Abandoned in the woods and ad...

By Priceisrightrusher

39.2K 748 82

Okay I was inspired by the one commercial where the father takes the doll and the little girl follows, and go... More

The abandoned little girl
The guys find Alexis
Deciding who takes Alexis
Moving into the new home
Park and Soccer
First night & getting the baby settled
First night with two girls
The girls first appearances
The baby's name is
First American appearance
The winner is
Ellen part 1
Ellen part 2
Ellen part 3
Ellen the final chapter
Ellen last part
Freddie is born
The girls see Freddie
Talking about adding to the family
Seeing the baby that was in the nursery
Another name
It's going to be Darcy
Bringing Darcy home
Getting Darcy Settled
The triplets come home
Getting the new ones settled
First night
Getting Champagne's friend
Getting Mia's friend part 2
Sequel is happening
The new one's see their new home preview
Happy Thanksgiving
The new one's see their new home part 1
A Nouis Christmas
Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day part 2
Valentine's day part 3
Niall is going to be pregnant
Honeymoon part 4
Honeymoon part 5
Honeymoon part 6 preview
Honeymoon part 6
Honeymoon part 7
First day of school
Festival, Halloween party and Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Holidays and Louis birthday
Holidays and Louis's birthday
Stranger at the door
More of tour
Tour part 2
Start of tour
Start of tour for real
Part 2 preview
Part 2
Happy Thanksgiving
Part 3 preview
More tour stops
Only 2
Keep sending them in
almost there
4 more to go
Last four are mine
Still on hold
Tour will start
Tour stops
Part 3
Going into quarantine
Happy 10 years
Happy Thanksgiving
Seeing about the baby or babies
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Final part
Seeing the baby
Part 2
Part 3
Happy Easter
Part 4
On hold
Part 5
TBA 2.0

Louis plays with Olivia

159 3 0
By Priceisrightrusher

"Olivia how are you awake?" Louis asks her since Niall was going to bed early so Louis was going to be up with her until she goes to bed

She runs around and Louis chases after her so they play tag which she loves until she was done running and she fell down out of breath and she was breathing really heavy

"Princess take it easy for a while" Louis says as he was catching his breath as well

Louis was going to get her some water so she could keep herself hydrated as she was running around still to make herself fall asleep

"Princess you want to play soccer?" Louis asks her

She nods since she loves to play soccer a lot and Louis took that as a good sign for the future with her right now and later he was going to help her with the kicking part since she throws the ball a lot right now

"Okay come on we got to play outside cause we can't play inside since it is too dangerous right now" he says as he was taking her downstairs and outside to a grassy area where she could play for a while

She nods as they headed outside to play soccer

'That's my girl" he says as he was walking with her to the elevator so they could head outside

Louis held her close as they headed outside to play soccer that night so she could maybe go to bed for her daddy since papa was already in bed sleeping so they had to be quiet as could be when they were outside playing with their soccer ball so she could burn off some energy before going to bed that night with daddy

"Heading out?" The girl at the desk asks Louis when she saw Louis leaving 

"Yes for some air and get her to sleep cause she is quite hyper for some reason or another" he says as he headed out the door with her so they could play with some light and maybe head to the playground as well to get started then he was going to end with soccer if he needed to and it looked like that was going to be the case with Olivia that night since she did not want to go to bed at all she wanted to stay up all night and Louis was going to be up with her until she was going to go to sleep that night


"Okay Olivia you want to play by yourself for a little bit so you can get warmed up cause daddy needs to warm up as well if we are going to play night soccer tonight" he says as she went to play on the playground so he could get warmed up as well cause he wanted to be able to get her to sleep before midnight that night and it looks like that might be possible with her so he was hoping it was going to be good for her as well and she sleeps


"Olivia you ready to play huh sweet girl?" He asks her after a while

She nods as she looks at her daddy cause she was beyond ready to play soccer and maybe go to sleep too if he was lucky that night 

"Okay your goal is between the light and daddy's goal is between the bushes" he says as he sets the soccer ball down so they could get started with their game and he was going to keep score as well for the two of them as they were playing and having fun as well that night since Niall was asleep so it was Louis trying to get livia to go to sleep 

Olivia started to go to her goal before Louis could say go and she was faster and quicker then her daddy and he knew that was not fair at all so he was going to try to be quicker than her so he could get her to sleep that night without any problems on his end of the bargain 

"Olivia how are you faster than daddy?" He asks out of breath since he was chasing after her all night and he was getting tired from playing and he hoped that she was getting tired as well by the looks of it she was not getting tired at all she was still going full force on daddy and she was going to give up anytime soon either must've for a nappy change if lucky and if she needed it 

(Much later)

"Olivia time out daddy has to use the restroom" he says as he looks over at her cause he needed to wee really bad so he was fighting it since she was playing her heart out and she was not getting tired at all either which was a shock for Louis, so they were going have to go inside in a little bit and he was going have to figure out a way to get her to go to bed so he could go to bed as well since the next day was going to be jam packed   

Louis sees that she was fast asleep on the ground so he was going to take her back in as well as the soccer ball as well so it was not going to get stolen from a crazy fan that might want the soccer ball for their own pleasure and it was Olivia ball that she plays with him when she needed to go to sleep quickly and sometimes quietly as well and it worked like a charm for some reason or another which Louis was surprised 

"It's bedtime baby" he says as he was heading back in with her so he could get her tucked in for the night and he could join Niall in bed and he could sleep before Niall would wake him up the next morning someway or another or Olivia  

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