Lost And Found

By bamanejb

960 149 21

Denise is searching for a miracle to get rid of a heartbreak.....she soon finds one.....Sam, the church boy w... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapters sixteen and SEVENTEEN
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Twenty Nine

Chapter Twenty Two

19 6 0
By bamanejb


Days later the Grahams were at the Seymour's household with a cake. Mrs Seymour, Deni's mom was surprised to see them all at her door.
"Do come in" She was elated.
"Thank you"
"Mom who is it?" Deni walked in with an apron.
"Oh hello" She rushed to them and hugged each of them.
"Sorry was helping out in the kitchen"
"We wanted to say thank you as a family for what you did for our son, words just aren't enough to describe how grateful we are, I pray God blesses your family in a special way as you have blessed mine" Mr. Graham said as Selasi stepped forward to hand the cake.
"You're my hero Deni" Sam said.
"Come on you guys have already said thanks over a thousand times, I hope this doesn’t go on till next year"
"Well it would, what you did was extraordinary"
"If Sam hadn't shown so much love that day, I wouldn’t have known him, so let's just say he passed the test and earned his reward, I was just a pawn in Gods big plan, I'm glad he is okay" Deni said, smiling at him.
"Thanks Deni" Sam hugged her and everyone was 'awing'
"What would I ever do without you?"
"Right now I will appreciate it if you could release me so I could get a bite of this glorious cake" Deni said and they all laughed.
"You should stay for lunch" Deni's mother said.
"We would love to" Selasi immediately said before her parents allowed their modesty destroy everything.
"We'll help" Sam said and followed Denise into the kitchen. Selasi placed an arm around Gina's neck and they walked away laughing about something.
"Kids, will always be kids right" Mr. Seymour said.
"Yeah they will" Mrs. Graham replied smiling as she watched them walk away.

Christmas was fast approaching, there were decorations everywhere. Denise loved Christmas. It was the twenty third and she had plans with Sam to go out for dinner. She couldn’t settle on what to wear even when her sister helped her choose.
"What of this?"
"Its red"
"Well its festive"
"I don't like it"
"What of this one?" Genie brought out a sleek black gown.
"No, its too long"
"Girl you have got to settle on something, Sam would be here any moment from now"
Deni pick something" Genie stood akimbo.
"Ok, hold on, I'll get you something" Gina said.
"Hell no Gina, no thanks, she's good"
"No buts we don't want to put her in anything that is going to wreck this date with your wild stuff"
Gina rolled her eyes and walked out anyway. She returned with a pretty nude dress. When Deni put it on they were stunned.
"Oh my God Gina this is it"
"Take back your words"
"I take them back" Genie said.
"Good, it's quite chilly out there Deni, you might want to add this" She handed her a coat that looked good with the dress.
"Thank you so much Gina"
"You're welcome love, now sit, let's do something to your face and hair"

