Chapter Five

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Bittersweet Chapter Five

Arriving at the hotel, Liz smiled seeing Eleanor and Jude outside, waiting on them. Once the cab had pulled up she waited until Taylor got out and then she got out, holding Emerson on her hip, "I hope you guys didn't have to wait long," she said as she walked over to them, knowing Taylor was getting the bags.

"No, we didn't wait that long," Eleanor replied as she eyed Taylor suspiciously. It didn't matter to her how highly Liz talked of him. That man just couldn't be trusted.

Liz raised an eyebrow as she watched Eleanor eye Taylor, "If you keep looking at Taylor with that death glare he might fall over dead," she laughed as she headed inside, putting her free hand on Eleanor's back to bring her as well. She was almost afraid to leave Eleanor and Taylor in the same breathing space together for too long.

"Maybe he will," Eleanor smirked as she walked with Liz, keeping a grip on Jude's hand.

Liz just shook her head and went to the front desk, where she waited on Taylor, who came not too long after they got there. He had now put the luggage on a luggage cart. Liz had to smile because she was impressed that Taylor hadn't tripped or fallen yet while using that. He was never particularly good on his feet.

As he talked to the people at the desk, Liz looked down at Emerson who was just looking around, "You okay baby girl?" she asked when Emerson finally looked up at her. She knew this was the children's first time away from Tulsa without both of their parents. Every other time they had left Tulsa had been when Liz would go on the road with Zac for a few weeks at a time when he had toured solo before joining this band, though this year she had opted not to do that. She wanted to get used to the home life. She would need to for when Jude started school in what seemed like a matter of months.

"Miss daddy," Emerson said as she smiled softly. "Daddy here?" she asked.

Liz just shook her head no at Emerson's question, "No baby girl, Daddy isn't here," Liz frowned as she kissed the top of Emerson's head.

Liz heard Taylor clear his throat and she looked up at him, waiting on whatever he had to say.

"Liz, you and Eleanor have a room with the kids on the third floor," he said as he handed the room key to Liz. "My room is on the fourth floor, right above yours."

Liz nodded and turned to head towards the elevators.

"Wait," Taylor said after Liz as he walked to where she was. "I sort of have it planned that a bellhop will take the luggage cart up to our respective rooms and you and I can have dinner alone," he smiled hoping she was okay with this plan. "I'm sure Eleanor wouldn't mind watching the kids," he smirked as he turned to look at Eleanor who had followed behind him.

Eleanor just shot Taylor a dirty look before turning to Liz, wondering if she would agree to have dinner alone with Taylor.

Liz chewed on her lip as she considered Taylor's offer to dinner with him. She was hungry and she knew dinner with him wouldn't hurt anything. "Sure," she told him before turning to Eleanor. She could tell from the look Eleanor was giving her that she wasn't happy with this decision.

"Can you watch the kids for me?" Liz asked as she raised an eyebrow. "It's just dinner Elle," she said as she shrugged.

Eleanor took Emerson from Liz and looked her in the eyes as she did so, "I'm sure that is what he wants you to believe," she said before brushing past Liz and heading to the elevator with the kids.

Watching Eleanor leave, Liz turned back to Taylor, "It better be just dinner," she told him as she walked past him and headed to the hotel's restaurant.

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