Spotlight ~ larry mpreg au

By bestwriterever8

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[FINISHED 2017] Who would want to be in the spotlight? Certainly, Louis wouldn't. He cherished his private li... More



24.2K 1K 835
By bestwriterever8


By Melanie McKay

Tonight, Harry Styles performed for the second night in a row at the O2 Arena in London, marking the end of his Serendipity Tour in the UK, and just as everyone expected, it was a complete success.
The show opened with his hit single 'Game Over', followed by fan favorites from his current album and the previous ones, and all along, Harry completely owned the stage, and his voice sounded flawless, even better than in the studio versions.
As the show was drawing to a close, Harry made quite an interesting speech, saying he wasn't perfect, that he had made a very big mistake a while ago, and didn't really know what to do to be completely forgiven for it, and then he added: "here goes a try", and that's when he covered the well known song "Can't take my eyes off you".
The rendition was spectacular, and many are already speculating that he was singing it to Louis Tomlinson, who was seen in the Arena before and after the show accompanied by Harry's sister, Gemma. We honestly have no idea if this is true, but if the song was really addressed to him, we sincerely hope that he found it as amazing as we did, and that he forgave Harry for whatever it is he did.


"I feel underdressed for the party, babe" Louis said as he watched Harry put on a his jacket.

"You're not, you look great" Harry answered.

They were still in Harry's dressing room, because Harry had needed to shower after the show, but he was finally ready for them to leave for the party, his stylist had even done his hair (yes, again) before she headed to the party herself.

"Are you sure?" Louis hesitated.

"Yeah, you look cute with that T-shirt" Harry said smiling.

"I don't want to look cute" Louis frowned.

"Sorry" Harry chuckled "You look sexy".

"Do I?" Louis asked unsure

"Completely, but if you don't believe me, you can wear anything that I've got here if you like" Harry said nodding at the open closet with some of Harry's colorful clothes.

"Uhm..." Louis hesitated, because none of those clothes were really his style "No, I'm fine, if you say I look sexy I believe you".

"You look so sexy, baby" Harry insisted, and got closer to him, putting his hand on Louis' bum, and he kissed him right under his ear, making him shudder "I shouldn't even be thinking about the things I'd do with you right now if you let me".

"Mmm" Louis hummed, getting carried away.

"But we should leave for the party, we're already late" Harry said, his voice low.

"Okay" Louis accepted, but didn't walk away from Harry, instead he let his hands get close to the hem of Harry's pants "But maybe afterwards you can do those unthinkable things to me?".

"That song I did for you definitely paid off, huh?" Harry asked, acting completely smug.

"It sure did" Louis smirked, his hand halfway inside of Harry's pants.

"I'm going to fûck you against that wall if you don't stop, Lou" Harry warned him.

Louis laughed, and moved his hands away from Harry's pants, deciding they definitely needed to save it for later, after all, this was going to be their first time since they got back together.

"Hey" Harry said, stopping Louis from going to get his jacket.

"What?" Louis asked, still smiling.

"I love seeing you laugh like that, it reminds me of before" Harry confessed.

"I'm happier now, you know?" Louis told him.

"Yes?" Harry asked probably unsure.

"Because we have Sage now" Louis pointed out.

"You're right" Harry smiled, and quickly brushed his lips with his own "Let's go now".

Louis agreed, and he went to pick up his jacket, so they could finally go to the party.

Anne had already taken Sage with her to Louis' flat, but only after Louis fed the baby, and assured her he would come back in just a couple of hours, which he was definitely planning to do, he didn't want to abuse Anne's helpfulness.

They left the dressing room, and were escorted to a car by Harry's security, one of them, Sean, Louis was sure his name was, getting in the car's passenger's seat, while they rode in the back.

It wasn't a long ride to their destination, which according to Harry, was a small club that had been rented especially for the party, but Louis had never heard of it, which wasn't surprising, he wasn't very 'in' these days, or ever had been, really.

When the car came to a stop, the first thing that Louis realized, was that there was at least half a dozen paparazzi waiting at the door, probably knowing it was Harry's party inside, and that he hadn't arrived yet.

"I didn't realize there were going to be paps here" Louis said nervously.

"I'm sorry" Harry said apologetically "Do you regret coming?".

"No" Louis shook his head "I just get a little anxious with them around".

"Don't worry sir, I'm going to escort you inside" Sean, the bodyguard, told him before he got out of the car.

Louis nodded, and Harry opened his door, getting out first, and before Louis did the same, he took a deep breath to prepare himself.

When he was finally out of the car, Harry held his hand and lead him inside, Sean keeping the paps away from them, but they still took hundreds of pictures of them, and yelled stuff to get their attention, but they both just ignored them.

