OHSHC FIC- The Honest Type (B...

Oleh Stories_Amounyous

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|Hiatus!?| !Disclaimer! I own my ocs and plot but nothing more you hear! Meet Forsythe Takatsuki, The brutall... Lebih Banyak

Г Character Bio
Г Character Bio #2
Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms Part 2
Г Welcome to the Host Club!
Г Starting today, You are a host!
Г Character Bio #3
Г Keeping it up with the Takatsuki's
Г Bedtime with the Host Club
Г Kiss Kiss F*ck You!
Г Character Bio #4
Г Happy little accidents
Г Unhappy little accidents
Г A Second Chance
Г Wide Awake
Г Too Soon?
Г It's Still Too Soon
Г Renge, Who?
Г Just a Dream?
Г The Time Forsythe Knew The Host Club... Fucked Up!
Г The Loli-Shota & The Little Devil Types Meet Mommy Dearest
Г The Cool & Wild Type Goes to Court!
Г The Prince Charming & Natural Type Saves The Honest Type
Г The After Math... Look on the Brightside
Г Double Dating with Our Dad's!
Update pt 100
Update well shit
Г You Play The Piano Too?
Г The Glare
Г His Second Date!

Г Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms

835 22 6
Oleh Stories_Amounyous

              ~No One's P.O.V~

Today was the first day of Ouran Academy and where was Forsythe Takatsuki? To explain it shortly he was on his plane to Japan already wearing his uniform though wasn't supposed to be arriving so early but his mother had made him run off and so he left and was soon to land in Japan just to attend at Ouran a school full of rich kids something he rather not do but instead his father, Ryusei or more knowingly as Mr. Takatsuki the very teacher beloved by all of Ouran, he convinced his dear son to attend the rest of his high school years in Japan with him and so there you have it.

              ~Ryusei's P.O.V~

I couldn't wait for my son, Forsythe to come next week and I am sure my students were aware of it but I just couldn't help myself really I couldn't.

The first bell had rung to alert the student that its nearly time for classes to start.

      "Good morning Sensei!" a student had called out and I smile said my good mornings to everyone as usual.

      "HARUHIIIIIII!" I jumped at the yelling to find Yuzuru's son running into my class and the Hitachiin twins nearly arguing with him, I could see Fujioka sighing and I chuckled.

      "Mr. Tamaki Suoh how many times have I told you that you can't be in here? you will be late doing this during class hours please." All I saw was a red-faced Tamaki blushing and cussing under his breath and the Twins Laughing. "Hikaru... Kaoru... Pipe down now and leave Haruhi alone."

The second bell had rung and everyone got into their seats and I started with class but I couldn't help but wonder why Tamaki was so keen on yelling in my class what could possibly be going on at all in this school I sigh at the thought and continued to teach my class as usual.

                ~Forsythe's P.O.V~

I arrived on the school grounds and god its huge and I haven't even stepped into the school yet but something tells me it's going to be pink... God, why can't anything be a solid color or Black or something plain?

  I wore the schools uniform but no one can stop me from wearing my scarf but I swear if someone bothers me about my eyepatch I will punch someone girl or boy I clicked my tongue and walked into the school and the halls were empty I assumed classes had started already and I head to the office to receive my schedule.

I walked into the office and see women on the phone god she was wearing too much makeup even, I cleared my throat to get her attention.

    "Hm? Oh hello how can I help you?" the women asked

    "Well first of all to_" I stopped myself before I could finish my sentence "The name is Forsythe Takatsuki... I am new..."

  She gasped and just stared at me as if she wanted a piece of me this damned cougar I should have brought my Dog, Momo to sick her but I held my tongue. " Your Ryusei Takatsuki's son aren't you... You're here a week early hm well the earlier the better!" she hopped out of her seat and walked to the printer and grabbed my schedule. "Wow, and your first class is with your father!"

