In Your Dreams (BxB) ✓

By guwuega

80.6K 3K 1.1K

Jay Wilson, an 18 year old senior in high school, is just an average guy. His entire life has been a slow ser... More

• epilogue
final author's note


1.1K 63 23
By guwuega

"Christian, we have to go," I say, grabbing his hand and walking toward the door.

"Wait, what's going on!?" he protests. I pull him into the hall so Ethan won't hear us.

"Luke called me. He's being terrorized by his friends, the ones who jumped us. We have to go help him." I grab his wrist again and he smacks my hand away.

"Fuck that, Jay. He could've killed you– us! Why does he deserve our help?"

"He came out to them. Luke is gay, and he's being chased down the streets by them. He has locations services on so I can track him, but we've got to go now. He won't be able to run and hide long enough."

"Wow, this is a lot to process. I still don't see how he deserves our help, he screwed our faces up!"

"It isn't about deserve, it's about what is right. He is in trouble, and the only people he could trust turned on him."

"Okay, fine." He crosses his arms and huffs. "There's, what, four or more of them and only two of us? It's not gonna work."

"Way ahead of you. It's time to assemble The Queer Squad."

• • •

"Fuck that," Kelsey protests immediately as the idea pours off my lips. "He deserves what's coming to him, he's a backstabbing asshole. What he did to you is unforgivable, and he doesn't deserve our help."

"Look, I know you guys must feel terrible about what happened. I do, too. He's the one who fucked up my face! But I'm going to help him, and we've got no time to waste. So please, we have to go!"

"But this is what he gets for pushing you and little Christian around for being gay!" Rosie says.

"Okay first of all, I'm not little," Christian interjects. "And secondly, no one deserves a beating for being gay! We have to go, and if you aren't coming, we're still going. So, come help us, or let us go and get hurt on our own."

Kelsey sighs and Rosie face palms.

"Okay," they say in unison.

• • •

"So you want to help the motherfucker that orchestrated all this shit in the first place? I say let him have it." Hector is not having this idea.

"Yeah, what he said," Quentin grumbles. He isn't even looking at us. My heart is breaking, seeing him like this, but I need his help.

"Please, we really need help. These idiots want to help another stupid ass out, and we aren't letting them go and get hurt by themselves," Kelsey says.

"Look, it's been about 20 minutes since I got off of the phone with him, and he hasn't moved from where he was. So he's either really busted up, or he's laying low still. He's got a lot of guys after him, so we need to go. Please."

"What's in it for us?" Quen speaks up, finally looking at me. He quickly softens and looks back away.

"Well, this is our chance to be heroic. Save someone who once caused us harm in the first place. Like a real hero," I gleam, though I shouldn't.

"You're taking this hero thing too far, MacGyver," Hector says. "But I'm in, I guess. Let's go save this piece of shit."

"I'm not going," Quentin says.

"It's okay," I say. "I think five of us could be alright. Hoping there's only four of them, Rosie and Kelsey can take one on together and the rest of us get one to ourselves."

"Hold on, why would we need to fight one?" Kelsey jabs.

"Well, uh..." my eyes fall on small Rosie and she gasps.

"Asshole." Rosie rolls her eyes. "Fine, we'll do that. I can't argue with that. I am weak, lol."

"Then let's go." Everyone exits the room except for me and Hector, Quentin still sitting in a chair.

"I don't see why you can't just call the police," Quen crosses his arms and huffs.

"C'mon, that's no fun," I say with a smirk.

"Sure you don't wanna come?" Hector pleads with his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm staying out of that shit. And away from you, Jay." Ow.

"Why, what's going on?" Hector asks.

"Nothing, go, you need to help Luke." Quen resumes playing video games and Hector looks at me with confusion. I shrug my shoulders, though I know exactly what's going on. I don't want him to know, he'll probably hate Quen, and he doesn't need to. Soon, he'll get over me, and he will love Hector like he should. He's a great guy for Quen, and I hope he realizes I'm not worth his time.

• • •

"One more block and we'll reach his location," I inform, driving probably way over the speed limit.

"Has he moved?" Hector, who is sitting in the passenger seat, asks me.

"No, he's still in the same spot."

"Oh my God! I feel like I'm in a superhero movie or some shit!" Rosie giggles.

"This is serious," Kelsey says with a sarcastic serious face and then they both laugh.

"Kelsey's right, and we've got to make a plan," Christian says.

