Chapter Eighteen

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Bittersweet Chapter Eighteen

Liz forced a smile as she sat in the car that Zac drove to take her home. Two weeks had passed since she awoke from her coma and she still had no memory of things. She still didn't remember the man driving her home, though he claimed to be her husband and she didn't even have any memories of the house he was taking her home too.

It was kind of funny but she had no memories of anything what so ever and that scared her. It was like she was in some bad nightmare that she couldn't wake up from. Apparently the doctors seemed to think it was just a simple form of shock from being shot and that her memory would return eventually.

"We're here," Zac spoke bringing Liz out of her thoughts and her eyes looked over a house that could pass for a cottage in the woods but it was no woods. No they lived in a typical suburban neighborhood it seemed.

Biting her lip Liz unbuckled and got out of the car. "The kids aren't here are they?" she asked wanting to make sure again that the two kids she had been told she had weren't here right now. She had requested they not be. She knew it would only hurt them if they saw her acting weird, especially the boy who Zac had brought with him to the hospital.

Zac nodded as he looked at Liz, "My mom is watching them," he confirmed as he walked to the porch, waiting on Liz before he opened the door. Walking inside he watched Liz for any indication that she remembered anything once she was in but sadly none came. Instead he just watched as the shell of what used to be his wife stared around at a place that was strange to her. A place that held no memories, no nothing.

Liz again forced a smile as she looked around at the house in front of her. It was comfortable and she could see why she had chose to live here. Spotting a few pictures on a table a few feet away she walked over to them, picking one up. It was a picture of the boy who had been at the hospital but it was obviously taken a few months ago because his hair was longer.

"That's Jude," Zac said as he walked behind Liz seeing the photo she was looking at. "It was taken right before I left for tour. We had all went to the park and he just kept asking you to take pictures of him doing various things."

Liz smiled some as she heard Zac's words though none of them brought anything back. She wished they had because she wanted to remember, needed to remember her family.

"And this one here," Zac spoke as he pointed to the second picture, "was taken on our wedding day," he smiled as he looked down at it himself. That had been one of the happiest days of his life. He hadn't ever thought it would happen but then it did. He had won the girl in the end. Hell he still had her even if she couldn't remember him right now.

"We looked happy," Liz said as she put the picture of Jude down. "We looked really happy."

Zac chewed his lip wanting to frown when Liz said they looked happy. "We were happy," he told her as he walked away from where she should. "I mean until the last few months when we'd be having trouble as I told you about but other than that we had been happy."

Looking down Liz sighed knowing Zac had filled her in on everything, the good and the bad. She wasn't sure how she had even stayed with him after she knew about the blow job from her sister. She wasn't sure how she had gotten the nerve to even want to try counseling. To her right now that just seemed like the biggest betrayal. But then again she had also been told she used to date his brother first and that before they had even married she had cheated on Zac with him.

"I'm sorry I can't remember," she apologized as she followed Zac over to the couch where he had sat down. "I wish I could for you and the kids."

Zac frowned when Liz apologized to him. He hated hearing her apologize because it wasn't her fault, hadn't been her fault. "It's not your fault," he told her firmly when she sat down beside him on the couch. "You didn't make yourself forget."

"I know I didn't but I can't help being sorry," Liz shrugged as she ran a hand through her hair. "I just see how much this hurts you and I feel so bad. M..maybe I should move back to where ever my mom lives or go somewhere else until I can remember so you seeing me won't hurt so much."

At Liz's offer to go somewhere else Zac felt his heartbreak even more. He wasn't sure he could handle the idea of being away from her when she was in this situation but then again seeing her like this was killing him because she wasn't his wife. She wasn't the woman he had married. She may have worn her ring but she wasn't her.

"Are you sure about that?" Zac asked as he looked at her. "I mean your mom lives an hour away from here. Do you really want to be that far from your kids and I?"

Nodding Liz knew she did, "Yeah...I mean it's not like I remember you," she said feeling like her words had came out rude. "I'd just be staying until I remembered," she smiled trying to ease the way her first words had came out of her mouth. "Which hopefully won't be long."

"Then I will call your mom and tell her," Zac forced a smile as he stood from the couch and left the room to go and call Faith.


Hours later Liz sat on her mother's couch watching some old time tv show. Her mother said she was a fan of those and Liz just politely smiled. A part of her was regretting coming here because she felt just as uncomfortable with her mom as she did Zac. She felt uncomfortable with everyone because they were all strangers to her.

"You okay?" Faith asked as she looked at her daughter. She knew Liz was far from okay so the question had been a stupid one to even ask. Sometimes she wished she thought before asking questions.

"How can I be okay?" Liz asked before feeling tears in her eyes. "I'm pregnant..I was shot by someone who was apparently family and now I can't remember anyone or anything. I'm living some fucked up nightmare and I just want to wake up from it mom."

Frowning at her daughters words, Faith reached over and brought Liz to her. She hated to admit it but she was pissed at Andrea for what she had done. She was pissed at her eldest daughter for causing so much grief to Liz. She wasn't even sure why Andrea had always hated Liz so much and now with Andrea dead there would always be so many unanswered questions.

Liz just continued to cry as her mother held her. Closing her eyes tight before relaxing when she felt her mother start to rub her back and shush her like she was a child and in a lot of ways right now she felt like a child. She felt like such a lost child and she wasn't sure if she'd ever be a grown woman again.

"I'm scared," she whispered as her tears subsided. "What if I don't ever remember?"

"You will remember," Faith said trying to reassure her daughter. "You are gonna remember everything, especially those precious babies of yours," she smiled as she thought of her two grand kids that were already here. "You are gonna remember for them," she said holding Liz closer to her. As a mother she half wished she could be the one who had lost her memory instead of her daughter.

Hearing her mom say she would remember for her kids, Liz couldn't help but hope she was right. Pulling away from her mom she nodded, "I will remember for my kids," she repeated once before standing from the couch. She was tired now though and she just wanted to sleep.

"I think I am gonna go to bed," she told her mom before walking down the hall her mom had brought her down earlier today to show her where everything was. Slipping into the guest room she didn't even bother changing into the pajamas she had packed. Instead she just laid on the bed closing her eyes as she willed herself to go to sleep. The going to sleep took longer than she had hoped but it did happen.

As she slept thought it seemed her dreams brought back her memories or well some of them anyway. By the time she had woken up the next morning Liz did remember most of her life. At least the parts where she had been dating Taylor. That had been when she was a teenager she was told though right now it felt just like yesterday.

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