Adopted by Zalfie

By 0ut0fus3

76.5K 1.1K 753

Evelyn has gone through a lot. All she wants is a home. Then Zoe and Alfie arrive. They turn her world upside... More

Chapter 1. Visitors?
Chapter 2 going home
Chapter 3 Shopping!! And unfortunate news and panic attacks
Chapter 4 where is she?
Chapter 5 great visits
Chapter six. Joe Sugg is coming to toowwwn
Chapter 7 four days one chapter
Chapter 8 parks and panic attacks
It happened last night Chapter 9
2️⃣Cliffhager part twoooooo 2️⃣
Chapter 11 unlucky visits
⛲️Chapter 12 panic at the park⛲️
Chapter 13 make up and break up?
Chapter 14 most shall be revealed.
Chapter 15 Perfect visits
Chapter 16 Singing and dancing.
17 dens and Parents and comments
18. Best friend?
19.Old friend.
20. Forgive and forget. Wrong
21.panic attaks and late night chats
22.Meeting new people
23. Going on a trip
24 Tree houses
25 part 2 of Tree houses
26. Birthday suprise.
27. Evies birthday part 2
28. Designing and going home
29.Panic attacks and painting
30. Sick days
31. We're of to Visit Joe, Zoe's Brother
Good news
32. What, they've adopted.
I need your help
33. Hell breaks loose
34 Auntie Niece talk
35.Zoes Brithday part 1 and memories
36 Memories part 2
✨37. Star-gazing✨
38. Secrets to be told
39. Till we die
Not a chapter.
40 Crying
please read
41: Porcupine hair
42// A plan
43. The trio reunited
Read please
Valentines day
44. What are you doing here?
45. Police and Family
Oh my
46 hilarious baking and annoying waitresses
47. No cast
48. Reminders
49. Shopping and Sleepovers
50. Mykonos shopping
Not an update😪
Im updating tommorow!!!
51. Returning
52. New begingings
53. Gianna
57. Meeting
59. Christams
61.Social Media
Not a chapter
62. Famtube
63. Sleepover
64. ...
65. Special Suprises
66. Breakfast
67. Flying
68. Holiday
69. Lets go to the beach
70. Suprise Suprise
A lil story
71. At last
New Book

56. Official

569 9 6
By 0ut0fus3

"Evie, Gia time to get up" Zoë says as she closes our suitcases."Evie your outfit is laid out in the bathroom, Gia here is your outfit"
"Thanks Zoë" I smile hugging her.
"No problemo, can you wait in the hall please?" She says kissing me on the head.
I nod and wait in the hall. She comes out a few seconds later.
"Am I being a bad mum? I'm sorry for being so moody last night. I was just anxious" She blurts out tears filling her eyes every word.
"Oh Zoë. We all have bad days. It's okay. Your the best mum ever. Don't doubt yourself" I say giving her a hug.
"Thanks" She smiles resting her head on mine. "Okay get dressed. We are officially moving in!" She squeals.
I run into the bathroom and see the outfit Zoë has chosen for me.
(A/n legit just found a post on Pinterest that literally explains Evie and Gia and I edited it a little

Okay finished!!)
I am wearing ⏬

Gia is wearing⏫
I stepped out of the bathroom and brought my suitcase out to the car. I placed it in the boot. I could see Zoe's and Alfie's were in there too.
"Gia please bring your suitcase down" I say.
"No you do it" She responds.
"It's yours you can bring it down" I say grabbing a water bottle.
"I SAID YOU DO IT" She shouts slapping the water bottle of out my hand. It explodes when it lands and shoots all over the kitchen.
"Seriously" I roll my eyes grabbing a tea towel and tissue.
I manage to clean it up before Zoë and Alfie come back from upstairs
"Come in Girls" Alfie says.
I skip over to him and he puts an arms on my head.
"I hate being small" I giggle.
"I love you being small." He smiles and we walk out to the car.
Gia must have felt jealous so she pushes me on the back so my head jerked back causing me to let out a cry of pain holding me neck.
"What happened" Zoë and Alfie chorus wrapping there arms around me.
I keep sobbing because it hurts so much.
"Is it your neck?" Zoë asks.
"Yeah" I manage to get out.
"It's not broken" Alfie says." But you must have pulled something.
"Can we like go or something?" Gia asks.
She needs all the attention.
"Yes one second" Zoë replies.
She runs her hands through my hair and Alfie soothes me.
"You okay?" Zoë asks wiping my tears away.
"I'll be okay" I smile weakly.
"There's my strong girl" Alfie chuckles.
We get into the car and drive off. One of Amanda and Nicks friends are looking after the dogs while we continue to unpack. It still seems so unreal that we have moved. I love the new house though. It's gorgeous and soo big. Nala is going to love the big garden. We arrive and my neck is going back to normal. I can move it a small bit but not majorly. I get out and bring my suitcase up to my room. My room is huge. I love it. I make my bed with these covers and pillows.

