him // c.a.d

Por unapendejaa

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➼ "i'm hopeless so don't waste your time on me." he whispers to me, in the darkness. Más

chapter 1 - the beginning
chapter 2 - sunday
chapter 3 - monday hate my life day
chapter 4 - what the shitz
chapter 5 - oh what a day
chapter 6 - goodnight cameron
chapter 7 - oh boy
chapter 8 - never judge a book by its cover
chapter 9 - fuck it's monday
chapter 10 - orange water
chapter 11 - sushi babe
chapter 13 - daddy

chapter 12 - cheesy note

94 2 2
Por unapendejaa

claudia// cheesy note  

"Mother, can I please?" I beg her, with all the hope I had left, within me.

Lulu and I have always wanted a puppy. My mother absolutely hates dog, and just animals in general.

"I promise, I'll buy the food, clean the mess it makes, train it. I'll do it all. Just pretty please?"

She places her mug, full of coffee - on the night stand beside her.

"You know I hate dogs." She complains, putting the volume up on her telenovela.

"No you don't. Abuela told me you had one when you were younger." - abuela : grandma

"She lied."

I narrow my eyes at her.

"You are so lying. Abuela showed me a picture." I state, sitting on the coffee table - blocking the view she had of her show.

She groans under her breath, pressing the button pause on the remote control.

"You can't even clean your own ass, what makes you think you can care for a dog?" I scrunch my nose, my brows inward.

"I can too, clean my butt."

She raises her thick brows and continues with her telenovela. I sat there for awhile, until I gave up - only because I was hungry.

I dug into some cookies, savoring the chocolate taste in my mouth. I try to not eat sugary foods. Well, ever since I lost all the weight - I have tried to limit the amount of sugar I consume in my daily life. But sometimes, I give in and fall hard.

Then afterwards, I feel so guilty.

"I heard you got detention."  A sneaky voice whispers, into my ear. I swat my brother away, putting up the jar of cookies.

"I didn't." I say, closing the pantry door behind me. I tried to keep a straight face, but I was an open book. He hums, placing a finger onto his chin.

"I have some suspicion. Firstly, you came out awfully late, most people were already gone by the time you came out. Secondly, you had the face. You didn't look at me, didn't speak to me the whole ride home, plus you kept messing with your fingers, and fiddling with your skirt. All of those signs, hinting to, nervousness, anxiousness, ect. You are a open book, Claudia."

He finishes, with a smug look on his face. He leans back against the wall, fixing his hoodie - waiting for an excuse.

I parted my lips, digging my nails into my thigh. He had left me speechless, everything he said was absolutely right. But I wasn't just anxious about having to confront him, but of what happened - with him.

"Also, someone told me they saw you in detention. They also saw you leave hurriedly, out of school - skipping your detention? I suppose, of course."

Only people in that room were myself, Mr. West, Cameron and that kid named, Angelo. I don't think Mr. West would do that. He seemed like he didn't care if I was there or not. I also don't think Cameron would rat me out. Angelo? He doesn't even know me.

"Who told you that?" I respond, after I clear my thoughts.

"That's for me to know, and for you to never find out." He grins, pulling the strings of his hoodie.

If my mother ever found out that I got detention. She would be extremely mad. I don't think mad is even the correct word, more like enraged. But also, she would be disappointed in me - and that's the last thing I want to do.

"Stop toying with me." I say, leaning against the kitchen counter.

"Tell me the truth." He heavily implies, looking straight into my eyes.


"Fine, I'll tell mom." He begins walking out the doorway. I grit my teeth together, looking at him.

"I'll tell you!" I shout. He smoothly turns around, with a smile on his face.

"Spill, Clau."

"I was in Mr. West's classroom. I always tend to day dream in that class. Not because I think his class is boring. But it's my last hour. I reflect on what's happened to me, throughout the whole day. I think about my homework assignments. You get the point. Well he was teaching a lesson about, kindness. I was off into my day dream, like everyone else in the classroom - but of course I'm the only one that gets in trouble," I add, at the end.

"He starts complaining. I apologize, he doesn't care about my apology - gives me detention. I try talking my way out of detention, he gets upset. Cameron defends me. Mr. West gets more upset, he kicks us out. Then - "   I pause, feeling squeamish. After that, it happened. I tried thinking of something to say, a lie.