"It wasn't so bad, right?" Harry asked once they were past the door.

"No" Louis replied "It was fine".

Harry smiled, and led him where the party actually was, there was a lot more people than Louis thought there would be, but it actually made Louis excited; it reminded him of when he worked at the club and how fun it was.

"Oh, there's Niall" Louis said pointing at his friend, who was talking to Liam and some other lads.

"Go over there, I'm gonna go get us drinks" Harry told him.

"Okay, I want a scotch on the rocks, please" Louis asked.

"Are you sure?" Harry frowned.

"Yes, I always drink scotch" Louis answered.

"But is it safe?" questioned Harry.

"Safe?" Louis asked completely confused.

"For Sage" Harry explained "You're still nursing her".

"Oh, yes, it's fine, I just have to wait a few hours after the last drink for the alcohol to leave my body, but I have like a gallon of breastmilk in the fridge so she should be fine for days even" Louis explained.

"Uhm, okay, I'll get you a scotch then" Harry agreed, and walked away.

Louis heard something off in Harry's voice, but he decided to ignore it, and he walked over to where Niall was, and said hello again to him and Liam, and met the other 2 lads who were with them, who had not been at the concert.

"Here, Lou" Harry said offering him a glass a few minutes later.

"Thanks" Louis smiled, taking it.

Harry started saying hi to everyone, but Louis focused on his drink, and he really savored it, because this was his first drink since the day he found out he was pregnant, and it was so, so good.

"Lou" Niall said getting his attention.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, getting distracted from his drink.

"Uhm..." Niall hesitated, and pulled him apart from the group a bit "I don't know if you know, or if you even want to know, but that Grayson guy is here, I saw him when we arrived".

Louis held his glass tighter as he looked around the room, but it was dark and there was really a lot of people there, so he couldn't see him anywhere.

"Should I not have told you?" Niall asked unsure.

"No, it's okay, I rather know" Louis told his friend, and took another sip from his scotch.

"Just don't let it ruin your fun, you're the one Harry's with and who he loves" Niall told him.

"I know" Louis nodded.

"Babe" Harry called him.

"Mmm?" Louis asked.

"I'm gonna go say hi to some people" Harry announced  "You'll stay here with Niall?".

"No, I'll go with you"  Louis decided, but not exactly because he wanted to meet new people.

Harry nodded, and Louis told Niall he would be back in a bit, and walked away with his boyfriend, but not very far.

"Why didn't you tell me Grayson was going to be here" Louis suddenly asked, as he made Harry stop walking.

"He's not here, Lou, Chris talked to his manager, and told him that even though the band was invited, it was best if Grayson didn't come, and his manager agreed" Harry answered.

"Well, he came, Niall said he saw him" Louis told him.

"Dammït" Harry said under his breath, and rubbed his forehead "I'm gonna go talk to Chris, or someone to get him to leave".

"Don't" Louis denied.

"What?" Harry asked confused.

"Leave it" Louis told him "I shouldn't have said anything".

"Are you sure?" Harry frowned.

"Yes, I don't want to cause drama" Louis decided.

"You won't".

"But he might if he's told to leave, and it will ruin the party, and I don't think it's worth it..." Louis explained, and took a deep breath "I think I can handle him being here".

"You don't have to" Harry said looking him in the eyes.

"I know, but it's alright, I'll just stick to you and it will be fine" Louis stated.

Harry looked at him in silence for a few minutes, clearly not convinced that Louis would be fine, but finally he nodded, and gave Louis a kiss on his lips, probably to reassure him.

"We should go say hi to your friends now" Louis suggested.

"Okay" Harry smiled, and held Louis' hand, lacing their fingers together.

And that's what they did; Harry said hello to a lot of people, and introduced Louis to all of them, but there were so many, that at the end of it he barely remembered half of their names.

But still, it was nice meeting people that one way or another were part of Harry's life, which he hadn't done the first time they dated, because they had kept their relationship a secret.

And although at that point Louis had already spotted Grayson, he had ignored him, and stuck to Harry like he had been determined to do, and so far, he was having a great time.

"Could you get me another drink while I go take a wee?" Louis asked as they walked away from a group of people they had been talking to.

"You want another one?" Harry asked raising his eyebrows.

"Uhm... yes?" Louis answered, hearing that weird thing in Harry's voice again "Do you have a problem with me drinking?".

"No, it's just... you've had 2 drinks already" Harry remarked.

"So?" Louis shrugged.

"You have to feed Sage, Lou" Harry told him, as if Louis didn't know that.

"I already explained to you that it's fine if I drink, I have enough milk stored for her" Louis repeated what he had said earlier.

"Still, maybe 2 drinks are enough for one night" Harry considered, being a complete hypocrite, because he had had 4 drinks so far, Louis knew that for sure.

