Chapter Nine

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Zac sat on the tour bus bored out of his mind. They were playing some dingy bar like place tonight in Dayton, Ohio and so far he had done everything he could think to do before a show. He had played video games and he may have indulged in a bit of weed. A habit he had picked up when he was a teenager. One that had been reduced as he got older but when he was on tour he sometimes still smoked weed like he had as a teenager.

Liz had known about his weed habit, heck she sometimes smoked with him at home when the kids were in bed. It wasn't something he had ever kept secret and he was sure that when she had dated Taylor she had seen him do worse.

Hearing the back lounge door open, Zac looked towards it and saw Andrea come in. Lately he had been trying to ignore her. The call he had gotten from Liz two days ago still on his mind. She had been so upset that he would cheat. He was trying to do everything in his power to make it not happen.

"There you are," Andrea smiled as she sat down beside Zac. "I was bored and wondering if you wanted to go somewhere. Maybe out to lunch. I figured you might have the munchies after smoking up back here."

Zac raised an eyebrow at her, "You knew I was smoking?"

Andrea couldn't help but to laugh, "Zac, I think everyone on the bus could smell it," she shrugged as she moved some of her black hair behind her ears. "It's okay though, I'm not going to tell your wife if that is what you are afraid of," she smiled offering him a wink.

"Fine, we'll go to lunch," Zac said giving into Andrea. He was sure if he wasn't hungry or bored he would have turned her down.

Andrea just smiled and stood up, "Then come on," she said as she reached down and grabbed Zac's hand pulling him up and off the bus couch. "I saw this place not too far from here. It's in walking distance."

Zac let Andrea take his hand and before he knew it she had lead him off the bus and down the street to some dingy off the wall restaurant. "The food here better be good," he told her as they sat down in a both. She had finally let go of his hand and was setting across from him. The whole time she looked over the menu he couldn't help but look up from his and stare at her boobs.

Her boobs were really hard to miss, especially in the low cut tank top she had on. He wasn't much of a boob man but he really did like her tits. The moment that thought crossed his mind though, he reprimanded himself and thought of Liz and their children. She would chop his balls off and he really wanted to keep them.

Feeling Zac staring at her boobs, Andrea looked up at him, "You see something you liked?" she asked as she caught his eye and gave him a flirty smile.

"What?" Zac asked playing dumb to what she had meant. There was no way he was going to admit he had oogled her breasts. No way what so ever.

Andrea rolled her eyes, "Don't be ashamed to admit you like them, I feel you looking at them" she smirked. "Liz isn't here to hear you say it and I doubt she has this place bugged."

Zac was sure he had just blushed ten shades of red when Andrea said she had felt him staring at her boobs. "Fine," he admitted reluctantly. "Your boobs are kind of hard to miss in that tank top so I was staring," he contested feeling defeated. He knew if Liz was here she would kill him. He'd be bleeding to death from blood loss thanks to his balls being gone.

Andrea smirked more and looked up at the waitress when she came to get their order. After giving hers she waited until Zac had given his and the waitress had left again to speak. "You were also staring because you like them," she said wanting him to admit he liked her boobs.

Zac blushed some more and looked away, "I like your boobs," he muttered softly, wondering if she felt happy now. "Happy?" he asked his tone getting a bit cold. He knew this conversation was inappropriate and yet here they were having it. Maybe he could just blame the weed in his system?

"Very," Andrea nodded as their food came and she began to eat. Slipping her flip flops off, she slowly let her foot snake up Zac's leg, her eyes watching him intently. She knew what she was doing was wrong, moving in on her sister's husband but she hated Liz. She wanted to take everything Liz loved away from her. She had taken Taylor and her first baby. Now she wanted Zac and maybe eventually their kids. If she could find a way to get out of her cancer lie.

Zac swallowed his food hard the moment he felt Andrea's foot moving up his leg. "What are you doing?" he asked reaching under the table and moving it away. He may have just had an inappropriate conversation with her, but he sure as heck wasn't going to let her do anything else.

Giving Zac a frown, Andrea took another bite of her food, "Trying to have some fun," she feigned innocence as she swallowed her food and then let her foot go back up his leg, moving it faster so it could reach her intended destination, his crotch.

When Andrea found his crotch she let her foot slowly run over the fabric of his jeans. "You going to tell me you don't like an innocent game of footsie?" she asked knowing this was no innocent game. Hell he knew it too by now.

"I do," Zac admitted. "But with my wife," he told her as he reached under to move her foot again but not before he had gotten hard underneath it. "I don't get you," he said finishing his food. "Your dying and you still want to screw your sister over," he muttered as he stood up and left his part of the check.

Leaving without Andrea he walked back to the bus. He needed to get away from her and breathe for awhile. He hated himself for what had happened in their. The boob conversation and then her trying to play footsie with him. Him getting fucking hard. He knew boundaries had been crossed. He had crossed them and so had she. He had let her.

Getting back to the bus, he went inside and headed towards the bathroom, knowing he needed to take care of the problem in his pants. Turning the shower on, he stripped out of his clothes and got in. Sighing under the hot water. It felt nice and it helped him relax from the bad mood the lunch date with Andrea had caused.

Zac soon moved his hand down to his hard cock and he let out a moan as he started to get off, his eyes closing and his head falling back. He was thinking of her. Her lips around his cock, the slow movements she'd be making and that playful little look in her eyes. God that damn playful look just made him worse and so he moved his hand faster.

Groaning as he came, he leaned against the wall of the shower and sighed watching the mess he had made go down the drain. He had just masturbated while thinking of Andrea. He was such a fucking awful husband, masturbating to the woman Liz hated. Masturbating to images of a woman who was dying.

Zac got out of the shower and put his clothes back on and left the bathroom, feeling eyes on him. Turning to see Andrea staring at him he chewed on his lips, almost feeling like she could see through him. That she knew he had just got off to thoughts of her. He knew it was silly though, there was no way she could know any of that.

Going back to the bunks, Zac got in his bunk and heard his cell phone ringing from his pocket. Taking it out he looked at the id and saw Liz's name. Hitting ignore he put the phone back in his pocket. He couldn't talk to her right now. Not when he felt like shit for what he had just done.

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