Chapter Fourteen

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Bittersweet Chapter Fourteen

Zac sat outside and chewed his lip as he watched Liz off in the corner. It was Jude's birthday party and ever since waking up and getting ready for it they hadn't had time to talk anymore and now she had the nerve to seclude herself off into a corner with Tristin and Sara.

He'd be lying if he said he was thrilled with Tristin being here but understood that Gavin and Jude were friends. But he didn't understand his wife and her being so chummy with Tristin right in front of him and everyone else they knew. Yeah they were having problems but damn she didn't have to show it in front of everyone.

Standing up he walked over to where Liz was and he slid his arm around her waist. It was his way of showing Tristin she was his wife and for him to back off.

"How are things?" he asked as he eyed Tristin as he leaned in to leave a soft kiss on Liz's neck.

Liz shivered some as Zac kissed her neck and she tried to keep from blushing at his display of public affection with her. Yes behind closed doors before his cheating they had a very passionate sex life but they rarely showed much public displays of affection, mainly because she was shy to do so, even if she wasn't so shy on having sex in secluded places in public.

"Things are good," Liz smiled as she turned her head slightly to look at Zac. She could tell from the way he was eying Tristin that his actions now were purely to prove a point. He was jealous and for some reason she was turned on by it.

Zac nodded but stayed behind Liz eying Tristin the whole time. He could tell he was making the guy nervous and he liked that. He wanted Tristin to know his place. That Liz was not his wife and that for as much as he was concerned Liz was never going to be his wife.

As Liz went back to talking to Sara and Tristin, Zac zoned out until Liz finally pulled away and told him it was time for Jude to open his presents. Then Zac followed behind Liz and watched intently as his son opened his gifts. A smile formed as he watched how happy Jude was at everything he got, especially the gifts that had to do with Lord of The Rings. There was no denying that Jude was his son.

After that was done, Zac let Liz wonder off inside with a few of their friends and he went to go and find Taylor who was by the swing sets talking to Eleanor. "I didn't know you two had gotten so close," he said remembering that in California Eleanor could not stand Taylor.

Eleanor turned to face Zac, "Things have changed," she shrugged as she gave a tiny smile. "Taylor isn't that bad," she shrugged as she ran a hand through her red hair.

"And Eleanor isn't that much of a bitch," Taylor laughed as he shot Eleanor a look and she turned to face him, glaring. "Eleanor kind of knows who I am dating and she has been helping me."

Zac raised an eyebrow as he listened to Taylor, "Ah the lady who you took home last night? The one who you sometimes talk about but will never tell me her name," he sighed as he shook his head. "How did Eleanor figure it out?"

Eleanor blushed some at Zac's words, "I sort of caught them on a date," she nodded as she chewed on her lip.

Zac just nodded and took Eleanor's word. "Well I will try to pry it out of you eventually," he smirked as he turned and left Eleanor and Taylor by their selves again. Going towards his house he went inside and raised an eyebrow as he saw Sara standing off talking to his some of the other women Liz had came inside with but no Liz.

Walking over to them Zac looked down at Sara. "Where is my wife?" he asked as he locked eyes with his ex sister in law.

Sara looked at Zac hoping she didn't seem too nervous. "She went upstairs with Tristin," she whispered as she avoided Zac's gaze.

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