"Maybe we should lure them into the alley that Luke is in, and we all hide behind dumpsters or something until they are right on top of us. Then, we attack like ninja!" Rosie screeches.

"Okay, that's betting on if there are dumpsters to hide behind," I poke holes in her plan. She groans.

"Killjoy," she whispers. Suddenly, I remember the loads of smoke bombs I have in my trunk from the 4th of July I never used. And probably plenty of other useful stuff we can use.

"I have the perfect plan. Kelsey, do you have a lighter?"

"Are you kidding me? I have four."


• • •

3rd POV

"Where are you hiding, fag!?" Pete shouts like a crazed lunatic. The boys call insults and slurs to terrorize a horrified Luke, who is hiding behind a dumpster that smells of rotten fruit, fish, and sadness. He trembles in his skin, with no salvation to come, or at least he has decided.

"Jay, you fuck. I can't b-believe you won't help me," he whimpers, his voice broken from the utter terror he is in. "Please, show up."

"Luke, where are you? You've been a bad boy, it's time to be punished!" Josh laughs like a maniac.

"Dude, this alley, we haven't checked," Tristan says and they all turn down into it. Luke's heart rate picks up an entire beat for every footstep they make nearer to him. Luke decides he needs to put up a fight, because there's no point in running now, especially since he knows these guys are faster than him. A thought pops into his head, and he decides he'll subtly record video on his phone. Luke stands from behind the dumpster, walking out in the middle of the alley. The guys all laugh.

"I knew we'd find you eventually," Pete chuckles. "Ready to be punished? Don't worry, we'll make sure after this, you'll be "straightened" out, if you know what I mean." They all laugh, inching closer to him.

"Please don't do this to me, Pete. Don't you see now? One of your best friends is gay... something I used to mock. It's completely normal!"

"Normal. Ha! If it was normal, it wouldn't have been illegal to get married for so long. It wouldn't be discriminated so harshly and suppressed, the way you've done up until now."

"I hid it because I was afraid of... this. Happening. And it is and I'm freaking out, man. Please, don't hurt me."

"Awe, you sound like Jay," Pete coos as the guys close in on him in a circle. "And you're going to suffer like him, too."

Streams of multicolored smoke whip past them through the air, clouding view of the small area. The thugs all cough and are blinded by the smoke, yelling. So much smoke, it pretty much replaced the air. Luke can see, out of his straining eyes, dark figures running swiftly past him. Grunting of the assailants being suppressed ensue, and suddenly Luke's arm is being grabbed and carried away. In the clearing of the air, Luke's eyes follow the background of where he's being carried away from, no one following behind. He wanders his gaze to the person who is pulling him along as they run away.

Jay Wilson, the boy who was beaten senseless by, is saving Luke Dixon, the guy who doesn't deserve help. Luke shrugs his arm away from Jay's grip and they begin sprinting faster out of the alley. The wind whipping past the valiant Queer Squad leaves behind a smell of pride in vigilance. A pride in what they believe in. Pride. And Luke realizes that now, as he runs with his newfound kind.

• • •


"You guys saved me," Luke says with his face pointed on the ground.

"Thank Jay, he's the one who convinced all of us to come," Christian says and everyone agrees, but I protest immediately.

"We all came together to help, I just headed it up. So don't thank just me. This was a group effort."

"Wait," Luke stops me, "what did you guys do back there exactly?"

"We made mass smoke bombs out of fireworks, then tied all those guys up and left them there," Kelsey laughs.

"You're not gonna let them just lie there, are you?" Luke asks me pleadingly. For a moment, I wonder why he cares, but I don't question it. They don't deserve to be left there for God knows how long.

"We weren't planning on calling the police, because we didn't want to get in trouble. But we can't leave them there, it'll look bad."

"So will calling the police and them seeing people tied up like that. They'll know we did it and have us arrested!" Christian freaks.

"I don't know if this will be useful, but I recorded the whole thing. On my phone." I yank Luke's phone from his hand and play the video. It's perfect, it catches everything the guys said before the smoke bombs came, so the police will know it was self defense.

"This is perfect, Luke, you're a genius for recording this. We can call the cops and submit this as evidence of innocence. We're gonna be fine."

"Thank God, I did not want this going on my record..." Hector sighs and we all laugh. After calling the police, they show up in about 15 minutes and properly arrest the guys. We show them the video and the officer asks at least one of us to go to the police station and give a statement. Luke agrees to do it, since it was him who saw both the guys and us come in and save him. And because the rest of us are tired and want to go home.

