When All Q Breaks Loose

By KarlieLucas2

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Hiro has finally recovered from breaking his ribs while trying to stop a mad bomber. Now that he's back in ac... More

Chapter One: Allow me to help
Chapter Two: Someone Has to Help
Chapter Three: Trying to Make Contact
Chapter Four: First Contact
Chapter Five: Welcome to Mi Casa!
Chapter Six: Agree or Disagree
Chapter Seven: Not Happy
Chapter Eight: Merely Surprised
Chapter Nine: Something Going On
Chapter Ten: Determined to Find Out
Chapter Eleven: What Were You Thinking?
Chapter Twelve: Suit Yourself
Chapter Thirteen: Don't See the Point
Chapter Fourteen: Don't Like the Sound of That
Chapter Fifteen: Find Hiro
Chapter Sixteen: State of Emergency
Chapter Seventeen: You Don't Look Fine
Chapter Eighteen: No Reason
Chapter Nineteen: Just A Dream
Chapter Twenty: What's Going On?
Chapter Twenty One: Good and Bad News
Chapter Twenty Two: You Must Be Mistaken
Chapter Twenty Three: Except For Hiro
Chapter Twenty Four: Go Looking
Chapter Twenty Five: Daddy
Chapter Twenty Six: Notice A Pattern
Chapter Twenty Seven: Don't Have That Much Time
Chapter Twenty Eight: You Know What This Means
Chapter Twenty Nine: You Awake In There?
Chapter Thirty: Absolutely Fascinating
Chapter Thirty One: I'm Right Here
Chapter Thirty Two: Working On A Strategy
Chapter Thirty Three: What's the Point?
Chapter Thirty Four: You're Going The Wrong Way
Chapter Thirty Five: Don't Give Up
Chapter Thirty Six: We'll Find Him
Chapter Thirty Seven: Hold On Tight
Chapter Thirty Eight: Begun To Suspect
Chapter Thirty Nine: Oh No
Chapter Forty: Unable To Determine A Cause
Chapter Forty One: I'm Sorry
Chapter Forty Two: Give Him the Best Chance
Chapter Forty Three: No Mistake
Chapter Forty Four: You're Wrong
Chapter Forty Five: How Dare You
Chapter Forty Six: Just Drop It
Chapter Forty Seven: Waiting
Chapter Forty Nine: Goodbye

Chapter Forty Eight: Last Chance

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By KarlieLucas2

News of Hiro's partial recovery spread quickly through the manor. Honey was the first to hear of it as she was still working with her chemicals in the next room. Deanna had looked in briefly and informed her. But by the time the chemist had come to see for herself, Hiro was soundly sleeping once more. Except this time he didn't just lie there like death warmed over. He'd curled around on one side, fingers stuck in his mouth as he sucked on them.

She couldn't help but look at him with a wistful fondness. Even with the feeding tube and IV, he still looked so small. Part of her wondered when Baymax would allow at least the feeding tube to be removed. She didn't miss the absence of the monitor leads. But she wisely chose not to mention anything. He would remove it when he deemed Hiro ready. She didn't stay long, though, choosing to go in search of the other members of her team to let them know as well.

The next to enter the little medical suite was Wasabi. "Hey, little man," he greeted softly. "Glad you're on the mend." He had to admit that their leader did look better than he had earlier. His complexion had returned to almost normal. And he looked a lot more peaceful as he slept. He, too, did not stay long.

When Picard was told, he opted not to visit the tyke, figuring there were more than enough people likely coming and going to get in the way. But he was pleased to hear about the partial recovery, though there still remained the question of how to return him completely back to normal. Since he wasn't a science officer, he could only hope the others would come up with something.

Worf also chose not to visit Hiro for similar reasons. He was not quite as attached to the boy as the counselor appeared to be, which was just as well. He had taken it upon himself to check the manor's defenses, just to be safe. He did not like being idle.

