor buckled Jude up.

"Me either," Taylor agreed as he shut the back door and got in after he had Jude buckled in good.

Liz got in and soon took off driving to the ice cream place. The moment she had started driving she heard Taylor's cell phone ring and she raised an eyebrow at the ring tone. It was an old Hanson song. One she hadn't heard in ages. Lucy.

Taylor took his cell phone out of his pocket and looked at the id, though he knew who it was. "It's Zac he said to Liz wondering if he should answer the phone.

"Ignore him," Liz stated coldly as she looked ahead at the road. Zac could call Taylor but not her. She was pissed now and she was sure whenever he did call her she would ignore him, like he seemed to be doing to her.

Taylor nodded and hit ignore before putting his phone back in the pocket of his jeans. "I'm sorry," he said as he she arrived at the ice cream parlor and parked the car. "I'm sorry he is ignoring you," he said reaching for her hand once it was off the wheel. "He is a dumb ass."

"Yes he is a dumb ass," Liz agreed as she squeezed Taylor's hand and smiled. Pulling her hand away after awhile, she got out and went to the back. This time she got Jude out as Taylor got Emerson out. Holding Jude on her hip she watched as Taylor headed inside with her.

"So Jude," Liz started as she stood by the car and looked at her son, his brown eyes reminding her so much of Zac. "How did you like putt-putt golfing?"

Jude made a face as he looked into his mommy's eyes, "I think it sucks," he muttered as he rolled his eyes and shrugged.

Liz just laughed and started inside. On her way in she made a face seeing that same pap guy again on the other side of the street taking pictures. She half felt like she was an animal on display right now. All she could hope was that like the pictures from Taylor's date, these pictures didn't get put online.

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