Tmnt 2012: Tales of the Turtl...

By EternalLuv4ever

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This story will start off at the beginning of Season 5: One night on patrol, the turtles and their allies wi... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Side Tale 1
Episode 5
Episode 6
Side Tale 2
Side Tale 3
Episode 7
Side Tale 4
Episode 8
Episode 9
Side Tale 5
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13

Side Tale 6

111 1 0
By EternalLuv4ever

In this side tale story, the turtles become suspicious when Celeste goes out alone. But to where? And why? Both you and the turtles will soon find out. I hope my stories aren't too long. Enjoy~.....

The sun was setting, and another day in New York will be the antics of another night for fun. As for the turtles, they were still in the lair, waiting until they could go on patrol. Celeste and April were having a sparring match while Lennon watched. April swung her fan, but Celeste did a back flip and then used one of her kamas to strike her. April used her psychic powers to move the bad to the left. However, Celeste quickly pulled on the chain, making the kama lunge behind April. The teen was forced to balance as her upper body leaned back. That's when she saw Celeste in the air, until she was pinned down. 


"Gasp!" April's eyes widened when seeing one blade to her neck, as Celeste had the other to her abdomen. 

"I believe that's checkmate, April," Lennon smiled. April sighed as Celeste helped her up. 

"Thanks for sparring with me Celeste," April smiled. 

From outside, Casey was coming in with boxes of pizza.

"Casey Jones to the rescue!" 

"Aw~yeah~~! Deal me up with some pie-yo!" Mikey grabbed one box as the others got the rest. Raph picked two pizzas.

"I'll go see if the girls want some." He walked to the dojo. He then saw April walking out.

"Hey want a slice?"

"Sure. Thanks. Celeste is in the dojo." She grabbed the pizza and went to join the others. Raph was about to call her, but then heard Lennon's voice.

"Miss Avilon, you should get ready. You have a big night--and I'd hate for you to be late." Raph peeked inside to see Celeste closing a case. 

"Are you sure you don't want me coming along? " She shook her head. 

"Alright then...just do what needs to be done, and have a safe trip. Good luck." Raph quickly stepped aside, but Celeste saw him as she came out. 

"Oh, uh...hi Celeste. You want some?" He showed the pizza, but she shook her head. She then showed her notes.

[Tell your brothers that I'll be heading out. I won't be back until morning.]

"Until morning...?...why so late?" 

[Its a secret.] She smiled before heading to the bathroom. Raph walked back to see his brothers eating at the table while Casey and April were by the tv. 

"Hey ya think something's up with Celeste?" Leo swallowed his food before speaking. 

"...No. Why you ask?" The three looked at him.

"She just told me she won't be back until tomorrow morning. I asked, but she said 'its a secret'..." He did air quotations.  

"I'm pretty sure its nothing," Donnie shrugged. They saw her heading to her room. 

"I don't know..."

"Raph's just worried about big sister, cause he's a big softie~," Mikey teased, making the red clad turtle frown. 

"Celeste is an adult," Leo added, "she can go wherever or do whatever she wants. Its not our business to interfere with her life." 

"We're ninjas," Raph deadpan, "we pretty much interfere with everyone's lives, already..." 

"Oh come're exaggerating, Raph."


"!?" Suddenly they heard Casey whistling. Their eyes widened when seeing Celeste walk out. She had her hair down, wore a ruffle-front-blouse, dark leggings, boots, and a dark scarf around her neck. Celeste adjust her purse and lifted her violin case. 

"Looking good, Celeste," Casey gave a thumbs up.

"Wow, you look amazing," April smiled, "what's the occasion?" The woman tore out some notes from her notepad and gave it to April. She then waved as she left the lair. 

"What was that about?" Donnie pondered. 

"What did she say, April?" Leo asked.  April gave them the notes. 

[Won't be back until morning. I left some food for you in the fridge if you get hungry. Don't stay up too late on patrol.--Celeste.]

"That's it?"

"See? I told you--she's up to something. We should see where she goes." Raph insisted. 

"Woah--hold on," Leo protested, "we can't just spy on her. She'll think we don't trust her when she catches us."

"You mean, if~she catches us," Mikey smirked. 

"Finally," Raph sighed, "something we can agree on." 

