His World

By melcruz0319

815K 20.9K 5.4K

***WARNING*** ----SEXUAL AND MATURE CONTENT----- My name is Laylie Francis Volevoy, and this is the story of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Author's Note
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 20

19.6K 567 152
By melcruz0319


This place isn't really home. But it's the closest thing to it. The familiar aroma of axe and coffee immediately brings back a past life.

I release Sebastian, "glad to be back"

"Hmm and it looks like you're not alone" he looks behind me wiggling his eyebrows at Laylie.

I take a few steps back until I'm next to her and wrap my arm around her waist. I can feel her tenseness and slightly give her a squeeze.

"Great observation. But hear this now. She is absolutely off limits and not to be messed with" I say authoritatively.

"Ahh no. No way. Has Ash finally found a girl for him or is this just another fuck for the night or two" instantly I clench my jaw as Sebastian says this shit. This fucking kid.

I stride towards him fisting his shirt, "I said. She. Is. Not. To. Be. Messed. With. Respect her as you respect me. And I swear if I hear one thing about her from any of you regarding her that I don't like. I will shoot you myself." I release Sebastian. "Got it!?" I then hear a bunch of mumbled 'Yes's'. Exhaling I go back to Laylie's side.

"So anyway. Does 'her' have a name. Or shall we not hold the privilege of knowing it." Sebastian mocks me.

I give him a death glare. Which causes him to slightly chuckle. Before I can tell them, Laylie interrupts.

"My name is Laylie" she clears her throat.

"And does Laylie have a last name?" Sebastian asks sarcastically annoying me.

She pauses for a moment and glances up at me, then back at Sebastian. I hear her sigh before she speaks, "Laylie Francis Volevoy."

Instantly Sebastian's smirk disappears into a confused glare and darts his stare back at me.

"Asher. I understand you may be the smartest person in this home. But are you completely insane?!" Sebastian moves a bit towards us swinging his hands in the air. "If she is who I think she may be-" i keep a scowl on my face and interrupt him.

"She is." I say nonchalantly.

"So you mean to tell me you just brought the relative of one of the most dangerous man known to all man kind!?" Sebastian yells.

"She's actually Dimitri's daughter," I say calmly.

"Ohh even fucking better. So the devil birthed a child," he replies sarcastically, "Huh, the devil birthed a gal with the face of an angel, how ironic" he says and I just glare at him, "what? it was a compliment." He looks completely lost at this point. And instantly his face turns grim, "she can't be here. She is a fucking bomb and you just invited death through the door!" He yells. I look around and see everyone shocked and confused.

I stride up to his face, "I am not going to fucking condone you speaking to me like this. I am doing what I know is right!"

"So killing all of us is right!" He yells back.

"Oh stop being a fucking bitch and man up. You will not fucking die because of a mere girl-" I say.

"A girl whose father is being man hunted by blood thirsty lords. Who, if you haven't realize, will do anything to locate Dimitri even if that means killing anyone in their way!" He says.

"I realize-" I start off but am abruptly cut off.

"Please don't tell me others know of her existence," he eagerly waits for my reply and I exhale. 

"They do,"

"Oh well fucking hell. Alright men prepare for impact, we are going down six feet, this is fucking in-"  

"Yes! We do realize the dangerous situation that may occur. The deadly consequences for even knowing of Dimitri's daughter. I never realized any of this until a few weeks ago. I'm just as afraid of this as you are-"

"I am not fucking afraid, girl!" He yells cutting Laylie off. I'm about to punch this fucker for yelling at Laylie until I feel a tug on my shirt. She holds me back and I oblige.

"Anyone and everyone is afraid of dying. The possibility of not waking up to see the next of light. You can't say you aren't afraid of that even if you've lived with that thought your whole life. I know you may not welcome me with open arms because of the blood that runs through my veins, but I'm asking and pleading for you to help me. As I said, all of this is new to me, I never wanted any of this, but it is what it is." She exhales deeply. "I need to know and breathe this world if I am to meet my father" Sebastian's expression turns shocked.

"Ha. Meet him? No one can even find the bastard. What makes you so sure you can just waltz in and he will pop out of hiding from these killing mobsters out for his blood?!" He yells.

"I know a way" that's all I say. I feel Laylie look at me then back at Sebastian not asking anything.

"I need to meet the man who ruined my life and hundreds of others." She says pushing her soft hair away from her face. She seems very persistent and driven. A new shell out and ready.

Sebastian exhales and groans, glancing at me in defeat. "We need to amp up the perimeter security then because I'm not looking to wake up with a bullet in me" I slightly chuckle and shake my head.

Exhaling, "well now that that whole drama is settled, let's get you settled in." I say looking at Laylie. She slightly smiles and grabs her bag from the front entrance.

This whole situation needs to be mapped out to the last detail because if this is going to happen, everything needs to be perfect and precise. Looking at Laylie, i see her confusion and hurt. But most importantly I see a determined and built woman looking for answers. Her soft and angelic self could bring anyone to believe she is glass, but she is steel.