Fred and GoGo came up at the same time. For whatever reason, Fred had opted to bring the micro fleece blanket they'd bought for their friend only a few days back. Perhaps it was out of the hope that it would help speed things along, or simply because he felt his friend might need some added comfort. Either was possible.

GoGo, for her part, appeared to look impassively at her diminutive leader. She had no more idea on how to restore him to his usual self than anyone else seemed to have. Since the tyke remained asleep, she towed Fred away after ten odd minutes. He'd wake back up when he was ready, and not a moment sooner.

Data continued to observe their young charge, noting that he did seem to be improving. Even in sleep, his muscles continued to regain function. The most obvious factor in this was that the tot began tossing and turning in his sleep, something he had not been able to do earlier. That and he instinctively grabbed the micro fleece blanket and pulled it to his chest as tightly as his little hands were capable of doing.

"How much longer do you think he will sleep?" the android wondered. He had not often had the opportunity to observe a sleeping toddler and found it fascinating. "Do you suppose he dreams? I have often wondered what it would be like to dream."

Baymax tilted his head as if either confused or curious about Data's statement. "I believe Hiro may be dreaming," he finally answered. "Brain activity would suggest he is in REM sleep, as is common with most young children."

Data couldn't help but continue to stare. "Fascinating," he said. "I have always wondered what it would be like to see the world through the eyes of a child. Perhaps, someday, I may be able to do so."

As the android's statement did not seem to require an answer, Baymax didn't give any. Instead, he returned his attention to his young charge, keeping tabs in case something else happened.


By the time Q decided to rejoin his colleagues in the medical suite, the others had gone down to dinner. The afternoon was wearing into evening and Heathcliff had prepared another delicious meal. But since Q refused to leave the general area where Hiro still slept, the butler opted to bring him a plate of food instead. And none of the others in their party objected, mostly because Data was there to keep him out of trouble and Worf was more than ready to be done with the man.

"Just how long do you think he'll sleep," Q complained. But before the robot could answer his question, their attention was diverted by the telltale sound of the TARDIS materializing in the other room.

At that exact moment, Hiro opened his eyes and sat up. "Doctow?" he called out, almost as if he could sense the presence of the two Time Lords. "You thewe?"

Baymax immediately returned his attention to Hiro while Data went to investigate. "Shh," he urged the young boy. "It will be all right." He then produced the projection of the pain scale on his belly. "On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?"

Hiro blinked at his robotic companion in confusion. "Pain? No pain," he objected. "Hungwy though. Give juice?"

The robot scanned the boy, just to be sure, realizing all of his usual functions had returned to normal parameters. "You appear to have recovered," he admitted. "Feeling hungry is a good sign. I will remove your feeding tube now."

Q pretended to gag as the robot first removed the tape stuck to Hiro's face, then carefully pulled the tube out from the boy's nasal passages. "That is absolutely repulsive!" he complained at the sight.

Hiro didn't seem too keen on the sensation either, resisting the urge to cough and gag as the tube slid past his trachea opening. But once the tube was removed, he sneezed heavily. "Tat gwoss, Max," he confessed as he looked around for something to wipe his nose with.

Baymax supplied some tissue for that purpose. "I apologize for any discomfort removing the tube may have caused," he said as he disposed of the article in question. "I will now remove your IV catheter." He proceeded to remove the gauze from Hiro's arm while the boy was distracted, and then gently slid the medical device out from under Hiro's skin. He applied a bandage once the small tube was removed. Thankfully, only a small amount of blood presented, though a bruise had formed under the skin.

"Would you look at that!" the blue-clad Doctor exclaimed as he entered the room, his companion and Mr. Data right behind him. "Looks like you're getting back on your feet, young man. It's about time." He gave Hiro a teasing smile. "We've been throwing around a few theories on how to return you completely back to normal," he added when Hiro just stared at him.

Hiro reached for the Doctor. "I figuwed it out," he announced. "How make me big," he tried to clarify. "I dweamed bout it."