Deni walked down the stairs, she could hear Sam chatting with her sisters and they were laughing about something from the British Awards…..
"Wow D" Sam said, smiling and staring at her, he opened his arms like eh did the second time her met he rat church and she walked into his arms, smelling his perfume, She wanted to stay there.
"Isn't she gorgeous?" Genie said.
"Yes she is" Sam replied, breaking the hug.
"Thank you, can we go now?"
"You both have fun"
"Thanks mom"
Deni kissed her mother on the cheek and placed her hand in Sam's and they were off. Deni least expected him to drive to 'Oval Root'.
'Wait are we coming here?"
"Uh huh" He said.
"Whoa Sam this might not seem polite but its expensive here"
"Yeah I know" He smiled the way he did and helped her out of the car.
"A pretty lady deserves a pretty cool date"
"So that’s what this is"
"Well what were you thinking?" He laughed.
"Oh my goodness, Gina would freak if I told here we were here"
Sam laughed. They walked in were ushered to their table, which Sam had made reservations for. It was a beautiful view since they were seated close to the window.
"Wow" Deni whispered, savoring in the charming looks of the décor, it was exquisitely classy.
"You like it?"
"Are you kidding, I love it, I've never been here"
He smiled and she did too.
A neatly dressed waiter approached them with a  bottle of wine. He poured them each a glass and placed the bottle in the bucket.
"Thank you" They both said in unison, he responded with a smile and nod.
"Would you like to order now?"
"Umm, yeah….." The picked up their menus and scanned through.
After a minute, the waiter smiled, knowing exactly how to handle such situations.
"Do we go with the chef's choice then, I'd recommend you try it"
"Great then" Sam said.
"Surprise us" Deni seconded. The waiter gave a gentle bow and took back the menus and with a warm smile walked away.
"It's pretty cozy in here isn't it?"
"Yeah it is….." His phone began to vibrate on the table. He picked it up, stared at it, turned it off and placed it back down.
"Aren't you going to answer that?"
"Its Nadia and I honestly don't want any more drama now?" H
"She really is into you"
"Lets not go there"
Deni showed him her hands in a surrendering stance. They both giggled and quickly changed the topic.
"So when are you leaving for the States?"
"In a week…."
"Looking forward to it?"
"Hell yeah….sorry" She apologised for her choice of words and he giggled.
"Just feel free"
"I do, just don't allow me get carried away"
"You look amazing" Sam smiled.
"Thanks" Deni tried to keep staring at him, looking into his pretty eyes and his clean shave but she couldn’t.
"Hey look, it started snowing"
Sam turned to stare out the window.
"Oh my gosh, we're going to have a white Christmas"
Deni said, staring out too.
They conversed as they ate and finally, the night came to an end. The two decided to drive around and found themselves standing on the Millenium bridge.
"It’s a pretty view today" Sam said.
"Yeah it is" Deni said, staring out at the river.
"Deni…." He began to say and turned to face her, they were so close and he looked down into her eyes, holding both her hands.
"You are my miracle……ad I know I may have said this already but I would probably not be alive today without you, and I am touched by your kindness and care, giving me a part of you and taking a part of me in return….you gave me your kidney, but you took my heart, and I will never know how to repay you but thanks so much…….you are the most amazing thing that has happened to me in a long while and you are a blessing in so many ways trust me…….you will always have my respect and I promise that I will always be there for you, I promise" He said.
She smiled and hugged him, spreading her arms around him.
"I have no idea what I would have done if I woke up to realise you were gone…"
Deni said and shut her eyes denying herself the right to think such thoughts she blotted them out with her feelings….those innocent feelings of what it felt like to be in his arms, completely drowning in his perfume. He tightened his grip around her and they just held each other for what seemed like an eternity until the sound of sirens interrupted the moment in a disrupting chorus.
Deni broke the hug and frowned.
"Whats going on?"
Sam just watched as the police cars and ambulances passed by.
"We should go" He decided to trust his instincts.
Taking her hand they rushed to his car and began to head for home only to find that the roads were blocked.
"What is happening?"
"I wish I knew" He said and spotted an officer in uniform patrolling the street as the other cars were stuck in the traffic.
"Excuse me" Sam rolled down his glass and called out to the officer.
"What is going on sir?"
"There's been an attack at Madison square, you should turn on the radio" The officer said and walked away.
Sam did as he was told and the news was horrible. There had been what was expected to be a terrorist attack at Madison square where people were gathered for the usual Christmas day preparations, children go to sin carols and tourists just go to watch the Christmas trees and the lights. It was a horrible to think of the number of people that were involved, just the thought of it scared them.
