The Hidden Daughter (An Aveng...

By Gryffinpuff39

18.1K 297 52

Qui-Gon Jinn has a secret; he has a daughter. In order to protect her, he took her to Earth, leaving her on t... More

Helicarrier and New York
Shopping and Moving In
Crashing the Party
Injuries and Hurting Hearts
Change of Heart
New Team Members
Seoul, Korea
A New Vision
Author's Note
Off the Grid
A New Start


2.1K 38 10
By Gryffinpuff39

~ Nineteen years later (set before the attack by Loki) ~

    "Father, I'm going out to the park," Elizabeth called out, swinging her purse over her shoulder.

    "Be careful, Lizzy," Steve Rogers, Captain America, replied.

    "You tell me that every time I go out somewhere, Father. You've trained me to protect myself. I'm gonna swing by the grocery store on the way back," she told him, exasperated.

    "I know, sweetheart. I just want my little girl to be safe, that's all."

    Elizabeth smiled at her father. She knew that he had taken her in and had never found out who her real parents were, but she didn't mind. After all, who else had the opportunity to be the daughter of Captain America, a legendary hero? They loved each other and cared very much about the other's wellbeing. Steve had watched as his little girl had grown up and become as strong as him, even without the Super Soldier serum.

    She was tall for her age, making her look older. Black hair fell to her waist, the top half pulled up in its usual style. She had a natural beauty to her that no other being could compare with. Her lips were a light pink and her blue eyes had a sparkle that nothing seemed to be able to put out. Her face was a slight heart shape and her features fit perfectly. There seemed to be a permanent smile on her lips and a spring in her steps, but if someone made her angry, all that changed in a split second. She was slender but fast and strong. She was also very smart. She had figured out that she could control the elements (water, air, fire, earth, ice, weather, temperature, air pressure, electricity), thanks to HYDRA who had kidnapped her and experimented on her for about two years, and something similar to the Force in the Star Wars movies. Little did she know that she use it. She had been trained to look over her shoulder and her senses had been heightened by her training with her father.

    "See you soon, Father," she said, kissing his cheek.

    Steve waved as his daughter left the house and strode off down the street, a natural sashay to her hips as she walked. He smiled and closed the door, knowing that she'd be fine. He had trained her for years and still did to make sure she was ready for anything. He closed the door and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

    Meanwhile, Elizabeth was wandering around in Central Park, listening to the birds as they flew overhead. Not paying attention, she ran into someone and fell back. Looking up, she saw a man with dark hair and a glowing blue circle in his chest who smiled at her. She stood up and brushed the dust off her blue jeans, straightening her purple shirt.

    "Sorry, sir," she said politely.

    "Don't worry about it," the man replied. "I'm Tony Stark. Who are you?"

    "I am Elizabeth Rogers, daughter of Captain America. You can call me any nickname you get from Elizabeth. My father calls me Lizzy," she answered.

    "Daughter of Captain America," he mused. "You sure? You don't look to be one for strength."

    "You'd be surprised, Mr. Stark."

    "Tony, give the girl a break," a new voice, this time female, cut in.

    A red head woman dressed in black came up, followed by a man with blondish hair with the man wearing regular clothes.

    "I'm Natasha Romanoff, but you can call me Nat," the woman said. "This is Clint Barton, also known as Hawkeye. My code name is Black Widow," she said as she gestured to the man.

    "Nice to meet you," Elizabeth said.

    "I heard you're the daughter of Captain America?" Clint asked.

    The nineteen year old girl nodded. Clint raised an eyebrow before swinging his fist at her. Quick as lightning, she caught his fist and, in one fluid motion, flipped him over her back before pinning him to the ground. She anticipated his next move and, the second she saw him move, she jumped out of the way. Clint's foot connected with a tree and he groaned, deciding to give up, knowing the girl was faster and stronger.

    "What are you? A Super Soldier? Did you get an injection as well?" Clint asked as he stood up, massaging his ankle.