The other Doctor moved forward. "Oh, you did, did you?" he inquired. "Because I think we may have figured it out as well."

Data blinked in confusion. "Am I correct in believing you both have come up with a way to return Hiro to his normal form?"

The tot nodded. "Tawdis," he said knowingly. "Tawdis can do it."

Both Doctors also nodded as one. "Exactly," the bow-tied Doctor confirmed. "The idea came to the both of us just now. What if we were able to expose Hiro to the energy that powers the TARDIS. We've seen it work before, albeit in reverse." Thoughts of the Sletheen who'd tried to destroy the Earth to get home filled his mind, and how the TARDIS and reverted the alien to an egg form after she'd looked into its Heart. "If it can work in reverse, surely it can restore Hiro to his normal age."

Baymax moved to stand between the two Doctors and Hiro. "I do not understand," he confessed. "Are you suggesting we expose Hiro to high concentrations of energy to return him to his normal state? If so, I cannot recommend this procedure until I understand the potential complications this might impose."

Data found he tended to agree. "Hiro has already been subjected to a great amount of energy. Do you really think it wise to subject him to more, even if of a different variety? I thought you said that, in his current form, it would not be wise."

Q, for his part, opted to stand back and let them dither. They all made valid points. If Hiro's current body wasn't able to handle his power long enough to return it to its rightful owner, what made them think subjecting him to more energy, even if somewhat different, would fix the problem?

"It's not without its risks," the blue-clad Doctor confessed. "I've only seen the Heart of the TARDIS interact with a handful of people, each with different results. For one, it merely granted the desires of a wayward soul's heart. With Rose Tyler, it transferred energy to her from the Void, which almost killed her. In the end, it's up to the TARDIS to decide what it will do, if she'll cooperate."

Hearing that, Data frowned. "Given this additional information, my vote must be no. I do not believe the risks outweigh the potential outcome. I do not believe it would be fair or wise to subject Hiro to the potential of burning up due to an overload of energy."

Baymax had to consider the information as well. While he did not have the same knowledge of potential implications some of the others did, he also did not like the idea of subjecting his number one patient and friend to even more potential pain. "I do not like this solution," he admitted.

Q took that moment to move forward. "Like it or not, we don't' seem to have many other options, now do we? We could, of course, wait twelve or so years for Hiro to grow up again, but I don't think we have that kind of time. The universe will scatter my powers all over again. And who's to say it won't try and converge on him anyway? We all know he can't handle that in his current state. It's this or nothing." He glanced towards Hiro. "And I honestly think the only one who can rightly decide is you." He pointed to the boy.

Hiro felt as though all eyes were suddenly focused on him, as they were. It wasn't the most comfortable of feelings, especially since I didn't like being in the lime light. He looked from face to face, trying to read each one. Baymax had no expression, mostly because he wasn't' capable of showing any real emotions. Data's face remained impassive. The two Doctors seemed pensive, perhaps slightly unsure, but seemed more than willing to leave the decision up to him.

"Whatever you decide," the blue-clad Doctor spoke up, "I suggest doing it soon. If you want to try the TARDIS method, I think it would be wise to do it before the others return. I'm sure they won't agree with it and will find a way to stop it from happening. So, what will it be?"

Hiro's heart thudded in his chest. He hadn't expected for the decision to be quite so hard. In his mind, it had already been made. But his heart was having a little trouble with it. What if things went wrong? What if he ended up dying? Well, he'd end up dying eventually. The main thing was that he was afraid. He knew that once he returned to his normal age, he'd have to take on that final fragment and he definitely wasn't looking forward to it. The pain had been ten times worse than any of the others. But, if he didn't, part of him knew the universe would remain broken. And, over time, the fissures he'd worked so hard to fix would break open once more. If that happened, the whole thing would shatter and it wouldn't matter if he was still alive or not.