"Well," Donnie rubbed his chin, "it does seem suspicious when seeing her dress up like that."

"Maybe she's on a date!" Mikey shouted with excitement. 

"No way," Leo shook his head.

"That's gotta be it," Raph grinned mischievously.

"Well what are we waiting for," Mikey jumped over the table, "let's find out!" 


"Hurry up!"

"Uh...Guys?" April and Casey watched them leave in a rush. 

"That was weird," April thought. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>

The turtle teens were running on the rooftops. 

"Are we there yet," Mikey asked tiredly, "we've been searching for an hour."

Donnie was looking at his T-phone.

"According to this, Celeste should be around the next building." 

"You bugged her?" Leo raised his brow-line. 

"On her purse," Donnie frowned at him, "I'm not that stupid to--"

"Look, there she is!" Raph spotted her down below. Celeste was paying the taxi driver, and then looked around. She pulled out her phone. The turtles lied on the rooftop while watching. Just then, someone was walking from around the corner. 

"Celeste." The woman looked up, and saw Elliot Walker. He gave a smile that she hasn't seen in a long time. Elliot put his guitar case down.

" look great." Celeste smiled at him. He then put his hand out, and she gladly accepted while shyly looking down. Elliot hesitated a bit, but slowly, he came in for a hug. Celeste could feel his tight embrace, as his head on her shoulder. 

"I'm glad you came." 

She blushed, but hugged him back. 

"Dudes~are you seeing this?" Mikey squealed.

"I-I-I'm try-y-ing, but..." All Donnie could see was a blur, as Mikey shook him vigorously. 

[Still keeping up on your music and martial arts?] Elliot sign language.

[You should know. I taught you some moves.] She smirked, as Elliot laughed.

"So...where to first?" Celeste gave him a piece of paper. 

"I know this joint," he smiled, "alright then...shall we go...m'lady?" Elliot gave a gentleman's bow while holding out his hand. Celeste giggled at his funny gesture, and grabbed his hand, walking down the street. 

"They're on the move," Raph whispered. He and his brothers followed them, until they saw them going inside a building with motorbikes parked outside. 

"Woah, what is this place?" Mikey asked.

"Its a pub," Donnie implied.

"A what?"

"An Irish pub...its like a bar, dated back in mid-19th century, referred to as a public house."

"So, how are we gonna get in?" 

"Get in? Raph, you're crazy..."

"Worth a try, Leo," Donnie shrugged. 

"No way! First off, we're teenagers....and that's a bar, an adult's domain. Second, we're giant turtles..."

"Good thing we're at an abandoned shop, right here," Mikey pointed across the bar. 

>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>

"This is not gonna work," Leo whispered. The four were dressed in casual clothes. All of them had beanies/hats on their heads and wearing biker gloves. 

"Will you stop worrying," Raph grunted. They walked up to the door and opened it. Entering inside, they were undetected, as most of the men were huddled while cheering. 

"What's with the commotion?" They came around the crowd, and peeked through to see Celeste and Elliot. They were sitting together, while two men were from across. On the side of the table were empty glasses, and more were piled next to Celeste and Elliot. 

"Are they...having a drinking contest?" Donnie couldn't believe it. The men were swaying a bit, but the two younger people were undeterred. Both of them drank, and slammed the glasses upside-down. Celeste folded her hands under her chin as Elliot had his arms crossed with a smirk. The crowd cheered and then waited for the men to receive the next attempt. However, their eyes were droopy, and one of them hiccuped as the other burped sloppily. And then....timber~!


Down they went.

"YEEEAAHHHH~~~!" The men shouted as Celeste and Elliot raised their last drinks and gulped it down. A large muscular man with a goatee patted their shoulders while laughing.

"Hahaha~nice game! I can tell ya inherited Jasper's will to drink. You're definitely his daughter, all right!" Celeste sheepishly smiled while Elliot chuckled.

"Wow~," Mikey awed. 

"Looks like a date to me."

"Well, let's get out of here, before we--YEEAAHH~" Suddenly, Leo and his brothers were lifted off the ground by two men. 

"What do we have here?"

"Hey guys! Looks like we got trespassers."  

"Aye, now?" Haggis smirked as he stood before them.