    She shook her head. "No, my father trained me. I am fluent in over ten different languages, including French, Russian, and Spanish. I learned to fight with all sorts of weapons from knives to guns and more."

    "You might come in handy if we ever need help in a fight. Think you could get you dad to help out, too?" Tony asked.

    "I'll run it by him. I would be glad to help and he doesn't like me getting into trouble so the chance of him helping too is pretty high," Elizabeth said.

    "What were your plans for today?" Natasha asked her.

    "I was planning to take a walk in the park and swing by the grocery store on the way home," she answered.

    "Can we accompany you?" Clint wondered.

    She nodded and they walked through the park, exchanging more about themselves. Elizabeth got the feeling she could trust them and found that she enjoyed their company. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, causing the others to look at her in concern. She looked around nervously, as if expecting someone to jump out at her. She caught sight of a figure in black melting from shadow to shadow. The girl gripped her knife in one hand and a gun in the other.

    "Someone's out there," she whispered to the others.

    They readied themselves and when a group of men appeared out of pretty much nowhere, they weren't caught off guard. Instantly, they all went into battle mode. In the midst of the chaos, Elizabeth hit the ear piece that connected her to her father.

    "Father, I need some help here in Central Park!" she shouted over the noise of the fight.

    "Lizzy, what's wrong?!" Steve asked, sounding panicked.

    "A group of men dressed in black, south side of the park!"

    "Who are they?"

    "I don't know! All I know is that they're after me! I have three other adults helping me but there are too many!"

    "I'm on the way! Be careful!"

    The comm went quiet but Steve could hear the battle raging. He raced to the south side and found the fight easily considering the noise and large group. He raised his shield and slammed into one of the men. He came to his daughter's side and looked at her for a brief second.

    "The red head and the two men not dressed in black are helping me!" Elizabeth shouted.

    Steve nodded understanding and continued to fight. The nineteen year old had switched to her daggers for close contact. An enemy's knife sliced down the length of her arm but she merely gritted her teeth and kept fighting. She wasn't about to be taken down by a small cut. She noticed her new friends and her father were managing to take out many of the guards but she was quickly being cut off from them so she was left to fight about ten men on her own.

    "Lizzy!" Steve shouted, seeing his daughter all on her own, trying to defend herself.

    The other three turned and ran with him to help her, knocking the men aside, causing them to lose consciousness. Elizabeth was trying to regain her breathing and that was when they noticed her injuries. Large gashes were cut into her sides and limbs, the worst one being on her side. Steve picked her up and turned to the others.

    "Let's get her to my tower. She can be healed there," Tony said.

    Steve nodded and followed the three Avengers to the Avengers Tower. Elizabeth knew about the Avengers, seeing as her father was one. She was part of the team too and had been trained as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent for a while. She had put up an act with the three earlier to make it seem like she didn't know who they were so passersby wouldn't be suspicious of a nineteen year old girl to be part of the team. Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., had pulled together the world's mightiest heroes to protect the earth for attacks. This group included Natasha (Black Widow), Clint (Hawkeye), Tony (Iron Man), Steve (Captain America), Elizabeth (Jedi Assassin), Bruce Banner (Hulk), and Thor (God of Thunder).

    Elizabeth was called Jedi Assassin due to the fact that she was very skilled and seemed to be able to use the Force. She could make things happen without touching them. She could make people do what she wanted with a wave of her hand. She could jump higher, run faster, and other things that normal people couldn't. She was even more aware of her surroundings than Steve. She was amazing with a blade and used it like it was a toy instead of a weapon. She spent many minutes, sometimes hours, meditating.

    The one thing everyone in New York City knew, was to not anger her. If she got angry, she went pretty much Kylo Ren tantrum. Her blade seemed to glow with a red color and she attacked anything and everything. Only a few people had been caught in a situation where they made her angry and they ended up in the hospital with a few minor injuries. After those few people, everyone else made sure to be careful to not anger her.

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