He licked his lips, which felt suddenly much drier than they had earlier. He wouldn't mind a cup of juice, or even water. Despite having the feeding tube removed, there hadn't been time to get him something just yet. But, then again, if he did go through with this, he knew having something in his stomach would not be a good idea. Save the universe and potentially lose his life, or stay as he was. Either way, things wouldn't be the same. Aunt Cass would still freak out if he stayed a toddler, even after she'd learned the truth. Chances were good she'd be over-protective of him after that, if she was allowed to keep him. Once the science community found out, he'd likely be taken away and have all kinds of tests and so forth forced on him. There was no way he wanted to live with that, forced into a life no one should have to live, away from friends and family as a human guinea pig.

Everyone continued to look at him expectantly. This was his decision. And, if he was being honest, it was probably going to be the biggest decision of his entire life. At least as far as he could see. But the Doctor was right. He didn't have time to second guess himself. He knew the others wouldn't allow him to go through with it, even if the logic made sense. Sometimes one had to overcome their fear by going through it. "I do it," he announced, though his voice sounded a bit husky from his dry throat. "I do it," he said again, louder this time.

"Are you certain?" Baymax inquired, noting the change in Hiro's vitals. He knew it was not his place to stop him. He would support whatever the final decision was, but he wanted to make sure it was made for the right reason and with all the options evaluated fairly.

Not sure of his voice anymore, Hiro nodded. He scrunched up the blanket between his fingers, looking more than a little scared. But if he could return to his normal state, return Q's powers to him, and fix the universe, it would all be worth it. It would be worth it even if he didn't survive, though he really hoped he would. "If I no make back, you tew evers why?" he inquired in a small voice as he looked into Baymax's hyper-spectral cameras.

Baymax bent to lean his head gently against Hiro's forehead, which was easier to do with the young boy on the examination table than it would have been otherwise. "Yes," he agreed. "I will inform them. However, I request that I be allowed to observe the procedure," he added as he looked up at the two Doctors.

"Of course," the bow-tied Doctor replied while his companion blinked a few times. If he didn't know any better, he felt tempted to suspect his companion of mentally preparing himself for the possibility that Hiro didn't make it out of this alive.

Hiro nodded at the room in general before reaching up for Baymax to pick him up. "Wet's go, Max," he urged as the healthcare bot picked him up. He wanted to get this done and over with. Enough time had passed that some of his friends might be finishing their meal. He'd noticed the untouched dinner plate Heathcliff had brought Q sitting on the counter. He didn't want to give them the chance of interfering.

"I'm coming with you," Q informed as he moved to join the small party. "After all, I'm heavily invested in the outcome."

The two Doctors exchanged glances before nodding in unison. "Very well," the blue-clad one confirmed. "Data might as well come too. And bring that tricorder thing of yours. It won't hurt to have more than one means of recording what's about to happen. Even if no one else will potentially remember it."

Having been invited to come along, Data followed them all into the main command center where one of the TARDISes now stood. He wasn't sure which Doctor this one belonged to and was only mildly surprised at the actual interior dimensions when he entered the box behind the others. "The interior dimensions of this vessel appear to exceed the exterior," he commented in fascination, realizing it wasn't a special effect caused by something like holograms. The central column stabbed through the raised main floor, with a set of stairs leading down to the one below.

The two Doctors made no comment on that observation. Baymax had made a similar one when he'd first entered the TARDIS all those months before. This particular TARDIS, however, was not the same one from that time, but belonged to the newer incarnation. "Follow me," the bow-tied Doctor instructed as he led them to the area beneath the main console via the stairs. "Watch your step."

After following him for a bit longer, they came out into a chamber from whence the central column seemed to emerge. "Welcome to the Heart of the TARDIS," the younger man said as he spread his hands out to encompass the room. "Now, what I'm about to do is something I've never done before so please stand back."