"Thanks so much for helping me you guys, I'll make sure they know these guys are messed up. And thank you, Jay, for getting everyone to help my sorry ass," Luke says in thanks. They all wave to him and head to my car. I step closer to him.

"I still hate you," I say with no remorse on my face. I honestly do, I'm in physical pain because of him and he still hasn't made up for it.

"I– yeah, I know... I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you."

"I want you to apologize to my boyfriend, too. I know you didn't physically hurt him, but it happened. And then, you can stay the fuck out of my life as best as you can, then we'll be even. I just want to be accepted and go back to normal."

"Me too..." he shrugs.

"Remember that next time you realize you didn't get mugged, because the guy you beat up, saved you." Then I walk away, getting in the car. For some reason, I feel like crying, but also I want to laugh.

"What'd you guys talk about?" Christian asks me.

"Nothing important," I dismiss his question and start the car.

"Take us home first!" Rosie whines. "I am really turned on after today and– well– you catch my drift."

"No arguing with that," I say.

After dropping off Rosie and Kelsey and seeing them literally scramble for the door, we head to Quentin's house. Christian lies down in the back seat, and I see his midriff in the rear view mirror, making me blush. Even when there are other people around, he knows how to effortlessly make me flustered. We finally reach Quentin's house, and I let Hector exit. He says goodbye and Christian joins me in the front.

• • •

On our way back home, he seems a little weird.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?" he asks me as well.

"I don't know, you're not talking."

"I'm fine."

"Okay." We continue the painful silence and I can't take it. "No, there's something wrong. You always have something to talk about."

"Did we do the right thing? Helping Luke? I feel like we should have let it happen, I mean, he hurt you."

"I told you that it didn't matter. We did the ultimately right thing. Imagine not doing anything, knowing he asked us to help."

"You're right, I'd be super guilty finding out about what could've happened to him..."

"It's okay. I understand why you think he doesn't deserve our help, but no one deserves what happened to us."

"Earlier today we were talking about what makes you special. Well I know for one, you are selfless, and you know what's important, and you never let anger cloud your judgement. You're so level headed, and I wish I had that."

"Thanks, I don't know what to say," I grin really big like a dumb loser who has his first kiss. Christian wraps his arms around one of mine as we drive smoothly home. Sometimes when I'm driving, I feel like I'm not even there anymore, and I begin drifting into a different dimension, while still focusing on the road perfectly. His breath warms my arm, and his presence warms my heart, but that's a given. I finally slow the car to a stop and turn it off, to which he sighs. Home.

"I don't feel like moving," he whispers.

"I know. Let's just get inside so we can go to bed."

"So many stairs, though. I seriously need to commandeer another room on the first floor as my second bedroom. For lazy nights like this."

"You act like there's ten stories to climb. We've got two flights of stairs, it's fine." We get out of the car and pace our way quickly up the stairs to the third floor. I stop at the room I stayed in last night and open the door. "Goodnight, babe," I say to him as he walks away. He stops in his tracks and hurried back to the door, catching it.

"Uh... what are you doing?" he asks.

"I don't know, it's up to you."

"Grab your stuff and come in here, I'm not mad anymore." I obey and gather all my possessions and follow him into the bedroom. Christian undresses and heads for the shower. I wait patiently for him to finish and then take my turn. The steam and hot water is refreshing against my still-sore muscles and cold skin. Once I'm finished freshening up in every way possible, I return to the room. He looks up from his phone and eyes me, grinning.

"Well, come on, what are you standing there doing nothing for?"

"I don't know," I shake my nervousness from my mind. I am with him, I don't need to be afraid of the intimacy. But the fact remains, I am. "I'm just a little nervous."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know! Because I love you and all I do is hurt you and I hate myself!"

"Baby, that's not true. And please don't hate yourself."

"Does anyone genuinely love themselves anyways?"

"I... I don't know. I don't love myself either, and I should, but the fact that you love me makes up for it. I want that to work for you, too." He pats the bed beside him, so I land on it face first. "Can I do something for you?"


"What if I want to?"


"I want you to feel better!" he whines and I laugh.

"I'm sorry I'm being lame right now. Let's go to sleep."

"Um, no, you need that dick sucked." I chuckle at him.