"Then, Ihaveaconversatiowithcameronhetouchesmeandileaverunningbecasuseimabigbaby." I say super fast.

"What?" He asks, pulling his brows together in confusion.

"Then, I remember that you were still waiting for me. So I went running, to go find you." I quickly say, trying to cover up after myself.

"Alright, that is the full story?" He asks me.


"Now that I know what happened. I want to make a deal with you. I," He pauses and then continues. "Giovanni Calemine, promise to not tell mother about this. But, to pay me back for this great deed I'm doing for you. You have to go on a date with somebody."

Giovanni wants me to go on a date with somebody. I don't think this is my brother.

"Are you alright?" I ask, touching his palm. He rolls his eyes and pulls away from my touch.

"Yes, I'm okay. I know this isn't like me to make you do these things. But I really need you to do this for me. It's important."

"Why do you want me to go on a date with this person? What's the reason?"

I could tell he was already getting annoyed - by all the questions I was asking. But you can't blame me, I'm going on a date with a person I probably don't even know.

"Let me explain," He clears his throat, rubbing his hands together. "I'm not sure if you know him, his name is Aaron Carpenter. He is the captain of the soccer team. Recently, he's been depressed. We have tried to cheer him up, we've brought girls, made parties - but nothing works. We need our captain to not be down in the dumps because it effects on how we play. We are almost done with the season and you're my last hope."

Aaron Carpenter. I do know him - I hear people talk about him, well girls in general. Mostly everyone is friends with him, except myself.

"But why does it have to be me? Why don't you go ask some hot girls at school or something."

"Claudia, did you not hear what I told you. I've brought girls to him - as in hookers and strippers.  Now you, you're," He pauses.

"It's hurts me to say this. But you're a pretty girl and you're very kind. He's not use to girls like you, he's just use to well sex. I just want you to meet up with him, hangout. You guys can be friends, just friends of course. The goal is to just make him happy. Do we have a deal or not? Because I'm getting bored of explaining this to you."

"We have a deal."

He takes out his hand and I shake it.

"I knew you were going to agree to the deal, so I left you his number in your room." He states, going up the stairs.



me : hello :)

aaron : who is this?

me : i'm claudia calemine, not sure if you know me at all.

aaron : oh right! hello, how are you?"

aaron : wait how'd you get my number?

me : giovanni gave it to me, as in a number to call if i am in danger and he doesn't pick up :)

That was such a stupid excuse.

aaron : oh haha, that's cute. what are you doing?

me : i'm doing nothing actually, just completely bored out of my mind. wbu?

aaron : that sounds fun ((: well im actually trying to find a good spot to take pictures.

me : oooh, my backyard is absolutely amazing. i always take pictures there. you can come if you'd like.

aaron : yes, i've seen on your instagram. it's very lovely. i might come down there like at five.

me : that sounds great! i'll be waiting. :)

Well that was easy.

"Did you do it?" Delilah asks, jumping onto my bed - with her bag of chips.

"Yes I did. He's coming over at five." I say, digging my hand into the bag and shoving chips into my mouth.

"Look at you, pulling these little boys."

"I don't pull, shut up." She hums under her breath, raising her brows.

"I got you something."

I sit up and look at her. She has a huge smile on his face.

"Why? You don't have to! Don't be wasting your money on me." I say angrily, slapping her thigh. She jumps off my bed and comes back in, with a Lush bag and a note.

"I got you the Lush bomb that you've wanted, since like forever. Also I made you this cheesy little note. Don't read it now though. Read it when I'm gone." She warns me and hands me the bag. I squeal and throw the bag on the bed, attacking her with a hug.

"Thank you so much! I love you! You're too sweet." She hugs me back and smiles.

"I love you too, Clau. I just want to appreciate you. You're a good friend, my best friend. I wouldn't trade you for the world." I smile and hug her again.

Delilah is my first girl friend. I have never really had friends that were girls. For the majority of my life - I've had guy friends. It's hard to explain why I never had any girl friends. I just couldn't vibe with any female, at all. Trust me I have tried - but it's so difficult for me, because girls intimidate me or I just get horrible anxiety - but with guys I feel more confident, so I easily bond with them.

