Chapter Three

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Bittersweet Chapter Three

Zac had hung up with Liz, a few hours ago and he had been unable to sleep. He couldn't help but feel like she was mad at him because Andrea was here on tour with the band. He knew the history between both sisters and he knew that Liz still had issues.

"God," he groaned, realizing Liz probably was fearing that he would cheat on her. Hell he had to admit, even though it had been years he was still scared of that with Liz and Taylor. If he ever found Taylor was in Oklahoma and he wasn't there, he'd be jealous and on the next flight home.

Sitting on the edge of the hotel roof, he looked out at the Chicago skyline, unaware that anyone had even joined him on the roof until he turned his head and saw Andrea sitting next to him.

Andrea smiled at Zac when he looked at her, her blue eyes staring into his brown eyes, "Hey," she said as she chewed on her lip and looked down. "I didn't know you were out here," she said as she looked away from him and frowned.

Zac shrugged, "I could see the same about you," he sighed seeing her look away and frowning, "Are you okay?" he asked as he raised an eyebrow. Something about her seemed off right now.

"I got into an argument with Griffin," Andrea frowned more as she answered Zac.

Zac just nodded, "Oh," he said before running a hand through his hair. He had just gotten it cut a few weeks before. "Is that all?" he asked feeling like there was more to why she had frowned. Something in her eyes had seemed off, even if she had originally smiled at him.

Andrea nodded, "Everything is fine," she smiled again as she looked up and at Zac. "Honestly, I have no reason to lie about it," she laughed though it wasn't genuine.

"You're lying," Zac said of matter of fact after she laughed. God, even though she and Liz didn't get along, they were both really bad liars. They were bad at masking how they really felt and Zac was sure there was more on Andrea's mind then some stupid argument with Griffin.

Andrea looked away from Zac and just stayed silent after he accused her of lying.

When Andrea stayed silent, Zac knew he had been right, "What is really wrong?" he asked as he moved a little bit closer to her. He may not have known her well because of the fact that Liz refused to speak to her, but he hated seeing anyone in distress.

Andrea felt the warmth of Zac's body after he moved closer to her. "I...the doctor's called this morning. I have breast cancer," she whispered not wanting to say the words out loud. "It's in the advanced stages and he doesn't think there is much they can do."

At her words, Zac was stunned into silence. To say that he hadn't been expecting that would be an understatement. "I'm sorry," he said honestly as he reached over and touched her hand softly to comfort her. "Does your family know yet?" he asked chewing on his lip.

Andrea laughed bitterly when Zac asked if her family knew, "Fucking hell Zachary," she said as she shook her head. "You've been with Liz for awhile now. You should know that when I slept with Taylor I also lost my mother and my other sister too."

Zac just stayed silent, knowing she was right. He had known that. "It doesn't mean that you can't tell them you have cancer though," he shrugged. He knew even if he had lost contact with his family he would still tell them something this huge.

"Yeah, well to me it does," Andrea said as she moved her hand away from his finally. His touch had been comforting, but his words on her family had just hurt. She hated that she had fucked up once and lost them all. "You know, I am truly sorry for what happened but Liz and the rest of them, they would never believe me."

Zac sighed, "I'm sure you are," he said wanting to believe her. Hell, sometimes he had a hard time believing Taylor was sorry for fucking around with Liz in 2004.

"You don't sound like you believe me," Andrea laughed as she chewed on her lip and moved some of her brown hair out of her face.

Zac laughed as he shook his head, "I want to believe you," he said as he looked away from her. "I guess I just have been in Liz's shoes. It's hard to trust the sibling who has hurt you again, even if it is easier to forgive the one who did the cheating."

"You got cheated on?" Andrea asked confused as she watched him look away.

"Liz," he said still looking away from her. "In 2004 with Taylor," he informed her as he looked back. Zac knew he probably shouldn't be telling Andrea this. If Liz knew she would flip her shit. "Sometimes I tell myself I have forgiven Taylor, but to be honest, if I found out he was with Liz in Oklahoma when I was away, I'd freak out because I don't trust him," he admitted.

Staying silent, Andrea just processed his words. So the sister who hated her, had cheated on someone. Had cheated on someone with Taylor Hanson. Andrea had known when she met and slept with him he would one day be nothing but trouble. "I'm sorry," she offered Zac.

"It's not your fault, anyway, Liz went to counseling, figured her shit out. Hell before we got married we even went to couples counseling," Zac smiled knowing that Liz's individual counseling and their couples counseling had done them good. "Counseling did us good and we both are in better places. It's my brother I have issues with."

Andrea sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "Maybe they have counseling for siblings too," she laughed. "It seems Liz and I, and you and Taylor could get some good from it."

Zac laughed at Andrea's suggestion. It wasn't half bad. "Maybe we could check into that," he nodded. "But regardless, I think you should tell your family," Zac said standing from where he sat. It was getting late and he knew he should head back to his room.

Andrea watched Zac stand up and then turn to leave, "Don't tell Liz," she called after him. She wasn't sure if she wanted Liz or the rest of her family to know she was dying but if she did, she wanted to be the one to tell them.

Zac heard Andrea and once he reached the door, leading back into the hotel, he opened it and stopped, looking back at Andrea, "I won't tell her, but you better," he said before turning and leaving her.

Reaching his room he used his hotel key and let himself inside, slowly stripping down to his boxers and climbing under the covers. As soon as he had, he heard his cell phone ring and he reached to answer it without checking the id.

"Hello?" he asked into the receiver wondering who would be calling him now.

"Zac," Liz's voice come on the other end. "I was just calling to say goodnight before I went to bed."

Zac smiled hearing Liz's voice. If she had been upset when they hung up, she sure didn't seem it now and she had called to say goodnight. That was a good sign. "Well I'm glad you did," Zac smiled more. "I love you babe and goodnight."

"I love you too Zac," Liz said and Zac was sure he could hear the grin in her voice. "Goodnight," she breathed out before the phone went dead.

Zac just hit end and put his cell phone back, smiling as he turned to look up at the ceiling. He hoped that things between him and Liz stayed this calm. Stayed this good. He had never been happier in his life then he had been the last few years with her and their kids. They were what made his days better.

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