"Don't ya know this is no place for small kiddies like you?" 

"Isn't that...your turtle brothers?" Elliot whispered. Celeste slapped her head in annoyance. She quickly got up and blocked Haggis from them. 

"Uh~hey sis," Mikey weakly waved.

"Sis? Celeste, you know these boys?" She nodded, and pointed her finger down to let the boys go. Once they were released, Elliot walked towards them. 

"Hey barkeeper," Elliot bellowed, "how about you serve us some food and non-alcoholic drinks? Looks like we're gonna have a long~night ahead."

"Right away!" Celeste gave Elliot an unamused look. 

"Come on Celeste," he chuckled, "we can't blame them for being sneaky, right?" He smirked at them as they awkwardly smiled.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Laughter filled the room, everyone enjoyed their meals, drinks, and the musicians playing on stage. Mikey was humming in satisfaction.

"Mm~that was the best pizza I've ever tasted."

"An old family recipe of the barkeeper's."

"So Elliot," Donnie spoke, "you said you studied ancient history in college?"

"Yes. That was just a side-major for when I retire from the band." 

"So you play guitar? That's awesome." 

"Thanks, Raphael." He then looked at Celeste. 

[You know, he plays the drums.]

"Then maybe Raph and I should play music together, sometime..." 

Celeste patted Elliot's shoulder.

[I'll be in the restroom.]

"Alright." He watched her leave. Elliot picked up his glass of water.

"So Elliot," Mikey grinned, "how long have you and sis been dating?"


The man coughed, startling the boys. Elliot's face flushed, though stood up with dignity. 

"W-well...for a long time--since college, I guess." 

"How did you meet?" 

"Did you self-taught or had a tutor help you sign language?" 

"I got a better come you and her split up after all this time?" 


"Its alright, Leonardo. I can tell you have a lot of questions. For starters, Celeste and I met in the music club and music classes. We became fast friends--but soon...we sort of developed feelings for each other and became a couple. When my friends and I created a band, I would take Celeste with us everywhere, even let her play alongside us. Our lives were great...but one day, Celeste was given the worst news of her life."

"What do you mean?" 

"She never told you?" 

"Told us what?" Donnie asked. 

"Her father--he....he died in the hospital."

"What?" The four unison in shock. 

"It was cancer," Elliot sighed, "Celeste visited him everyday, until he took his last breath. Weeks after his death, I was going to Europe for a big gig, and I wanted her to come along. But I knew Celeste was too sadden to leave...and that's when we decided we needed some time apart. We didn't want to, but it was for the best."

"And that's when you heard Celeste was moving back here, to New York?" Donnie implied. 

"I tried to meet her at the airport, but I was too late. I thought I would never see her again."  

"But after that crazy time travel," Leo smiled, "you do..." 

"Maybe this time you'll stick around," Raph suggested. Elliot smiled.

"So, why here, at the bar," Donnie asked. 

"Celeste wanted to meet Mr. Avilon's old friends..."

Just then, Celeste returned to the group. She then sing language to Elliot.

[Come on, let's do it.]

"Oh, right. I forgot..." They saw them take out their instruments. 

Minutes later....

"And now," Haggis shouted, "give it up for the music duo...Celeste Avilon and Elliot Walker!" Elliot has his guitar, while Celeste had her violin. 

[ROUNTABLE RIVAL-- Time: 3:28]

Everyone clapped and stomped to the beat. It felt like the two were having a music showdown, dancing with backup dancers while they played. The second chorus, they jumped on a table and played with their backs against each other. Soon they went back on stage and played their hearts out, hearing the crowd roar with excitement. When they finished, Elliot and Celeste made a pose, with one hand in the air as the crowd cheered. They took a bow. 


Suddenly, a commotion was heard outside. The turtles, Celeste, Elliot and some of the men bursted through the door, only to see the Purple Dragons toppling over the motorbikes. 

"Hey you! What do ya think you're doing?!" Haggis shouted in anger.

"Ah~get lost ya gorilla!" Fong shouted. 

"Time for some Purple-Dragon-butt-kicking!" Raph smirked. 

"Mind if join in?" 

"Be my guest, Elliot." 