"Would you ever date a girl?"   Delilah breaks the peaceful silence, in the room. I close the bag of Lush and place it on my night stand.

"If I liked her, I would."  I respond.


"I think the same way."  She says, playing with a strand of my long locks.

"I know have split ends, don't trigger me." I already say, knowing she was going to say something about it.

"I was not, going to!"

I was a reckless child back then. I literally damaged my hair so badly. I would dye it like every month, crazy colors.

It all began with this color . .

Stage 1

After this color, I went crazy with my poor hair. I don't need to describe it at all, let me just show you the journey my hair had to go through. This is a long journey, grab you some popcorn, you aren't ready.

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

Stage 5

Stage 6

Stage 7

Stage 8

Stage 9 ( begins to settle down )

Stage 10

Stage 11

Stage 12

Stage 13 ( my last crazy color )

Stage 14 ( starting natural, no more color, yay! )  Now this is the last of my hair journey. I'm still recovering from the mess I caused, but my hair has never looked better.

"He's here!" Delilah yells. She runs out of my room and downstairs and I follow right behind her.

"Alright, are you ready?" She asks me, fixing my crazy bangs. I nod my head once, and she opens the door.

It was only him.

"Why the long face?" He directs his question to me.

"We were expecting another guest to arrive, not you. No hard feelings." She adds at the end.

He walks inside and continues his way to the stairs, I suppose to my brothers room.

"May I ask, who this special guest is?" He asks, his body pressed against the wall, waiting for a response.

"You know him - " I cut Delilah off.

"It's Aaron." I finish for her, the door bell soon rings after.

My lips curl into a smile. "Speaking about our special guest, he has arrived!"

Cameron dispatches himself from the wall and makes his way to couch, sinking into the cushion while he stares at the door.

Delilah opens the door, the hot wave of July hitting our bare legs. Aaron stands there, with a small backpack. He looked very comfortable in the clothes he was wearing. He was rocking a loose white t-shirt with black jeans and white vans.

"Hello, Delilah." He greets her with a firm hand shake.

"Come in." Delilah ushers, while she shuts the door behind him.

"Hello, Claudia. It's wonderful to finally see you in person. " He genuinely smiles, with his arm stretched out.

"I know right. I always hear about you, but never see you around school. It's nice to finally meet you." I shake his hand back firmly.

"I rarely go to school, that's probably the reason." He mutters, pulling his hand away.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this moment. But I have to leave, you two have fun. Text me later babe!" Delilah runs out of my house, shutting the door behind her.

I truly despised her, right now. I can't handle this on my own. I need back up, lots of it. She told me she was going to be here, with me - for extra support. But she bounced.

"Why don't you attend school? It's important."

This was a very hypocrite statement. I, myself rarely attend school on a regular basis. It's not that I want to be a cool kid, that doesn't go to school. But I honestly don't have the emotional stability to go to school.

"I know it's not right. But sometimes, I just want to kick it back on my bed and watch some television." His fingers were laced around the straps of his red backpack, while he looked at me.

"Aaron." Cameron finally announced himself to, Aaron.

Aaron tears his gaze from me and stares upon Cameron, that held his arms open. They hug for a quick moment and break away.

"Hey, Cameron. What are you doing here?" Aaron asks him, with a smile placed on his face.

"That was actually the same question, I was meaning to ask you." Cameron responds shortly after, not responding to Aaron's question.

"I just came to hang out with, Claudia. I'm going to take some photos of her backyard, even from her balcony, if I'm lucky enough." He responds, snaking an arm over my shoulders.

I couldn't look at him. I just couldn't, after what happened. How can he be so chill after what happened, and still have the nerve to come to my house. He really just didn't care, not one bit. You can't just try to finger fuck somebody, right after you haven't talked or seen them in two weeks. I still can't get over the feelings of his touch, on my body. I hated that I wanted more.

"Oh that's wonderful. I hope you two have such a good time." Cameron seemed awfully disturbed by Aaron's presence. I didn't fully understand, why he would. Aaron is the soccer team captain, they should be good friends, from the amount of time they spend together on the daily.

He leaves up the stairs. Aaron arose his brows, then turned to me.

"How about we go get ready with those photos?" He suggests, with a smile on his lips. I nod my head once and head to the back door, leading to my backyard.

