Chapter 2

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Chapter 42: Adopted by One Direction

What have I done?

Ruby’s POV

I rushed off to the bathroom and threw up my guts. I haven’t thrown up since I was little. I hate the feeling. Niall came and rubbed my back. 

“You all right?” Niall asked, nervously.

“I think so. I think it must be the shot or something I had last night.” I replied, flushing the toilet. 

“I don’t think it was the drink I gave you.”

“What is it then?”

“I didn’t wear protection last night. I forgot. I was a bit drunk and I forgot.”

“How could you forget the most important thing! What if I’m pregnant? Dad will kill both of us. I can’t have a teen pregnancy. What will everyone think? I’m just some girl who gets knocked up at 17?” I cried.

“Look, everything will be fine. You probably won’t even be pregnant. I throw up all the time! Plus, no one will think that! Harry may kill us, but we will be together. That’s if you are pregnant.”

I nodded and burst into more tears. What if I’m pregnant? What will Dad say? It’s probably best to go to the doctor’s first.

I got up and walked out of the bathroom to find Dad standing there. I could see smoke coming from his ears, his face was red and his eyes were full of anger. He pounced onto Niall. 

Harry’s POV

I quietly opened Ruby’s bedroom door to find clothes everywhere. Some were Niall’s. I could hear Ruby crying in the bathroom. I could hear Niall talking.

“Look, everything will be fine. You probably won’t even be pregnant. I throw up all the time! Plus, no one will think that! Harry may kill us, but we will be together. That’s if you are pregnant.”

Shit. They didn’t! Ruby better not be pregnant. First, they date without my permission. Then he breaks her heart and goes out with her bully. Then, they have sex. What is up with these two?

Ruby walked out of the bathroom and her eyes widen when she saw me. Niall came out two seconds after her and I grabbed Niall and pushed him onto the wall. Hard.

“Dad, let him go!” Ruby yelled, trying to get me off him. I pushed her away which made her way to the ground. By this time, Liam and Eleanor were in the doorway, shocked with what I was doing.

“Who said you could have sex with my daughter! You just can’t keep your hands to yourself! Can you lover boy? Do you know how much stress this has caused everyone. I warned you to stay away from her, but you didn’t listen.” I spat. 

“I didn’t mean for this to happen! I’m sorry Harry! Sorry for everything. I just love Ruby.” Niall cried while trying to get me off him. Liam pulled me away from him, while Eleanor hugged Ruby who was crying. Niall ran out and into Lou’s room 

“Harry! Get a hold of yourself mate!” Liam shouted, grabbing onto my shoulders.

“Liam, he always ruins everything!” I screamed. Ruby’s cries were getting louder, Eleanor was trying to calm her down but it wasn’t working. She took her out of the room and down the stairs.

Eleanor’s POV

“Shhh. It will be alright. Harry will calm down.” I reassured her. 

“N.... no. It won’t. I made a huge mistake. I just want to take it back. Dad will never forgive me again.” Ruby mumbled, as her tears flowed down her cheeks. I rubbed my hand through her blonde hair. 

“C’mon, let’s go to the doctor’s to check if you are really pregnant.” 

“I only want you to come with me. Not Niall, Dad or Liam. Just you.”

I nodded.

As we drove to the doctor’s which wasn’t too far away, I couldn’t help think about the situation. You can’t get pregnant within a night. I’ve done the Reproduction test, which was in year 9. But what if Ruby is actually pregnant? Harry will crack it and Ruby might get rid of it. What about Niall’s career? Ugh. There are so many problems with this.

“You ready for this Rub?” I asked playing with the end of her hair.

“I guess. I feel sick, really sick.” Ruby replied, staring at the front of the doctor’s.


“Ruby Styles.” The doctor yelled to the waiting room. I held onto Ruby’s hand, I could her her trembling. We sat in her office as she began.

“I’m Dr. Gold. You’re here because you think you’re pregnant. Truth?” She asked, nicely. 

Ruby nodded and looked down. 

“Here, pee in the cup and bring it back to me. We will see then.” 

Ruby’s POV

Pee in the cup? Couldn’t she just give me a test? Better get this over and done with. 

As I walked back to the office, I heard Eleanor and Dr. Gold speaking.

“So, what does Harry think about Ruby and the pregnancy?” Is that Dr. Gold’s voice?

“Why should I tell you? You probably have friends who work for the Press? Right? So, mind your own business and do your job.” Eleanor spoke. Good on you Eleanor!

I walked in and threw the cup at Dr. Gold. 

“Here’s the cup you wanted me to pee in. Check it, so we can leave.” I retorted rudely to her. She gave me a death glare and went into another room.

* * *

“Harry, Niall! We’re home.” Eleanor shouted from the front door. Dad and Niall rushed down the stairs panting as they stood in front of us.

“Don’t tell me you’re pregnant please.” Dad cried. 

“I’m not pregnant it was just a hangover.”

“Yeah mate! Let’s celebrate with a party.” Dad and Niall shouted with a huge smile. 

“Harry and Niall, you would think you both would of learnt something from this. We’re not having a party, we’re going out for a nice quiet dinner. Olive Garden?” Eleanor spoke with confident smile on her beautiful face.

“Fine.” They both pouted.

* * *


I have finally chosen the new cover for Adopted by One Direction. It was a tough one, but I think I've got it.

I told you all, I was going to update when I had 30,500 reads. Well, I never knew I would get this many reads. 37,100. 

Thank you all for reading and I hope you have enjoyed this new chapter!

love you all!

thanks. bye.


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