Laylie catches me staring but I could care less as I send her a lazy smile.

"Come on, lets go upstairs" I say as I grab her hand. She nods slightly.



I had known that it wouldn't be easy to just meet others in Asher's world. With a last name like my own, I was either a target to them or they became a target as well. But these men are loyal to Asher and trust his word. With some convincing.

Walking upstairs it feels as I am royalty. The elegant white marble floors sparkle in the bright sunlight, and the exquisite paintings hang up like a museum. Walking down the end of the long corridor are two double wood stained doors. Asher is right at my side holding my hand firmly. He opens the doors and the sight is breath taking. A giant king bed lays in the middle of the room. Giant windows key in sunlight. And a huge flat screen T.V. is bolted against the wall. It's elegant yet modern.

"This will be your room." He says. Strangely I get this weird feeling when I realize we will not be rooming together. Maybe because I'm just so used to him by my side constantly. But I guess that this fortress is basically a giant security filled home. I suppose I'm safe.

"Okay." I then set my bag on the white sheets.

I then hear the door shut and think maybe he left but then I hear him sigh and turn back facing him and lean against the dark wooden bed board. His intense stare sends flutters in my stomach. His jaw clenches as he looks me up and down. I let out a sigh licking my lips and biting down. A feeling overcomes me and I all I can think of is Asher. It's quiet.

He quickly strides towards me from the door in three long steps and places his lips firmly against my own. Immediately I kiss back and want him more than ever. I grip his t-shirt as he cups both sides of my face holding me in place. The kiss is fast and needed, full of passion and lust.

I then feel Asher's rough hands slide slowly on the hem of my shirt on my skin immediately causing goosebumps to form. His hot breath hits the side of my face and my breathing has increased. Warm kisses are place on the side of my neck, and before I can realize, a moan is released from my throat. The feeling is euphoric and addicting.

Swiftly and effortlessly, Asher grasps my thighs and lifts me as I wrap my legs around his waist. I am then laid on the soft plush bedding as Asher stands above me. I stare at the masterpiece in front of me. His eyes have grown dark and are full of lust as he stares my body up and down licking his lips.

I sit up and at first Asher is slightly confused but then I reach for his shirt and begin lifting it up. Immediately he takes it off and swirls of ink now appear in front of me. Admiring what's in front of me, Asher crawls on top of me pressing his lips against mine. His hands slowly and hesitantly roam my body in a way of begging for me to remove the barrier between us. And almost as if answering his thoughts, I begin to remove my top then bottoms leaving me bare for him. He smirks staring my body up and down. Maybe I should have taken him up sooner on that offer to purchase me nicer underwear. My plain white bra is not so suffice in this sort of manner.

"You're so fucking beautiful." Asher suddenly causing me to quickly stare at him. It's comical almost, how such a harsh word can be used to procure a pleasing compliment. My lips instantly turn into a smile. Grasping the back of his neck I bring his face to mine connecting our lips once again.

His touch bring tingles cascading up and down my body. As he begins to make his way past the thin piece of underwear I stop him, making him stare in worry and confusion.

"I just- maybe I should do something for you this time?" I say. God this is so awkward, why would I even ask? I have no idea what I'm even doing.

He raises an eyebrow, and smirks. "No need to even ask babe" he swiftly kisses me and suddenly shifts our positions so I am on top now. I bite my lip unsure how to even start.

"Here. We'll take things slow and I'll show you" he smirks.

I start bring his pants down along with his briefs. Now in front of me is his huge... dick. How am I even?

"Just put what you can in your mouth and hold the rest okay babe?" I nod my head.

Licking my lips the foreign object is put into my mouth and is not at all what I had expected. It's soft and silky and as I suck, a groan comes from Asher.

My tongue plays with it and my hand thrusts the rest of it at the same time. Slightly my teeth graze his delicate skin.

"Ugh fuck yes babe, " seeing and hearing him this way is just as pleasing. I want more of a reaction from him. I repeat my actions and hear Asher's panting increase.

"Ugh babe I'm close," he groans and soon I feel a warm weird substance in my mouth. Unsure of what to do I just swallow it. Straddling Asher I wipe my mouth, and stare at his post orgasm. I love that I am the one who caused this, it feels almost empowering. He looks up and his emerald eyes almost look brightened.

"You're so beautiful and sexy." He says caresses the side of my face. I can feel as the blood rush to my cheeks. He scoots up now sitting against the head as I still straddle him.

"That was-"

"Unbelievable fucking great." He cuts me off saying.

A smile spreads across my face.

"You're mine. Okay? And I'm yours." He says.

"I'm yours" I say as Asher connects our lips.

"Oiiii buddy I just need- AH FUCK" a voice booms through the room. And in a second I am under Asher being concealed from sight.

"What the fuck?! Get the hell out!" He screams as Sebastian runs out.

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