Then there was this unusual feeling in both their chest, they didn't know what it was but they had to confirm that it was just the shock.
In an hour, Sam was at his home, Deni's was in the other direction and going through there seemed to be almost impossible since most of the routes were blocked so they settled on going to the Grahams. Deni called home to make sure everyone was okay but it was until Sam got to his front door and his mother met him in tears.
"Mom whats going on?" Sam asked, shaken to the core, his mother hugged him.
"Thank God you are okay, honey its horrible"
"Where is dad?"
"He got caught up in traffic, he might not make it home tonight, he'll be staying at a hotel"
"Why are you crying?"
Sam tried to stay composed and to tell himself it was the shock but no, it wasn't just the shock, there was that feeling…..something terrible had happened, to someone he knew. He could feel it.
"Sam its Nadia'
"Oh my God" Deni's hands rose to cover her mouth, her heart racing and so was his as he stared open eyes at his mother.
"Where is Nadia?" Sam asked, his mother shook her head and cried as Deni grabbed his arm, seeking comfort in him by holding on, it was as if she saw a part of him trying to leave and she was trying to hold on to that part.
"MOM!" He raised his voice and she startled.
"She was in the attack……she left home to be alone without telling anyone and Crystal went after her but Nadia wasn’t answering. She finally did and told Crystal where she was. Crystal found her but before she could get he rto come home, it happened, Crystal regained consciousness minutes later only to find out that Nadia was…..Nadia was dead"
Sam froze and tears streamed down Deni's face. Her right hand over her mouth and the other holding unto Sam.
"I tried to call you but……but I couldn’t, your phone was off……"
"Mom stop….."
"Why weren't you picking up your phone?"
"Mom…..please stop….." Sam held his chest and turned away from his mother, took a few steps and began to pant heavily.
"No….no….no…..no….no…..no…no….no….no….this can't be……this cant be happening……no….no…God…no………." Tears welled up in his eyes and Deni let go of him. He dropped unto the ground and just sat there weeping. She knelt before him and hugged him, Sam just held unto Deni, so tight she could tell she was in pain…..and before anyone could console them, they were both sobbing in each others arms.
Sam calmed down but he wouldn’t move…..he just sat on the ground in the drive way with his arms locking his raised knees.
"Sam you need to come inside, its cold" Deni said softly but he wouldn’t speak.
"Sam please" She said again but he wouldn’t move. It was like he was frozen. He didn't blink, he didn't move he just kept staring into nothingness as the tears streamed down.
Deni stood tow alk in for a bvlanket to keep himw arm and then he spoke.
"She called me……..Nadia called me and I ignored her….just like I didn with Gracie…she needed me and I wanst there…..she……..Oh God…" He placed his head on his knees and began to sob again.
Deni once again came to his rescue.
She knelt and rubbed his back.
"How could you have known Sam, you cant keep blaming yourself for what ever happens that is unfortunate, you need to stop…"
"How can I forgive myself?" He said, obviously not taking her advice.
"Sam you cant blame yourself, this was not your fault, it wasn’t and no one blames you……."
"I should have been there…."
"So what……you could die too?" Deni said.
"I should have been there…." He repeated.
"please lets just go inside"
"Forgive me….please forgive me….I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry…..for not being a friend, for not caring, for not being there, I'm sorry Nadia……" He continued to weep ad it wasn’t until Liam and Dave appeared that he finally decided to go in. It broke Deni to see Sam like that and it was not until she locked herself in the guest room that she finally broke down completely. Sobbing……so painfully……..she didn't step out of the room till the following morning.

That morning was dreadful, Deni had hardly slept and she kept thinking about Sam. She wondered if he was okay. She took a shower and found a clean pair of clothes folded on the bed. She knew they were Selasi's. She put them on and stepped out…..surprisingly she found Sam seated in front of the Tv.
"Hey" She said.
"Hey" He replied. She smiled, he looked okay but she had to ask.
"Are you okay?"
He sighed before answering.
"No Deni, I'm not, I don't know if I will ever be"
"I get it, but I'm glad you seem a bit lively"
He smiled.
"Hey I'm sorry I spoiled the night for you, hope you caught some sleep"
"I'll take you home"
"No, my dad is on his way, he'll pick me up, thought you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you besides, they wouldn’t allow me come home on my own after everything that has happened, so I'll wait"
"Cool" He simply said and walked away.
That felt weird but she tried not to make an issue out of it, now was not the time.


This Chapter is dedicated to the families of victims of terrorist attacks and all other forms of cruel acts.......i hope you find some consolation in the following chapters....
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