"You're tired, I'm tired, just hold me," I say but he throws himself on top of me, straddling my lap. That's not helping. My lap grows without control and he giggles.

"What's that, Mr. Wilson?" he teases and grinds against it.

"Does this not make you uncomfortable?" I ask, genuinely worried about him. It's very close to crossing the line.

"Maybe you can introduce me?" he hints. A small smile plays across my lips.


"I've got an idea. If you are okay with something a little experimental." He nods quickly without hesitation. I stand up, reach in my bag and take out the small bottle of lube I have. He grins, that's a good sign I guess. I step closer to him, and Christian, being so eager, is already removing his tight briefs. He covers his privates with his hands like a shy little kid, and I love it. "Have you been... like, cleaning yourself?"

"I have, extensively. Don't worry," he says and I laugh weakly.

"Okay, roll over on your stomach." Christian obeys me without a second thought, which surprises me. He presses his face and arms against the bed, and props his ass up on his knees. For the first time, I see his tight hole, and I shudder at the view. He is perfect. I snap open the cap of the bottle and squeeze some onto my middle finger, rubbing it in slightly. "It might be a little cold at first."

"I'm ready, I think. I'm really nervous though."

"I'll be slow at first, baby. Don't worry." I rub the entrance with my finger in circular motions, causing Christian to whimper. "I'm sorry, we don't have to."

"No, I'm okay," he says with worry.

"Are you positive? I don't want to do this if you don't."

"Just don't mind me unless I say stop, okay? I want to try."

"Okay," I continue the slow movements. I give his back soft kisses to ease him, which works a little bit. He is still very tense from nervousness and fear, but has went silent. I take my hand away and add more lube, returning to it quickly. I push against it with my fingertip, causing his hole to tense and his voice to yelp. I press deeper, making sure to go as slow as possible. Eventually, I'm at the base of my finger, as far as I can reach. I curl the tip and search for his prostate.

"whOA! WHAt's that!?" Christian whines in pleasure.

"That's your prostate," I giggle at him.

"Hit that again, please," he begs. I continue to swipe against it, causing Christian to buck around a little bit. I finally pull all the way back out and reinsert slowly.

"Can I speed up?" I ask and he nods. My hand gradually moves faster and faster, curling every time I reach the inside. Christian's moans turn into panting, and panting into whining. Soon, his knees are becoming weak, so I stop and allow him to get on his back. I add lube to my other hand and stroke his dick while I finger him vigorously. His flustered face is so hot, I almost can't keep myself from busting. I connect our lips for just a moment before returning to his member.

"I'm coming, Jay," he whispers through the pain. I nod and pick up the pace on his throbbing member, sending his seed flying through the air. I continually hit his prostate with my finger until he grows soft. I lick all of the cum away from his toned body and kiss him deeply. I lie down next to him and sigh, pleased in the work I've done.

"Okay, what do I do for you?" he asks.

"Nothing, it's okay."

"No! Not again! You always do this, pleasing me beyond any reality I've ever been to, then being okay with nothing in return."

"You can do whatever you want. I've been keeping clean, too..." I say with a grin. He practically rips my briefs off and begins stroking me. Immediately I am moaning with pleasure, bucking my hips against his warm hand. "You don't have to be easy with me, okay?" I tell him. He takes the lube and covers his finger, inserting it into me swiftly. He pumps in and out rapidly, making me squirm in place, the walls of my entrance closing in on his finger tightly. I can't control my body, his fingertip ramming my prostate, and soon I feel the wave of electricity take over. I come strongly, and Christian covers my member with his mouth and takes my seed into his throat. Some of it drips down onto me, and he cleans it with no problem.

"That was amazing, Christian..." I sigh in pleasure.

He giggles, "Seriously? I've never done that before, so I hope it was okay."

"Neither have I, but that felt amazing. I've been missing the feeling of you pleasuring me."

"Wait, you've never done anything like this?"

"No, I'm a virgin," I say and he gasps.


"Doesn't matter. All that matters is I'm with you now and you're my one and only. It makes it more special that way, right?"

"Definitely." I give him a kiss and spoon his bare body with mine, coming down from the high I'm on. I suck his neck hard with my mouth, gradually becoming less rough and finally leaving soft kisses as he snores quietly. I take that as my cue to drift to sleep along with him, my love.


Well I think that's a pretty good long chapter, don't you think.

Who's you, you're talking to yourself.

Okay, maybe, I'm just gonna leave
bye bye


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