Chapter Fifteen

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Bittersweet Chapter Fifteen

Zac awoke with a jolt as he looked around the room. It took him a minute to realize he was at Taylor's and that he had came here last night after confronting Liz. Frowning he slowly slipped out of bed and found his pants by the bed, slipping them on over his boxers. For now they would do until he got a shower.

Going down the hall he stopped when he found Sara in the kitchen in a robe. She was standing with her back to him so she didn't know he was here. Clearing his throat he watched as she turned around and her eyes went wide.

"Zac," Sara squeaked out as she looked at Zac. It was still early and she had decided to stay and fix Taylor breakfast. She had just been lucky last night when he arrived and she was in bed already. "I thought I had more time before you woke up."

Zac stayed silent as he listened to Sara. He had finally realized she was more than likely the woman Taylor had been seeing. "'re Taylor's new girlfriend?" he asked as he walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

Sara blushed and nodded as she finished making the breakfast. Getting down a plate she put the stuff on the plate and chewed her lip. "I..I ran into Taylor at a bar not long after you guys got back from California and one thing sort of lead to another," she laughed trying to get over how nervous she was. "It was my idea to keep it a secret. I mean I know Isaac cheated on me and is with Nikki but I am afraid of how he would react if he knew I was with Taylor now."

"I won't tell him," Zac smiled knowing it would be best Isaac not find out this news from him. "Though I do think he might freak out some," he said honestly.

"Way to be so encouraging Zachary," Sara teased as she decided to make Zac breakfast too since he was up. "Taylor told me that you left Liz," she said remembering him waking her up when he came to bed last night. "Is this for good?"

Zac chewed on his lip as he thought over Sara's last question. "I hope not. I hope Liz realizes she wants to fight for me and our marriage. Especially since we have children involved," he shrugged as he ran a hand through his hair. "I just I can't stay there feeling like I am losing her and she isn't fighting for us."

Sara frowned as she finished Zac's food, putting it on a plate as well, "I guess I can understand that," she nodded as she put his plate on the table for him. "But at least go visit her today okay. Maybe try to talk things out some more," she shrugged as she walked back to where she had Taylor's plate. "And don't tell her yet that I am seeing Taylor. I want to do that as well."

"I won't tell her either," Zac smiled as he began to eat his food. Seeing Sara leave the kitchen he sighed and contemplated doing as she said, going to see Liz today. He wasn't sure it would do much good but maybe it would. Maybe they could get more talking done at the very least.


Parking his car in front of his house, Zac got out. He was feeling nervous and he knew he shouldn't. His nerves had been the reason why it had taken him three hours to even leave Taylor's place this morning. Sara had finally threatened him. Telling him if he didn't leave she would somehow take away his xbox and weed stash that he had at home.

Going onto the porch he was about to raise his hand to knock but before he could even do that the door swung open to reveal Liz.

"Hi," Liz smiled as she looked at Zac and moved aside so he could come in. "I heard your car pull in."

Zac just nodded at her words and went inside, "I figured," he smiled back as he chewed on his lip. He could hear the kids playing from their playroom and he smiled more. "How are they?"

"They are hyper today," Liz said as she walked to the couch and sat down. "Emerson decided to wake both Jude and I up at seven am so we have all been going since then."

Laughing Zac shook his head and sat down beside Liz on the couch. "Are you experiencing morning sickness this time?" he asked knowing that with both Jude and Emerson she had it, though with Jude it was all day sickness.

"All day," Liz confirmed as she put a hand on her stomach. "I actually had just gotten out of the bathroom not long before you showed up."

Zac frowned hearing her, "I'm sorry," he said feeling partly responsible for her being sick. He was after all the one who contributed the sperm to get her pregnant. "I can stay here today and help you with the kids if you want," he offered as he raised an eyebrow.

Liz smiled and rubbed her stomach. She wasn't showing yet though that was to be expected as in a matter of a few days she'd be two months pregnant. With Emerson she hadn't started showing until she was five months and with Jude it has been four.

"I'd like that," she told Zac. She knew with him here it would be easier to take care of the kids. It always was easier when he was home. "Did you sleep good at Taylor's house?" she asked curiously. She was still so surprised that over the last month Zac and Taylor had gotten so close. Closer than they had been in years.

"Not really," Zac admitted as he scrunched up his nose and made a face. "The bed in the guest room is uncomfortable as hell and it hurt my back."

Liz frowned as she heard him say the bed hurt his back. "I'm sorry," she said using his words from earlier. " could stay here tonight in our guest room if you want."

Shaking his head at her offer, Zac looked away, "I think staying here is a bad idea right now Liz," he told her as he looked back at her. "I don't think you realize yet what you are losing if I am gone. If you don't fight for this marriage."

"I do realize what I am losing Zachary," Liz whispered as she used his full name. "I realize that I'm losing the man I love. The father of my children, the best person I could have chosen as father for my children."

Zac looked away from Liz again, not sure if he believed she loved him. "Do you really love me?" he asked as he cocked an eyebrow up. "I mean as much as you did the day you married me."

Liz laughed and shook her head, "No," she said as she shook her head. "I love you more than the day I married you."

At first Zac was sure he had felt his heart drop when Liz said no but when he heard the rest he couldn't help the smile on his face. "Prove it then," he told her as he looked back at her. "Prove that you love me more. Stop being friends with Tristin and agree to go to counseling with me once the tour ends."

"Okay," Liz nodded agreeing to what Zac wanted from her. Counseling had did them good last time and maybe it would do them good again. "I can call and make us an appointment when it gets closer to your tour ending and I'll call Tristin up tomorrow and tell him that I can't be friends with him anymore," she smiled hoping that the steps she was making would please Zac.

"But," she continued as she pushed some hair behind her ear. "I want something from you as well. If Griffin even mentions bringing Andrea back on tour you tell him no. If you think I am going back to my old ways you call me and talk to me before going to the first woman who shows interest in you."

Zac smiled more and nodded, "Deal," he muttered as he leaned in and pecked Liz on the lips. "But I still think it's best if I stay with Taylor until I leave."

Liz just sighed but didn't object. She knew there was no changing Zac's mind. "Can you at least put your ring back on?"

"That I can do," Zac told her as he kissed her again. This time it was much longer than a peck. As he kissed her more, he knew he'd have to thank Sara when he saw her again. If she hadn't finally threatened him to leave Taylor's then he and Liz wouldn't have come to some form of agreement on things for now.

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