The Hidden Daughter (An Aveng...

By Gryffinpuff39

18.1K 297 52

Qui-Gon Jinn has a secret; he has a daughter. In order to protect her, he took her to Earth, leaving her on t... More

Helicarrier and New York
Shopping and Moving In
Crashing the Party
Injuries and Hurting Hearts
Change of Heart
New Team Members
Seoul, Korea
A New Vision
Author's Note
A New Start

Off the Grid

406 5 0
By Gryffinpuff39

    Elizabeth woke early the next morning in her Helicarrier room. She stood up and got ready for the day. She opened her window and jumped out, free-falling until she was level with the taller building in New York (they had been traveling back to New York during the night). The wind picked up around her, carrying her upwards until she was hovering in the air. She slowly made her way around the city, seeing a few citizens walking around. She was spotted by a few of them, who took out their phones and took pictures or videos. When she saw this, she would stop and wave at them, sometimes swooping lower for a better shot of her. She soon was flying over the streets, people calling her name and cheering.


    "You are my favorite Avenger!"

    "You go, girl!"

    "Keep fighting!"

    She laughed and waved at everyone around her. Her phone rang, and she stopped, hovering in the air. Pulling out her phone, she saw it was Tony Stark. With a sigh, she pressed 'answer.'

    "Yes, Tony?" she asked.

    "Where are you?" he asked back.

    "I'm down in New York. Why?"

    "We need you up here. And fast."

    "What's going on?"

    "HYRDA is here and looking for you. They're holding us captive. They took us by surprise, and they are looking for you. Come help. Please."

    Was Tony begging someone for help? Elizabeth was taken by surprise but came up with a plan to save them nonetheless.

    'It might be a trap,' one part of her brain told her.

    'It might, but you're friends might be killed. You need to try and save them. Just go with it and do what you can,' another part said.

    Elizabeth sighed and went up to the Helicarrier. She kept up a very strong wind around her to deflect any bullets coming her way. She landed on the deck and saw her friends and family tied up on one end. She carefully made her way to them, keeping an eye on the ground, air, and surrounding areas. Searching for traps or ambushes. She spotted traps as she got closer to the group. She sidestepped them and moved silently. She could sense the ambush coming and froze in her tracks. She made her body temperature to drop. They were using a heat signature and causing her body temperature to drop, she wouldn't be a target. She continued on her way and reached her friends. Tony saw her first and smiled slightly.

    "You came," he whispered.

    Elizabeth frowned. Tony would've yelled out loud that she was there. Something wasn't right. She noticed a small insignia on his shoulder and stopped. HYDRA soldiers in disguise as the Avengers. She gasped and backed up. It was then that all hell broke loose. The imposters started attacking her. She was having a hard time keeping up with the others. She backed up to the edge of the Helicarrier and jumped off. 

    "Shoot her!" a voice shouted.

    Bullets flew through the air towards her. She let herself plummet at the speed of gravity. She had her arms and legs straight to allow the air to move easily over her, making her fall faster. Soon, she was out of range and found that she was rather close to the ground. She would have to go undercover and change her name. She landed on the ground and ran off through the crowds now swarming the streets.

    "Elementra! What's going on?!" a woman asked.

    "HYDRA! They've overtaken S.H.I.E.L.D.! Get out of the way of that Helicarrier! Don't question it! I need to go undercover! Please, help the others! Spread the news!" Elizabeth said, panicking.

    She nodded and quickly ran through the crowds, telling random people. The message got through the crowds quickly. Elizabeth ran to a clothing store and changed into a regular outfit, without the Avengers insignia on it. She dyed her hair a dirty blonde color. She grabbed a pair of fake glasses and walked off. She had a purse with her as well as a new phone, leaving her own behind in Central Park. She headed to a different area in the United States, knowing it wouldn't be safe to contact anyone. She made a promise to not contact anyone. She cut herself off from the Force so she couldn't be tracked by the Jedi. She no longer had anyone's contact from the Avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D. She had no comm device with her. She was off the grid. She was lost to the world for five years to show up later with a man named...

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