Chapter Four

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Bittersweet Chapter Four

Liz awoke with a jolt the next morning, a knock coming from the door downstairs. Wiping at her eyes, she sat up in bed and looked at the clock, it was going on nine in the morning.

Sighing, she got out of bed and slipped a robe on, going down the stairs and walking to the door. Opening it she raised an eyebrow when she came face to face with her nanny Eleanor. She was visibly upset and crying.

"Eleanor?" she asked moving aside so she could come in. Liz had never seen the woman so distraught before.

Eleanor came inside and wiped at her eyes, "My boyfriend and I got into an argument," she said hiccuping some as she spoke. "He kicked me out of the house and I just don't know where else to go," she frowned.

Liz frowned as she listened to Eleanor speak. She knew Eleanor had no family here, all her family was in North Carolina. "You can stay here," she smiled as she shut the door and put her arms around Eleanor, leading her to the couch.

"Sit," she said soon pushing Eleanor down. "I'll make you some coffee."

Eleanor just nodded and watched as Liz went into the kitchen.

Going in the kitchen, Liz found the coffee pot she had used for Taylor yesterday and she plugged it in, soon starting it. After it was started she looked around for some food for the girl and frowned only finding pop tarts.

Holding the package of pop tarts in her hand she walked into the living room, "I hope pop tarts are okay food wise. Apparently they are all I have," she laughed knowing that she'd have to get groceries today at some point.

Eleanor graciously took the pop tarts from Liz and opened the package, "Thank you Liz," she smiled as she looked at her, her brown eyes hopefully showing just how gracious she was. "I, hopefully I want be here long," she said hoping that her boyfriend called her soon and apologized.

Liz shrugged, "It's fine Eleanor," she said smiling as she turned and went to check on the coffee. Seeing it was done, she got done a mug and poured the coffee in it, soon taking it into the living room and handing it to Eleanor.

"Stay here as long as you need," she said sitting down beside Eleanor. "Did you bring any clothes with you?" she asked curiously. If she hadn't, Liz was sure she could buy some when she went to get groceries later.

"They are in my car," Eleanor answered Liz when she asked about clothes. Taking a sip of coffee she smiled, not sure if she could survive without caffeine. "I don't even know what started the argument, just Bobby got so mad at me this morning for no reason," she frowned.

Liz frowned as well and reached a hand over, rubbing the woman's back. Eleanor had been her children's nanny since Jude was a year old. She had grown attached to the woman over the last four to five years. She treated her like family now.

Eleanor smiled feeling Liz rubbing her back, "Bobby gets mad all the time, but this was the worst I have seen him," she sighed taking another sip of her coffee.

"I don't know why you put up with his shit," Liz said honestly as she shook her head. She knew Eleanor took too much shit from Bobby. Hell she was half sure that Bobby also abused her too. It was just something in the way Eleanor acted.

Eleanor chewed on her bottom lip and looked down in her coffee cup, away from Liz's glance. She couldn't take Liz judging her. "Because I love him," she said honestly as she ran a hand through her red hair which was greasy. "After I finish my coffee, I may borrow your shower."

Laughing, Liz nodded, "borrow away," she said as she stood from the couch. "I am going to go back upstairs and try to get another hour of sleep before the kids get up," she said as she smiled. "You know the place well enough to make yourself at home Elle," she said using Eleanor's nickname.
A few hours later, Liz awoke again with a jolt as she heard a scream coming from downstairs. She knew the scream belonged to Eleanor. Moving from the bed again, she put on her robe and hurried downstairs just in time to see Eleanor coming out of the bathroom followed by Taylor.

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