"Harry, baby, I'm not sure if you still don't know this about me, but I don't appreciate being controlled, at all" Louis said firmly but without raising his voice "So I'm going to go to the toilet, and when I came back I'm going to have another drink whether you order it for me or not, alright?".

"Uhm..." Harry hesitated.

"I'm going to take that as a yes" Louis cut him off, turned around, and walked away.

He had actually no idea where the toilets were, so he asked someone, who pointed him in the right direction, and he found it pretty easily.

Louis went inside, and there was one of the guys from Harry's band there, Jake, who was washing his hands, and he said hello to Louis, but then left, leaving the latter to do his business alone.

When he was done, he went over to the sinks to wash his hands, and had just put his hands under the water when in came none other than freaking Grayson.

Yep, that was Louis' luck.

"Hi" Grayson greeted him.

Louis didn't say anything, he just focused on washing his hands.

"Uhm... can I talk to you about something?" Grayson asked.

"No" Louis muttered, and grabbed a piece of paper towel to dry his hands.

"Please, it's important" Grayson begged.

"Are you going to try to spread some more lies? Maybe tell me you and Harry had sex last week so I break up with him again?" Louis dared.

"I wouldn't do that, I just want to apologize" Grayson told him.

"You want to apologize? Seriously?" Louis asked in disbelief.

"Yes" Grayson answered "And I also want to explain".

"Explain what exactly?" Louis practically spat.

"About that night in Colombia, when Harry invited me to his room; I specifically asked him about his boyfriend, because I never wanted to help cheat on someone, and he said he didn't have a boyfriend anymore, so I thought it was okay to sleep with him, I mean, he's Harry Styles, he was my idol, it couldn't have gotten any better than that for me" Grayson told him.

Louis didn't want to know details about how Harry had cheated on him, but at the same time he felt like he needed to know.

"But the next few days he avoided me completely, and I knew something was off, so I confronted him, and that's when he told me he had slept with me to get revenge on you, but that it had been a mistake, that we had been a mistake" Grayson continued "And I was obviously upset and hurt, and completely disappointed, and I wanted nothing to do with him".

"Is that why you kept fûcking him?" Louis asked bitterly.

"He was the one who looked for me again in Australia, saying things with you were definitely over, and I gave in, because, again, he's Harry Styles, and he was charming, and just completely perfect, and despite him telling me it was just casual, I couldn't help but get my hopes up" Grayson told him "But after a couple of weeks, he broke it off saying he still loved you and that he was going to try to get you back, and I got angry, okay? I felt played, and then when he told me you were pregnant and that you were back together, I just lost it, that's why I said those things about you, but I'm really sorry I said them, I really regret acting like that, I don't want to be that person, I never did".

"So you're just saying this stuff to feel better about yourself, is that it?" Louis asked crossing his arms.

"Maybe, I don't know" Grayson shrugged "I just wanted you to know that I'm not going to say anything else in public about you or Harry or anyone, I honestly don't want anything to do with Harry anymore".

"Right" Louis scoffed.

"I swear, I realized that he might be a great artist, but as a person, he's a complete jerk; he just charms people to sleep with them, and then dumps them, or worse, cheats on them" Grayson explained "He did it before you, he did it to you, to me, probably to that Mason guy he was dating, and he'll probably do it to you again, and to whoever he sleeps with after you".

Louis suddenly got an urge to defend Harry, and to punch Grayson and tell him he had no idea what he was talking about, but he didn't want to fight with him, or cause any drama, he was mature enough to know when not to engage into something that might end badly.

And thankfully, there wasn't even a chance to do it, because the bathroom door opened again, and two lads came in, and Louis took it as a chance to walk away without saying another word to Grayson... it just wasn't worth it.

But still, he didn't go looking for Harry right away, he needed fresh air, so he walked straight outside to a small terrace he had seen earlier, the cold air immediately hitting his face, but it felt nice, refreshing.

There was just a small group of people there, and right away Louis noticed they were really breathing fresh air, at least his definition of fresh air.

"Hi, excuse me, could I borrow one?" Louis asked one of the guys pointing at his cigarette.

"Sure, mate" the lad agreed, and offered the opened pack to Louis.

"Thank you" Louis said taking one, as well as the lighter he was being offered.

He put the cigarette in his mouth, flicked the lighter, and the second he breathed in to get the cigarette to light, and felt the smoke in his mouth, he immediately relaxed, which had been the whole point of it.

Louis breathed out the smoke, and gave back the lighter saying thank you again, and walked away from the group wanting to be alone. But apparently, it hadn't been necessary, because just a few seconds later, the group put out their cigarettes, and went back inside to the party, probably being too cold to stay outside much longer.

