Adopted by One Direction

By jac_kate

1.1M 27.7K 5.2K

When a girl named Ruby who gets abused at home and one night when she runs away, but ends up in situation tha... More

Adopted by One Direction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Please read this! - Important!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Author's Note :)
Chapter 25
Author's Note
Chapter 26
Author's Note :)
Chapter 27
Author's Note :)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's Noteeeeee :)
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's Note :)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Author's Noteee
Second Book: Chapter 1
Author's Noteeee
Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Author's Note!
Chapter 4
Author's Note - Important
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Notee
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Author's Notee
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note
Chapter 18
Author's Note!
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Author's Note.
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author Note!
Not a chapter... again...
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 15

7.8K 205 138
By jac_kate

So, I’m getting a lot of hate and I’m getting really tired of it. Can you all just stop?

If you don’t enjoy reading the book, then delete it from your reading list and don’t bother me with what you think about it. It hurts me that you don’t enjoy it because I work quite hard on it! I don't think you would like it if someone commented on your story and said mean and horrible things about it! Please don't do it to me! There are a few people out there who are enjoying it and it’s lovely to see a few people saying they are enjoying it! 

Thank you to those who are! 

I love writing chapters and I hope you enjoy reading them. Those who send me hate can get over it!

Guess what! Adopted by One Direction is on #591 for Fan Fiction and #817 for Teen Fiction! Yay!


~jac_kate~ xx

* *

Ruby’s POV

It’s been about one day since Christmas and since then I have been talking to Mia everyday. I really enjoy our little chats and she even lives near the hotel which is good. I haven’t gone out of the building just yet because I’m afraid of the paps outside. 

To get use to things out in Melbourne, Mia and I are going out to do some fun shopping! I’m glad I met Mia because she kind of understands me. She was kicked out of her room when she was around the same age and she made the massive move over here. She’s been here for a while now because she’s 22. 

I’ve been watching a lot of Australian telly in the past three days I’ve been here and I love it! I watch the Today Show with Karl and Lisa in the morning and at night I watch a few other shows. I’m not to sure what their called, but we’ll see.

I showered and dressed in a floral summer dress with my white converse. I put my hair into a bun at the top of the hair and applied some light foundation and mascara.

The temperature is suppose to be warm today. I needed to get some ‘girl products’, some food because I was a bit over food from Crown. 

As I switched off the News, there was a slight knock at the door. I looked through the hole in the door to see Mia standing there looking very causal. I smiled to myself and opened the door.

“Ruby! You look beautiful!” Mia looked up and down at my clothes, smiling.

“Awe Mia! You look amazing!” She was dressed in a light blue sun dress with a pair of white flats. 

“C’mon there’s a taxi downstairs waiting for us!” I grabbed my handbag and got my sunnies ready just in case. 

“Where are we heading today?” 

“I was thinking Chadstone Shopping Centre. Is that alright?” I nodded my head as we got into the waiting lift.

As we got out of the lift, I could see paps lining up near the door and a few teenage girls. I put my sunnies on and linked arms with Mia. 

“Just go straight to the taxi.” Mia nodded, nervously.

We stepped outside the door and we were ambushed. Flashes and screams filled my eyes and ears. Why were the teenage girls there?

“Chadstone Shopping Centre please.” Mia said, as we jumped into the car. The driver nodded and we drove off leaving the paps behind us.

“You alright?” I asked Mia.

“Yeah, are you?” I nodded and we began to laugh about what had happened.

* * 

As I bit into my delicious pancake, a group of teenage girls came up to myself and Mia.

“Yes?” I asked them, wiping away the food surrounding the edges of my mouth.

“You’re Ruby Styles right?” I nodded and looked at Mia. She was looking at me funny.

“Can we have your autograph and photo please?” One of the girls asked me.

“Um, sure. How did you girls know I was here?” My British accent sounded so posh, compared to Australian accents. I signed their arms and took a quick snap.

“We’re all obsessed with One Direction and we all love you! We saw that one of the biggest names in entertainment made a story about you. So, we found you here!

Thank you for signing our arms and taking a picture! Have a good time in Australia!” I nodded and smiled.

We were still at Chadstone Shopping Centre and not many people had noticed me. I had gotten a few odd stares, but other than that it was all good. We had been to a few stores, I hadn’t really gotten anything just yet, I did get a nice dress to go with some awesome shoes I had purchased back in London. Mia got some new make up, from a store called ‘Myer’. It’s so big! We ended up here, which was called, ‘The Pancake Parlour.” From what Mia says, this place has the best pancakes in the world! 

