Daddy's Little Girl

By O-Brosey

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Kathrine Dixon, a 13 year-old girl mysteriously finds herself in a hospital. She quickly be friends a sheriff... More

Chapter 1: The Hospital
Chapter 2: Walkers
Chapter 3: Sheriff's Station
Chapter 4: Gas?
Chapter 5: Geek
Chapter 6: Uncle Merle
Chapter 8: Guts
Chapter 9: Family
Chapter 10: Daddy
Chapter 11: Back for Dixon
Chapter 12: Frogs
Chapter 13: Homies
Chapter 14: Puto
Chapter 15: Eaten By Dogs
Chapter 16: Nightmare
Chapter 17: Bites
Chapter 18: Naps
Chapter 19: C.D.C
Chapter 20: Jim
Chapter 21: Wine and Dine
Chapter 22: TS-19
Chapter 23: Countdown
Chapter 24: Ticking Time Bomb

Chapter 7: Mermaids

11.4K 226 37
By O-Brosey

Kat's P.O.V

My-my daddy is alive? My daddy is alive! I knew it, he couldn't die, he wouldn't. But he thinks I did...? Merle you're lucky you're cuffed to that damn pipe right now, 'cause so help me God things would not be pretty if you weren't! I think to myself as we all sit around waiting for T-Dog to fix the Walkie-talkie.

"My God, it's like Times Square down there." Andrea complains as she looks over the ledge.

"How's the signal?" Morales asks.

"Like Dixon's brain, weak." T-Dog says. Merle flashes him the middle finger.

"Keep trying."

"Why? There's nothing they can do. Not a damn thing." Andrea is really starting to piss me off.

"Got some people outside the city is all." Morales tells Rick, "There's no refugee center. That's a pipe dream."

"Then she right, we're on our own." Rick says, "Up to us to find a way out."

"Good luck with that. These streets ain't safe in this part of town from what I hear. Ain't that right, sugar tits? Hey, honey bunch, what say you get me out of these cuffs, we go off somewhere and bump some uglies? Gonna die anyway." Merle 'charms' as he eyes Andrea.

"I'd rather." She says rolling her eyes, I let out a little laugh.

"Rug muncher. I figured as much." Merle mutters.

"Can I gag him?" I ask, looking around the group. He picks up a small rock and throws it at me, missing as it falls down the balcony.

"The streets ain't safe...." Rick repeats, trailing off.

"Now there's an understatement." Morales replies.

"What about under the streets? The sewers?" Rick asks, he's always a quick thinker. Probably why he was sheriff. Everyone's heads snap around and stare at Rick with wide eyes. 

"Oh man! Hey, Glenn, check the alley. You see any manhole covers?" Morales tells Glenn. Glenn rushes over and almost fall of the damn building.

"No, must be all out on the street where the geeks are." Glenn says.

"Maybe not, old building like this built in the 20's. Big structures often had drainage tunnels into the sewers in case of flooding down in the subbasements." The other woman tells us.

"How do you know that?" Glenn asks, confused.

"It's my job, was. I worked in the city zoning office." She explains. We all head back inside the building, all except for Merle. We go down to the subbasement where low and behold are the drainage tunnels. 

"This is it? You sure?" Morales asks doubtfully.

"I really scoped this place out the other times I was here. It's the only thing in the building that goes down. But I've never gone down it. Who'd want to, right?" Glenn says looking down, but when he looks up we're all looking at him, "Oh. Great."

"We'll be right behind you..." Andrea begins, but is cut off by Glenn.

"No, you won't. Not you."

"Why not me? Think I can't?" Andrea says getting upset.

"I wasn't...." Glenn tries to say.

"Speak your mind." Rick tells him.

"Look, until now I always came here by myself. In and out, grab a few things. No problem. The first time I bring a group. Everything goes to hell. No offense... If you want me to go down this gnarly hole, fine. But only if we do it my way. It's tight down there. If I run into something and have to get out quick, I don't want you all jammed up behind me getting me killed.  I'll take one person." Rick steps forward, "Not you either. You've got Merle's gun and I've seen you shoot. I'd feel better if you were out in that store watching those doors, covering our ass." He points to me and Andrea, "you two have got the only other guns so you should go with him." He points to Morales, "You be my wing-man. Jacqui stays here. Something happens, yell down to us, get us back up here in a hurry."

"Okay." Everyone nods.

"Okay, everyone knows their jobs." Rick says to Glenn patting his back. Glenn puts his flashlight in his mouth and goes down the ladder, Morales right behind him. We leave the subbasement and head back to the main part of the store. Where I begin to hear the moans and grunts of the Walkers.