The problem was that his solitude didn't last too long, because when he was halfway through his cigarette, Harry walked into the terrace, probably having been looking for him.

"You're smoking now too?" Harry asked raising his eyebrows.

"Didn't we just talk about you not controlling me?" Louis asked back, and let go of the smoke that he had been holding.

"I'm not trying to control you, Louis, but why would you pick up that bad habit again after quitting it for months?"  Harry questioned.

"I haven't picked it up again, it's just one" Louis answered.
"That's how it starts" Harry said knowingly.

"I don't care, I needed it" Louis replied.

"Why did you need it?" Harry frowned.


"Because...?" Harry trailed off, clearly expecting a real reason.

"I just had a chat with Grayson" Louis confessed, and took a drag from his cigarette.

"What the fûck did he say to you?" Harry asked, putting his hand on his forehead.

"He wanted to explain how things really happened, and he also apologized for the stuff he said about me".

"He, what?" Harry asked confused.

"He broke down how things happened between you the night you cheated, and how you were the one who looked for him the other times you had sėx" Louis explained.

"Louis, you can't-" Harry started to explain, clearly wanting to defend himself, but there was no need, so Louis cut him off.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry at you, he didn't say anything I didn't already know or at least suspected" Louis shrugged, and took another smoke.

"No?" Harry asked unsure.

"I already knew you cheated and that you slept with him again after that".

"That was a mistake, it was all a mistake" Harry told him.

"I know, Harry" Louis nodded.

"Then why did you come here, and why did you need a smoke?" Harry questioned.

"Because despite that, it still wasn't easy for me to hear him say those things" Louis explained, and took one last smoke before he put the cigarette off "And I also needed to cool down, because I came really close to punch him for what he said at the end".

"What?" Harry frowned.

"He said that he has no interest in you anymore, because you're a jerk, and you either dump or cheat on everyone you sleep with, and that you were going to do it to me again, and to whoever you sleep with after me" Louis repeated what Grayson said.

"I won't do that to you, and there won't be anyone after you, ever" Harry said determinately.

"I know that, that's why it pissed me off that he would say that about you" Louis explained.

"I think I might go punch him, or at least kick him off the party" Harry considered.

"Don't, you'll just give him the attention he's seeking" Louis pointed out.

"Hmm... you're probably right" Harry agreed.

"I know I am" Louis said, while Harry hugged him from the waist, and pulled him closer.

"We're okay, right?" Harry asked.

"Yes" Louis smiled, as he wrapped his arms around Harry's neck.

Harry smiled back, and leaned in to kiss Louis, who kissed back immediately, and opened his mouth, but their tongues had barely touched, when Harry pulled away.

"You taste like an ashtray" Harry said wrinkling his nose.

"Sorry" Louis chuckled.

"Please don't start smoking again" Harry begged.

"I won't go back to smoke like I used to" Louis answered "But I can't promise I won't sneak one every once in a while when I'm feeling a little stressed".

"Fine, but whenever you do it, Sage can't be near you" Harry told him.

"I know, I'm not stupid" Louis rolled his eyes.

"And you have to wash your teeth before you kiss me, or at least have a mint or something".

"Sure, baby" Louis agreed.

"Should we go back to the party?" Harry asked.

"Actually, I think it's been enough for me and I miss Sage, so I'm going to go home" Louis decided.

"Okay, I'll come with you" Harry was quick to say.

"No, you stay, it's your party, you should enjoy it" Louis told him.

"We've been here for 2 hours, it's enough for me" Harry said, and suddenly his hands lowered, and grabbed Louis' bum "And we have some unfinished business to attend".

"Do we?" Louis smirked.

"Mhmm" Harry hummed.

"Your mum's going to be at my place" Louis considered.

"We'll send her back to my house" Harry said dismissively.

"We're not going to send your mum home at 3:30 in the morning, and I told her she could stay in the guest bedroom, so she's probably asleep already" Louis refused.

"My house then?" Harry proposed.

"No, I want to check on Sage".

"Then we'll just have to be very, very quiet" Harry decided.

"Okay" Louis chuckled.

Harry pecked his lips, and took out his phone to text his driver, and as soon as he had the car parked outside, they walked out of that party and headed straight to Louis' flat.

And, yes, they had to be really quiet, but it was the first time Louis had had sėx in almost a year, so as far as he was concerned, it was the best sėx he had ever had.

A.N. We're back to normal size chapters!

So what did you think about the party?

And what about Louis' reaction to Grayson?

Are Harry and Louis finally going to be able to move on with their relationship?

I hope everyone has a great weekend 😊


P.S. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I don't like writing smut, so please don't complain about the lack of it, that's not what this story is about.

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