I looked down at my pancake. I had ordered a short stack, I had no idea what it was but I ordered it anyways. I was really enjoying myself with Mia. She was a really sweet and friendly girl who was always smiling. She seemed different from Lindsay and Briar-Rose. I had hoped that Mia would be a true friend. 

My thoughts now changed to Harry. I would of thought he would have landed in Melbourne by now. Maybe his plane got diverted or something? I would like to fix things with him, but I’m just worried about everything that will happen after that.

I wonder where he is.

Harry’s POV

“Harry! Where’s Ruby? Why are you in Australia? Where’s your new lover? Are you gay?” Like every time I fly somewhere, the paps go nuts! They won’t ever leave me alone. I held tightly onto my bag and walked towards the closest taxi. All through the flight, I was wondering where Ruby would of been staying in Melbourne. Crown is probably the best place, because I know my buddies from 5 Seconds of Summer stay there whenever they’re in Melbourne. I’ll try there and it’s my best hope.

“Crown please.” I directed the driver and we drove off leaving the paps behind us. 

I pulled at my curls. Why is everything so stressful? I turned my phone on and checked out my messages and calls.

From: Mum

Harry, I hope everything is going alright.

Call me when you get in. I need to know you’re okay!

Love Mum. xx

From: Bella

Harry, we’re all worried about you and Ruby. I miss you and so does your Mum. Call one of us when you get this! xx

10 missed calls from Bella

Missed call from Mum

10 missed calls from Lou Bear

20 missed calls from Eleanor

To: Mum

Mum, I just got into Melbourne. I’m guessing she may be at the Crown Hotel. The flight was stressful, I will call you a little later. Merry Christmas! xx

Within seconds, I got a reply.

From: Mum

Try everywhere you can darling! I’m glad you’re alright. 

Merry Christmas! Call me! xx

I didn’t reply back.

To: Bella

Bella, I’m sorry I didn’t get to say goodbye to you or anyone else. 

I needed to get on a plane straight away. I know I should of said goodbye, I’m sorry.

I hope you’re getting along with my Mum. Merry Christmas.

I wish I was there, so I could give you your morning kiss.

Love H. xx

I placed my phone back in my bag and closed my eyes.

* * 

“Sir, we’re here.” The taxi driver’s voice brought me back to reality. I thanked him and got out of the taxi. I don’t think I had been here before because I was unaware of where to go.

I couldn’t see any paps at this moment in time, so I quickly went into the entrance. I could see a front desk girl standing behind a desk chatting on the phone. I walked over there to greet her.

“B, I’ll call you back.” She spoke, putting down the phone.

“Yes, can I help you?” She asked me.

“My names Harry Styles and I’m looking for my daughter Ruby Styles. I was wondering if there was a person under that name staying here?” I asked her. 

She nodded and began typing into the computer sitting in front of her. Please Ruby be here. If she wasn’t here, I would be back to square one.

“Why yes! Ruby Styles is on level 55 and room number 204. Would you like to visit her?” 

“Yes I would love to visit her.”

“Here is a hotel room key, so all you have to do is slide it through and open the door.”

“Thank you very much.” I ran off towards the lift, hoping she would be there.

* *

Ruby’s POV

“Thanks for an awesome day Mia. I hope we can do it another time soon!” I hugged Mia, as we stood in the hallway of where my room was. 

“Yeah we did have a fun time didn’t we! Next time, you can meet some of my friends. What are you doing New Years Eve?” Mia pulled away, asking me.

“Nothing. Would you like to do something?” 

“Yeah! We could hang out again and you could meet my friends. I have to go, so I’ll see you tomorrow in the morning with your breakfast.” I waved to her as she walked down the hallway.

I took a deep breath. I was exhausted from walking around that shopping centre all day. All I needed was to hop into bed and watch some telly. I pulled out my hotel card and opened the door. The place looked exactly the same, except there was a bag I hadn’t noticed before. It wasn’t mine, so it was a bit odd. Maybe they put the bag in the wrong room? 

I’ll take it down later. 

I walked into the bathroom to find Harry on the toilet. I screamed my lungs out. 

“What are you doing here?!” I yelled at him. 

“Um... sitting on the toilet doing a number two.” Harry replied. 

“That’s nice! I mean what are you doing in Melbourne?” 

“I came to find you. I couldn’t just let you go.”

He actually came looking for me? 

“Harry, I don’t know what to say.” 

“Don’t say anything. We need to fix things. I want to fix things with you. I want everything to go back to how it was before. How we hardly fought and how you didn’t date Niall.” 

“Alright let’s fix things.”

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