Chapter Eight

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Bittersweet Chapter Eight

Liz went through the clothes on her bed as she eyed Sara. She had been home for three days now and she had finally gotten around to unpacking and doing laundry. Both sets of kids were at Diana's for the day and Sara had agreed to help Liz clean her house. "So, do you think I'm crazy for trusting my sister to be on the road with Zac?"

Sara looked and Liz and raised an eyebrow, "Honey, take it from, don't trust any bitch, especially your sister. Taylor told you the lie she said to get him to be close with her. You think she won't try that with your husband?" Sara asked as she folded some of Liz's clothes.

"No, I think she'll try anything to get with Zac," Liz admitted honestly. "I mean she has some sort of weird vendetta against me even though she's the oldest. I just hope she's dropped her cancer trick by now. She's thirty-two and using that would just be dumb.

Sara laughed as she set down the shirt she had just folded, "Your sister is dumb," she said before shrugging. "Nikki is dumb too. Anyone who sleeps with a married man is dumb."

Liz looked down at Sara's last statement, "Then I'm dumb too," she said before looking back up. "I slept with Taylor when he was married to Natalie or did you just forget all the pain and torture I inflicted nine years ago."

"How could I forget that train wreck," Sara mused playfully as she winked at Liz. "Every woman but you is dumb," she shrugged changing her wording.

Liz shot Sara a death glare and went back to folding clothes. "How are things with Isaac?" she asked deciding to change the subject now. She was getting tired of talking about Andrea.

Sara rolled her eyes, "The same, still convinced he loves Nikki. Still wants our kids around her. Thinks she fucking shits sunshine and rainbows and I'm the devil because I hate her for stealing my husband."

Frowning Liz, chewed on her lip. "I never thought Isaac would cheat on you," she said honestly. "He was always the voice of reason every time I needed help with Zac and he seemed so in love with you."

"It's always the ones you least expect," Sara told her. "Zac is one of the ones I'd least expect you know. He's been in love with you for so long that I think if the right woman came around he'd cheat just try something different and new."

Liz heard Sara's response and she went silent, second guessing Zac being on the road with her sister. She was so scared that he would cheat on her. Scared she'd be burnt by her sister again.

Sara frowned when Liz went silent, "I'm sorry," she said as she stood from the bed. "I really shouldn't have said what I did to you," she smiled walking over and patting Liz's back. "I just don't think sometimes before I speak."

Shaking her head, Liz relaxed some when Sara rubbed her back. "Zac and I tried for a baby when I was in California," she confessed. "We made love multiple times in the bathroom. What if I find out I'm pregnant and he cheats on me?" she asked feeling tears sting at her eyes. "What if he pulls a Taylor?"

Sara pulled Liz into a hug, feeling even more shitty now for what she had said. "I'm sure he won't cheat on you," she said trying to reassure her friend. "He knows your sister is someone not to be trusted. He knows you'd chop his balls off."

Liz laughed at the last thing Sara said and pulled away, wiping at her eyes. "You better go and get the kids," she said knowing that after Sara picked them up from Diana's that they were going to spend the night at her house. It had been awhile since the cousins had, had a sleepover.

Sara nodded and left Liz's bedroom, "Stop worrying," she whispered behind her, hoping Liz could hear her.

After Sara had gone, Liz sat down on the bed and began to cry. She was scared of losing the man she loved, the man she had created a family with. She was scared her sister would ruin something else for her and Sara was right. Zac could cheat on her just to try someone new. They had after all been married for almost seven years and dating for ten.

Wiping at her eyes, she stood from the bed and went to pick up the cordless phone, dialing Zac's number and waiting for him to pick up.

"Zachary Hanson speaking," Zac answered as he waited on a response. He had answered without even checking the screen.

Liz smiled hearing his voice, "Hey babe," Liz said as she walked out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen. "I was just calling because I missed you," she smiled being partly honest with him.

Zac sat up in his hotel bed as he heard Liz's voice, "I missed you too," he said seeing it was now three pm in Ohio which meant in Tulsa it was two. "How are the kids?"

"They are good. They are at your mom's for now then tonight Sara is keeping them overnight."

"They'll have fun," Zac said knowing they would. "Any news on if the stork brought us anything yet?" he asked playfully.

Liz couldn't help but laugh at his last question, "It's far too soon to tell yet babe," she muttered as she shook her head. "Is Andrea still on the road with you guys?" she asked hoping he would say no.

Sighing before he answered Liz, Zac nodded though she couldn't see it, "Yeah, Griffin actually said she could stay with us the rest of the tour," he confessed not sure if Liz would be too happy with that or with Griffin.

"Oh," Liz said feeling a bit concerned knowing that Andrea was going to be on the road with Zac for a few more months. "Zac," she said hearing her voice crack. "C..can you promise you won't sleep with her. No matter how hard she tries."

Zac frowned some as he heard his wife's voice crack on the other end of the line, "I'm not going to cheat with her Liz. I love you and I married you. I'm not sticking my dick in anyone else but you until the day I die."

Liz smiled some at his last few words, "And I don't want anyone else's dick inside of me," she joked as she made it to the kitchen and she sat down at the kitchen table. "I love you."

"I love you too babe," Zac said before the phone was hung up.

Hanging up, Liz stood from the chair and went to make her something to eat. She hadn't ate lunch yet and she was getting hungry. All she could do was trust Zac but it was hard knowing her sister was around him now.

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