(Just imagine the bed is not there just the covers this is the bed

Just imaging White sheer floor length curtains hanging around the bar)

That's only part of my room. I run back downstairs and into the kitchen.
"Want some food?" Zoë asks.
"Yes please" I smile sitting at the little bar thing between the counters

"Can you get Gia?" Zoë asks pouring me a glass of cranberry juice.
"Yeah sure" I smile hopping by of the stool. I make the big trek of finding Gia in this huge house. I find in the dining room.
"Why are you eating the wispa bites?" I ask.
"Cause I want to" She replies putting another one in her mouth.
"We'll hand them over and have some proper food" Zoë says taking the chocolate off her.
Zoë places them in the top shelf of the fridge. It took her a while but she managed. With a few unhelpful sniggers from Gia. That she didn't her.  Zoë hands us a bowl of fruit each.
"Thank you" I smile taking the fork from her hand.
"No problemo" She says washing the knife she used to cut the fruit.
She leaves and goes into the dining room to move stuff out of the way so we can put the many plants in.
I put my bowl in the sink and wash it, including the fork I used. Gia leaves her bowl and fork there so I run over and get them. I wash them and leave them to drain.
"Where's Zoë?" Alfie asks coming out of the dining room.
"She did go into the dining room but I think she's gone to the lounge area to plan out where the plants are going." I explain grabbing a box full of my belongings and walk up to my room with it. I place all of it on the box shelves that we found in the basement

Alfie's vlog has not gone up yet so I can't instagram anything or Snapchat anything. I grab my baymax speaker

That Zoë and Alfie got me two weeks ago.
I run downstairs to find my shoe rack that we bought from ikea to hold the majority of of my shoes. I find it in a box standing up. It's not that heavy so I can manage. I place it in my wardrobe and rummage around downstairs for my two boxes of shoes. I find them and bring them upstairs. I place my shoes on the rack and then run downstairs. I see Alfie and Acer bringing the cosy room couch in.
"I'll help with the cushions" I say grabbing a few of Zoë as she drops some coming in. We place them on the couch and we all stand back. This home had officially been made home"Zoë smiles.
We all cheer and start on moving the plants from outside. When we finish it looks like the jungle.
"Where's Gia?" I ask pouring all of us a glass of juice.
"Yeah she hasn't been helping sooo" Zoë leads off.
"Gia?" Alfie shouts.
"COMING!" She shouts. You can hear her coming from the lounge.
"We were just wondering where you were" Alfie explains. She walks out and down to the garden furniture.
"THE VLOGS ARE LIVE!!" Zoë shouts checking the time.
We all go on our laptops watch the comments. Alfie and Zoë reply to as many as they can.
We hear the monitor beeping indicating someone is at the gate.
I look at it and I recognise Dean and Poppy's Car.
"SEAN POPPY!" I squeal.
"Let them in" Zoë squeals after checking it's definitely them.
we let them in and they come in with two huge bags of food.
"Thank you sooo much" Zoë says taking a bag of Poppy while Sean places the other one on the counter. We all start unpacking the shopping, including Gia! For the first time in forever. After we finished we decide to have a play in the garden. A huge game of tag! It was the best. I had so much fun.
"Is Joe coming down with your mum?" I ask Zoë.
"I don't actually know" She says walking to where the glasses are.
Buzz buzz. The monitor alerts us.
"Is that Nick and Amanda?" I ask.
"Lemme check" Zoë chirps looking at it.
She lets them in and we hug.
"We'd like to introduce you to someone very special" Zoë smiles.
"Who?" Amanda says.
"Are daughter Gianna" Alfie says leading them into the lounge where Gia was sitting.
"Hi I'm Gia" She smiles jumping up from her position on the sofa.
"Hi Gia Im Amanda and this is Nick"
They all hug and we show Amanda and Nick around the house. Next we get making a huge feast. The night was amazing. I enjoyed it so much
HELLO! Hi how you doing. That was weird. I never start like this. Weelllllllll. I'm tired. Annnnyyyyway. First week of Summer holidays. FINISHED. Can you believe Gia! How dare she! I hope you enjoyed it of you have any feedback comment it and I will see you next week with another Sugg Sendeyes Special!
1400 words

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