"Sorry for the gun in your face." Andrea says to both me and Rick. I roll my eyes and walk away, browsing through the store as Rick answers her.

"People do things when they're afraid."

"Not that it was entirely unjustified. You did get us into this." I look at some of the clothes as they continue talking. Mimicking Andrea's voice whenever she talks, her presence already getting on my nerves. 

"If I get us out, would that make up for it?" Rick asks.

"No, but it'd be a start." She says trying to be funny. I quickly flip her the middle finger behind her back and Rick lets out a small laugh. We all look towards glass doors where the bagging and groaning is never ending.

"Next time though, take the safety off." Rick says, causing me to smile, "It won't shoot otherwise."

"Dumbass." I say under my breath as I move deeper into the store, finding a bag and stuffing clothes inside, seeing as I don't have any. 

"Oh." Andrea says looking at her gun.

Rick walks up closer to her, "Is that your gun?" he asks.

"It was a gift." She answers, "Why?" He takes her gun and switches the safety off.

"Little red dot means it's ready to fire. You may have occasion to use it." He explains, handing her back the weapon.

"Good to know." She nods.

Rick walks over to me, "What's up with you? You good?" He asks as he playfully nudging me with his hip.

"She's a bitch and I don't like her." I say making us both laugh.

 "I hear you, but I mean with you and Merle." He says looking down at me. "You okay?" 

"Fine..." I sigh, looking down at my filling backpack before looking up at Rick. "Like I said, ain't the first time that dumbass acts like a dumbass." I shrug, a lot of unfond memories of Merle rushing into my mind. "And besides, he said my daddy's alive that's all I really care about." I explain. "We'll find your family too Rick, they're out there, we just gotta go look for 'em."

"I know." He says putting his arm around my shoulder and looking out the window, "I know... just try to get along with Andrea. We don't know how long we're gonna be with these people, please, for me?" He practically begs. I playfully roll my eyes and walk over towards Andrea. She's over by the counter looking at jewelry.

"Aww." She says as she picks on up.

"See somethin' ya like?" I ask.

"Not me, but I know someone who would. My sister." She says playing with the necklace in her hand, "She's still such a kid in some ways. Unicorns, dragons, she's into all that stuff. But mermaids, they rule. She loves mermaids." She explains.

"Why not take it?" I ask.

"There's a cop staring at me." She jokes causing all of us to chuckle, "Would it be considered looting?"

"I don't think those rules apply anymore. Do you?" Rick adds, shaking the full bag on my back. Andrea looks at us than puts the necklace in her back pocket. Than all of a sudden, the sound of glass breaking fills the room. Our heads shoot to the front door were walkers begin pouring into the front foyer, popping our little bubble of normal. Rick pulls his gun out and pushes me behind him as Morales, Glenn and Jacqui rush in and joins us.

"What did you find down there?" Rick asks not taking his eyes off the Walkers.

"Not a way out." Morales says. Carp! I was really hopping we could get the hell out of here! I think as Andrea speaks up.

"We need to find a way. And soon!"  We head up to the roof and Rick takes a pair of binoculars as he scouts the city.   

"That construction site, those trucks. They always keep keys on hand?" He asks handing the binoculars to Morales. 

"You'll never make it past the Walkers." Morales says.

"You got us out of that tank." Rick reminds looking over at Glenn.

"Yeah, but they were feeding. They were distracted." Glenn explains.

"Can we distract them again?" Rick asks.

"Right." Merle speaks up, "Listen to him. He's onto something. A diversion, like on 'Hogan's Heroes'..."

"God! Give it a rest." Jacqui says.

"They're drawn by sound, right?" Rick asks.

"Right, like dogs. They hear a sound, they come." Glenn says.

"What else?" he asks.

"Aside from they hear you? They see you, smell you and if they catch you, they eat you." Morales says.

"They can tell us by smell?" Rick and I ask at the same time.

"Can't you?!" Glenn asks, raising his voice.

"They smell dead, we don't. It's pretty distinct." Andrea answers.


We head back into the store, Rick has thought of a 'master' plan to get us the trucks, and right now I'm not exactly his biggest fan, and neither is Glenn.

"If bad ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold." Glenn says as Rick hands both of us gloves.

"He's right." I say as I tie my hair up with one of the hair ties I found in the store.

"Just stop, okay? Take some time to think this through." Morales begins but is cut off by Rick.

"How much time? They already got through one set of doors, that glass won't hold forever." Rick interrupts while throwing coats at me and Glenn. He looks like he's gonna throw up, and Lord know if he does I will too. We head to the back room while Rick and Morales goes outside and drags back one of the Walker bodies.

Please vote and leave comments below!!! I'm so happy you guys are reading my fanfic. I love you guys! xoxo

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