"Booyakasha~!" Mikey shouted as his brothers, Celeste and Elliot attacked them. Raph and Donnie were fighting off Sid, Leo and Mikey had Tsoi, Elliot with Fong, and Celeste fought Hun. 

"You fight well, girl," Hun smirked, "but I am superior!" 


All that and he was left with a kick in the face. 

"Argh!" Tsoi and Fong head butted after Leo, Mikey and Elliot knocked them to each other. 

"Nice one!" 

"Look out!" Elliot lunged towards Mikey to protect him from Sid. The big guy had Donnie on his back while Raph kicked his gut. Mikey groaned as he sat up. 

"Ah~my head..."

"You alright?"

"Yeah...I'm--Ahhhh!" Mikey screamed when seeing a knife between his legs. The man helped Mikey up and put his cap on back.

"Come on--let's kick some dragon tail!" Elliot did a roundhouse kick to Hun. He and Celeste nodded, and ran towards Hun to do a duo flying-kick, one to the face and the other on the down-area. Hun flew back and crashed with the motorbikes. That's when Haggis punched Fong and Tsoi towards the others. They glared at the thugs.

"Let's get outta here!" Sid grabbed Hun as he and his pals ran away. 

"Yeah-boy! And don't come back!"

"Haha--well now! That was some fun! Thanks for all your assist, lads." Haggis scooped the boys up and crushed them in his arms. 

"Y-you're welcome," Leo stuttered. Elliot approached Celeste. 

"Are you okay?" She nodded with a smile. That's when Elliot remembered something.

"Oh--hey! We should get going. Do you still have it in your case?" 


"We got to run Haggis, but thanks for tonight."

"You're welcome here anytime. You too, boys...but when you're a few years older." He smirked as the teens sheepishly smiled. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Fast Forward>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Everyone was in Elliot's van, driving out of the city and into he country-side.

"Yeah, but--"

[Not another word, Mikey. Once we get home, you and your brothers are grounded from tv and pizza...two weeks.]

"Aww~/What?" Donnie and Mikey groaned. 

"Don't be too hard on them, Celeste," Elliot chuckled.

Once they reached their destination, the turtles realized where they were. 

"April's old farm house?" Mikey questioned.

"Celeste, why are we here?" They walked out of the vehicle. They stood before Splinter's shrine, and Celeste and Elliot gave their respects. Elliot pulled out her case. 

"Ready?" She nodded. Celeste pulled out a small vase with a lid and a picture of her adoptive father. She placed the photo next to Splitner's shrine, and then walked into the forest. 

"What is she doing, Elliot?" Donnie asked. 

"Completing one of Jasper's requests. He always loved visiting April's farm he can rest easy." 

Minutes later, Celeste was looking out on the lake. She tilted the vase, but as the ash was coming out, a gust of wind hit her back. The wind carried the ashes, and spread all over the lake. She put the vase down. Just then, a pink petal passed by, as it gracefully flew with the ashes. Somehow, she took it as a sign; telling her that perhaps Splinter was waiting for Mr. Avilon on the other side, and both were saying their last goodbyes. She smiled, knowing that the two men she cared for like father-figures, are watching over them. 

[Goodbye...I love you.]

"?" She felt someone grab her hand. It was Elliot. Celeste put her head on his shoulder. 

"I've been thinking...well...maybe I could stay here." Celeste's eyes widened. Elliot faced her.

"The guys in the band...they're very supportive...because they know that I..I still love you." They touched foreheads, though Celeste kept her gaze down as her face reddened.

"...Traveling to different dimensions and battling monsters/villains...I'll do it all if I get to be with you...otherwise--I might miss out on the greatest adventures, yet. Please...let me stay here...with you." 

[....Do you have to ask?] Elliot chuckled.

[I'm never leaving you again.] He sign language.

He lifted her chin up, and slowly moved in. That is, until they heard cheering. They saw the boys giving goofy grins their way. Elliot cleared his throat as he smirked, and Celeste pulled out a fan to mask their faces. Still, the boys cheered as the two moved in. Unaware to them, the turtles were sure to make this a picture-perfect-photo for the fridge. 

Happy ending for those two. :D Was it okay?

I hope the next episode will be exciting. Can't wait--how bout' you?

Well, see you next time~....

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