I had nothing to say but at least I could see him for the first time since that intense visit back in Toronto I walked out the office without saying anything and walked around the school before I went to my Father's class and god I could die from all the damn pink like hell Mr. Suoh must love his pink because god my eye burns I might become completely blind.

I finally made it to my Father's class and I didn't knock or anything but I walked it and god I wish I hadn't.

             ~Hikaru's P.O.V~

Everyone looked at the door and all I could see were girls squealing at this kid and some of the guys were staring but to everyone's surprise, Sensei did something unlike him

    "FORSYTHE! YOUR HERE EARLY MY BABY BOY!" we witnessed a grown man pummel who he called Forsythe and practically smothering him and the girls got louder and were taking pictures too it was exciting and not so boring.

                ~Kaoru's P.O.V~

I couldn't help but laugh and look at Hikaru we both fell in laughter at the scene.

Eventually, the Forsythe kid nearly kicked Sensei off and he looked disgusted because of all the girls but it could have been my imagination just now.

       "Ok ok! Settle down! put the phones away before we all get into trouble." Sensei had closed the door and the class got quiet and we were all staring at Forsythe.

                ~Forsythe's P.O.V~

      "Geez, Dad why did you have to do all that for you seen me a while ago!"

      "Oh! I couldn't help myself baby boy I just missed you!" my father was nearly sulking but remembered he had a class watching us the whole time. "Aw! I almost forgot! Well, students, you all know that we were having a new student and that new student is my son... Now introduce yourself!"

I honestly looked at my father as if I would slap the stupid out of him I didn't want to tell anyone who I was but they know who I am anyway so I might as well introduce myself to everyone who will hate my guts in just one class period.

      "Forsythe Takatsuki... That's my name...." and before my father could tell me where to sit I get bombarded with questions by these girls and their god-awful yellow dresses like hell now who thought yellow dresses and purple blazers went together what imbecile looked at this and thought this was ok!

    "Is it true your Canadian!" one girl asked.

    "How are you Sensei's son you don't look alike at all." another girl asked

    "Are you single!" and a whole group of the girls asked at the same time and I got death glares from most of the boys in the class.

I looked at my father for help but he was to busy laughing and I assumed he knew what I would say so I answered their questions.

    "I am Half Canadian and Half Japanese... And I am the son of a gay man of the name of Ryusei Forsythe Takatsuki who forcibly married my mother and I don't look like him because I get my looks from my from my grandfather and lastly yes I am single but I would date a girl like any of you if anything I prefer my men to look like those twins..." the girls in the class were silent but then I swear their eyes turn into hearts and nearly had nose bleeds and the guys of the class were either laughing or shocked or relieved and those twins their face were as red as Cherry and I smirked and look to my father which who was still laughing at the sight.

         ~Haruhi's P.O.V~

Well today is eventful I guess but I could have sworn that Hikaru and Kaoru were blushing but they were hiding it.

    "Ok! again class settles down you met my baby, Forsythe lets get back to class and Forsythe seat in that seat in front of Haruhi raise your hand please!" Sensei cheered and I did what I was told and Forsythe stared at me and his smirk turned into a faint smile and he hid it but I could tell before he quickly sat down and class started again.

  ----Now we take a Break!----

----Now let's get back to the Story!----

          ~No one's P.O.V~

As classes went on The Hitachiin twins couldn't help but stare at Forsythe and when he noticed he wouldn't look back he would grin and both boys blushed like crazy and Haruhi asking if they had a fever which to Forsythe's knowledge was so cliche and chuckled.

Ryusei left the class leaving the students to have free time and of course not using it wisely compared to Forsythe who studied through his notes and then overhearing some students asking about his eyepatch he cleared his throat and clicked his tongue and answered.

   "I am blind in my right eye... Now keep talking about my eye and you will earn a knuckle sandwich!"

And everyone just that and went on talking about The Host club.

        ~Haruhi's P.O.V~

Forsythe turned to me and started to me again his faint smile appeared again and he chuckled and he got close to my ear.