He really took his photographing serious. I could see it in his eyes, when he snapped a picture. I honestly believed he was just a normal fuck boy, that was careless like most boys in my school. But Aaron actually is very calm, composed and just interesting. I was beginning to enjoy his presence, and not just see it as this deal. He actually seemed, friend material.

A couple hours passed by and the sun began to fade away, as the minutes went by. He packed up all his equipment in his tiny red backpack. I was amazed he could fit all his equipment in that small bag.

"I really appreciate you letting me take pictures of your backyard. It was very thoughtful of you, I can't thank you enough." I push my bangs out of my face, pulling a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You're welcome, it was no biggie at all. You can come by anytime you want, to snap some more shots, not even just to take photos but to hangout, maybe watch a movie." I suggest, opening the door for him.

"That sounds wonderful. You'll be hearing from me, very soon. It was nice meeting you, Claudia. Once again, thank you. I'll text you, alright?" He tells me, a small smile appeared on his lips.

"Sure will do. It was nice meeting you as well. Goodnight, Aaron. "

"Goodnight." I shut the door behind me and lock it.

"Aaron, huh?" It was no one other than, him.  I really didn't have the energy to argue with him. I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. But I also wasn't going to let him play games anymore.

I finally truly look at him, in the eyes. It made me feel squeamish to the stomach.

"Yes, Aaron. What are you trying to say?" I imply, digging my nails deep into my thigh.

He chuckled, lowly.  "Are you two a thing now, Claudia?"

"No we aren't."

I detach my nails from my now injured thigh. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"But do I have to run everything by you, when I do something?" I raised my voice, keeping my head held high. "Even if I was seeing him or not, that's not any of your business. The last time I checked, you aren't my father and you can't boss me around, acting like you own me or have some sort of power over me. You are just a boy who loves to play with girls feelings. It bugs you that I don't let you play with mine, because I'm not easy like the rest of your girls. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom."

I excuse myself from this dumb argument and begin to walk, up the stairs.

He reached for my wrist, pulling me toward him. I try detaching myself from his tight grip, but give up once his grip on my wrist tightens.

"Stop it, Claudia. You're bleeding." He got onto his knees, his soft fingers grazing over my skin. I look down at my thigh and notice - I had blood steaming down my leg, from how deep I dug my nails into my thigh.

"It's nothing, I'm fine." I step away from him. He grabs my thigh, forcefully keeping me still and under control from his touch on me.

"You're not alright. Let me help you." His voice was very settle and gentle. It made me feel doozy. He gets up and grasps my hand, taking me to my room. I sit down on my bed and watch him go into my bathroom.

It was now dark, the only thing I could see was the light of the bathroom. I fell back into my silk pillows, letting the smooth fabric sink into my skin.

Cameron then cleans my wounds, with rubbing alcohol and a clean rag. I couldn't really see his face, which made me feel a lot better. I didn't have to look at him, didn't have to look at those chocolate brown eyes.

Once he finishes, he cleans up after himself.

"What's this?" He asks me, quietly. He turns on my lamp. It was the note Delilah gave to me. A smile spread onto my face.

"Delilah gave it to me." I say, taking the note from him. I open the note and begin to scan my eyes over all of the stickers and colorful writing.

In the front it read : Five things I like about you :)

1. you're pretty

2. we have the same favorite color

3. music that makes you sad also makes me sad

4. i can talk to you about how we are all going to die without it being weird

5. idk you're cool

"That's a very cheesy note." Cameron chuckles, taking the note from me. I pout my lips. I still wanted to look at the note and observe all the details she put on it.

"It's late and you need to sleep." He turns off the lamp, and darkness envelopes my room.

I close my eyes and pull my blanket towards my body.

"Goodnight." I murmur under my breath.

"See," He runs the 'e' on his tongue. "You can't hate me." Cameron whispers, opening the door to my room.

"Don't push it, Cameron. I don't like you. I'm just very tired and don't have the ability to argue."

He giggles and it was pure music to my ears. I smiled in the darkness, grateful it was dark and he couldn't see me.

"Goodnight, Cloudy. Try to not dream about me."


hello! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! there is most likely misspelled words and horrible grammar, but i'm still working on that. please leave a vote or a comment, that really helps me.

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