The others took his advice as he moved towards a small control panel and fiddled with the controls. A bright flash of light filled the room, momentarily blinding everyone. When they opened their eyes again, the column of energy near the middle had changed. The column was no longer shielded by any restraining material, the energy flowing freely, as if electricity between two closely held wires, or energy from a Tesla coil between two points. It was raw and untamed, with filaments occasionally reaching out a little, though never going too far from the central core.

"Last chance," the one Doctor said as he stepped away from the control panel. "I only ask to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into." He looked directly at Hiro.

Hiro felt slightly irritated by this. He'd said he'd do it and he was going to do it. They should stop asking him already. The more they asked, the less sure he'd become, allowing fear to overwhelm him even more than it already was. "I suwe," he answered. "Down, Max!"

The healthcare bot carefully put Hiro down. "It is possible your limbs have not yet regained sufficient strength to walk," he warned. "Perhaps I should carry you into the energy stream."

"I wouldn't advise it," the other Doctor countered. "This is something Hiro has to do on his own." He didn't feel to mention that it might tear the healthcare bot apart should he attempt it. The TARDIS might not know what to think of the vinyl creation and simply discard it.

Baymax considered that for a moment, realizing the implications he wasn't mentioning. "I see your point," he finally admitted. "I will monitor Hiro from here."

Hiro moved to give Baymax a hug around one leg. With the robot standing upright, he couldn't reach any higher. "Wuv you," he said to the robot. He then proceeded to try and walk towards the open stream on unsteady legs. When his knees threatened to give out after only a few steps, he resolved himself to crawling the rest of the way.

"I really suggest everyone hold on tight," the bow-tied Doctor said as Hiro reached the edge of the stream. "One never knows what might happen with something like this."

Hiro turned to look over his shoulder one last time before entering the stream.


Deanna's back stiffened as a wave of intense emotion filled her. She couldn't help but call out in pain as it threatened to overwhelm her.

"What is it?" Picard asked, vacating his chair to stand by her. "What's wrong?"

Tears leaked out of the corner of Troi's eyes as the intensity continued to wash over her. "Pain!" she managed to say through clenched teeth. "Immeasurable pain and fear." With an effort, she closed off the connection, though the effects still lingers. "I fear something awful has happened to Hiro."

Hearing those words, Fred, GoGo, Honey, and Wasabi all but jumped out of their chairs and ran out of the room, heading to the medical room. "Please be okay," Honey breathed as they raced down the hallway and up the stairs. She feared the worst, knowing that if that machine the Doctor had created somehow malfunctioned, Hiro would be bombarded with energy, which would probably kill him.

But when they entered the medical room, it was empty. Fearing they knew not what, they burst into the command room, only to see the TARDIS standing there like a glowing sentinel. Power radiated from the surface like a heat wave. "Please don't tell me the others are inside!" Wasabi protested.

GoGo went to try and open the door but was thrown back by the energy lacing the outside of the cosmic box before she could even reach the door. She slammed into the wall with enough force to make her dizzy.

Fred ran to her side. "GoGo!" he called out to her frantically. "Talk to me," he demanded as she groaned in his arms.

A column of light shot out from the top of the TARDIS, filling the room with an even more intense blue-green glow. "That does not look good," GoGo managed as she blinked her eyes open. She didn't volunteer to move, though, as her head filled with pain.

"Just hold still," Fred instructed. "We'll find Baymax and figure this out."

Honey stared at the box. "Somehow I think Baymax might be in there," she pointed. It was more of a gut feeling than anything, but if Hiro was in there, chances were good the healthcare bot was as well.

The Enterprise crew joined them shortly after that, each staring in horrified awe at the sight of the TARDIS looking very much like it was caught up in the middle of some cosmic storm. "What is the meaning of this?" Picard demanded.

No one knew how to answer him so they all just stared at the TARDIS. A high pitched whine filled the room so unlike the usual sound the flying box made that they had to cover their ears. Then, in another bright burst of light, the TARDIS disappeared.

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