  "I know you're a girl... I like it lets be friend's ok"

As he whispered this Hikaru and Kaoru looked at me as if something terrible happened.

  "That's fine... I'm Haruhi Fujioka it's nice to meet you" I held my hand out to him.

  "Its a pleasure... And what's their names since they can't stop staring at me."

Hikaru practically jumped and Kaoru just looked away and blushed I think.

  "This Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin." I pointed who was who and Forsythe looked at them.

  "My bad for practically calling you two out but honestly you both very attractive unlike most of the guys in this class..."

         ~Kaoru's P.O.V~

I couldn't help but laugh a little but then look away again because how embarrassed I was at the moment but I could feel his eyes burning into my skull so I looked at him and I could feel my face and ears get hot.

  "Oh... its fine no worries huh Hikaru." I elbowed him and he nodded pretty fast too.

  "Yeah doesn't worry about it... but what were you whispering in Haruhi's ear?" I looked at Hikaru and noticed he was no longer blushing but his curiosity spiked my own as well and I wanted to know too.

   "Well if I were to say it out loud Haruhi would be in so trouble wouldn't 'He'." Forsythe grinned at me then I and Hikaru realized what he met and we were in awe of how he realized the secret that only the Host club knew about.

Then we heard a phone go off and all eyes were on Forsythe.

               ~Forsythe's P.O.V~

I looked at my phone and groaned at what was my Uncle Emerson calling about would be Maple Syrup.

    "You guys know a place I can take this?" I asked the three and they nodded and replied in sync and it felt overly weird.

    "Yea.. the Music Room." and so I grabbed my belongings and went straight to the Music room and answered my phone.


Who in the hell tells a kid they went from Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms?? he made it sound like I joined some gang or something the hell is wrong with Canadian! wait I forget I am Canadian... I'm a racist now aren't I damn it...

While I was nearly fighting with myself I felt a pair of eyes on me and look around and see some twat in a chair at a table... was he always here then why didn't I notice him before wait he heard the phone call too I had it all on speaker and everything but I just looked at him and he smiled and was writing in some notebook the hell is he going to put a hit on me or something? might as well ask.

     "Were you always here?"

     "Maybe I was and maybe I wasn't I'm Kyoya Ootori come sit down." I raised an eyebrow and I honestly wanted to choke him out in bed... heh he has to be a bottom cause I mean I can do either or but he got to be a bottom I know it, but I sat down and he cleared his throat.

     "Forsythe Takatsuki, A first year and is 16 years old and whose birthday is on August 26. your Father is Ryusei Takatsuki a teacher here in Ouran and was adopted into the Takatsuki family thus not being Heir to The Takatsuki Candy company who is well connected to this club and your Mother is Emma Smith she and your Uncle Emerson own the Maple Syrup Farms in Toronto, Canada. Your the Heir of both Your Mother's Company and The Heir to your Grandparent's Candy company as well correct?"

I laugh at this Kyoya Kid's face because it's practically far from the truth and the fact he knows any of that he is dangerous that's sexy.

     "Wow... Tori-kun that's sexy you know all of that man... Tori-kun is so dangerous~ I should punish him~" my sing-song tone made the four eyes stiffen up and he was turning red and tried to hide it but he was flustered I could tell.

     "Tori-kun?... I wouldn't continue calling me that_" I clicked my tongue and smirked.

He turned even redder and I did my worse and grab Four eyes by his tie and kissed him and he froze up and I continued to explore his mouth... I knew he would give him but I stopped he was a hot mess after I kissed him and no one could ever top my kiss.

     "I said I would punish you and I did... see yea around Tori-kun." I left the Music Room and the bell rang for lunch and I head off to the teacher's lounge to enjoy my lunch with my Father.

Today has been quite eventful so far Maple Syrup to Cherry Blossoms I get it now.


A/N: is that good enough am I good mama??? I can go home now. Thanks for reading through I'd like feedback.

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